HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/1973 ~EGTJL1L'1 I'TEF.TING OF 'I'LL:.:: CQIDTCIL OF TIE T01:"....,mTIP OF CL.ARKTI 'lilesca~r, December 18~ 1973, 7:30 P.H. Present: Reeve - E.R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillor - R. Chater C. Reid e G. Heykoop Clerk - H.R. Best Moved by R. Chater, seconded by C. Reid that the minutes of the regular meeting on December 4, 1973 be adopted as printed. Carried. SECTION 1 - DELEGATIONS Moved by C. Reid, seconded by R. Chater that this mseting go into committee of the whole Council to receive all delegations. Carried. ITEM (1) Clarke Fish and Conservation Club Messrs. J!!IIIes McMullen and Irwin Gleiberman appeared before Council and spoke to the matter of a revised site plan prepared by Donevan end Fleisohmann, O.L.S. and dated December 10, 1973; Job #24596. This site plen illustrated the location of one club house and five fishing chalets and was intended to form the basis of a site plan by-law to ammend by-law #1694. ITEM (2) Memorial Hospital Board Report Mr. James Stutt, representative of Clarke Township on the aforenoted Board, submittsd a written report on the operation of the Memorial Hospital for the year 1973. ITEM (3) Mobile Retirement Home Parks The following persons addressed Council in respect of licencing by-laws, amendments to the Proposed Official Plan, amendments to zoning by-law etc., all pertaining to the development of the Pine Ridge Retirement Home Park (Rice Construction) and Durham Retirement Home Park, (Howard P...vne). !ll Kingeley Van Nlis't, Township Solicitor 2 Robert Fonger, Planning Consultant 3 Roger Carr, re: Howard ~e 4 Max Rice, Lew Rice, Wm. Rains reI Rice Construction 5 E.R. Lovekin & C. Ewert, solicitors for Rice Construction Moved by C. Reid, seconded by R. Chater that this Committee rise and sit in Council. Carried. Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council December 18, 1973. lIow be it therefore resolved that this Council do hereb7 approve of the said site plan and further that the Municipal Pl......il'lg CoDBUltants Ltd. be requested to prepare an appropriate --1H'1g site plan By-Law. Carried. e ITEM (2)(.) Memorial Hospital Board Report RESOLUTION NO. 218 Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by Robert G. Chater. i/lIIi!R1W'I Mr. James Stutt has during the past years served as the representative of the Township of Clarke on the Board of the Memorial Hospital in a diligent and highly efficient manner and has at all times kept this Counoil informed of the activities and services preformed by the Hospital NOW BE IT TW!alI!a\JaE RESOLVED that this Counoil do hereby recOllUllend to the Counoil of the New Area Municipality that Mr. Stutt be considered for appoint- ment as a member of the Hoepi tal Boerd and further that a copy of thie reeolution be forwarded to ~or Eleot Garnet Rickard for hie consideration. Carried. ITEM (3)(a) Mobile Retirement Home Parks Moved by K. Entwiele, seconded by G. Heykoop that thie matter be tabled for further diecueeion under Section 3 (:Business Brought Forward). SECTION 2 - CORllESFOllllEllCE 1. Copy of a letter from Robert H. Fonger, Munioipal Planning Consultants to Clende llugelag reI Proposed Official Plan, Township of Clarke. Filed. 2. Letter from P.C. Eberlee, Totten Sime Hubicki Associates reI Home Smith Properties.. ..roads and curbs. Filed. 3. Letter from E.R. Lovekin reI Home Smith Properties.. ..putting up guard rails. Filed. 4. Copy of a letter from Jamee A. :Bird, Northumberllll1d and Durham County :Board of Education re: monies due the Board including 15,101.87 penalty reI late p~ents. Filed. 5. Registration Fo:rm from the Ontario Dental Association for Conference on Prevention of Dental Dieease, to be held in JIlmlary. Filed. 6. Booklet contail'li"g the Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Un! ted CountieB of Rarf:h'l'lmb.,,"' a.:nrl AftA 'nI.....'hDWII _ _T...._...._ liI-."'-..__ __..:I Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council Deoember 18, 1973. 10. Letter from W.G. Barraball reI Lot 29, Cono. 6. :Filed. CoW to M. Ross. 11. Notioe of Applioation under the Land Titles Aot from Rioe Construotion Co. reI pert Lot 34, Con. 1 with attached Plan of Survey. Filed. 12. Statement of Aooount in the amount of .340.00 from E.R. Lovekin reI Road olosing - pt. lot 29, Cone. 4. (Oohoneki, Simpson, Stapleton, Ministry). Approved for p~ent. 13. COW of an acoount from :Brian Caswell in the amount of 1131.00 for keeping & disposing of 11 dogs. Approved for p~ent. 14. Letter from Mary A. Simmons, Court Administrator enolosing a cheque for *,0.00 reI fines imposed for November 1973. Filed. 15. CoW of a letter from W. MoL. 'Maoka;r, to Committee of Adjustment reI Coneent-Granting Powers. Filed. e 16. Letter from Robert Couchman, Mental Health Assooiation, Ontario requesting a oontribution of 125.00 or more. RESOLll'.!'ION NO. 219 - Moved by C. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle. ~A!'l the Canadian Mental Health Assooiation have, by lotter dated November 1973, requested a contribution cf 125.00 or more NOW lIE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that this Council approve a contribution of *,0.00 to assist the Canadian Mental Health Association. Carried. 17. Report from the Heather Social Club, Orone, cn their lottery held December I, 1973. Filed. 18. Letter from Lloyd Lowery reI teI:lll1nating membership cn Pl..""1,,g lloard. :Filed. 19. COW of letter from Mrs. Ellen M. Yea reI teI:lll1nating her services as Seo.-Treas. for Committee of Adjustment. :Filed. 20. Letter from E.L. :Brown reI Street Reserve - Lot 3, Block U and Lot 4, Block S, East Side of Mill Street, requesting purohalle of same. Moved by C. Reid, seoonded by Robert G. Chater that this Council hereby approve the transfer of land as referred to in Mr. :Brown's letter and request the clerk and solioitor have the necessary dOCUlllents prepll1'ed. Carried. 21. Questionnaire on Sand & Gravel and Stone, returned uncompleted from M.L. Ross. Referred to Road & :Bridge Committee. 22. Minutes of meetings of Committee of Adjustment - 1II0vember 5, November 12 and December 5, 1973; oopies to Counoil. Filed. 23. Newsletter dated September 1973 from Ontario PlRnn1"g. Filed. 24. Letter from J.C. McCert~ of CCI1Il1lIIlers' Gas reI Ontario Ener87 lloard's Interim Order E.B.R.O. )02D. :Filed. Page 4 Regglar Meeting of Council December 18, 1973. OFFICIAL PLAN Moved by C. Reid, from the agenda, at this proposed otficial plan. seconded by R. Chater that this Council deviate time, in order to deal with amendments to the Carried. e RESOLU'rION NO. 220 Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by Robert G. Chater \(R'IlmF.AR this Council deem it advisable to amend the proposed Otfioial Plan NOW BE IT TBERElOBE RESOLVED that this Council give tirst and second reading to a By-Law to amend the proposed Of:fioial Plan. Carried. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, in acoordanoe with the provisions of the PJE'nning Aot, R.S.O. 1970, as amended, hereby enacts as tollows: 1. Amendment No. 1 to the Otticial Plan ot the Clarke PJ....ning Area, being the attached text and Schedule "X", is hereby proposed. 2. The Clerk is hereby a:u.thorized and direoted to make applioation to the Treasurer ot Ontario and Minister of Economics and Intersovernmental Affairs tor the approval ot Amendment No. 1 to the Ottioial Plan ot the Clarke PlAnni 1'1g Area. 3. This By-law shall come into foroe and take etreet on the da;y- of final passing thereof. Read a tirst and second time this 18 da;r ot December, 1973 (Signed) Edward R. Woo~ard Reeve (Signed) Horace R. Best Clerk ADJOURNMENT RESOLU'rION NO. 221 Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater THAT this Council do now adjourn to continue in session at 10:00 A.M., December 19th, 1973. Carried. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 10:45 P.M. Page 5 Regular Keeting of Council Dec8lllber 19, 1973. OFFICIAL PLAN Moved by C. Reid, seconded by R. Chater that the by-law to adopt amendment No.1 to the proposed Of!icial Plan be given a third reading, numbered as by-law No. 1764, signed and the seal of the T01lI1llhip of Clarke affixed thereto. Carried. e SECTION 3 - BUSIBESS BROUGHT li'ORWABD rrEM (1) Draft by-law to authorize the conveyance of the former Township Road Department yards to Durham Central Agricultural Society. Moved by C. Reid, seconded by R. Chater, that this matter be held in abeyance pending revisions to the relevant plan of Survey (10R280). Carried. rrEM (2) Pedwell sideroad and Dudar Construction RESOImION NO. 222 Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle ~AR Dudar Construction of R.R. #2, Port Perry have requested permission f'rom Council to improve a oertain read allowance wi thin the To1lI1llbip of Clarke NOW BE IT TBERElORE RESOLVED that this Counoil give first and second reading to a by-law whereby Dudar Construction of R.R. #2, Port Perry would be permitted to develop the untravelled portion of the read allowance between lots 30 and 31, concession 2, To1lI1llhip of Clarke. Carried. TRE CORPORATION OF TRE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE WRHlRMlAR Maurice Pedwell made application to the Committee of Adjustments for the Corporation of the TOWI18hip of Clarke, to have validating consents given to a series of twenty-four (24) lots abutting on the east side of the opensd road allowance between lots 30 and 31, in conceseion two of the Tb1lI1llhip of Clarke; .AliI> \fII'Ii!IlJ;lAR the Committee of Adjustments on October 16th, 1973 granted its consent to the validating of these lots on the condi tion that the severllllC8s required were subject to the o_srs mA1dYlg satisfactory arrangements with the proper Municipality Authorities with regard to the improvement of the road abutting the lots and being part of the road allowance between lots 30 and 31, in concession two of the T01lI1llhip of Clarke; .AliI> ~4S the Municipalities are statutorily empowered by w~ of Section 29, subsection 4 of the Pl....nh'g Act, R.S.O. - 1970 chp. 349, to enter into an Agre8lllent imposed as a condition Page 6 Regular Meeting of Counoil Deoember 19, 1973. NOW THEllEFOllE the Munioipal Counoil of the Corporation of the TOWI1llhip of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS I 1. That the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enter into the Agreement appended to end foJ:lJl1ng part of this lIT-Law with Dudar Construotion of R.R. #2, Port Parry, for the development of part of the road allowanoe between lots 30 and 31 in oonoession two of the Township of Clarke. e 2. That the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the TOllllllh1p of Clarke are hereby empowered to execute said Agreement. Read a first end seoond time this 19th da;r of Deoember 1973. (Signed) Edward R. WoodYard Reeve (Signed Horace R. Best Clerk Moved by C. Reid, seoonded by G. Heyicoop that this by-law be given a third reading, passed, numbered as by-law #1765, signed end the seal of the TOWI1llhip of Clarke affixed thereto. Carried. I'l'm'I (3) Amending by-law #1759 and letters of objeotion thereto. RESOLUTIIlN NO. 221 -Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by Charles A. Reid ~AR this Council is in receipt of oertain lettere ~.1ecting to by-law #1759, being a by-law to 811Bnd restrioted area by-law #1653, from the following pereonSI- 1 Margaret :Butt and Gene W. :Butt - R.R. #3, Newcastle, Ontario. 2 Dorothy J. Imlach &. David Imlach - Newtonville, Ontario. 3 John Kimball - R.R. #3, Newoastle, Ontario. 4 Donald Stapleton - R.R. #3, Newoastle, Ontario. 5 J. Shaw, Trustee of Estate of R.R. Shaw - R.R. #6, Cobourg, Ont. 6 Keith E. llall &. Rita llall - R.R. #3, Newoastle, Ontario. 7 McGibbon, :Bastedo &. Armstrong - P.O. lIox 34, OShawa, Ontario for Mr. Ulrich Ruegser (8) Jsqm Korohmal - 307 Walmer Road, Oshawa, Ontario. NOW BE IT T~1lE RESOLVED that this Co_oil do not accept the argwaents set forth in the foregoing letters as valid objeotions, by reason of the subjeot property being looated between 2 parallel main line railroad tracks end f'ronting onto a hard surfaced arterial road. Moreover, it is the intsntion of Counoil, as stipulated in the by-law to oontrol the olass of industrial developllent by restrioting the quantity of water available and the relating disposal of waste material together with 111111 ting the number of persons employed thereon. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 22u Moved by Robert G. Chater, seoonded by Charles A. Reid Page 7 Regular Meeting of Council December 19. 1973. ITEM (5) 'oIillis :Barra ball and leasing of untravelled portion of the road allowance between lots 28 and 29. con. 6. RESOLUTION #225 Moved by Charles A. Reid. seconded by Robert G. Chater 'WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke de8IIIB it advisable to enter into an agreement with Willis :Barraball to lease the untravelled portion of the road allowance _ between Lots 28 and 29. Concession 6. .. NOW BE IT T!ll!ilfJSroilE BESOLVED that this Council give first and second reading to a by-law to permit Mr. :Barraball to lease the said road allowance. Carried. THE CORPOllA.TION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLABKE Y/'A'Il!R'RAfl the Council of the Township of Clarke has been contacted by one Willis G. :Barraball with regards to renting or obtain11'1g a lioence to plant trees. grass and generally to enhance a p8:l'C81 of land presently being an untravelled part of an opened road allowance being part of Lot 29. Concession 6 of the Township of Clarke and being more particularly desoribed as Part #4 on Plan #10R95 deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham West (10) on the 30th ds;y of November 1971. AND ~Afl Council of the Township of Clarke pursuant to its powers under Section 454 (1) and (2) of the Municipal .Act R.S.O. 1970 volUllle 3. chpt. 284. has decided to grant a licence to Mr. V.G. :Bar.l:aball to allow him to enhance the said parcel of land until such time as this untravelled portion of the opened road allowance is required for future development with regard to the road eystem. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TO'w!lIl.lU.t' OF CLABKE ENACTS A.S FOLLOWS : 1. That Mr. W.G. :Barraball shall be granted a ysarly licence at $1.00 which 8UIII is to be made pqable direotly to the Council or Municipal Authorities of the area at the time of the pe;yment. 2. That the licence shall be granted to Mr. :Barra ball for the purpose of entering upon the property being part #4. on Registered Plan #10R95 in order to and for the purpose of seeding the parcel to grass. planting trees and in general cleaning up and enhanoing ths parcel of land to maintain the property in a respectable state. 3. That the lioence shall be an annual licenoe which ~ b e terminated by the Township of Clarke by giving one month written notice. when the land is to be further developed as part of the area road system. or whenever the Council or Municipal Authority so empowered deems it necessary to terminate said lioence. Read first and seoond time this 19 ds;y of December 1973. (Sisned) Edward R. l'loodyard Page 8 Regula:r Meeting of Council Deoember 19, 1973. ITEM (6) Mobile Retirement Home Pa:rks Brought forwa:rd from Section 1, Item 3. RESOLUTION No. 226 e Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by Charles J... Reid ~A!l this Counoil did, on September 18, 1973, pass Resolution No. 156, approving in principle a mobile home retirement pa:rk, as proposJld by Rioe Construction, on Lots 32-35, Concession 1 in the Township of Cla:rke; AND WllF.R1U!l on the following da;v, at a oontinuation of the same meeting, this Council did give three readings to By-law No. 1757 adopting the draft plan tor submission to the Minister, rather than hold the plan for the corrected maps and descriptions; AND WHEREAS this Counoil was of the opinion that it would be a minor matter to amend the said draft plan; v AND ~~S on October 2nd, 1973, this Counoil did pass Resolution No. 163, giving Howa:rd ~e's propoeal for a mobile home retirement pa:rk equal status at that point in time; AND w.HE1lEJ..S it was the intent of this Council that both these proposals be negotiated and processed when the neoessary engineering reports and siBht plans were presented, and that agreements be drafted for the operation of such developments within the Township ot Cla:rke; BE IT TBEREFOllE RESOLVED that this Council instruct the Clerk to notify immediately the Minister and all Government Depa:rt- mente dealing with these matters, of this Counoil' s intent, and particula:rly the fact that both proposals had been before Council and Planning lloa:rd tor several monthe, and that it is the wish of this Counoil that the proposals be incorporated by amendments to the draft plan when the necessary dOCWllents a:re presented to Council. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 227 Moved by Charles J... Reid, seconded by Robert G. Chater YlHEREAS this Council did amend By-law No. 1757 AND WRF.R1<lA!'l this Council's term of otfice does expire December 31st, it is impossible to give proper notice for public hearing; BE IT THEIlEFOBE RESOLVED that the Minister and the new Area Council be so notified, with a suggestion that a public hsa:ring be considered. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 228 Moved by Charles J... Reid, seconded by Robert G. Chater Page 9 Regular Meeting of Counoil Deoember 19, 1973. AND ~AR this Counoil by a majority of Members acoepted in prinoiple, the proposals so made by Rioe Construo- tion COlBpllZlY in a rssolution dated the 18th of September, 1973; AND ~AR this Counoil has prooeeded to obtain both legal and planning. advioe as to what would be the best method of facilitating ... development of the aforementioned Mobile lIome Park; AND WBEIIEAS it has now been asoertained that the necessary _ steps required to enable the development of the Mobile Home Park _ are as follows I 1. The passing of a By-law to amend the draft Offioial Plan Where neoessary. 2. The passing of a By-law to rezone parts of lots 32, 33, 34 and 35, Broken Front Concession and Conoession I, Township of Clarke, to allow for its use as a Mobile lIome Park by incorporating therein a detailed site plan illustrating the permiSSible mode of development of said Park. 3. The passing of a lioensing By-law empowering the Township Council of Clarke or Municipal body" in powsr at the time to issue lioenses for the development, maintenanoe, regulation and operation of a Mobile lIome Park. 4. The negotiation and execution of a Developers Ae;%'eement between Rioe Construction and the governiDg munioipal body" regulating the development of the said Mobile IIome Park. AND WBEIIEAS all the above mentioned By-Laws have been drafted by the legal and pl"l"T'il'lg advisers of this Council; AND wro;mlUR but for the lack of time this Counoil intended to oarry to completion the passing of the required By-Laws and the negotiation and execution of the necesaary Developer's Ae;%'eement; NOW 'J:~RE be it resolved, 1. That this Council forward all documentation and proposals received from Rice Construotion, together with all enactments, documentation passed in regard to the furthering of the Rioe proposals and all draft By-Laws, Agreements or Reports reoeived by the Counoil in respeot to the Rioe proposals to its suooessor council. 2. That this Council reoommend to its sucoessor Counoil that, that Council bring its attention at its earliest oonvenienoe to the question of the passing of the By-Laws and negotiation and execution of the Developer's Aereement necessary to expedite the development of the Rice Construction Mobile lIome Park. 3. That this Counoil recommends for the sske of continnity and minimizing expense to its successor Council, that its suooessor Council should oonsul t and if desired retain the same legal counsel, being Strike, Strike &. Van Nest, of llowmanv1lle, and the same pltl1'T1iTlg consultants being Munioipal Planning Consul- +.....+... .... _..... .....1:ained bv the Council of the Township of Clarke P888 10 Regulll1' Meeting of Council December 19, 1973. Deputy Reeve Entwisle requested a recorded vote be polled. Deputy Reeve Entwisle Councillor Chater It Reid fl Heykoop Reeve WOOdya:rd NAY YEA YEA NAY YEA e Resolution declared carried. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop that this meeting do now recess for lunoh and to reconvene at 2:00 P.M. Carried. Meeting recessed accordingly at 12:15 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 2:00 P.M. SECTION 4 - REPORTS ITEM (1) Reeve re Orono CollllllUJlity Memorial. Park Reeve Woodyard submitted a verbal. report pertA.ini1'\g to a recent meeting with the Boa:rd of the above noted Park. RESOLUTION NO. 229 Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle THAT THIS Counoil do hereby direct the Treasurer of the Township of Clarke to pa;r to the Orono Memorial. CoIIlIIlUJli ty Pll1'k Board, the proceeds, less al.l expenses incurred on behalf of the Township in the transaction thereof. from the sal.e of 6.49 acres of land described as part 1 of R.D. Plan 10R238 to the Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge. Carried. ITEM (2) Road & Bri<1P:e Committee No report. ITEM (3) By-law Enforcement (i) Investigation of premises owned and occupied by L. Secord, Lot 23, Con. 9. Moved by C. Reid, seconded by R. Chater that this report be tabled. Carried. SECTION 5 - NEW BUSINESS ITEM (1) Police Vill888 of Orono; Front888 & Connection Cha:rges 1'8 Piggot and Adams. A certified true copy of Resolution #73-48 was presented to Council, as follows: Page 11. Regular Meeting of Council December 19, 1973. ITEM (2) Conveyanoe of the road allowance as stopped up by By-law #1563 RESOLUTION No. 230 Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by Charles A. Reid \iHl'!RlilAR the alloWance for road between lots 6 and 7, Concession 6 was stopped up by By-Law 1563, passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke on the 3rd d~ of OCtober 1967 and e WHEREAS the said By-law was deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Riding of the County of Durham on the 2nd da;y of Febru~, 1968 as instrument No. N 35581, NOW BE IT .IlJ!aU!iJ:li RESOLVED, that the Council, in accordance with the authority granted undsr Section 461 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, offer for sale those parts of the road allowance as stopped up by Schedule A, Section 2 of By-law No. 1563, to the owners of abutting land at a price of1400.oo per acre plus an apportionment of the oosts incurred by the Township throueh survey fees, legal fees, advertising etc. and further BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that this Council authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute the Documents necess~ to implement the conveyance of the subject lands to the owners of abutting land. Carried. ITEM (3) Orono Hydro Electric COIIllIIission and annual prqment to members. The following cow of Resolution 73-18 of the Orono lfydro Electric COIIllIIission was presented to Council. Moved by Douglas Simpson, seconded by Roy C. Forrester Whereas Regional Government is anticipated as of Jan. 1st, 1974 and will probably separate the water department from the hydro department and 'tIhereas the existing Council of the Township of Clarke ma;y be restricted in authority for approval of financial eXPBndi tures for the current year and 'tIhereas the existing reJDmleration of the COIIllIIissioners is divided 1150.00 to Water Department and 1150.00 to lfydro Department per annum. :Be it hereby resolved that approval be requested to oontinue the prqment of the total of 1300.00 per annum per member regardless of the legislative decision of the disbursement of the Water n.nRrtm&nt r&snonaibilitv. Page 12. Regular Meeting of Council December 19, 1973. NOW lIE IT TlIEBEFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of Clarke do hereby" approve of the request of the Orono Hydro Electric CoDllllission as set forth in the afore- mentioned resolution #73-18. Carried. e ITEM (4) BaYing Da.y Holiday RESOLUTION NO. 232 Moved by" Robert G. Chater, seconded by" Charles A. Reid WHEREAS By-Law #1566 of the Township of Clarke provides that, in addition to statutory holida;y1l, the Reeve ma;y authorize any other holida;y, NOW lIE IT ~.tI.I!allm.1RE RESOLVED that this Council hereby authorize the Reeve to declare BaYing Da;y, Wednesda;y, Deoember 26, 1973 as a holida;y with pa;y for all employees of the Township of Clarke. Carried. SECTION 6 - ADJotlBNMENT RESOLUTION NO. 233 Moved by" Charles A. Reid, seconded by" Robert G. Chater WFJl!RF.AS it is proven impossible to prooess all business currently before this meeting of Council and WHEREAS it is highly advisable to complete the business of Council, in so far as is possible, before transferring unfinished business to the Council of the New Area Municipality of the Town of Newcastle NOW lIE IT ~liI!aU!i.roltJS RESOLVED THAT this meeting is hereby adjourned to reassemble at Council Chambers, Orono, at 10:00 A.M. on Monda;y, December 31, 1973 for the purpose of completing the aforenoted business of Council. Carried. Meeting adjourned accordingly at 4:45 P.M. C ark Reeve REGULAR MEETING (Continued) COUNCIL CH.AMBB:IlS. ORONO