HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/10/1967 '7 .-".) --~ .~1~ II .~ . -, ./ /~ MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - April 10, 1967. Present were Reeve E. A. Walton, Councillors Fo shay , Gra7, Nesbitt, Mrs. E., and R. W. Walton. Moved b7 Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Foshay that the minutes be adopted as typed. Carried. Delegations - Irwin Colwill spoke on Artificial Ice Installation Accounts and the money which would be availabll and said that the Town may be asked to make a temporary advance of up to $2,000. Newcastle Public School Requisition was presented by George Chard, amounting to $32,500. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that the amount of $6,000. be advanced to the Public School Board if and when they requested it. Carried. Moved by Con. Walton, Seconded by Con. Gray that a vote of thanks be given to the Public School Board for keeping 1967 Budget on the same level as 1966. Carried. Harold Wheeler, By-Law Enforcement Officer, asked about Building Permits and was advised that they should be issued only after Council Approves. Letter from the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada regarding Flag Day Holiday, was read and filed. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Gray that the letter from the Oshawa Retarded Children Authority be referred to the Finance Committee with power to Act. Carried. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Walton that the Clerk reply to the letter from the United Counties re Land Titles Act, urging haste. Carried. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Walton that the letter authorizing the non-payment of Sales Tax on Calcium Chloride be referred to the Roads Committee. Carried. No action was taken on the following letters - J. A. Kenefik and Newcastle Taxi, going out of business. Moved by Con. Fa shay , Seconded by Con. Walton that a letter and questionnaire from the Lake Ontario Development Association be referred to the Industrial Committee. carried. Moved by Con. Fo shay , Seconded by Con. Gray that the letter of Resignation from S. J. Brereton be accepted with regret and that he be sent a letter of appreciation for his work. Carrie Letter was received from O.W.R.C. that they will .be in a position to advise the Municipality with regard to sewers in about 3 months' time. A card of thanks was received from Fire Chief Frank Miller and Mrs. Miller. It was deCided that Reeve Walton should attend Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority meeting on Wed. April 12. The Clerk was instructed to reply to a letter of complaint from a tourist, Mrs. Henry Hall. , ~ . . ~1~ CY1J.t' , . ~,lvrtl ~~.. ~~ ~ . III: MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - April l~, 1967 Page 2 Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Gray, that the Ambulance agreement resolution passed on Jan. 25, 1967 be rescinded and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with the Town of Bowmanville and the Townships . of Darlington and Clarke with regard to Ambulance Service. (~~ Reeve Walton gave a report on the P.U.C. and explained that they had paid over $91069.18 to the Village. He also reported that there was $2~00. in the Montague Trust Fund which is to be used for the upkeep and improvement of the Community Hall. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that reports be accepted and the Reeve commended. Carried. Moved by Con. Walton, Seconded by Con. Gray that accounts amounting to $6448.96 be approved for payment. Carried. Moved by Con. Walton, Seconded by Con. Gray that Artificial Ice Accounts amounting to $J6J7.60 be app~oved for payment. Car. The Clerk reported on conference between respreaantatives of the D.H.O., Township of Clarke and Village of Newcastle. Moved by con.Gra~ Seconded by Con. Walton that the Connecting link on King St. ( 2 Highway) be extended to the Eastern limits of the Village an that we agree in Principle with Project #50-65. Carried. . Clerk was instructed to write to the Fire Marshal asking what benefits and obligations would accrue to the Village if Council passed a resolution asking for a Fire Survey. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that Building Permits be issued to Chas. Crowther, R.St. Amand and C. DeMooey. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Foshay that Council approve the resolution of the joint meeting of Council and the Community Hall Board to hire Harold Wheeler as Caretaker of the Hall and By-Law enforcement Officer on J months' probation at a starting salary of $4000. per year. Carried. Moved by Con. Gray, Seoonded by Con. Foshay that Harold Wheeler be appointed Building Inspector and the necessary By-Law be prepared. Carried. Moved by Con. Foshay, Seconded by Con. Gray that the Recreation Committee and the Areaa Management Committee shall now be separate Committees, eaoh responsible directly to Council. Car. Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Foshay that the balance of the Management Committee money now in custody of the Recreation Committee, be paid over to the Management Committee less $J16. Carried Moved by Con. Qay, Seconded by Con. Nesbitt that the Arena Management Committee is to open and operate its own Bank Account and to be responsible to Council for the monies involved. Carried Moved by Con. Gray, Seconded by Con. Foshay that the letter from the Cenotaph Committee regarding change of lighting be referred to Property Committee with power to act. Carried. A report on Village roads was given by Con. Gray that he had contacted an engineer and made arrangements to sve the oil~g done and a grader had been made available to us at a very reasonable rate. Meeting adjourned on motion of Con. Gray. Carried. Councillor R. W. Walton and t&-cs~- _ ~c: q._~~ Reeve MARCH ACCOUNTS a PAID ----- Glenholme'Hughes Salary for March less deductions Mrs. Dorothy Whitney (Crossing Guard) J. W. Murray (Assisting Crossing Guard) Mrs. Gertnude Gray Salary less deductions Jas. Brayley - Caretaker Salary less deductions Receiver -Gen. of Canada. a.p.p. & Income Tax Lome Dawley (Direct Relief) Chas. Glanville - MacIvor Rent Geo. Stoneburg - Roads UNPAID ACCOUNTS Welfare Toms & Sons Lorne Johnson Drugs Geo. W. Graham South Haven Nursing Home (Landry Feb.) n n n " Account for March . Roads Harold Couch Fawcett Metal Products Ltd. (Crowther Culvert) Walks William Couch Property William Couch . Fire Department R. B. Rickard A. S. Naylor (Truck License) Bernard's Garage P.U.C. Goode's Hardware A. S. Naylor (Fire Practice) Office Frank Cowan Co. Ltd. Cook's Office Equipment Canadian Statesman Rickaby's Ltd. The Oshawa Times P.U.C. Grand & Toy The Reporter General Govt. Misc. S. J. Jackman & Son Florist Corp. Town of Bowmanville - Dog Control(Oct-Mar) Newcastle Community Hall Board Ganarasks Region Conservation Aut~ority P.U.C. street Lights (year end adjustment) P.U.C. n' " Feb. & Mar 1967 Centennial Lions Centennial Room R. B. Rickard The Royal Bank of Canada Johnson Printing TOTAL ACCOUNTS . /1:. $ 226.4zA )).00 "- 10.50 "" 114.)21> )04.99i1 46.48) 72.00,!! )6.0<0 6.8~ $850.56 . 402.5],.11" 5.2&'1 16.00) 111.25 t' ,.I 1508.7~~$204).79 144.0~ 49.44/) 19).44 I 12.?~ 5.70.,1 5).)6A 4.0Q.;{ 2.6~ 4.9 ).4'0 10.00", 78.)8 /' 116 . O~ 16.10.1 10.71}1 1',98/'1 2.s:3.-1 4.7J " 15.87A 3.06~ 171.0) , 6.25,1 180.0CA 1000.OO.fi )OO.OO~ 5).48A 721.86-12261.59 /' 7)7.64-1 94.08~ 831.72 ,.- $6448.96 1/ I. ;lSv" (,,337.7 ,