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Tuesday, November 21, 19'72, 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
Present: Reeve - J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve - W. R. CarveU1
Councillors - R. G. Chater
F. A. Gray
E. C. Copping
Clerk-Administrator - B. W. Collins
The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on Novomber 7,
1972 '_rcre adopted as printed on a motion by CO:J.nci.llor R. G. Chatel"
and seconded by Councillor E. C. Copping and carried.
DpplJt~:d-,-ions & PRtitions::notiol1 by 'rd. R. Carveth and seconded by
F. A. Gray that the various delegations be heard.
1. Mr. ~. Stutt to appear, re: Hospital Hevls. Study to be made to expana
Bowmanville Hospital. Cost of \.;acer up l52;g (13,000 toJ9,ODO per year).
Fi..nal hospital report to be presented to Council on December 15, 1972.
2. Mr. R. E. Magrath, President, Oshawa Ski Club. See item #1 -
3. Representatives from Bro'_m's Community Association. See item #lB -
4. 14r. S. Powell, re: complaint to have road sign - speed signs ,south
of Morgan's corner t.o Lakeshoro Road. Reeve Stone questioned t.he
1egalit.y of putt.ing speed signs up unless t.his was a built up area.
Suggest put. up a checkerboard or watch out for children sign. Turn over
to Road Superintendent and Road [7 Bridge Committee to check into to see
what can be done.
The following correspondence v;as tabled from last meeting:
1. Letter froon A. J. Forsyth, MJ.nicipa1 Projects Section,
the Environment, re: Township of Clarke (Police Village of
Works Pro ject #6-0223-71. Tabled. Carried.
l\ilinistry of'
Orono) Water
A card in Grateful Appreciat,ion from the Stone Family.
and filed. Carried.
':rhe follo'Vling carre spondenco was present.cd to Council:
1. Oshav;a Ski Club, Mr. R. E. ~'lagrath and Hr. Di.ck Rutherford appeared
before Cou:1cil re: item #1. Hoved by R. G. Chater, seconded by E. C.
Copping that this be turned over to the Road and Bridge Committee and
Road Superintendent to nake necessary arrangements. Carried.
1a. By-Lavl Humber 2L,-1970 from the Corporation of the City of Thunder
Say from Alex Carruthers. Received and f1.1ed. Carried.
lb. Lottery licence application from Brovm's Community Association.
Hr. D. Huether ,appeared on behalf of Brovm' s Community Association re:
discussion - raffle and bingo lieenee. See Resolution No. 148.
2. Letter from C. Saruyama, Supervisor-Planning Administration, Ontario
11unieipal Board, re: Township of Clarke - Restricted Area By-Law 1729.
Refer to Clerk. Carried.
3. Letter from C. Saruyarna, Supervisor-Planning Administration, Ontario
Municipal Board, re: Township ef Clarke - Restricted Area By-Law 1730.
Refer to Clerk. Carried.
4.. Letter f'rom C. Saruyarna, Supervisor-Planning Administration, Ontarj.o
Municipal Board, re: Township of Clarke - Restricted Area By-La'" 1734.
Refer to Clerk. Carried.
5. Report of Live Stock Valuer from L. M. Hallovlel1, Refer to 1'reasurer
for payment. Carried.
6. Carbon eopy of a letter to ~1r. L. Koenderman from ,'i. H. Parnell,
Regional Assessment Comissioner, re: appeals against assessment..
Received and filed. Carried.
7. Carbon copy of a letter frOB E. R. Lovekin, Chairman, Committee of
Adjustment to Ontario Municipal Board, re: File 5103, Appeintment for
Hearing Appeal by The Clarke TmVTlship Planning Board from a deeision of
the Committee of Adjustment of the Township of Clarke. Filed. Carried.
Page 2. Regular Council Meeting of November 21, 1972, cont'd.
3. Letter from C. Saruyama, Supervisor-Planning Administration,
Ontario Municipal Board, re: Township of Clarke - Restri.cted Area By-
Law 1737. Filed. Carried.
9. Letter from M. D. Brown with enclosure of Invoice Number 0505, re:
Ne,,rtonville Cemetery. Refer to Cemetery Board. Carried.
10. Letter from D. F. Connor, Manager-Government Relations, The Con-
sumers' Gas Company with enclosedinter:im rate order. Filed. Carried.
11. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, re: Road Closings - between road
allo,,,ances Lot 34 and 35, Concession 2 - Clarke Township. Refer to
Clerk to check i.nto. Carried.
12. Letter from .J. M. Bro\vning (Mrs.), Secretary-Treasurer, Central
Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, re: payment of levy. Refer to
Treasurer. Carried.
13. Applications for Approval of New Telephone Rates. See Resolution
objecting to rate increase. Carried.
14. Copies of the Special Meeting in Committee of the Clarke Planning
Board of Thursday, November ", 1972. Filed. Carried.
15. Invi.tations to at tend the Canadian Constructj.on Show. Filed.
16. Carbon copy of a letter from D. J. Atkinson of McComiskey &
Atkinson, Barr:Lsters & Solicitors to l'lr. J. Marvin, re: Marvin Sale
to Patte, Part Lot 32, Concession 7, Clarke To,.mship. Filed. Carr.ied.
17. Statement of Account from f.Ix-. E. R. Lovekin, re: Marvin Sale to
the Corporation of the To,mship of Clarke, Part Lots 31 and 32,
Concession $, Clarke Township. Refer to Treasurer. Carried.
15. The Great Pine Ridge lIoliday Land Reporter. Filed. Carried.
19. Letter from Hugo von Schober, re: rezoning Part of' North Half' Lot
2, Concession 1, Clarke Tovmship, County of' Durham - 40.05 acres.
Refer to Clerk. Carried.
20. Newsletter from the Association of Muni.cipal.ities of' Ontario, re:
1973 Annual Heeting and Tri-Level Conference. Tabled for January
meeting. Carried.
21. Letter from W. E. Rundle, Clerk-Admini.strator, 1'ownship of Darling-
ton, re: Election of one Member of' the Peterborough-Victoria-Northum-
berland-Durham Roman Catholic Separate School Board of Education by
Separate School Electors of Cartwright, Cavan, Clarke, Bowmanville,
Darlington, Hope, Manvers, M.dlbrook, and Newcastle. Ref'er to Clerk.
22. Letter from Barbara A. Merson, Administrator, Township of' Hope,
re: Ordinance By-Law. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
23. Copy of the Meeting oi' the Committee of' Adjustment on Monday,
November 6, 1972. Fi,led. Carried.
23a. Notice of Public Hearing - Committee of Adjustment. Filed. Carried.
2h. Announcement of J. A. Kennedy, Q.C. as Counsel \"ith Thomson, Rogers,
Barristers and Soli.citors. Filed. Carried.
25. Copy of the Ontario Municipal Board Appointment for Hearing.
Filed. Carried.
26. Hemorandum from John S. ,'lood, Ministry of the Envi.ronment, re:
Improving the Standard of Plumb-ing Inspections. Filed. Carried.
27. Letter from R. D. Huruphreys, \J.C. of Humphreys, Boychyn & Hilllllan,
Barristers & Sol:Lcitors, re: application for rezoning Prairies Auto-
mob11e Transport, Part Lot 29, Concession IV, Tovmship of Clarke,
Refer to Clerk.. Carried.
2S. Invo1ce Number 3067 from the !-1unic1pal Planning Consultants, re:
consulting services, Tmvnshi,p of' Clarke. Ref'er to Planning Board.
29. Road Department Expenditure from H. De'liith, Treasurer. Filed.
30. Letter from H. R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board,
re: By-Law 1737 and application File #72-37 (Hodge & Vooys). Refer to
Clerk. Carried.
31. Letter f'rom H. R. Best, Re: By-La\" 173$ (N. Dyriw). Rerer to
Clerk. Carried.
32. Application f'or Rezoning #72-43. Ref'er to Planning Board. Carried.
33. Clarke Planning Board, re: bill from Municipal Planning Consult-
ants. Refer to Treasurer. Carried.
31!-. Planning Board, re: S. Chapman. Council concurl"ed with Planning
Board. Filed. Carried.
35. Ontario Government Directory. Filed. Carried.
36. Booklet on the Canadian Economy in 1972-1973. Filed. Carried.
Page 3. Regular Council Heeting of November 21, 1972, cont'd.
3'7. Civic - The Public Works l<lagazine. Filed. Carried.
3,3. Pine Ridge Travel Guide & Directory. Filed. Carried.
39. The Forest Scene published by the Ontario Forest Information Service.
Filed. Carried.
The follovling Resolutions \'lOre passed:
Rnsolution No. H.6:110ved by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth.
This Council hereby authorizes the Treasurer to transfer an amount rta' C'
$4,060.$0 fror.1 "Reserve for Replacement of Road EquipmenttT (account
No. 180-2) to the Road Depart;ment (account No .320) . Carried.
RpRolution No. lh7:Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by W. R. Carveth.
This Council hereby appol.nts Hr. E. R. F. Osborne .to the Committee
of Adjustment for another term of.3 years. Carried.
Rp,qollli.ion No.. lh8:Moved by E. C. Coppi.ng, seconded by R. G. Chater.
Thi.s Councj.l hereby gives consent to the Brovm1s Community
Association to hold a monthly raffle and a weekly Bingo on the premises
known as the Bro\'m's Community Hall (formerly BrO\~n's School) Vl.:ithjn
the 'I'o\VJ:lship of Clarke, provided that approval i.s given by the Province
of Ontario Lot teri.es Branch by ,'laY of a licence. Carried.
RpRolution No. lL9:Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by R. G. Chater.
This Council hereby objects strongly to all the rate increases
requested by Bell Telephone Company of' Canada and 11m so instruct the
Clerk to send a copy of' this resolui,ion to the Canadian Transport
Commiss10n. Carried.
Rcso'llltion No 1 'iO:Moved by W. ,P. Carveth, seconded by E. C. Copping.
This counCilpere y adjourns to meet again on December 15, 19'72
at 10:00 a.m. or at 6ther time at the call o~' the Reeve.
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Clerk- i'strator. Reeve.
Friday, December 15, 1972 at 10 a.m.
Counc11 Chambers, Orono
Present: Reeve - J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve - W. R. Carveth
Councillors - F. A. Gray
E. C. Copping
Clerk-Administrator - B. W. Collins
Mr. R. G. Chater was absent due to illness.
The minutes of the Regular Council meeti.ng held on November 21, 1972
were adopted as printed on a motion by Deputy Reeve W. R. Carveth and
seconded by Councillor F. A. Gray and carried.
nApllt.~t~ionR {f PAtit,ionR:Motion by F. A. Gray and seconded by E. C. Copping
that the various delegat10ns be heard.
1. J. Stutt, re: Representat1ve Bowmanville Hospital Board. Mot1on by
W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray that this Council recownends to
the new Counc11 (1973) that ~~. J. Stutt be again appointed to the
}.lemorial Hospital Board in Bowmanville as Clarke 1 s r.epre sent at.i ve.
Reeve and Council congratulated Mr. Stutt for a job well done.
The following correspondence was tabled from last meeting:
1. Newsletter from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario re:
1973 annual meeting and tri-level conf'erence. Tabled.