HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/1973 (Special) INFORl1ATION ~'J:E'"STING m CO!1MITTEE COU}jCIL CHAMBERS, O~ONO Monrla:!, December 10, 1973, lO:OO A.I'!. e Present: Reeve - ~.R. ~~odyaxd De])ut:' Reeve - K. Entvrisle Councillor - R. Chn,ter C. Rei(l G. Heykoop Clerk - H.R. Best Also Present: Itr. Derek Little; ~~icipal Pl~~ing Consultants ~. Robert Fonger; Municinal Pl?JLning Consultants Hr. Kingsley Van Nest; Strike, Strike & Van Nest i1r. Ken L~lall: Regi.onal Councillor elect Pu:rsuant to Item 3 of Resolution #211" passed by COlmcil on DeceMber It, 1973, Itr. Derek Little submitted a written renort regBrding the Hobile Home Park a~T'lications of Rice Construction and H0ward Payne, wherein the followInG program was recommended to provide adequate controls for the developments. (1) (2) (3) ~~j I,icensing B:r-1a;r Plan Review Development Agreement Proposed Official Plan Amendment Zoning ~J-Iaw Amendment Itr. Little sta,ted that a.. Council must find. authority 'mder provincial statutes to enact any of the foregoing recommendations Le. (1) Conditi.on of a Consent, (2) subdivid.ers agreement under the Planning Act, (3) Develonment agreement under the ~runicipal Act. ~iIr. Fonger a.lso SOOkA to the f0regoing m~_tte1."s. Heeting rece",sed. for lunch at l2:00 A.11. and reconvened. at 1:10 P.M. Itr. Kin".",le;" Van Nest. Townshin Solicitor submitterJ the draft of e, licencinc: b;,,-law together wi t11 the rJre.ft of a develonment agreement. Both of the foregoing matters were referred back to ~. Van Nest for further revisions. Meeting adjourned at 2:25 P.H. ~~ rLA.L Q. W. Clerk Reeve ~