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Page 3. Regular Council Heeting of November 21, 1972, cont'd.
3'7. Civic - The Public Works l<lagazine. Filed. Carried.
3,3. Pine Ridge Travel Guide & Directory. Filed. Carried.
39. The Forest Scene published by the Ontario Forest Information Service.
Filed. Carried.
The follovling Resolutions \'lOre passed:
Rnsolution No. H.6:110ved by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth.
This Council hereby authorizes the Treasurer to transfer an amount rta' C'
$4,060.$0 fror.1 "Reserve for Replacement of Road EquipmenttT (account
No. 180-2) to the Road Depart;ment (account No .320) . Carried.
RpRolution No. lh7:Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by W. R. Carveth.
This Council hereby appol.nts Hr. E. R. F. Osborne .to the Committee
of Adjustment for another term of.3 years. Carried.
Rp,qollli.ion No.. lh8:Moved by E. C. Coppi.ng, seconded by R. G. Chater.
Thi.s Councj.l hereby gives consent to the Brovm1s Community
Association to hold a monthly raffle and a weekly Bingo on the premises
known as the Bro\'m's Community Hall (formerly BrO\~n's School) Vl.:ithjn
the 'I'o\VJ:lship of Clarke, provided that approval i.s given by the Province
of Ontario Lot teri.es Branch by ,'laY of a licence. Carried.
RpRolution No. lL9:Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by R. G. Chater.
This Council hereby objects strongly to all the rate increases
requested by Bell Telephone Company of' Canada and 11m so instruct the
Clerk to send a copy of' this resolui,ion to the Canadian Transport
Commiss10n. Carried.
Rcso'llltion No 1 'iO:Moved by W. ,P. Carveth, seconded by E. C. Copping.
This counCilpere y adjourns to meet again on December 15, 19'72
at 10:00 a.m. or at 6ther time at the call o~' the Reeve.
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Clerk- i'strator. Reeve.
Friday, December 15, 1972 at 10 a.m.
Counc11 Chambers, Orono
Present: Reeve - J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve - W. R. Carveth
Councillors - F. A. Gray
E. C. Copping
Clerk-Administrator - B. W. Collins
Mr. R. G. Chater was absent due to illness.
The minutes of the Regular Council meeti.ng held on November 21, 1972
were adopted as printed on a motion by Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth and
seconded by Councillor F. A. Gray and carried.
nApllt.~t~ionR {f PAtit,ionR:Motion by F. A. Gray and seconded by E. C. Copping
that the various delegat10ns be heard.
1. J. Stutt, re: Representat1ve Bowmanville Hospital Board. Mot1on by
W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray that this Council recownends to
the new Counc11 (1973) that ~~. J. Stutt be again appointed to the
}.lemorial Hospital Board in Bowmanville as Clarke 1 s r.epre sent at.i ve.
Reeve and Council congratulated Mr. Stutt for a job well done.
The following correspondence was tabled from last meeting:
1. Newsletter from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario re:
1973 annual meeting and tri-level conf'erence. Tabled.
Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council, December 15, 1972
2. Letter from Bernard J. Kamin of Page and Kamin, Barristers & Sol-
icitors, re: Mosport Park Limited. Tabled.
3. Letter from Mr. D. J. Atkinson of McComiskey & Atkinson, Barristers
(~Solicitors, re: Marvin Sale to Patte, Part Lot 32, Concession 7,
Township of Clarke-re amending by-law #1729. Tabled.
4. Letter from A. J. Forsyth, Municipal Projects Section, Ministry of
the Environment, re: Township of Clarke (Police Village of Orono) Water
Works Project #6-0223-71. Tabled.
5. Letter from Tilley, Carson & Findlay, re: Clyde L. Lewis. Tabled.
The following correspondence was presented to Council:
1. Letter from Swartz & Swartz, re: Ochonski, Part of Lot 22, Con. 1,
Township of Clarke-Change of Water Course Stephenson Side Road, Parcel
15. Refer to Solicitor. Carried.
la. Hill & Friend. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
2. Notices of Public Hearings from Committee of Adjustment. File. Carried.
3. A brief on the Extension of the Powers of County Councils from the
Corporation of the Township of Saltfleet - Gordon H. Dean, Reeve.
Tabled. Carried.
4. Circular 72-116 from the Ministry of Transportation and Communic-
ations Ontario re: Agreement for Consulting Professional Engineering
Services Municipal Road and Bridge Projects. Filed. Carried.
5. Memorandum from Frank Wansbrough, Mayor, City of Windsor, re: Essex
County Flood Relief Fund. Filed. Carried.
6. Letter from N. E. Neilans, District Maintenance Engineer, Ministry
of Transporation and Communications, re: Highway No.2 - Intersection -
Stapleton's Road. Filed. Carried.
7. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, re: Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, Township
of Clarke, in the County of Durham, Tabled. Carried.
8. Letter from Orono Home & School Association, re: first Township
road west of Orono. Filed. Carried.
9. Memorandum from Scott C. Somerville, Financial Management AdVisor,
Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, re:
financial information. Filed. Carried.
10. Letter from H. DeWith, Treasurer, re: Municipalities in the United
Counties of Northumberland & Durham Selected Financial Information at
December 31, 1971 Respecting Current Operating Position Tax Arrears.
Filed. Carried.
11. Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Clarke Planning
Board, Thursday, November 16, 1972. Filed. Carried.
12. Letter from Irving Gleiberman of Sandler, Gordon & Gleiberman,
Barristers &- Solicitors, re: Clarke Fishing and Conservation Club.
Tabled andv~ite a letter stating it has been referred to new Council.
"13. Letter from M. B. Kelly of Barber & Kelly, re: Application of Nick
Dyriw for rezoning, your file 71-26, by-law #1738. Filed. Carried.
14. Letter from Thomas n. Greer, of Greer and Zubkavich, re: part of
Lot 19, Concession 3. Refer to Clerk to write letter advising that
Council at this time is not going to open this road allowance at this
particular time as we have no money. Carried.
15. Report of Live Stock Valuer of L. M. Hallowell. Refer to Accounts.
16. Provisional Certificate of Approval for a Waste. Disposal Site,
Provisional Certificate Number 3111.04. Filed. Car.ried.
17. Memo from H. F. Humphries, Deputy Registrar General, re: Manual of
Instructions to Division Registrars. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
18. Letter from K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, Northumberland & Durham with
enclosed copies of By-LavJS #2324 and 2325. Filed. Carried.
19. Letter from Howard Fox with enclosure from Gambin, Bratty, Chiappetta,
Morassutti, Caruso, re: Mastrodicasa purchase from Allin, Part of Lot 24,
Concession 7, Twp. of Clarke, County of Durham. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
20. Memorandum from Hugh A. Crothers of the Task Force on Policing in
Ontario, rei Task Force. Filed. Carried.
21. Notice to Creditors of' Carl George Arthur Galbraith's Application for
Discharge from Yale & Partners, Chartered Accountants. Refer to
Treasurer. Carried.
Page 3. RegQlar Meeting of Council, December 15, 1972.
22. Carbon copy of a letter from J. D. Beaton, Secretary, Railway
Transport Committee, re: Proposed closing of crossing of Township Road,
mile 283.76 Kingston Subdivision, C.N.R. Refer to Road Superintendent
to answer. Carried.
Motion by VI. R. Carveth, seconded by r. A. Gray that COUIlCil
adjourn for lunch at 12 noon. Reconvened at 1:30 p.m.
Mr. Ross appeared at 1:45 p.m. to discuss Road Department Business. tit
l"'lI's. .J. Ph.Ulis appeared before Council at 2:30 p.m. complaining
that the roads are not looked after properly. Reeve Stone explained
that the Township iT trying to repair all roads on a regular basis. Mr.
Ross says the roads are plowed regularly or when called for. She
(~~s. PDillis) said her road. was a mess and not looked after properly.
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23. Letter I'rom V. E. Conway vlith enclosure for W. D.. Rat z of the Ministry
of TranGporation and CommunicationG, re: assumption of highway, Town-
shi.ps of Clarke and /l-lanvers, County of Durham, Highway 35, Plan P-2390-
44. Refer to Clerk - no objecti.on by Councilor Road Department.
24. Form to complete, re: J.hmicipali.ty. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
25. Copy of a memo to K. C. Andrews, Secretary, Ontar.i.o Hunicipal Board,
re: ReGtricted Area Appeal, LeO .J. BoiGvert and Bella M. Boisvert vs.
The Township of Clarke. Refer to Planning Board. Carried.
26. Letter from A. N. Luis, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, re: The
Tile Drainage Program. Filed. Carri.ed.
27. Letter from J. D. Beaton, Secretary, Telecommunication Committee,
re: resolution in opposition to Bell Canada's recent application for
increases in its rates and charges, Filed. Carried..
215. Guidleines respecting Job Advertising f'rom the Ministry of Labour.
Filed. Carried.
29. Information re: O.G.R.A. 79th Anniversary Convention, February 26th,
27th, 28th, 1973 from t,{le Ontario Goods Roads ASGoc.iatj on. Tabled.
30. Copy of letter to Tecton Design from G. F. Hutchings, Chief, Public
Health Inspector, re: restaurant on highway 115, Lot 24, Con. 15.
Tabled. Carried.
31. Memo from the Mini stry of Treasury, Economi.cG & Intergovernmental
Affairs, re: 1972 Farm Tax Reduction Program. Refer to Treasurer. Carried.
32. Special Meeting in Cormnittee Mi.nutes of the Clarke Planning Board,
Tuesday, November 215,1972. Filed. . Carried.
33. Special Meeting of the Clarke Planning Board, minutes of Saturday,
November 18, 1972. Piled. Carried.
34. Letter from Robert Couchman, Pre sident, Mental Heal thjOntari.o, re:
grant for 1973. Tabled. Carried.
35. Letter from H. A. Hawthorne of the Ministry of Transportati.on &
Communications, re: Aud.it Adjustment for One-Way Plow. Filed. Carried.
36. Statement as at December 1,1972 from the Public Library, Orono.
Filed. Carried.
37. Letter from H. R. BeGt, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board,
re: 19'72 Salary for Secretary of Clarke Planning Board. Refer to
Treasurer. Carri.ed.
38. Letter from N. Mika, President of' Mika Publishinp" Re: Dictionary of
Ontario. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
39. Fortnighter, 17th year of Publication from M. Rash, President, M. Rash
& Company Limited. Pi.led. Carried.
40. Pamphlet on a Conference on ',{orld Trade Trends. Filed. Carried.
1+1. Employment Incentive Program 19'72-1973. Tabled. Refer to New Council.
42. Ontario from the Ministry of Industry [,. Tourism. Refer to Clerk.
43. Opinion Canada. Filed. Carried.
44. Letter from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, re:
Application by Bell Canada date November 10, 1972; Intervention of the
Association of Municipalities. Tabled. Carried.
45. Report to Council from Building Inspector for Month of November.
Page 4. Regular Council Meeting, December 15, 1972
46. Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment Meeting, Thursday,
December 7, 1972. Filed.
47. Minutes of the Cemetery Board Meeting held December 11, 1972.
Refer to Clerk to send letter of thanks. Carried.
48. Forms from the Ministry of Industry and Tourism to be completed
to show listings of industrial development during 1972 in the Com-
munity. Tabled. Carried.
49. Christmas card from Greer Galloway and Associates Limited to the
Reeve and Members of Council. Filed.
50. Report of' the Select Committee on the Ontario Municipal Board 1972.
Filed. Carried.
51. Civic, The Public Works Magazine. Filed. Carried.
52. Letter from John E. L. Farrow, M.T.P.l.C., Munici,pal Planning
Consultants, reI zoning by-law amendments 1729, 1730, 1734, 1737 and
1738, Township of Clarke, File:PN 3530. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
53. Clarke Planning Board. Filed. Carried.
54. Letter from C.P. Rail, W. H. Somerville. Refer to Treasurer.
55. Application for re-zoning. Refer to Planning Board. Carried.
BY-LAW #17L.~
A by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke to constit-
ute and appoint a committee of adjustment.
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to constitute and appoint a
committee of adjustment as provided by The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1970,
Chapter 349, Section 41(1),
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke enacts as follows:
1. That the following persons who, not being members of the
Councilor employees of the Municipality or of a local board thereof,
shall constitute and are hereby appointed as members of the Committee
of Adjustment:
(a) Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, to hold office until January
1, 1974.
(b) Mr. K. Schoenmaker, Orono to hold of'fice until January 1,
(c) Mr. E. F. R. Osborne, R. R. #2, Newcastle, to hold office
until January 1, 1976.
Resolution No.1 S'I :Moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by E. C. Copping.
This Council hereby accepts the motion passed and approved by the
Clarke Planning Board i.e. "Moved by E. Walkey, seconded by Win.
Turansky that the secretary's salary be established at $700.00 for the
year 1972 and further that Council be respectfully requested to
authorize payment of this amount". Carried.
Resolution No. lS2:Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by F. A. Gray.
This Council hereby resolves that the following pay vouchers be and
are hereby authorized for payment by the signing officers of this
Council. General Voucher #11 for November in the amount of $2$5,058.6J.
Roads Voucher #11 for November in the amount of $21,227.62. And the
Orono Police Village Voucher #11 for November in the amount of $$,$62.66
Rosolution No. l'i'1:Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by W. R. Carveth.
This Council hereby authorizes the 1st and 2nd reading of by-law #1743
(being a by-law to constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment).
Roso'llltion No l'iiJ.:Moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by E. C. Coppi,ng.
This Council hereby authorizes the Jrd and final reading of by-law #
1743 (being a by-law to constitute and appoint a Committee of
Adjustment). Carried.
Resolut;ion No.1 'i'i:Moved by E. C. Coppi,ng, seconded by W. R. Carveth.
This Council hereby adjourns to si,ne die. Carried.