HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/08/1967 - ovdt~ '? " " .-~-~ I.~. ~._-" , ' 4t!e, C, ~~W --.' - "~ 1?J.~ t AJI. w^~~r ~ IT MINUTES OF REGULAR OOUNOIL MEETING - May 8. 1967 Present were Reeve Walton, Oouncillors Foshay, Gray and Nesbitt. Moved by Oon. Gray, Seconded by Oon. Nesbitt, that the minutes of Council meetings of April 10 and 25 be apopted as typed. Carried. George Walton addressed Council giving a report of the meeting at Peterborough of the Lake Ontario Regional Development Association. Moved by Oon. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Gray that Mr. Walton be thanked for his ~cellent report. Carried. Moved by Oon. Foshay, Seconded by Oon. Gray to receive and file the Ontario Municipal Association's notice of towns and villages Section Oonference in Tilbury. Carried. A letter was received from the O.W.R.O. suggesting a meeting between Oouncil and P.U.O. Moved by Oon. Gray, Seconded by Oon. Nesbitt that the meeting take place on May 23, 7.30 p.m. in the Oouncil Ohamber and that Clerk advise the P.U.C. and the O.W.R.C. Carried. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Oon. Gray that the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office be asked to conduct a Municipal Fire Prevention Survey of the Village of Newcastle. Oarried. Letter from the Ontario Good Roads Association was received and filed on motion of Oons. Nesbitt and Foshay. Two resolutions were received from the Town of Orangeville regarding teachers' salaries and school construction. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that copies of this Resolution be sent to all Councillors and one to the School Board in order that they might be studied and the subject debated at Regular Council Meeting on June 12. Oarried. A communication was received from the Oommunity Planning Association of Canada, Ontario Division, calling attention to a conference in Toronto on June 1. Moved by Oon. Foshay, Seconded by Oon. Gray that this be filed until more information was received. Oarried.' Moved by Oon. Foshay, Seconded by Oon. Gray that accounts for $8,129.26-be approved and that the Olek inquire with regard to the Workmens Oompensation Board Account not included in above. Moved b.1 Con. Gray, Seconded Seconded by Con. Foshay that leave be granted to introduce By-Law #67-10 which authorizes the Reeve and Olerk to sign an agreement with the 'fown of Bowmanville, Townships of Olarke and Darlington for the purpose of providing Ambulance Service and that it be read a first time. Oarried. Moved by Oon. Fo shay , Seconded by Oon. N..bitt that it be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Con. Nesbitt Seconded by Oon. Gray that it be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by Oon. Gray, Seconded by Oon. Foshay that leave be granted to introduce By-Law #67-11 for the Appointment of ~uilding Inspector, Treach and Weed Inspector and By-Law Enforcement Officer, Harold Wheeler and that it be read a first time. Oarried. Moved by Oon. Nesbitt, Seconded by Oon. Foshay that it be read a Second Tiem. Moved by Oon. Gray, Seconded by Oon. Nesbitt that it be read a Third time and finally passed. '. . , '. "'---/ j," 1< .t-~ ". . fU~.fi"'" x 18 MINUTES OF REGUUR COUNCIL MEETING - May 8. 1967 Pue 2 Par~ing Tickets Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Foshay that 500 Parking Tickets be printed under the authority of By-Law 80) and that the time for payment of these tickets in the Municipal Office be 72 hrs, Sundays not counted. Carried. Councillor Foshay spoke on the Recreations Committee and moved that Jack Pruner and Mrs. Elizabeth L. Messenger be appointed to the Recreation Board, the latter as Secretary. Seconded by Con. Nesbitt. Carried. Discussion took place regarding Village Parks and Playground equipment. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Gray that the Recreation Committee be asked to contact the School Board regarding the use of the school playground and equipment for Recreation during the summer months. Carried. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Gray that the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Report be received and filed. Carried. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Gray that a letter be sent to the O.W.R.C. regarding the contaminated creeks flowing through Frew Farms. Carried. CounCillor Foshay read the Acting Fire Chief's report which was accepted. Moved by Con. Fo shay , Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that temporary NO PARKING signs be provided for both sides of King Street opposite the Par~ on May 22nd from 6-10 p.m. Carried. Clerk was instructed to send a copy of P.U.C. Communication on the use of Hydro Poles for Centennial Decorations to Mr. Falk, Chairman and the Clerk to look after the Insurance required. Roved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that the Recreation Committee be responsible for all boo~ings for the use of the Park and any other requssts coming to Councilor any other Organization be referred to the Recreation Committee. Carried. The Treasurer was instructed to charge the amount paid for cleaning up after the Bonfire to the Centennial Committee Local Grant. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Foshay that a letter be sent to Dalton Dow, District Engineer, C.P.R. regarding the barricade at the North end of Mill St. and the ditching of the East Creek, south of C.P.R. Right-Of-Way. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Foshay that a letter be sent to the Canadian Fruit Co. re5arding water lying in the foundation and the well on the property and a letter also be sent to the owners of the Factory on Toronto Street which burned down, to render it safe and tidy. Carried. Moved by councill;:' ~, Seconded by Councillor Nesbitt that the fo1owing Applications for Building Permits be approved. Dr. E. Ewart, Jack MiChels, Nick Dyriw, C. Riegger, and Jack Perrin. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Foshay that meeting adjourn J 712 ~~L/;Q/ Reeve JR AI' -~"- Cltrk-Treasur . ~ ?-S.u ~ 13, tt.,,~ &7 (/