HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/1967 -- ~~. IIIPfEa .Ol-OOUlOn. ~~DG -UP!. .Ul67 ae.t1agheli in OeunotlOhA.ner a~ 8 p... !hese present: ReeTe B.A. Wli,lteD, COUDeillors, Ad...s, . NIiAq, Q.ray &Dd Jie.8itt. lIoTeclbT OOD. Po shay , S.eon4e4'by O.n. Jieab1tt that aiDUt.. ef .eetin&s held Aug. 14, 21, 29 and Sept 1 'b.~4ep.hd as printed. Oarrl.... HOTecl/by Cen. J'uhay, SeeOHed 8Y Con. Gray that re.' g1'IaUon of Mr. b.d Csueh fro. the Ar... "'aeeaent <Searel 'be.filecl peDd.ing inTeat1gaUon by the Beard Cha1r1l8D. Carried. .~- Lenenfre. the Departaent ot I'hmiclpal Affair8 - AcooUDting ~r~oh were re..ived. KGT.d by Con. Ata.s, Seconded. oy Oon. Grq: that letter fr.. Marathon Realty regarding the C.f.R. property 'be reoeiTed and tiled. Oarried. ~. )Jr. aeergo Walton asked CeUDe11 what 8tep8 haTe been take regarding the ertenUon ot water worka.south of 401 and was aelvis.a. that the _ner 18 being 8urveyedoy the O.W.R.C. .lIoved by Oen. Peahay, Secoadecl oy Oon. Aclaa. thd the Clerk wrUe aeain te the Q.W.R.O. regarding the cost of water ..uth ot. 401 Highw&J.. Carried. Seme di8cussioD. took place re the lagoon systell ofaewage d1apo.a1. Street Lip:tiq KGTed by OOD. At&llS, Seconded by Con. Gray that theP.U.C. be requeatecl to in.tal 175 watt Kerc1U7 Vapeur light .....ward 31;r.et. Oarried. JIoved by Oon. Gray, Secon.decl 01 OOD. Adalll8 that the letter trom DaTer !fr<<e Expert Co. 'be reedyed and filed. Oarr184. .--- A letter.t:r.. the O.W.R.C. regardin& c..t..:i:a&tecloreu8 wu ree.iTeIL 1-- 2 llUu'. RmUI.Alt OOUIeII.Il:EmDlr~,~ Soheel 9Uau.o'th. . 1I0T." 8Y Con. Gray, S.eo..... lay Cell. Ifeslai 1010 that Ceuncil oOlleur with request of Sohool Boart for the raising ot $16S,905. ter constructiOD and alteratioD to Ifeweastle Public School... that tinal approTal of OIB be so.gat. Carriei. So.e jiDeral iiscussion took place between Council ani Mr. John Rickari, Scuol Board Chairaa:a re future expansien. . MoTei DY COD. loshay, SecGDiei by Counoillor Ai... that the regi.traUon fe. ($10.) of &lilT .euncHler wao wi.he. te attell4 the lirst ADDu&! 1I..ting of the Ontario Bunicipal Wahl' AssociaUon, Eastern SecUe., at the ReokllaTen Betel in PeterDore, IIonday, Sept. 25 will lie paii. Carried. C...Oru.ing lleni 87 COD. Gray, Seeon'" 17 COil. J!eshq that the letter fro_Canadian Iational Railways Law Dept. ,(~ regar4ing installation of proteotiTe equlp.eDt at the Ras. Lin. Crossing, Mileage 285.J8Kingatoll SubdiTiaioD b. received ani filei. Carried. .Iccoun.h Mevei by Con. 'Osha7, Secondei Con. Gray that aCCUD'\;a ..eunting h$22, 756.47/1le appron' for payaent. Carried. . MOTed by Con. Poshay, SecoDd.el by Con. U... that the Dext regular ..et1D& ot COUDcil will be helel on !rues. Oct. 10. Carri.i. lir. Chi.f MoTei by COD. loahay, Seoon4.el oy COD. Ne.bitt that leaTebe grantei te 1:n:tre4'!lce By<8Law 67-1' for. the appeilltaent ef a lire Chi.f aDi that it lie 1'.&4 a first U.e. . Carriei. IIOTed 87 Con. Nubitt, s.bon4ei by Oon. AciaIq that it be r.ad a seconi tia.. Oarri... lIeni by Con. Ad..., S.eonie" by Con. ,..hay that it be r.ad a third t11le ucl fiadly pa$s8d. Canied. Report of 11re Dept. $llQithj by C.1Wcillorj'o~",r...b..4. . . Q.P.P. . . Pue <L "J1SUQ"Q1,~1I CQHen. @gIll,*, SR'f~ ~h4 D1 Ce.. Adus, Seocn:lCl... D1 Cen. '''haT ~hattl:Le .J'1re DepartJIot ~eJlcl a 41'7 ehUl10al lire JxtiDgui.her 1;0 the Aroa MaDagellell.t Beard aDd that the1 w111 net withdraw thb J'ire JxtiDguiaher without the approval of Ceoo11. Carried. Report waa reoeived fro. Xorthumberland-Durham Health Unit regarding doubtfUl water at B.A.Statien. IIoved by Con. '0 shay , Seconde4 by Con. AdaJ18 that this report be referred te P.U.C. Carried. Hr. C. R. Carnth iDTi ted COUJlc11lers aD4 thue present te attend aD exhibition of paiDtings by tlae Group of 7 1B the Centennial Room of Hall on Wei. Sept. 1), at a o'clock. Keved bJ. Con. 'oshq, Seconded by Con. A4ama that Clerk contact O.P.P. regar41Dg speecliDg on Xorth street. Carri.... IIove4 b1 COD. l'oaha1, Seconded by Con. A4ua that .eetiDg adjeurn. Carrie4. . ~ ~,a.~ tieeve ~~')4~:L