HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/11/1968 4ItRes.59 Res.60 Res.61 . Res.62 Arena Accounts 411 R~s.6) ccounts Res.64 Bld~. Per. Res.65 Roads By- L~ Res.66 Res.67 . MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 11. 1968. Meeting held in Council Ohamber at 8 p.m. Present: Reeve D. J. Cunningham, Oouncillors Oouch, Gray and Hoar. Moved by Councillor Hoar, Seconded by Oon. Gray that the following be added to Resolution 56 nand that Firemen be paid $2.50 an hour while fighting fires, effective, Feb. 19, 1968'land that the minutes of meeting of Feb. 19 be adopted as amended. Carried. ~~~ that the printed. Con. Gray, minutes of Oarried. Seconded by Oon. Couch regular meeting of Feb. 12 be adopted as Mrs. Sam Brereton addressed Council on behalf of the School Board re Crosswalks. The Reeve advised Mrs. Brereton that the matter would be discussed at a Special meeting of Council to which members of School Board would be invited. Moved by Con. Oouch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that the following letters be received and filed: 1. D.H.O. re C.P.R. Subway, #2 Highway. 2. Canadian Transport Oommission - re Subway C.P.R. North st. ). Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - re 7% interest charge. 4. O.W.R.C. - Sewage. ,. 1.0.D.A. Carried. Clerk presented a report to Council on the transfer of Cemeteries to the Village and a copy to Mr. Murray Paterson. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Hoar that the Clerk write to the Rector and Wardens of St. George's Anglican Church requesting that they prepare the papers and audit mentioned in the Report on Cemeteries and that a meeting be then arranged with them, and Council. Carried. Clerk stated that the balance of bills approved by the Artificial Ice Installation Committee of $775.14 had been paid. Councillor mray pointed out that payments had been made b~ the Arena Board to the Village reducing the amount owed to the Village from $2400. to $1)00. and that the bequest of ~IT. A. Lockhart for $1,000. would further reduce this indebtedness to $)00. which the Arena Management Board expected to pay in March. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray that accounts in the amount of $6,994.44,be approved for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that the applications of Wm. Storks, Newcastle Bleck Co. and Nick Dyriw be approved and Building Permits issued. Carried. Moved by Oon. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar . that leave be granted to introduce By-law 68-)( to provide for Road expenditures of $14,000. and that it be read a first time. Oarried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Oouch that it be read a Second time. Oarried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Gray . that it be read a third time and finally passed( Carried. Res.68 Rvdro Deb. . Res.69 . Res.70 . Res.n Res.72 Res.7} . ~UNUTED COUNCIL I1EETING ~~CH 11, 1968 Pa,lte 2. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch that in accordance with the Power Commission Act, Chapter }OO, R.B.O. 1960, Section 98, this the Council of the Municipality of Newcastle Ontario request the assent of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario to the issuance of $)0,000.00 in debentures to be used by the Public Utilities Commission for financing expenditures as outlined by them and with which we are in agreement. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch Seconded by Con. Gray that the Council approves of the borrowing of $}O,OOO. upon the issue of ten year serial Debentures as requested by the Newcastle Public Utilities Commission and approved by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the following purposes: 1968 Carry over New 1969 Buildings 5,000. Distribution System - lines overhead 2,000 11,000. 8,000 - lines underground 100 600. 800. - transformers 500 2,}00. 2,}00. - meters 800. 1,)00. 1,500. Street Lighting 700. 1,000. 1,000. Utili ty Equipment: - office 500. }OO. - truck 15,000. - tools 100. )00. 100. Water Heaters 800. 4,000. ),000. 1j,000. 41.000. 17,000. TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOR 1968 and 1969 $6),000. The expenditure to be financed from: - available funds - funds estimated to become available - the proceeds of a $)0,000. debenture issue. and that application be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval as required by Sec. 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch that Council endorses resolution in opposition to the County School Area System, of the Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Township School Area as requested by the Council of the Township of Hamilton. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch that the Clerk secure pamphlets regarding "Aid to New and Expanding Industries" and send them to our local industries. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Couch that the Report of the Fire Department be accepted. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch that the report of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit be accepted. Carried. MINUTES OF COUNOIL ~TING MAROH 11. 1968 Page 3 Res. '94 '. Hall Appt. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Gray that Mrs. A. C. Williams be appointed a member of the Hall Board. Carried. Res. 76 Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Gray that the requisition of the School Board for $J,OOO. be approved for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Hoar that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Res. 75 '. , tJ.f . . . . . :,/1 I/~v; k, .1:/" l}t; ..fY':'. . . . . ,\!,erk-Treas er. . . ~'--...._--_..-/