HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/1967 r: ',.J '..'.d ..-' HI1W~BSREGUI.A.R COlmCII. ~ING - Noveaber l1th.J.96\l X..~iDg held in C!:>lmCil OjUl,mbw, Newcastle COJllllllllli ty Hall at 8 p.m. Present: Reeve E~ A. ,lfaJ,.ton, Oouncillors, Adams, Foshay, Gray $nd Nesbitt. Moved by OOD. FosWl.y" Seconded by Oon.Nesbitt that minutes of previous meetings be adopted as printed. Oarried... Mr. Voheemer addre:ssedOouncil regarding hole in the rGad. Mr.. Buettler also addressed Oouncil. Mr. Ed Majer announced tb~death of Tom Messenger, P.ll.C. .p-~ Manager's Mother. Hoved . by Con. Fosnay, Se,conded by Con. Adams that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mr. Messenger. Carried. A letter was received from the Ontario Medical AIilSoc:l.ation regarding the Michipiooten Resolution. MOVed by Con. Foshay, Seeonded by Oon. Gray that. it be received $nd filed. Carried. Letters from the Ontario Good Roads ASSocia ti012 and P. II .,0. . regarding non-operating charges were received and filed. ~ Letter from the O.W.R.C. regarding a local Advisory Committee meeting was rec~ived. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Adams that the meeting be set for ~ p.m. on November 29th. Carri.d~ AOcounjj.s Moved by Oon. Foshay, Seco~ed by Con. Nesbitt that.payment be authorillej for accounts amQunting and Artificial Ice Accouats of $455.66./ Carried. to $)6,771.79/ . '.- -.-. - ";.. ^~,; The matter of a donation tQ'St.. John's Ambulanoe.(Ont. Council).. was again brought before Council Moved by Con. Adams, Seconded"\ly Con. Nesbitt that $25. be donat~to st. John's. Carried. !!'" .. . ..~ te Report MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL. MEEUNG - NOVEMBER LIP, 19'7 Pu:e.Z Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that the report of the Fire Department be accepted and thanks be expressed to the Firemen for their good work at the fire at Biersteker's. Carried. Regarding the two year term of Office, letters were read from the Department ot Municipal Affairs and from the Superintendent of the Public Schools. Con. Foshay addressed Council on planning. Moved by Con. Adams, Seconded by Con. Foshay that we recommend to the 1968 Council that a Planning Committee be established. Carried. Con. Adams spoke to Council on Finances. Moved by that the Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Nes.itt Clerk's salary for 1967 be *1)250/ Carried. Councillor Gray on behalf of the Arena Management Board said that there was a good sheet of ice in the Rink and skating should be started perhaps tomorrow night. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Adams that the Meeting adjourn. . . . .7,k.Ar/~ tt..~.~ . .. r r. - ..... &.. ... . .:.:. 01 rk .. Reeve