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Page 3. Regular Meeting of Council. September 18th, 1973.
Con. 1 and further that this Council authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to report this decision to the appropriate govern-
ment authorities and to begin negotiations with the said
authorities and to submit a report to Council concerning
the progress of negotiations.
ITEM (3) Omitted from page 2.
In accordance with instructions received from Colmcil at the
regular meeting on September 4, 1973, Mr. Sims IlUbm1tted his
report and recollllllBndation concerning the untravelled partion
of the road allowance between lots 4 and $, con. 8.
Councillor G. H. Heyicoop requested that a recorded vote be taken
on the foregoing Resolution.
Deputy Reeve Entwisle na;y
Councillor R. G. Chater yea
Councillor Reid yea
Councillor Heylcoop na;y
Reeve Woodyard yea
Reeolution No. 1$6 was carried.
RESOLU'fiON NO. 11)7
Moved by G. H. Heylcoop, seconded by Charles A. Reid.
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on September 19th,
1973 at 9:30 a.m., or at another time at the call of the
Reeve. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:1$ p.m.
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Council Chambers, Orono
Wednesda;y September 19, 1973. 9:30 am.
continued from September 18, 1913
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- G. H. Heylcoop
- C. A. Reid
Clerk - H. R. :Best
ITEM (1) Memorand1llD from G. Leighton Thompson, Regional Assesement
Page 1. Regular Meeting of Council. September 19th, 1973.
ITEM (3) Copies of letters from J. M. McIlroy, A.H.C.T., Clerk-Atlministrator,
Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to Mr. Roy C. Forrester, Orono
Weekly Times, The Reporter, Canadian Statesman and Election Notice to
be placed in their next issues. Filed.
ITDI (4) Memorandum from the Government Collllllittee on Restructuring of Public
Utilities, reI general principles governing the restruoturing
eleotrical utili ties required to ensure continuing provision of
electrioal servioe. Copy of memorandum to Orono Hydro System and
I'l.'m (5) CoIIlIIli ttee of Adjus'bnent - Notice of Publio Hearing. Filed.
I'l.'m (6) Letter from B. J. Ksmin regarding arrears in Realty and Business Taxes
pertAining to his client, Mosport Park Limited.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop.
Whereas a letter dated September 5th, 1973 directed to the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke from Page and Ksmin, Solicitors, regarding
Mosport Park Limited has been received,
And whereas this letter requests that nothing further be done to
collect arrears in Mosport Park's business taxes until July 1st,
It is resolved that the Treasurer is hereby instructed to advise
Page and Ksmin by mail that this Council cannot conform to this
request. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that Mr. E. R.
Lovekin, Township Solicitor be requested to prepars and present
as soon as possible to Council, a revised :By-Law pertaining to
The Lord's ~ Act and with specifio referenoe to Mosport Park
Limited. Carried.
ITEM (1) Letter from.Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited, reI Home Smith
Properties Ltd. with enolosed report on oonstruction progress to
August 31st, 1913.
ITEM (8) Letter from P. C. Eberlee, Engineer, Township of Clarke, reI
feasibility study of a water supply system in the hamlet of
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that Mr. Eberlee be
authorized to proceed with a feasibility study of a water supply
system in the hamlet of Newtonville describing the major elements
and the assooiated capital costs. The report to be submitted
within the terms of reference as stated in Mr. Eberlee's letter.
ITEM (9)
Letter from R. E. Sims, P. Eng., Totten Sims Hubicki Assooiates
Limited, re: Drainage & Erosion, Lot 6 & 1, Con. 8 with enclosed
report concerning Drainage and Erosion. Copies of report to be
sent to interested parties.
TfI11l1M "0' T...",,,,...,. ~m .T_ P_ RmlAAAL P_ ]i]ng.. Assistant Rerlonal Enrlneer.
Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council. September 19th, 1913.
I!J!EK (12) Letter from M. L. Ross, Superintendent of Roads, reI llridge over
Wilmot Creek, Con. 3, Lot 32 & 33. Refer to Resolution No. IS4.
I'l'EK (13) Letter from :MUnicipal Plsmning Consultants, reI consulting services.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that this account be
approved for p/liYlllent. Carried.
I'l'EK (14) Letter from John E. L. Farrow, Munioipal PJsmning Consultants, reI
Smith Rezoning/Dairy Rezoning. Filed.
Ii'EM (lS) Letter from C. R. Grq, District Manager, Ministry of N._al
Reaeurces, reI approval of location of Stream Diversion, Part Lot
16, concession 3, Township of Clarke. Refer to Road and llridge
I'l'EK (16) Letter from WID. McLeod, Manager, Programs Section, Ministry of
~asury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, reI municipal
unconditional grants act 1913 per capita grants. Copy to Walter
Pope, Auditor. Filed.
ITPJIl (17) Letter from A. J. Forsyth, Supervisor, Ministry of the Environment,
reI Township of Clarke )Police Village of Orono) Water Works
Project. Referred to Clerk.
ITEM (18) Copy of a letter from K. C. Andrews, Secretary, Ontario Municipal
Board, reI appeal by the Clarke Township PlATIning Board from a
decision of the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Clarke
(Submission A 21-72-11). Filed.
ITEM (19) Letter from Clyde L. Lewis, reI copies of Mr. Caspari's letter of
September 24, 1969, re a road to property. Referred to Clerk.
ITEM (20) Letter from S. ll. White, R.P.F., Resources Manager, Genaraska
Region Conservation Authority, reI application for building permit
Lot 31, Con. 3 - Property Roll No. 3-283. Filed.
I'l'EK (21) Township of Darlington and application to the Ontario Municipal
Board - lly-Law #2518. Definitions and regulations, regarding the
number, location, type and size of signs permitted in the Township.
ITEM (22) Township of Darlington and application to the Ontario Municipal
Board - lly-Law #2519. lly-Law 2519 defines and regulates swimming
pools. Filed.
ITJiM (23) Letter from George E. lllears, Addressograph Service Representative,
reI addressograph equipment. Filed.
ITEM (24) Copy of a letter from R. W. Goody, Ministry of Revenue, reI
alphabetical listing of the special roll entries. Filed.
ITEM (25) Copy of a letter from Cecil E. Heal, Verification Review Officer,
Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs,
reI 1971-72 employment incentive program. Filed.
ITEM (26) Letter from J. C. Scullion, Tax Agent, :Bell Canada with enclosed
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Page 3. Regular Meeting of Counoil. September 19th, 1973.
1m! (29) Letter from Paul ll. Lawrenoe, P. Eng., Marine & Coastal Inspeotion,
reI shoreline property assistance act 1973. Filed.
1m! (:30) Memorandum from Ministry of Labour, reI The Construction Safety
Act 1973. Copy to Road Superintendent. Filed.
r.I!EM (31) Letter from P; G. llelling, Contingency PJAnning Offioer, Ministry e
of the Environment with enclosed oopy of the report entitled
"The Provinoe of Ontario Contingency Plan for Spills of Oil
and Other Hazardous Materials". Filed.
1m! (32) Letter from Robert E. llee, PJ..nning Department, Marshall Macklin
Mon~An Ltd., reI Pits and Quarries Control Act as of August
15th, 1973. Filed.
1m! (33) Ontario llusiness Incentive Program lIilmini stered by The Development
Corporations of the Government of Ontario. Filed.
1m! (.34) Order form for 1974 Dog Tags from Toronto Stamp Ltd, Toronto.
Refer to Steering Committee.
r.I!EM (35) Salary Survey of Offioials and Jimployees in Munioipalities with a
population of under 10,000 from the Association of Municipalities
of Ontario. Refe=ed to Clerk.
1m! (36) Letter from F. A. MacKenzie, Resident Manager, Domtar Paok88ing
Limited, reI dust suppressor. Also enolosed 1973 Rate Structure
as established by a local trucking company and information on
lly-Product. Filed.
1m! (37) Ontario Fire College llooklet. Refer to Orono Police Trustees.
1m! (38) Fire Marshals Quarterly News llooklet. Filed.
1m! (39) llrochure on Canron CSA Service Line Tubing. Filed.
1m! (40) Letter from R. W. Goody, Ministry of Revenue with enolosed news-
paper ad oovering prooedures for assesament appeal. Filed.
1m! (41) Copy of a letter from W. E. Rundle , Clerk-Administrator, Darlington
to Mr. R. Vlhyte, President, llowmsnville Chamber of Commerce, reI
request for consideration of a vote on the name of the new area
municipality. Filed.
1m! (42) Letter from C. R. Grlllf, Distriot Manager, Ministry of Natural
Resources, reI Pits and Quarries. Enclosed is a list of
To1mships designated as land to which The Pits and Quarries Control
Aot applies. Copy to Road and llridge Committee. Filed.
1m! (43) Copy of a report from William Trow Associates to J. Ochonski, reI
said investigation on part lot 29, oon. 5. Filed.
1m! (44) Copy of a report from William Trow Assooiates to J. Oohonski, reI
said investigation on part lot 33, oon. 5. Filed.
1m! (1) Clarke Fish and Conservation Club.
Page 4. Reglllar Meeting of Co1U1Cil. September 19th, 1913.
ITEM (2) Consideration of a by-law to lioence and reglllate mobile food
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that no fllrther
action be taken in this matter. Carried.
ITEM (3) :By-Law to designate the 7th line road, from the Leskard Road east
to Kirby, as a thro1lgh road.
RmOLll'lION NO. 159
Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle.
A draft of a by-law to designate the 7th line road as a thro1lgh
road from the Leskard Road east to Highwau 35 and 115.
EEl it therefore resolved that the aforenoted by-law be given
a first and second reading. Carried.
:By-Law N1IIIlber
WR'Ii!R1i!A!l C18lllle 33 of Sllbsection 1 of Section 1 of The Highwau Traffic Act
(R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 202) provides that: -
"thro1lgh high~" means any high~ or part of a
high~ designated as S1lch by the Minister or by
by-law of a IIIllllicipality approved by the Ministry
and every S1lch high~ shall be marked by a stop
sign or yield right-of-w~ sign in compliance with
the reglllations of the Ministry.
NOW "'H.:tf1i!1i'OiE the Council of the Corporation of the MIUlicipality of The
Township of Clarke enacts as follows:-
1. The following highw~ or parts of hi~ under the jUisdiction of
the M1mi:ipali ty of The Township of Clarke are designated as thro1Igh
Name of High~ - that part of the road allowance between concessions
6 and 7
From -
the east side of Leakard Road
the west side of King's Highwa.'y #35 and 115
2. The designation in Section 1 of this by-law of a high~ or part of a
high~ as a thro1Igh highwau shall not incl1l.de any intersection thereon
where the road intersected is a King's Highwa;r, or where traffic
control signals are installed.
3. The penalties provided in Section 152. of The Highw~ Traffic Act shall
apply to offences against this by-law.
4. This by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry
of Transportation and Comlllllllications.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the aforenoted
bY-law be riven a third rea.dirut. nassed. numbered as bv-IlLw JlI7E;S.
Page 5. Regalar Meeting of C01ll10il. September 19th, 1973.
ITEM (5) By-Law to adopt an Offioial Plan of the Clarlte Planning Area.
BESOLll'rION NO. 160
Whereas on the 23rd d.q of A1I8ut, 1973, the Clarlte Planning
Board have reOOllllllended that the revised draft of the Offioial
Plan be adopted by the Counoil of the Township of Clarlte as the
Offioial Plan for the Clarke Planning Area.
Now be it therefore resolved that this Counoil hereby give a
firet and seoond reading to a by-law to adopt this Offioial Plan.
By-Law N1IIIlber
A By-Law to adopt an Offioial Plan
of the Clarlte Planning Area.
The C01Uloil of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, in acoordanoe
with the provisions of The Planning Aot, R.S.O., 1970, end amendments
thereto, hereby enacts as follows:
1. The Offioial Plan of the Clarke Planning Area, oOlllprising the
attached SohedvJ.e and explanatory text, which has been reoOllDllended
by the Clarke Planning Board, is hereby adopted.
2. The Clerk is hereby allthorized end direoted to make Iqlpl1oation to
the Trea.nrer of Ontario and Minister of EoonOlllios and Intergovern-
mental Affairs for the approval of this Offioial Plan of the Clarke
PI anni ng Area.
3. This llJr-Law shall not come into foroe or take effeot 1II1til approved
by the Trea.nrer of Ontario end Minister of EconOlllios and Inter-
gove1'Illllental Affairs.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by R. G. Chater that the By-Law to
adopt the Offioial Plan be given a third reading, passed, J11IIIIbered
as llJr-Law #1757, signed end the Township of Clarke seal affixed thereto.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by G. H. Heykoop that Mim10ipal Planning
Cons1ll tants Ltd. be requested to provide suffioient copies of the
Offioial Plan, as required by the Minister, to accompany this Counoil's
submission to the Ministry of Treasury, Economios and Intergovernmental
Affairs for approval of this Offioial Plan. Carried.
Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this meeting now
reoess and to reconvene at 1:)0 p.m.
Meeting reoessed acoordingly at 12:20 p.m.
Meeting reoonvened at 1: 30 p.m.
ITEM (6) llJr-Law to rezone to an Ml oategory, approximately 7 acres of land
owned by the Township end situte in Lot 9, B.l'. Con.
BESOLll'rION NO. 161
Page 6. Regular Meeting of Council. September 19th, 1913.
A lly-Law to amend lly-Law ~ber 1653.
WIfIilR1i!A!': the Mllni.cipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke deems it advisable to amend lly-Law ~ber 1653, as amended.
NOW 'I'HI<HJ;:1i'QllE the Mw:Iicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke ENACTS as follows:
1. That.Map 2 of Schedule "A" to lly-Law ~ber 1653 be amended by
c1......g:ll'lg to "MI.-l" the zone s)'lllbol of lands so designated on
Schedule "yn attached hereto.
2. That Section 8 of lly-Law ~ber 1653 be emsnded by adding thereto
the following sl&bsection 3:
(a) Newtonville Road Ml-l
Notwithstanding ezJY' other provisions of lly-Law No. 1653
to the contrary, lande zoned "MI.-l" on .Map 2 of Schedll.l.e
"A" and shown on Schedule llyn attached hereto, shall
be used for no $her purpose than an indutrial
b1lilding, sv.bject to the following provisions:
(i) That no more than 10,000 gallons of water per
~ shall be taken from ezJY' lake, stream, well
or reservoir;
(ii) That no water taken from ezJY' lake, stream, well
or reservoir and utilized in ezJY' WIIiY in the
manufacturing process, shall be discharged in
such msnner that it flowe olltside the boundary
of the said lands, either above or below ground
(iii) (iii) That ezJY' privately owned sewage disposal system
does not discharge efflu.ent in sllch msnner that
it flows outside the boundary of the said lands,
either above or below ground level;
(iv) The muaber of persons employed on the said land
shall be in accordance with the regulations of,
and nbject to the approval of the Haliburton,
Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit.
3. This lly-Law shall become effective on the date hereof Bllbject to
receiving the approval of the Ontarb Mw:Iicipal Board.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the aforenoted by-law
be given a third reading, passed, muabered as by-law #1759, signed
and the seal of the Township of Clarke affixed thereto. Carried.
ITEM (7) lly-Law #1756 (J. C. Tamblyn, Lot 27, Con. 6).
This lly-Law was brought forward to consider a letter of objection
dated September 4, 1973 and signed by Robert A. Edmunds, Counties
Engineer on behalf of the Counties Road and Bridge Committee.
Page 7. Regular Meeting of Council. September 19th, 1913.
ITEM (8) lly-Law 1/1734 (Alton and Valerie Smith, Lot 6, Con. 3).
This by-law was brought forward to consider a revised site plan
to accomp~ and form part of the amending by-law, as suggested
by Miss J. Darrell, Senior Planner, Plans Ailministration :Branch
and preparsd by Mr. John Farrow, Planning Consultant.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. G. Chater that this
by-law be tabled for the nsxt regular meeting of Council on
October 2, 1973. Carried.
ITEM (1) Reeve.
Reeve Woodyard submitted a verbal report on the fOllOwing
matters currently before Council.
(i) A meeting with Mr. Looney, Canadian Transport Commission,
and H. DeWi th, Treasurer regarding the 3rd line crossing
and the Wade :Bridge project.
(ii) A meeting with Mr. Walter Pope, Township Auditor and H.
DeWith, Treasurer, regarding the Capital and Term
loans of the Orono Police Village.
ITEM (2) Clerk.
The Clerk verbally reported on the progress of the second well
for Orono Police Village, stating that a survey had been
completed by M. D. :Brown, O.L.S. and would be deposited in the
Registry Office in the near future.
A legal description of the lands involved was forthcomiIlg.
ITEM (1) Mr. E. R. Lovekin, :B.A..,LL.B., Barrister and Solicitor, and
Mr. Charles Ewert appeared before Council on behalf of Rice
Construction Company Limited.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle that this meeting
go into Committee of the whole Council to hear Mr. Lovekin end
Mr. Ewert. Carried.
Mr. Lovekin end Mr. Ewert addressed Council regarding a
possible conflict of intent between the draft Official Plan
as adopted by Council on September 19, 1913 (lly-Law # )
and Resolution #156 passed by Council on September 18, 1913
whereby Council approved in principle, the proposal by Rice
Construction Comp~ Limited for a Retirement Home Park.
Mr. Lovekin submitted, for Council's consideration, a draft
resolution reI "Official Plan and Rice Proposal".
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle that this
Committee rise and sit in Counci. Carried.
P~ 8. Regular Meeting of Council. September 19, 1913.
ITEM (2) Newtonville and Illumination of Flag Pole.
Mr. K. Entwisle reported that, on numerous occasions, the nag
at the Newtonville War Memorial had been damaged or destroyed
by vandals.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that the Clerk
obtain information from Ontario Hydro regarding the feasibility
of providing a type of illumination for the nag pole and
War Memorial at Newtonville which would have the effect of
deterring future vandalism. Carried.
RESOLU'.rIOllT NO: 162
Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle.
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on October 2, 1913
at 10:00 a.IIl., or at another time at the call of the Reeve.
The meeting adjourned accordingly at 4:45 p.m.
,J-AM_n.. .. G-. B.uJ:
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Tuesda;r, October 2, 1913 at 10:00 a.m.
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- C. A. Reid
- G. H. Heykoop
Clerk - H. R. Best
Moved by C. A. Reid, eeconded by G. H. Heykoop that this meeting go into
Committee of the whole Council to receive all delegations. Carried.
ITEM (1) Mr. ROltElr Carr. Solicitor. Port Hope.
Mr. Carr on behalf of Mr. Howard Pa;rne of R. R. #3, Newcastle,
addressed Council in respect of a proposed mobile retirement home
park in the south parts of lots 1 &: 2, broken front concession.
Each member was presented with a written submission dated
October 2, 1973 and under the heading "Durhem Mobile Retirement
Home Development", property owned and to be developed by: Howard
Pa;rne, R. R. #3, Newcastle, Ontario.
ITEM (2) Mr. Murray Payne. Newtonville.
M,.._ 'PA.V1'1A RAnllART.Ad Council 'to nnnRidsr tlARiD'l'lA:i:inD'_ 'fn,. nmnl Ai;