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Tuesday, October 16. 1973 at 7:30 pm
Council Chambers, Orono
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Counc:llors R. G. Chater
- C. A. Reid
- G. H. Heykoop
Clerk - H. R. Best
Moved b,r K. Entwisle, seconded by R. Chater that the minutes
of the regular meetings on Sept 18, - 19 and October 2, 1973
be adopted as printed. Carried.
Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by C. Reid that this Council
go into Committee of the whole Council to receive and hear
all delegations. Carried.
ITEM (1) Mr. Jan Ochonski, R. R. #2, Orono
Mr. Ockonski briefly addressed Council regarding his
proposed subdivision in part lot 29. con 5..
Reeve Woodyard reported on his recent discussion with
members of the Plans Administration Branch wherein he
had been advised that Mr. Ochonski' s pro"posal for
development would be restricted to those lands within
the limits of the Village of Orono and furthar that
the proposal as submitted by Mr. Ochonski should be
considered in conjuction with a proposal recently
submitted by Mr. Mario Veltri for development of lands
lying to the south (i.e. the Callanan property).
ITEM (2) ~lr. Roger Carr, Port Hone
11r. Carr, on behalf of his client Mr. Howard Pa..vne, and
in respect to a proposed retirement home park in lots
one and two, broken front concession, requested Council
to pass a resolution clear'.y defining the status of his
clients proposal. Mr Carr submitted the draft of
proposed resolution.
I~1 (3) Mr. Tom Jones of Totten Sims Hubicki and Associates
11r. Jones, representing Dudar Construction Co. R. R. #~
Port Perry, presented drawings indicating the construction
details 'for the proposed development of the untravelled
portion of the road allowance between lots 30 and 31, Con. 2,
(Pedwell's Road).
Mr. Jones also submitted the following information:
(1) The constrnction Msts would be borne by the
developer. Dudar Const. Co.
(2) Preliminary drawings had been approved by the
Denartment of Transnortation & Communications.
(3) Ro~d to be constructed with a double primed surface,
20' travelled top, 4' shoulders, 2' rounding edge,
(4) Cul-de-sac with a 40' turning radius measured to
centre line of travelled roadway.
__-'- ~ -" '1.. _.L_____
Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council. October 16, 1973.
ITEM (5)
Mr. Stewart Wood R. R. #2, Orono
Mr. Wood requested Council to reconsider his application
for an amendment to by-law # 1653 as submitted to
Council on Feb. 21, 1972 and subsequently rejected
by Planning Board. In his previous application Mr.
Wood requested rezoning of approximately 70 acres in
parts of lots 5 and 6) B. F. concession, to a categorp:
permitting a mobile Trailer Park and overnight trailer
Moved by C. Reid, seconded by R. Chater that this
oommittee rise and sit in Council. Carried.
ITEMS (2)(a) and (4)(a)
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop that any
further discussion regarding retirement home parks
be tabled for a special meeting of Council with their
planning advisors. Carried.
ITEM (3)(a) Dudar Construction, R. R. #2 Port Perry
Moved by G.H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle.
That the Township Solicitor be authorized to prepare
an agreement between the Township of Clarke and Dudar
Construction of R. R. #2, Port Perry for the development
of approximately 2800 ft. of the south portion of the
allowance for road between lots 30 and 31, Con. 2,
Said agreement to be submitted to Council for their
approval. Carried.
ITEM (5)(a) Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. Reid that
~~. Woods application be reinstated. Carried.
ITEM (1) Letter from Elaine Stainton, re: resignation. Tabled.
ITEl'1 (2) Letter from Stuart MacY.ay to Hr. E. R. ',oodyard, re:
Mosport. Enclosed were a couple of petitions from
residents of the County of Durham.
Hoved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Charles A. Reid
That this Council endorse the petition submitted by
}~. Stuart HacKay under covering letter dated September
19, 1973 and instructs the Reeve to so advise the
Attorney General of Ontario. Carried.
ITEM (3) Letter from Stewart Wood, R. R. North, Orono, re: mobile
home park and trailer park, part lots 5 and 6, Broken
Front concession. Refer to Item 5, Sec. 1.
ITEM (4) Letter from Har~aret M. Elliott. HilltOTI Farm. R. R. P,.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council.
October 16, 1973
ITEM (7) Letter from "Ialter Beath, Chairman, The Regional
Municipality of Durham, re: future meetings of
Regional Council. Referred to Clerk.
IT.EI1 (3) Letter from 'ilal ter Bea<fh, Chairman, The Regional
Municipali ty of Durham, re: invento1"'J study of
existing water and sewage systems and sold waste
disposal sites in the Region. Copy to O.P.V. Filed.
I~f (9) Letters from J. M. Browning, Mrs. Wm., Secret~J-
Treasurer, Central L~ce Ontario Conservation
Authority, re: notice of apportionment of Levies
for an Authority "roject for fIoodplain mapping
of Oshawa and its tributaries. Referred to Treasurer.
ITEM (10) Memorandum from Fire Marshal, Ministry of Solicitor
General, re: re-location of the office of the
Fire Marshal to 590 Keele St., Toronto. Copy to
O.P.V. Filed.
ITEM (n) Letter from B.J. HcCaffery, Secretary- Treasurer,
Ontario Good Roads Association, re: award of merit.
Copy to H. L. Ross. Filed.
ITEM (12) Copy of a requisition from the Canadian Transport
Commission. Filed.
ITEM (13) Letter from A. D. Mosher, Ontario Hydro, re: meeting
on October 4th in the Department of Agriculture and
Food BuDding at BowmanviEe. re: public meetinge.
ITEM (ll.~) Letters from Mr. V.N. St,rrmo, Chief Museums Adviser,
Ministry of Colleges and Universities, F~storical &
Museums Branch, re: interim pa;YlIlent of Museum Grants -
Clarke Museum. Copy to Rae,' Dickson. Filed.
ITEIf (15) Letter from W.H. Parnell, Assessment Commissioner,
MinistrJ of Revenue, re: preliminary assessment
(copy of mill rates for 1973). Filed.
ITEM (16) Copy of a letter from G. O. McCormack, A. E. Willi~~s
& Company Ltd., re: yourself vs Corporation of the
Township of Clarke - Less June 16, 1973. Filed.
ITEM (17) Copy of a letter from H. D. Morley, Senior Planner,
Subdivision Section, Plans Administration Branch to
Swartz & Swartz. Barristers, re: Township of Clarke -
Pt. Lot 33, Cpn S, Filed
I~f (18) Copy of a letter from J. P. Roussel, P. Eng., Assistant
Regional Engineer, to Mr "I. Zegil, Newcastle Trailer
Park, re: Township of Clarke - Newcastle Trailer Park -
Water Works. Filed.
ITEM (19) Meeting minutes of the Steering Committee of Thursday,
September 27th, 1973 in the Town of Bowmanville Council
Chambers. Filed.
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Counoil.
Ootober 16, 1973
ITEM (23) Letter from P. G. :Belling, Contingenoy Planning Offioe;-.
Industrial Wastes Branoh, Ministry of the Environment,
re: The Provinoe of Onta:t'io Contingenoy Plan for spills
of oil and other haza:t'dous materials. Filed.
ITEM (24) Letter from J.A. C. Auld, Minister, Ministry of the
Environment, reI Green Paper on Environmental Assessment.
ITEM (25) Letter from D. A. Smith, Aooount Co-ordinator, Dataoentre
Servioes, IBM Canada Ltd., Re: assessment data prooessing
servioes. Filed.
ITEM (26) Booklet - Canadian Law of Planning and Zoning. Referred
to Steering Committee.
ITEM (27) Newsletter from the Assooiation of Munioipalities of
Onta:t'io. Filed.
ITEM (28) New Questions and Answers - The Community Centres Aot.
ITEM (29) Deola:t'ation on the Human Environment U.N. Conferenoe.
Stockholm, June 1972. Filed.
ITEM (30) Letter with enolosures from Bette Malone, Moving Consultant
Ser';!!.oe, Rexdale, reI City Information. Filed.
ITEM (31) Memorandum from J. W. Bird, President, Canadian Federation
of Majors and Munioipalities - Munioipal Report with
enolosures. Filed.
ITEM (32) Pamphlet - The New Eoonomios of Inner Space. Filed.
ITEM (33) Letter from John M. Haight, Manager, Soott's Industrial
Direotories, reI updating Ontario 1974-75 Edition of
Soott's Industrial Direotory of Manufacturere. Filed.
ITEM (34) Booklet from the Workmen's Compensation Boa:t'd, Onta:t'io -
Annual Report 1972. Filed.
ITEM (35) Ontario Traffio Booklet with enolosed information reI
The Ontario Traffio Conferenoe. Filed.
ITEM (1) J. C. Tamblyn & By-law #1756 as amended by by-law #1760.
This item was brought forwa:t'd to oonsider the follOwing
(i) A letter from Mrs. Lillian Tamblyn of 225 Simooe St.,
Oshawa, approving of By-Law No. 1756.
en) A Letter, dated September 4, 1973. signed by Robert
A. Edmunds, Counties Engineer, stat~ that the
Counties Road & Bridge Committee wishes to go on
reoord as opposing By-Law No. 1756.
(iii) A Letter, dated September 21, 1973 from Robert A.
Edmunds, Counties Engineer suggesting a meeting
wi th Reeve Woodya:t'd to discuss the setback of 38'
Page 5. Regular Meeting of Counoil. Ootober 16, 1913.
Meeting reoonvened at 10:45 P.M.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop that
this Council disagree with the position taken by
the Counties Road and Bridge Committee, but would
reoommend that the entrance !rom the subject property
onto the Taunton Road be located at the extreme
westerly limit of the property. Carried.
The Clerk was instructed to submit lly-Law 1156 and
No. 1160 to the Ontario Municipal Board for their
approval of same and to request the Or.tario Municipal
Board to consider lly-Law No. 1160 wi:thout prior
oirculation as required in the Board's rules of
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. G. Chater.
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on October
11th, 1913 at 21-00 P.M.
This meeting adjourned accordingly at 11.00 P.M.
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C erk
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Wednesd~, October 11th, 1913 at 2:00 P.M.
continued from Oct. 16/13
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- C. A. Reid
- G. H. Heykoop
Clerk - H. R. :Best
ITEM (2) Draft by-law to permit and regulate the size and
installation of culverts on Township Roads.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by R. Chater
that the draft by-law be referred to the road
and Bridge Committee for further study. Carried.
The Clerk was instructed to obtain a copy of the
corresponding by-lay in effect in the Township
of Darlington.
ITEM (3) Resignation of Douglas Moffatt !rom Clarke Planning
Page 6.
Regular MeeUng of Council. October 16, 1973.
Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater.
Whereas Mr. Douglas Moffatt on September 24, 1913,
did submit his resignation as member of Clarke
Planning Board.
Now ll& it therefore resolved that this Council hereby
accept Mr. Moffatt's resignation with regret. Carried.
ITEM (4) Special meeting of Council with PlAnning Consultants ra:
Official Plan.
Taes~, October 30, 1973 at 10:00 A.M. was scheduled
for this meeting.
ITEM (1) Reeve
(i) Reeve Woodyard reported on a recent on site meeting, With
represen;j:atives of Clarke Fish and Conservation Club
regarding an amendment to by-law #1653 whereby some 50
acres situated in the south part of lot 32, Con 7 would
be rezoned to Open Space uses.
(H)Second well in Orono and Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Caldwell.
Reeve Woodyard stated that he had not met with Mr. & Mrs.
Ca1dwell to discuss the conveyance of certain parcels of
land associated with the closing of part of the al1owanoe
for road between concessions 4 and 5, lot 29.
(Hi) Plans Administration llranch and Mr. Ochonski.
Reeve Woodyard with reference to a recent conversation with
varios members of the Plans Administration llranch regarding
Mr. Ochonski's proposed developments in lots 29 and 33,
Con 5, was of the opinion that this llranch would not approve
of any residential development outside the present boundaries
of the Police Village of Orono.
This matter was again refe=ed to Reeve Woodyard for further
discussion with Mr. Alex Carruthers. M.P.P.
(iv) Reeve Woodyard presented copies of letters from E. R. Lovekin,
Chairman, Clarke CoIl1lDi ttee of Adjustment to Mr. Walter
:!leath, Chairman of the Regional Municipality of Durham and
to Mr. Garnet Rickard, ~or elect of the Town of Newcastle.
It was noted that the ID8I1Ibers of the Clarke CoIl1lDi ttee of
Adjustment would deoline any appointment, at the present
time, to any Regional Land Division Coll1lDittee or to a
re - constituted Coll1lDittee of Adjustment for this area.
ITEM (2) Road and llridRe CoIl1IDi ttee
No report
ITEM (3) Finance Coll1lDittee
No report
Page 1. Regular Meeting of Council. October 11, 1913
(11) Rice Construction Co. and proposal "Retirement Home Park".
In acoordance with the provissions of Resolution # 156,
the Clerk presented certain documents together with the
"Prelimfnll"'Y Design Report, Water and Sewage Works, Pine
Ridge Retirement Park, Township of Clarke", as prepared
by Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan, and submitted to the
Ministry of the Enviromnent.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater.
That Mr. Van Nest, Township Solicitor, be instructed
to advise the Minister of the Enviromnent that the
details of Rice Construction's application for pre]fmin~"'Y
approval of water and sewage works in the Township of
Clarke contained in Marshal, Macklin and Mon'"g)>rm Ltd.,
letter of October 11, 1913 to the Ministry, and signed
by W. M. Pinkerton, P. Eng, Senior Sanitary Engineer,
have not been considered by this Council and therefore
the details of the application are not necessarily
endorsed by this Council. Carried.
(i11) Street lighting in the hamlets of Newtonville and Kendal.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid.
That Ontario Hydro be asked to undertake a study of
existing st=et lights in the hamlets of Newtonville
and Kendal and present to this Council a proposal for
modernization and extension of these systems. Carried.
The by-law enforcement officer submitted a report on the
investigation of property in lot 19, Con 2 and in
lot 24, Con. 8.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. Chater that these
matters be referred to the respective solicitor for
immediate action. Carried.
Moved by R. Chater, seconded by C. Reid that the report
of Mr. L. Hallowell regarding one sheep killed by dogs
in Lot 12, Con 5, on or about 21 d~ of Sept. 1913 be
accepted and approved for p~ent. Carried.
The building inspectors report for the month of Sept. 1913
was received and noted.
T'1'F.M' (1) Newtonville Womens Institute and auulication for a license
Page 8. Regular Meeting of Council. October 17, 1973
I'nilM (2)
Tenders for the Sale of
(a) One 1953 Ferguson Tractor equipped with front end loader.
(b) Quanti ty of scrap metal.
Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the tenders
be received and opened. Carried.
1953 Ferguson Tractor with loader.
(i) W. H. Ingram
R. R. #3,
Bowmanville, Ont.
H. W. Knapps Autos Ltd.,
P.O. Box 8
Bowmanville, Ont.
A. Van Hattum
R. R. #2,
Orono, Ont.
13. :Brettell
R. R. #1
Newtonville, Ont.
Garnet Lapenski
Gilbert Alldread
R. R #1, Newtonville,
Royce Simoock
R. R. #2 Town Line
OShawa, Ont.
Ron Robinson
R. R. #1,
Newtonville, Ont.
H. R. :Best,
R. R. #2,
Orono, Ont.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle.
~A!'l seven (7) offers have been received for the purchase
of one 1953 Ferguson Tractor equipped with loader, as
advertised in the local newspapers during the week of
October 9 - 13, 1973 and
WHEREAS the offer to purchase as submitted by Mr. II R.
:Best being the highest offer.
Now:m IT TBEREFORE resolved that this Council accept
the offer to purchase in the amount of $605.00 as
submitted by H. R. :Best. Carried.
(B) Quantity ot Scrap Metal
(I) Garnet Lapenski
Gilbert Alldread
R. R. #1, Newtonville, Ont.
115.00 per ton.
Page 9. Regular Meeting of Council. October 17, 1973.
ITEM (3) Wilson Carson and Untravelled road allowance
Between lots 8 and 9 in the south part of Con 6.
The Clerk was instructed to prepare and appropiate
resolution to in! tiate action whereby the foregoing
allowance for road ~ be stopped up by by-law.
ITEM (4) Pollution on Wilmont Creek
Moved by G.H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle
WHEREAS we have evidence of pollution in the head-
waters of Wilmot Creek.
AND ~A!': we consider the preservation of the purity
of this stream to be of supreme importance.
TIlEIlEFORE, IT IS RESOLVED THAT this Council demands of the
Provincial Minister of the EnviroI1lllent the following:-
A) an analysis of the pollutants
B) a statement on the source of the pollutants
C) a report on the effects of the pollutants on the
ecology of the creek
D) an undertaking that the Minister will take steps
sufficient to ensure that continuing or ocoasional
similar pollution will not occur
AND, IT IS FURTHAR RESOLVED THAT this inoident will serve
to remind this Council of the need for continuing vigilanoe
to safegaard the purity of Wilmot Creek. carried.
The Clerk was instruoted to forward a copy of resolution
#182 to the following agencies and/or persons.
Dr. Charlotte Horner, B.A., M.D., D. P. H.,
Mosport Park Ltd.,
Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority,
Ministry of Natural Resouroes,
Mr. A. Carruthers, M.P.P.
Ministry of the EnvirOI1lllent.
ITm (5) Mrs. Elaine Stainton and leave of absence.
Further to Mrs. Stainton's letter of resignation under
date of Oct. 9. 1973, the Clerk presented a further letter
from Mrs. Stainton, dated Jot. 17, 1973 requesting a leave
of absence commencing October 19, 1973 and effective until
December 14. 1973 or for a three month period.
Moved by G. Heykoop, Seconded by C. Reid
That this Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke approve of a three month leave of absence for
Mrs. Elaine Stainton as of October 19th 1973. Carried.
Page 10, Regular Meeting of Counoil. Ootober 17, 1973
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by G. Heykoop that
this the foregoing motion be tabled pending approval
of the appointments by Planning Board. Carried.
RESOLll'fION NO. 184
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by R. G. Chater
This Counoil hereby adjourns to meet again on November
6th, 1973 at 10:00 a..m., or at another time at the
oall of the Reeve. Carried.
Meeting adjourned acoordingly at 4:45 P.M.
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-'~ Reeve
Tuesday O'ctober 30', 1973.
Council Chambers, Orono
Present, Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors - R. Chater
- G. Heykoop
- C. Reid
Clerk - H. R. Best
Planning Consultant - Derek Little
Planning Consultant - John Farrow
Township Solicitor - Allan Strike
Chairman Planning Board - S. Lancaster
Also Present, approximately 12 other persons.
Reeve Woodyard called the meeting to order at 10':25 a.m.
He stated that this meeting had been called to discuss certain rezoning
applications currently before Council and their relationship to the
O'fficial Plan as adopted by Council on September 19, 1973.
Mr. Little and Mr. Farrow, Planning Consultants, were requested to
subw.it their comments.
Mr. Farrow briefly outlined the procedure to be adopted when revisions
were deemed necessary to the O'fficial Plan. All changes to~e O'fficial
Plan should be by way of amendments. These were first considered by
Planning Board, presented to the public through public meetings, and
recommended to Council.
Mr. Little advised that the O'fficial Plan, as adopted by Council, be
submitted to the Minister for approval. In the meantime, Planning