HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/12/1968 _es.)4 Res.)5 Res.)6 .e.s.)7 Res.)8 Res.)9 Res.40 Res.4l . Res.42 Res.4) Res.44 . MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - Feb. 12. 1968 Meeting held in Council Chamber. Present: Reeve Cunningham, Councillors Couch, Gray, Hoar and Walton. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that minutes of meeting of January 8 be adopted as read. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Gon. Walton that minutes of meeting of Jan. )1 be adopted subject to changing the nemeof the Cemetery from Newcastle to Bond Head. Car. Councillor Hoar discussed the budget of the Fire Dept. and it was decided to table this for another meeting to which the Clarke Fire Chief would be invited, to discuss fires adjacent to the West border of Newcastle. The Clerk was instructed to write Clarke Fire Dept. re drying of hose in their Hall. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Gray that the Newcastle Fire Department may go to fires in the immediate area west of the west border of Newcastle until arrangements be made with the Clarke Fire Department. Carried. Moved by Con. Walton, Seconded by Con. Couch that our Fire Department be commended for its work at the Parker fire. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Gray that the resignation of y~s. Loraine Messenger be accepted. Car. Moved by Con. Hoar,Seconded by Con. Walton that }trs. Ken Ruttan be appointed to the Recreation Committee to replace Mrs. Messenger and that Reeve Cunningham be appointed to replace Councillor Gray on the Recreation Committee. Carried. }fuved by Oon. Walton, Seconded by Oon. Gray that donation be made to Salvation Army in the same amount as last year. $5. Oarried. Moved by Con. Oouch, Seconded by Con. that the Village join the Association for 1968 for a membership fee of $10. Hoar of Ontario Carried. Mayors and Reeves A letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs regarding the Ontario committee on Taxation is to be brought up at the nelllt meeting. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Hoar that any Councillor wishing to attend the Councillors' Seminar of the Ontario Good Roads Assoc. on lebo 26th is entitled to receive mileage and expenses. Carried. Moved by Con. Walton, Seconded by Con. Gray that the Olerk write to the Department of Economics and Development and get more information re assistance for new and expanding industry. Carried. Moved by Con. Walton, Seconded by Con. Gray that the Clerk write to O.W.R.C. and get more information re Sewage. Carried. Copies of letter from Workmen's Compensation Board and the wording of our own policy regarding men called in to help firemen are to be sent to the Fire Chief. .es.45 Res.46 O.M.A. Res.47 Accounts Res.48 Roads Res.49 . Res.50 Res.51 . . MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - Beb. 12/68 Page 2. Clerk was instructed to write to the Lake Ontario Regional Development Council to find out what advertising Newcastle received from the Organization in 1967. Moved by Con. Walton, Seconded by Con. Hoar that a letter be sent to C.N.R. that we will try to carryon with crossing snow clearance as in the past. Carried. Moved by Con. Walton, Seconded by Con. Couch that the Village join the Ontario Municipal Association, Towns and Villages Section, at a fee of $20. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Walton that Accounts amounting to $5,685.01 be approved for payment. Car. , Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that we petition for Road Subsidy on an amount of $11,682.69. Car. The Resolution from the Township of Hamilton regarding Education was to be brought up at a future meeting. Moved by Con. Walton, Seconded by Con. Hoar that a letter be sent to Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. thanking him for arranging the meeting with E. A. Gomme, re Subdivision Control by-law. Carried. Moved by Con. Hoar, Seconded by Con. Couch that the Reports of Fire Department and Health Unit and letters from St. John's Ambulance, Canadian Council of Christians and Jews Trent University and O.W.R.C. re Oxidation ditch, be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Con. Couch, Seconded by Con. Hoar that meeting adjourn. Carried. fJ.. lr;tJv, '::::;'4...t:1Z.~2/7"^' /~/j'l', . . f;'~~. . " .'~. . . . . R . 11. j {fiLL Cl~: /'/{:-v/i': . . . . . .