HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/31/1973 Paee 1 Regular Meeting of Council (Con't) December 31, 1973. SECTION 1 - DELEGATIONS There were no delegations. SECTION 2 - COllBESPONDENCE 1. Account from ',".K. ~cett reI Township of Clarke sale to Durham Central Agricultural Society, Jakemsn & Cornish in the lllIlOunt of $100.00. Deede for same also enclosed. Approved for p~ent. e 2. Account from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited in the lllIlOunt of '976.11. Invoice #22160. Referred to Road Department. 3. CoPY' of account from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited in the amount of '366.86. Invoice #22144. Approved for p~ent. 4. Account from :Barber & Kelly re I Clarke Fish & Conservation Club in the lllIlOunt of '103.25. Approved for p~ent. 5. Account from Municipal Pl.....ning Consultants Co. Ltd. reI consulting services in the lllIlOunt of '317.25. Invoice #3668 (Revised). Approved for p~ent. 6. Account from I>mnicipal Pl.....ning Consultants Co. Ltd. reI consulting services in the lllIlOunt of $1,287.50. Invoice #3735. Approved for p~ent. 7. Letter from Kelly, Jerm;yn, Donald & Zuly reI Larry :Beaupre. Clerk to reply to Mr. Donald advising that this matter was being referred to the Council of the Town of Newcastle. 8. COPY' of Writ of Summons reI Ochonski & Corp. of the Township of Clarke. Referred to nsw Counoil. 9. Letter from D.G. Creba, Capital Development Division, Ministry of Government Services reI Government Offices in Leased Aocommodation. -Conservation of Energy. Filed. 10. Letter from Michael Starr, Workmen's Compensation :Board reI Accident Reports. Filed. 11. Application forms from the Ministry of Community & Social Services for Recreation Grants. Referred to new Council. 12. Letter from K.T. Ledgard, Industrial Development Consultant, Ministry of Industry & Tourism. Filed. 13. Letter from J.A. McKillop, District I>mnicipal Engineer, reI 1913 Annual Returns. RESOLUTION No. 234 Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G, Chater. ~A!l Mr. J. A. McKillop, District I>mnicipal Engineer, hae by letter dated December 27, 1913 stated; quote "In our view there is no reason why Council could not pass the necessary resolution to ... ... ...._~ ___'L_.Jo.3_ __.1__ ....-. ....'-_ _-.........., ____..._...~olI__ Page 2 Regular Meeting of Counoil (Con't) Deoember 31, 1973. 15. Letter from Charlotte M. Horner, Medioal Offioer of Health re: new Medioal Offioer of Health for the new Region. File. 16. Letter from Frederick Hunter, Calgary, Alberta seeking information re: his relatives in this area. Refer to Clerk for reply. e 17. Letter from C. A. Louis, Manager Offioial Plans Seotion, Ministry of Tre~, Eoonomios & Intergovernmental Affairs, re: Application for rezoning. -(lly-Law # 1653). Refer to New Council. 18. Letter from J. C.Hemilton, Munioipal Traffio Analyst re: Speed Reoommendations on Township Roads. Refer to New Counoil. 19. Letter from M. D. Trevin, Direotor Subeidies :Branoh, Ministry of Tre~, Economios and Intergovernmental Affairs, re: Farm tax reduotion grants. Filed. 20. Letter from D. R. Linds~, Canadian Union of Publio Employees re: Township employees. Refer to New Counoil. 21. Letter from David Green, M.D., Muscular Dystrophy Assooiation of Canada re: a possible donation. Referred to New Counoil. 22. Copy of a letter from C. llugslag, Offioial Plans Seotion, Plans Administration :Branoh to K. C. Andrews, O.M.B. re: Restrioted Area lly-Law 1759. Referred to New Counoil. 23. Letter from Artl:rar J. Petch, Manager, Industrial Development llranoh, Ministry of Industry & Tourism re: oompleted joint ventures lU1d lioensing arrangements, together with reply fom. Referred to New Counoil of the Town of Newcastle. 24. Subscription fom for "Munioipal World". File. 25. Copy of motion from Regular meeting of Clarke PlA1'lnh'g lloard on Deoember 27, 1973. Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery: "That the Council be advised that the passing of amendment No. 1 to the proposed Offioial Plan is considered by this lloard to be a breach of publio faith". Carried by the Chai1'lllsn. File. 26. Copy of the minute. of the Committee of Adjustment, dated Fri~, Deoember 28, 1973. File. 27. From Mrs. Elaine Stainton re: temination of leave of absenoe and request for sick leave benefit p~ent. Approved for p~ent; Copy to J:r.. DeWith, Treasurer. 28. Letter from Walter :Baath, Chai1'lllsn, Regional Munioipality of Durham re: responsibility for solid waste disposal. Filed. 29. Copy of a letter from Walter Beath, Chaiman, Regional Munioipality of Durham to Orono Polioe Trustees requesting that they oontinue to operate the Orono Water System on and after January 1, 1974, and until such time as the Region assumes direct responsibil ty ; Filed. Page 3. Regular Meeting of Couno11 (Con't) December 31, 1973. Meeting reconvened at 1:30 P.M. SECTION 3 :BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD Item (1) LonR tem projects of the TOWl1Bhip of Clarke Brought forward from minutes of November 20, 1973, Section 4, item (i) (ii) RESOLUTION No. 235 Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle e 1;1R'Ii!Rli!A!l IT IS deemed advisable to prepare end submit to the Council having jurisdiotion in 1974, a brief oontaining out- st..,..,iling Munioipal projects, pertAining to the Police Village of Orono and to the Township of Clarke. NOW lIE IT THEIlEFOBE resolved that this Counoil do hereby authorize the Reeve with the co-operation of the Chaiman of the Orono Polioe Village Trustees to prepare the aforementioned brief end to submit same at their earliest oonvenienlSe to the appropriate authority having jurisdiotion in these matters. Carried. Item (2) -law to ance of oertain lands in Lot 27 & 28, onoession ,Village of Orono to Durham Central Agricultural Society and other abutting ownsrs of land. RESOLUTION NO. 236 Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle That a By-Law to convey oertain lands in Lot 28, Conoession 5, Village of Orono to Durham Central Agricultural Society end other abutting owners of land be given a first and second reading. Carried. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE :Being a By-Law to authorize the conveyance of certain lands in Lot 27 end 28, Concession 5, Village of Orono, to the Durham Central Agricultural Society and to other abutting owners. wmmw'A!l the Township of Clarke are the present owners of oertain lends in the Village of Orono presently described in Plan lOR 280, as amended by Plan lOR 318, the said lands being the fomer Township Road Depart- ment Yard .AND WBEIlEAS such land became surplus to requirements when the new Road Department Yard was activate! some years ago .AND Y{1'Iml1i!A!l the said lends abutted to the South those lands owned by the Durham Central Agricultural Society oommonly end looally re- ferred to as Orono Fair Grounds Page 4. Regular Meeting of Council (Con't) Deoember 31, 1973. AND WR'F.RF.A!l the sum of two thousand dollars has been paid and in lieu of the two thousand dollars owing the purohaser has 8&1'eed to return part of the lands originally intended to be oonveyed and the vendor has 8&1'Sed to euoh arrangement as illUlltrated in Plan lOR 318. BE IT T!1l!aUS.I!'OR ENACTED by the said Corporation of the Iownship of Clarke: - 1. That the lands described as follows be oonveyed to Durham Central Agricultural Sooiety- (i) parts 1, 2 and 3 on Registered Plan No. lOR 280, deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham West on the 4th ~ of December, 1973. (ii) parts 4 and 6 on Plan No. lOR 280, said parts being portions of allowance for roads as stopped up by lIy"-Law No. 1748. (iii)SAVING AND EJi.CJSl'"J:J.tiG THEREOUT AND THEREFROM the firstly and seoondly described lands, those parts of said lot 27 in the 5th conoession, of the said Township of Clarke and said lot 28 in ths 5th conoession of the Township of Clarke now wi thin the lillli ts of the said Village of Orono, more partioularly designated as parts 1, 2 and 3 on Plan lOR 318, deposited in the Registry Offioe for the Registry Division of Durham West on the 31st ds;y of Deoember, 1973. (iv)TOGETBER WITH the right-of-ws;y in "common" with all those legally entitled thereto for their passage over, along and upon, that part of the said uneubdivided lot 28, more partiw1arl;r designated as part 8, on said Plan lOR 280 and as part 1, on said Plan lOR 318. 2. That part 5 on said Plan No. lOR 280 be oonveyed to Alfred Joseph Jakemen, for the sum of two dollars ('2.00) and other valuable consideration, and if not wanted by him to be conveyed to the Durham Central Agricultural Sooiety for ths same oonsideration. 3. That part 7 on said Plan No. lOR 280 be oonveyed to John Henry Cornish, for the s. of two dollars ('2.00) and other valuable oonsideration, and if not wanted by him to be conveyed to the Durham Central Agricultural Sooiety for the same oonsideration. Read a first and second time this 31st ~ of Deoember, 1973. (Signed) Edward R. Woodyard Reeve (Signed) Horace R. :Best Clerk Moved by R. Chatsr, seconded by K. Entwisle that said lIy"-Law be given a third reading passed, numbered as lIy"-Law No. 1767, signed and the seal of the Township of Clarke &tfued thereto. Carried. Item (3) Clarke Fish and Conservation Club Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council (Con' t) December 31, 1913. RESOLUTION NO. 231 Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater WHEREAS this Council did by Resolution No. 211 approve of the site plan as presented by Clarke Fish &: Conservation Club and WHEREAS by Resolution No. 211 this Council did request Municipal Planning Consultants to prepare an appropriate amendong by-law and _ WHEREAS the draft of the amending by-law was considered by Planning Board at their regular meeting on December 21, 1913 and WHEREAS Planning Board submitted the following recommendation to Council "Whereas it is deemed necessary to protect Wilmot Creek from overdevelopment and Whereas the Bite plan as submitted by Clarke Fish &: Conservation Club is not detailed or adequate no:!: does the draft by-law set forth chalet regulations in regards size etc. :Be it hereby resolved that the p]AnniJ1g Board recommend to the Council of the Township of Clarke that they repeal :By-law 1694 and take no further action in this matter". NOW :BE IT THEREFORE resolved that the Council recommend to its successor that :By-Law No. 1694, presently before the Minister awaiting approval, be immediately repealed and FIlRTHER that the lIraft by-law, as prepared and submitted by Municipal PlAnning Consultants to amend 1653, be revised to proVide for :tUll controls over, location and size of buildings, density of building and property occupancy, land use etc. Carried. Item (4) Preliminary RepOrt on 1l1'O'Posed water suPPly If.'Tlltem for Newtonville RESOLUTION NO. 238 Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater. WHEREAS at the request of this Council, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates have submitted a report on a proposed community water system to service the existing HalDlet of Newtonville plus sub-divisions which they have anticipated AND WHEREAS this Council deems it advisable that a community water syatem be a pre-requisite of any large scale development in Newtonville AND WHEREAS this Council have considered the report and accept its general philosophy, but not necessarily the location of the development shown, and certainly not its cost sharing principles NOW :BE IT :BERE:BY resolved 1. that this Council recommends to its successor that a water system be installed in NewtonvilU forthwith desisned to expendto an ultimate maximum daily rate in excess of 500~ gallons 2~ that the initial installation be desisned to service the existing HalDlet plus )00 additional homes 3. that the original costs, based on the report, be shared approximately as folloWB1- a) Existing residenoe b) Publio School 129 @ 825 1 @ 6515 106,425 6,515 p~6 Regular Meeting of Council (Con':!;) Devember 31, 1913. e AND WHEREAS said resolution has been recorded in the minutes for that meeting AND WlMR1i!&!'l the original signed copy of that resolution has been lost or misplaced AND ~&!'l the resolution has been redrawn so as to fully and accurately contain the wording in the original resolution No. 228, NOW !l.'HEllEFORE lIE IT RESOLVED: 1. that this Council endorse the wording of the redrawn resolution as accurately reflecting and being one and the same as the wording of the original signed copy of resolution No. 228, passed by this Council on December 19th. 2. that the redrawn resolution be signed by the requisite members 01 Counoil for entry into the records of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. Carried. Item (6) 3rd line Road Diversion and ll:v-law No. 1742 RESOLUTION NO. 240 Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle WlMR1i!A!'l :By-Law 1742 was passed on the basis of a general description and WHEREAS a more specific desoription of the land was SUbsequently made available on registered paln lOR 183 and ~&!'l a remedial :By-Law is required to incorporate the more definitive description of the portions of the roads olosed by :By-Law 1742 for the purpose of registration only of the said :By-law. NOW lIE IT THEREFOIlE resolved that thiil' Council hereby give first and seoond reading to the said remedial :By-Law. Carried. THE C01lPORA.TION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE A by-law to define more precisely those portions of the allowance for roads as stopped up by :By-Law 1742. Whereas :By-Law No. 1742 for the Township of Clarke, closed part of the allowance for road between Concessions 2 and 3, Lot 35, Township of Clarke and Whereas the text of an affidavit sworn by E. R. Lovekin, B.A. ,L.L.B., Barrister & SoUcitor, accurately describes the circumstances surrounding the passing of the said :By-Law, and Whereas for the purpose of registering :By-Law No. 1742, it IIIa;v' be necessary to append to the text of :By-Law No. 1742, the more precise description of the stopped up portions of said allowance for road, as on Plan Number lOR 183, NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS as follows- 1. That :By-Law No. 1742 be amended in so far as the text of that by-law shall inoorporate. to~ther with the general desarin~1nn n~ ~hA ~+~nnA~ Page 7 Reg'ldar Meeting of Council (Con't) December 31, 1913. 3. That for the purpose of clarifying the surrounding cirCUlllstances, the affidavit of E. R. Lovekin, B.A. ,LLB., sworn on the 31st d~ of December, 1913, be appended to this By-Law as SCHEDULE "CA. ReaAl a first and second time this 31st d~ of December, 1973. (Signed) Edward R. Woodyard Reeve ~ e (Signed) Horace R. Best Clerk Moved by C. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle, that said By-Law be given a third reading, passed, numbered as By-Law No. 1768, signed and the seal of the Tvwnship of Clarke affixed thereto. Carried. . Item (7) Maurice O'Neil and untravelled portion of read allowance between lots 10 & 11. concession 2. The Clerk: presented a verbal request from Mr. O'Neill regarding occupancy of the untravelled portion of the former road abutting the south west corner of his property in lot 10, concession 2. This request was further to Mr. O'Neill's several previous appearances before Council in this regard. No further actiOn was taken by Council in this matter. SEC'.rION 4 ACCOUNTS Item (1) RESOLUTION No. 241 v Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater WHF.RRA~ the 1973 requisition of Clarke PlAnni~g Board included a salary of $1,000.00 per annum for the Secretary of the Clarke Planning Board for the calender year 1973 NOW BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Treasurer be authorized to p~ this amount. Carried. Item (2) RESOLUTION No. 242 Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater That the Treasurer is instructed to issue a p~ent of $1,250.00 to the Reeve in trust for presentation and winding up ceremonies for this Township - the Reeve to turn over all unspent monies and receipts to the Treasurer of the New Municipality of Newcastle. Carried. ,- , _ __.~ _~ __ _ '''I ____.:1__ 'T'l....__.&.__ Page 8 Regular Meeting of Counoil (Con't) Deoember 31, 1973. Item (4) RESOLUTION No. 243 Moved by Robert G. Chater, seoonded by K. Entwisle -- Whereas there is surplus in oertain budget al100ations Be it resolved that the Treasurer is hereby instruoted to transfer suffioient of these budget surplus in to a new al100ation to oover expend! tures incurred under Resolution No. 242 and BE IT further resolved that any defioit incurred in respeot of same shall be oonsidered as an over operating defioit. Carried. Item (5) RESOLUTION No. 244 Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle That the acoounte as submitted in General Vouoher No. 12 Road Department Vouoher No. 12 and Orono Polioe Village Voucher No. 12 Be and are hereby authorized for p~ent by the Treasurer of the Township of elarke. Carried. SECTION 5 OTHER :BUSINESS Item (1) RESOLUTION No. 245 Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater In appreoiation of devoted servioe to the Township that the Reeve be presented with the Gavel and Reeve's desk. Carried. SECTION 6 CLOSING Item (1) RESOLUTION No. 246 Moved by Charles A. Reid, seoonded by K, Entwisle NOW BE IT THEREFORE resolved that when this Counoil adjourn it shall adjourn sine die. Carried. Item (2) Counoil did then adjourn at 5:55 p.m. on mo:Uon by Deputy Reeve K. Entwisle.