HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/10/1967 . IIIItJ!ES OlP REGULAR MEMIliG - fuuday, Octeber 10, 1967 held in Ceuncil Chamber at 8 p.m. Present were: Reeve E. A. Walton, Ceuncillors Adams, J.l'os~, Gray and Nesbitt. COD. Con. Moved by/lPoshay, Seconded by/Adams that minutes of lIeetings be adopted as printed. Carried. . Soheel COlutncUon. PaYllut. . Mr. E. Barchard, Secretary of the Publio School Board addressed Counoil regarding the Construotion of the addition to the Publio School. Noved by Con. Adams, Seoonded by COD. Foshay that the hasurer advance money for oonstruction on,ths request ef the Scheol Board as reqUired by the Contraotor. Carried. Moved by Con. Nesbitt, Seoonded by Con. Adams that Counoil COnOur with the request of the School Beard regarding the painting ef white lines and that "IJeStoppillg" signs be placed at the Sohool. Carried. . Moved by Con. Adam., SeeeDded by Con. Gray that the letter froll Durham District County High Sohool B_ard regaZttng High SCheol in Bowmanville be receiYed and filed. Carried. .IJursing Bomes Moved by Con. Po shay , SecoDded by Con. Nesbitt that letter be sent to Mr. Prank Hace regarding the J.l'ire Hasards in Seuth Haven IJusiBg Home as soon as the report is received from the lire Chief and that a copy of this letter be sent to the relevant Provinoial Department. Carried. .- .cR" Mrs. Pauline Storks addressed Council in opposition te the 2 year term for CQuncil, School Board and P.U.C. She requested that notioes of deoisions of Council regardiBg Local Board. be sent to each member of the local Board. as well as to the Secretary. Boved by Con. Adam.,Seco.de. by Con. Nesbitt that the matter of school 8igns be referred to the Property Co.a1ttee. Carried. , i, r! ~' I. t I f f 1I.tIU!. OF REGULAR MEETIJrG,Ootobe. 10, 1961 - Put 2 . Roved DY Con. Fo.haJ, S.oondel by Con. W..D1tt that the lIIl:tter ota denaUon to. St. Jon's AaDulanoe be plaeed en the Agenda tor the next .eeUng. Carr1ed Reved by Con. FoshaJ, Seconded by Oon. We.b1tt that the Clerk attend the Se..10n on County A......ent tebe held in Cobourg eD Octeber 12 and that the Assessor and others interested, '.., also atten.. Carried. . Moved by Con. Ad..... SeConded by Con. FeahaJ that a letter be sentto'the O.V.R.C. regardillg the recovery ot loss su.t.edDY thel.U.O. .n account ot the bad worblanahip by the O..tractor in paint1ng the S_and-pipe. Carried.' Moved by Con. Fo shay , Seconded by Con. ~e.bitt that letters'tro. the ODtario Goed Read. Association, the Ottioe ot the fire Harshal,' Great Pine Ridge 'oubt Council be .received and tiled. Carried. . IIcJTe4 by Con. FO.hay. Seconde. by Con. We.b1tt that the poe1Uon ot the tr.e that was cut ded .ear Brentoa Rickard's property be inve.t1gatea and it it 18 tound to be on Village proper'l:y. bill tor telling 11; .houlll be paid by the Vi11age. Carried. Roved by Con. .!u.s, Secondea by Con. Fuhay that the fir..e. De paid 11.25 per hour tel' patroll~g the V111age on Hallewe' en. Carried. Roved by Con. M..., Seconde4 b7 Con. l!'oshay thataocotmhaaounUng tollO,J49.14tbe approved tor pa;raent. , Carried. .. !loved b7 Con. feshay, Se1JQniecl by Con. MUlS that the Couaeil subai'l: apetit10n tor Subsidy tor Road Expend1 tures ..ountingto Slo. 025.56. Carded. ( . BY-Law. J,bJV . . ZDiU hew J'arae . KIIV!IS QJ'REGULAR COUlCIL ~I1G, October 10, 1,67 .Fa<<e3 Koved by Con. Adams, Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that the Building Inspeotor'e report be received and that the application for A. T. Mackey for a Buildiag perait be approved. Carried. Moved by Con. Feahay, Seconded by Con. Adams that lea.ve be granted te 4troduce three By-laws; By-law 67-20, by-law regarding the fora of ballots for the Municipal election; 67-21 by-law establishing multiple polling places and 67-22, by-law te fix the daya of nomination and polling and that they be read a first time. Carriea.. Roved by Oon. Adams, Seconded by Oon. Gray that they be read a Second T1ae. Oarried.. Moved by Oon. Nesbitt, Seoonded by Con. J'oshay that they be read a fhird time and finally paased. Oarried. Moved by Con. Adams, Seconded Of' Con. Gray that the reports of the Fire Department and the Northumberland- Durham Health Units be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Oon. .oahay, Seconded by Con. Gray that the aum of $75. be granted to the Firemen for their banquet. Carried. Noved by Con. '0 shay , Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that the Olerk request aseistance from the Department of Municipal Affairs reiara.1ng ZOJP.D,g in the Village of NewcasUe. Carried.. It was 4eci4e4 that *he Community Hall be reserved for the hearing on the Proposed Sewer Syet.. on Friday, Oct. 27th. A copy of the report of the O.W.R.C. on contaminated creeks which had been sent to Mr. Thos. Frew, waa read. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Hesbitt to requeet the O.W.R.C. to notify us if further aotion is taken and to advise us if Mr. Frew has replied stating what corrective action he will take. Carried. Koved by Con. Nesbitt, Seconded by . .:7E ?h~~....-....... Reeve Oon. Ad:.~d.JOlm1' C ....~.... .. ...... Clerk.