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That in accordallce' with the Power Commission Act, .Chapter 300,. 1h8,,0. 1960, Section 96, this the Council of .the Municipality of_._,Nt...~:,,-.!!""::~ _ ~Z"~"'~~ _ _ _ _ ,request tl1.e assent of the Hy:drco-Electr1c Power Commission Of On, t,ar 10 to the is SU8nce of ~L .J3 E '.!. u :.:: 0 _ _ _ _ :.. in debentures to.be usedw. the fo.,D ..., ~ ~ 'f'{I::..t:P,7='~ .f".;...:~ ~.J' dH , for .financing expenditures as outlined by them and with which . we are. 'in,agt:eement. ~ -:; Signed~ ":Ha!:i,I-_~- If'lflfV't- / " , CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I certify the foregoing is a true copy of Motion No._ _ __ _ _ _ passed by the Municipal Council of the r Corporation of the..~l.'.... I' VI-=.I-_/l.:!. _/J.f_ .!:'!f~c~:::::F at their regular me}ing held on_ _/}t-t.:1.l-:..7_ t:.j.i-f:. _ _ _ Signed ;::;K' A ~~cb) --~'--'7 -.- - - - - - - -( - - Clerk .--rI<~A.j vli..>C'''',' DETAILS OF PROPSSED DEBENTURE ISSUE Term- Type- Anticipated Interest Rate- c'- . " ~ /::/i-''.:, ,:;."- .:gO'fi(ll Date ~;( 11"1 l~ ~-'f - ,',' ,. " -" --, " - _ - -_bJ'-....m..1m'" p. 8. q,~"'1Il .,~. .' ")" . , "~.iI by- " ~, - .'~" - , >_ '0, '" " " - " ' . .' , ; :tba:' tb ..GoNe. with tb. '~ Qomadsdon Aot, ~Jt.'.O. 19601 S.otion 1I'lf,apl):\"Ovsl be requested , '1'041..il'io PO'lMJ' OoIlId',S1<<m of Ontario of an , ot $!t~.~ to. 11M tollowing pUrposes dur1nC ", ... ,,'. ,'(~ , _lIltl'tbuUon .,.t.un .11.. on1'hM4 '. lSft1a, ~.1"I0Uft4 ,..t..o.fONfrt '.;;, _tel" ' .'". ". ,',,-,,', .as.8M ElM l+.flM 2.1+00 , , - ',- Street lil,hUn, 2,1'Itm ,lJtillty Equip_nt. . ott1(18 - ti'uck - too18 , . 2(ll'l Water &at.1'8 hllUq. 7."'''''' , ~ ~ total 11+ !5'. M!"\ the .spend!t"" to 'be t1nanoed from_ .... .Y.llable tnnd. L fund. utlmte4 to beoome aftllable .a.. tM prooeed. of lit $ll'1.fIM 4ebentttJ'lll !sSW;! 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