HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/02/1973
P~ 8. Regular Meeting of Council. September 19, 1913.
ITEM (2) Newtonville and Illumination of Flag Pole.
Mr. K. Entwisle reported that, on numerous occasions, the nag
at the Newtonville War Memorial had been damaged or destroyed
by vandals.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that the Clerk
obtain information from Ontario Hydro regarding the feasibility
of providing a type of illumination for the nag pole and
War Memorial at Newtonville which would have the effect of
deterring future vandalism. Carried.
RESOLU'.rIOllT NO: 162
Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle.
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on October 2, 1913
at 10:00 a.IIl., or at another time at the call of the Reeve.
The meeting adjourned accordingly at 4:45 p.m.
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Tuesda;r, October 2, 1913 at 10:00 a.m.
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- C. A. Reid
- G. H. Heykoop
Clerk - H. R. Best
Moved by C. A. Reid, eeconded by G. H. Heykoop that this meeting go into
Committee of the whole Council to receive all delegations. Carried.
ITEM (1) Mr. ROltElr Carr. Solicitor. Port Hope.
Mr. Carr on behalf of Mr. Howard Pa;rne of R. R. #3, Newcastle,
addressed Council in respect of a proposed mobile retirement home
park in the south parts of lots 1 &: 2, broken front concession.
Each member was presented with a written submission dated
October 2, 1973 and under the heading "Durhem Mobile Retirement
Home Development", property owned and to be developed by: Howard
Pa;rne, R. R. #3, Newcastle, Ontario.
ITEM (2) Mr. Murray Payne. Newtonville.
M,.._ 'PA.V1'1A RAnllART.Ad Council 'to nnnRidsr tlARiD'l'lA:i:inD'_ 'fn,. nmnl Ai;
Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council. October 2nd, 1973.
Mr. Donald Ke=, Solicitor, of Toronto, and a personal
developer, addressed Council snd submitted a plan of survey
#73209, dated September 7, 1973 snd prepared by M. D. Brown,
O.L.S. This survey described a parcel of lsnd, 51.49 acres
in area, in Lot 8, concession 2, being a part of the lsnds as
referred to by Mr. M. Pll\YDe.
Mr. Ke=, the intended purchaser of the lsnds described in
the aforenoted plsn of survey, proposed a residential subdivision
wi th building lots varying in area from ore third to one half
acre snd with a minimum frontage of 100 feet.
ITEM (3) Mr. J. Ochonski. R. R. #2. Orono.
Mr. Ochonaki addressed Council in respect of his proposed sub-
divisions in lots 33 and 29, concession 5.
ITEM (4) Mr. D. Lill. 518 Parkhill Road. Peterborou.<th.
Mr. Lill sought pe1'lllission to rent the Town Hall auditorium, two
evening per month for three months in the fall and three months
in the spring, for the purpose of showing Walt Disney Films,
specially selected for younger children.
ITEM (5) Mr. James Sutherlsnd, R. R. #1, Orono.
Mr. Sutherlsnd requested Council to withdraw the charge, currently
being heard before the Provincial Courts in respect of sn illegal
salvage yard on his property.
ITEM (6) Mr. C. Ewert and Mr. E. R. Lovekin. Solicitors for Rice
Construction and Mr. William Rains.
Mr. Ewert snd Mr. Lovekin speaking in behalf of their client,
Rice Construction Compsny and in furtherance to their attendsnce
at the meeting of Council on September 18, requested Council
to reconsider the draft Official Plan in relationship to the
Retirement Home Park as propsoed by Rice Construction Company
L1m! ted.
Mr. William Rains also addressed Council in this regard.
In BUIIDIIary, the speakers requested Council to remove sny
ambiqui ty between the Rice proposal snd the draft Official Plan.
ITEM (7) Mr. Bernard Kamin.
Mr. B. Kamin, on behalf of Mosport Park and with reference to
Council's directive to the Tax Collector pert,,-ining to arrears
in taxes, (item 4, section 3, August 7) requested Council to
delq until 1974 sny action to collect tax arrears owing by
Mosport Park: Limited.
ITEM (8) Residents in Lot 2. Concession 4. R. R. #1. Newtonville.
Mrs. Roman Opoka, Mrs. R. Frank, Mrs. Donald Shead, and
Mr. Mike Lichacz, requested Council to consider major improve-
ments on the road between lots 2 snd 3, concession 4.
Page 3. Regular MeetiDg of Council. October 2nd, 1973.
ITEM (l)(a)
Mr. Rolter Carr and Howard Payne.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this
Council repeal resolution no. 156, pertaining to Rice Con-
struction Company and their proposal for a Retirement Home
Park and fUrther that the proposal of Rice Construction
Company and the proposal of Howard P~e for a similiar
retirement home park be rejected by this Council in accord-
ance with the recommendations of Pl"nning :Board.
Councillor G. H. Heyitoop requested that a recorded vote be
Councillor Reid IllliY
Councillor Chater IllliY
Councillor Heykoop yea
Deputy Reeve Entwisle yea
Reeve Woodyard IllliY
This motion did not carry.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop.
That the application of Rice Construction Limited and the
application of Howard P~e be considered equal in status
and at equal positions in processiDg at this point in time.
ITEM (2)(a) Mr. Murray Payne and Mr. Donald Ke=.
This matter was referred to Pl"nning :Board for fUrther study
and consideration.
ITEM (3)(a) Mr. Jan Ochonski. reI Lots 29 and '3'3. concession 5.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that the
Reeve and Deputy Reeve be authorized to attend before the
Plans Administration Branch, on behalf of Council, in
order to resolve the several problems pertaining to Mr.
Ochonski's proposed subdivisions.
ITEM (4)(a) Mr. D. Lill and Motion Pictures.
The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Lill that the Town
Hall Auditorium would not be available for the showing of
motion picture films.
ITEM (5)(a) Mr. James Sutherland. R. R. #2. Orono.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop.
:Be it resolved that Eric Richard Lovekin, Barrister, who has
been authorized to prosecute James Angus Sutherland under
Restricted Area By-Law #1653, be authorized to adjourn the
matter preferably for three weeks and if nscessary for court
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Page 4. Regular Meeting of Counoil. October 2nd, 1973.
ITEM (6)(a) Mr. C. Ewert and E. R. Lovekin. reI Rioe Construotion Company.
Reeve Woodyard stated that a speoial meeting of Counoil would
be oalled to oonsider this matter together with other
matters of a similiar nature currently before Counoil.
Mr. John Farrow and Mr. Derrick Little of Munioipal Planning
Consultants, and a oompetent legal advisor would be
requested to attend this special meeting.
ITEM (7)(a) Mr. :Bernard Kamin.
No action was taken in regards Mr. Kamin's request.
ITEM (8)(a) Residents in lot 2. oonoession 4.
Deputy Reeve Entwisle, Chairman of Road & Bridge Committee
together with Mr.M. L. Ross were appointed by Counoil to
oonduot an on site inspeotion of the subjeot road acoompanied
by any looal residents.
ITEM (1) From H. DeWith, Treasurer, reI Lioenoe fees for dogs to be
written off by resolution of Counoil.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by G. H. Heykoop.
Treasurer is authorized to write off the delinquent dog
lioenoe fees as stated on Sohedule "A" and dated Ootober 1st,
1973 and totaling $350.00. Carried.
ITEM (2) Letter from :Beat Niklaus, reI approval in prinoiple for a mobile
retirement home projeot.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by G. H. Heykoop that the request
of Mr. NnIaus be referred to the PlAnning Board. Carried.
ITEM (3) Letter from R. E. Sims, P. Eng., Totten Sims Hu.bicki Assooiates
Ltd. plus enolosure, reI undeveloped portion of road between
Lots 4 and 5, oonoession 8.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by R. G. Chater that a oopy of
Mr. Sims' letter be forwarded to all land owners oonoerned
together with a letter from the Clerk advising the land owners
to obtain legal advioe from their own solioitors. A copy of
the latter letter to be forwarded to Mr. Sims. Carried.
ITEM (4) Letter from C. Saruyama., Supervisor, Planning Administration, Ont-
ario Munioipal Board, reI Township of Clarke - Restrioted Area
By-Law 1734. Filed.
ITEM (5) Letter from C. Saruyama., Supervisor, Planning Anmi ni stration,
Ontario Munioipal Board, reI Township of Clarke - Restrioted Area By-
Law 1694 - Clarke Fish and Conservation Club.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the Clerk
an"';".. Mr_ S=VADlA to the effeot that this Counoil does not
Page 5. Regular Meeting of Council. October 2nd, 1973.
ITEM (7) Letter from G. M. Farrow, Director, Plans Administration Branch,
Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affaire
plus enclosure, reI Consente Policy Rural Areas. Filed.
ITEM (8) Letter from R. E. SimB, P. Eng., Totten SimB Hubioki Associates
Ltd., reI Home Smith Properties Limited and supplementary access.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop.
That Township Solicitor be instructed to negotiate a 12 month
option to purohase Lot 21, Registered Plan #693 from Home Smith
Properties at their book cost of approximately $8,000.00 with
the understanding by the Township that a dwelling will not be
constructed on said lot. Carried.
ITEM (9) Letter plus enolosure from B. J. McCaffery, Secretary-Treasurer,
Ontario Good Roads Association, reI 80th Anniversary Convention,
Februar-.r 25th to February 27th 1974. Referred to Road and
Bridge Colllllli.ttee.
ITEM (10) Memorandum from M. D. Trewin, Director, Subsidies Branch, Ministry
of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, reI Federal
Local In1 tiatives Progrsm 1913 1974. Clerk instructed to obtain
relevant application forms.
ITEM (11) Letter from Merrill D. Brown, O.L.S. with enclosure, reI con-
veyances from Township for Senior Citizens Housing, Part of Lot
29, Concession 5, Township of Clarke and Village of Orono. Clerk
instructed to complete deed and to request permission for Mr. WIn.
McEachern, Municipal Affairs for transfer of property from
Township of Clarke to Durhsm County Senior Citizens Lodge.
ITEM (12) Letter from D. P. Collins, District Engineer, Ministry of Trans-
portation and Communioations, reI Township of Clarke Contract.
ITEM (13) Letter from Robert A. Edmunds, Counties Engineer and Road
Superintendent with enolosed oopy of a land agreement between
Mr. Lawrenoe Hooey and the United Counties dated June 26, 1954 as
well as an acoount for p~ent of lend. Filed.
ITEM (14) Letter from P. C. Eberlee, P. Eng., Totten Sims Hubicki Assooiates
Ltd., re: meeting to discuss the need to provide inventory data on
all water and sewage systems in the Region. Enolosed also is a
copy of minutes of Meeting of Municipal and Ministry Officials -
Inventory and Report for Water and Sewerage Systems. Filed.
ITEM (15) Letter from M. D. Brown, O.L.S., reI Former Ruegger Lands - 6.409
s.cres - pt. of Lot 9, B.F. Con., Township of Clarke. Filed.
ITEM (16) Letter from A. Turner, Highway Salt Supervisor, Domtar Chemioals
Ltd. with enolosed copy of Sifto's 1973-74 season Price List.
Referred to Road and Bridge ColIIIIIi. ttee.
ITEM (17) Petition for interim p~ent under the public transportation and
highway improvement aot on expenditures made in the year 1973.
Page 6. Regular Meeting of Counoil. Ootober 2nd, 1973.
ITEM (18) Letter from C. S. Pearoe, Seoretary, Orono Chamber of COlIDDeroe,
re: Thank you for grant. Filed.
ITEM (19) Report from the Orono Figure Skating Club, re: lottery. Filed.
ITEM (20) Memorandum from the Fire Marshal, Ministry of Solioitor, General,
re: 1973 Fire Prevention Week (Ootober 7-13). Copy of the
memorandum sent to Fire Department and Filed. e
ITEM (21) Copy of a letter from Percy Thorpe, Thorpe and Trunks Construotion
Management, to E. R. Lovekin, Durham Central Agrioultural Sooiety,
re: Arena - Orone, Ontario. Filed.
ITEM (22) Memornadum from D. F. Ta;ylor, Executive Direotor, Looal Govern-
ment Services Division, re: Statutes of Ontario 1973 - 22
Elizabeth II Interim Edition - Offioe Consolidation. Clerk is
authorized to order a copy.
ITEM (23) Statement to a Queen's Park News Conferenoe from the Ministry of
Treasury, Eoonomios and Intergovernmental Affairs. Filed.
ITEM (24) Letter from H. Connolly, Subsidies Offioer, Ministry of Treasury,
Economios and Intergovernmental Affairs, re: properties acquired
by J. W. Gilbert - tax rebate under the Farm Tax Reduotion
Program. Refer to Treasurer for reply.
ITEM (25) Memorandum from A. O. Dalrymple, P. Ag., Agrioultural Represent-
ative, Durham County, Ministry of Agrioulture and Food, re:
Agrioultural Code of Practioe for Ontario. Filed.
ITEM (26) Letter from The Consumers' Gas Company, re: inorease, effective
September 1, 1973 with enolosed applioation to the Ontario Energy
Board by The Consumers' Gas Company seeking to amend the
Applioation to permit the Company to oolleot from oustomers these
inoreases in its oost of gas. Filed.
ITEM (27) Letter reoeived from H. R. :Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke
Planning Board with enolosed resignation of Doug Moffatt. Tabled
for next meeting.
ITEM (28) 3M Canada Limited Statement - Referenoe RR04794. Filed.
ITEM (29) Notices of Assessment of property owned by Clarke Township. Filed.
ITEM (30) Inorease of interest rate on loan from the Canadian Imperial
Bank of COlIDDeroe. Referred to Treasurer. Filed.
ITEM (31) Copies of letters from Page and Kamin, and from H. DeWith to
Page and Kamin, re: Mosport Park Limited. Refer to Seotion 1,
Item (7)(a).
ITEM (32) Copy of a memorandum from H. Connolly, Subsidies Officer, Ministry
of Treasury, Eoonomios and Intergovernmental Affairs, re: 1972
Farm Tax Reduotion Program. Filed.
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Page 1. Regular Meeting of Oouncil. October 2nd, 1913.
ITEM (35) Notice of Public Hearings from the Oommi ttee of Adjustment were
noted and filed.
ITEM (36) Minutes of the Meetings of the Oommittee of Adjustment dated,
September 10, September 11 and September 25, 1913. Noted and filed.
ITEM (31) Letter from Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, Ohartered Accountants, reI
Regional Government - appointment of auditors. Filed.
ITEM (38) Motion Pictures Service - D. 1111 - Walt Disney Films. Refer to
Section 1, Item (4)(a).
ITEM (39) Pamphlet from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental
Affairs. Filed.
ITEM (40) 21st Annual A.O.H.A. Oonference. Filed.
ITEM (1) Mr. J. O. Tamblyn and amenning :By-Law #1756.
Moved by Robert G. Ohater, seconded by K. Entwisle.
Ylhereas this Council deem it advisable to amend By-Law No. 1156 in
respect of minimum setback from centre line of Oounty Road No.1.
Now be it therefore resolved that a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 1156
be given a first and second reading. Oarried.
A By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1156.
',oIllli!R1<!Afl the Municipal Oouncil of the Oorporation of The Township of
Olarke deems it advisable to amend By-Law Number 1156.
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Oounoil of the Oorporation of the Township
of Olarke ENACTS as follows:
1. That the last sentenoe of paragraph (ii) of sub-seotion (a) Taunton
Road: HO-l, Seotion 2, of By-Law Number 1156 be amended by deleting
therefrom the worde "thirty-eight feet (38 r) and substituting
thereto the words seventy-six feet (16') so that the last sentenoe
shall now read as follows:
"the minimum setback from oentre line of Oounty Road No.1 shall be
16 feet".
2. This By-Law shall beoome effective on the date hereof subject to
reoeiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.
Moved by R. G. Ohater, seconded by K. Entwisle that the aforenoted
By-Law be given a third reading, passed, ll11llIbered as By-Law #1160,
signed and the seal of the Township of Olarke affixed thereto. Oarried.
ITEM (2) Alton & Valerie Smith. reI amenning :By-Law #1734.
'D'C'C!nT .nmTn1.T 1.Tn , t:o.
p~ 8. Regular Meeting of Council. October 2nd, 1973.
A By-Law to amend By-Law Number 1653.
WfW,RRAfl the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke deems it advisable to amend By-Law Number 1653, as amended.
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the To'llllship
of Clarke ENACTS as follows:
1. That By-Law 1134 be and is hereby repealed.
2. That Map 2 of Schedule "A" of By-Law Number 1653 be amended by
changing to "OS-2" the zone symbol of the lands so designated on
Schedule "OS-2" attached hereto.
3. That Section 9 of By-Law Number 1653 be amended by adding thereto
the following subsection:
(b) Concession 3. Lot 6: OS-2
In addition to the provisions referred to in Section 9,
subsections 1 and 2 hereof, the land designated OS-2
on Schedule "OS-2" hereto attached shall be subject to
the following conditions:
The land shall be used for no other purposes than
those sho'llll on Schedule "OS-2".
4. This By-Law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to
receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle that the foregoing
by-law be given a third reading, passed, numbered as by-law #1761,
signed and the seal of the TO'llllship of Clarke affixed thereto.
ITEM (3) Newtonville and IllUlllination of Flap: Pole.
The Clerk reported on a discussion with Mr. Doug Tideman of
Ontario Hydro pertaining to this matter. Mr. Tideman had
stated that as the illumination of the fl8€ pole was not
direotly a part of the street lighting system he would suggest
that the To'llllShip obtain the advioe of a looal eleotrioian.
Moved by C. A. Reid, seoonded by R. G. Chater that this matter
be referred to K. Entwisle for further attention in acoordanoe
wi th Mr. Tideman' s suggestions. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by G. H. Heykoop that this meeting
do now reoess and to reoonvene at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting reoessed acoordingly at 5:00 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 7:30 p.m.
Page 9. Regular Meeting of Council. October 2nd, 1973.
ITEM (3) Finance Committee.
Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle.
Whereas the accounts for the month of September, as submitted by
the Treasurer have been examined and found to be in order
Now be it therefore resolved that this Council approve the
following vouchers and the same are hereby authorized by the
signing officers of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke
for payment.
General Department - Voucher No. 9
Road Department - Voucher No. 9
Orono Police Village - Voucher No. 9
43,247.18 Carried.
ITEM (4) Clerk.
(i) Second Well in Orono.
The Clerk reported that the reference plan illustrating the
disposal of the Township property, pertaining to the closed
road allowance between concessions 4 and $, Village of Orono
had been deposited as plan No. 10R224. Mr. M. D. Brown,
O.L.S., had suggested that the Township Solicitor verify
that a grant of the right of WB<{ over those parts
designated as part 7, 8 end 10 on said plan 10R224 is
necessary before its inclusion in the abovs description.
This matter was refe=ed to the attention of the Reeve.
(11) Official Plan & Rice Construction.
Information received from Mr. John Farrow's office indicated
that Mr. Farrow would be awa;y on holida;ys until October 1$,
1973. However, a Mrs. Julia Bryant from the same office
stated that a draft Official Plan could be modified by
the Minister or by Council at anytime prior to receiving
the approval of the Minister.
ITEM (1) Orono Hockey Mothers and application for a lottery licence.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater.
That the Clerk: be authorized to issue a licence, within the
authority granted under regulations of Order-in Council 274/10,
to the Orono Hockey Mothers to conduct a raffle lottery held on
the last da;y of Stanley Cup Hockey Pla;yoff - and the total of
prizes not to exceed $3,$00.00 Carried.