HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/11/1968
Hes. 247
Hes. 248
Res. 21;9
Hes. 250
Hes. 251
Res. 252
Hes. 253
Res. 254
Res. 255
Neeting held in Council Chamber at 8 p.m.
Present were: Heeve Cunningham, Councillors Couch, Frith,
Gray and Hoar.
Noved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Councillor Gray
that minutes of meeting of Oct; 15th and Nov. 5 be adopted
as printed. Carried.
E. S. Barchard, ::>ec. Public ::>chooldoard, told Council that the
School would require more money b~fore the end of the year and
asked for information on North Street Subdivision. He was
advised that the School Board was already :$2,000. overdrawn.
Tom Fessenger, P.U.C. i'lanager, suggested to Council that
telephone and electric wires be buried in new subdivisions.
A letter from L.G.R.D.C. was read.
Moved by Con. ~ouch, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that letter be sent to Mr. Hobert Swann regarding Newcastle
pictures in the L.O.D.A. brochure. Carried.
A letter from the Comnrunity Hall Hoard was read.
['loved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray
that a joint meeting of Council and Community Hall Board be
held on November 25th. Carried.
The Heeve appointed Councillor Frith a member of the Hall Hoard.
Hoved by Con. Couch, cieconded by Con. Hoar
that the following letters be filed: Bell Telephone Co. re
sand storage and road cuts; Ontario Good Hoads Association and
Durham Growers Co-Operative 0torage .Ltd. C!:lrried.
['loved by Con. Couch, Jeconded by Con. Hoar
that accounts auountin,; to 350,161.87,be approved for p~yment.
Harvey I'artner ;Jresented plans for the new heatint; system in the
Communi ty Hall, to Council, and they will oe taken 1ilnffir considerati
Hoved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Gray
that the report of the Fire Denartment be received. Carried.
The Buildini7, and NorthUl'lberland-Durham He91th Dnit ftenorts are
to be filed.
Tom Messenger reported on decorative lights.
Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar
that P.D.C. install decorative lighting at a cost of ~400. as
recommenderl by Hr. Hessenger. Carried.
Noved by Con. j<'rith, Seconded by Con. Gray
that a letter be sent to the Fire Denartment commending their
work on Hallowe'en. Carried.
Councillor G-ray reported trouble with the brine ]lump at the
Arena and thot artificial ice would be made Ghortly.
Noved by Con. Couch. Seconded by Con. ~'ri 1;h
that the Meeting adjourn. Carried.
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