HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/07/1972 Fage 3. Regular Council l.leeting of October 17, 1972, cont'd. 35. Letter fronl J. D. l~sters, re:opening of road. Refer to Clerk to have letter typed and Reeve sign it. Carried. e The following Resolutions were passed: Rp-solutinTI No lh():!.loved by 'd.. R.. Carveth, seconded by R. G. Chater.. This Council hereby authorizes the Roads Superintendent to close up that part of the Township Road between Concession 2 and 3 of Lot 35 cOIl'JTlencing froT:! the westerly limit of Lot 35 to easterly 965 feet more or less to a point 100 feet more or less east of the east boundary of the Canadian ?acific Railway. Carried. HA~ol11t~ion No. 11...1 :i,loved by E.. C.. COPpiUb, seconded by F. A. Gray. This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on ;"ovember 7, 1972 10:00 a.m. or at a~other time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. , .,\hY> Cf::k1~a~or at ,c '11./1 --,..../- : )v "'Vt..4~4 pfll/1j Reeve :tEG1.H.A?. :.IEET::lj'G OF T:U; COUITCII. OF' TIrE l:O,I~:SI:C:P OF' CLA:::C':; Tuesday, Xoverrb~~ 7, J.O:OO a.D. COD-He:i.J.. Cha!:[,0Cl''s Fre sent: DPI'11tyl~pevp. - ,,'. .-".. l~a-,"'~70:>+-.1-; (~c.l--,.~-.l a" >-"..".' ......r' ~ ~--..... - _" ~. - <--<. v..... '"'" ,.;;;. ..."t:.0 'iI e J Counci.llor~ - ...... ..... Chater F. A. :.:.Ira:" COl-'l)j.nc - D" 't'i. CoJ.li11S E. C.. Cle:ck -Adlninistrator l':otion by E. C. COl;-'~~inc, seconded by rt.. G. Chate.:'-' that .ueputy R8ev'~, '~'i. L~. Ca:.....veth, chair this TneetinG in absence of the ~"~eeve. Carried.. The Linutes of t2-:c lt8;"'ult?~ Counc]'l T','..:>(::.f--ir:," l"-,,lri 0'1 I'"'I-....t-oh""~ 1" '. _ ~ -~..- -..... ,,,.......- w~..~o ............,-.. , ....--'"' ""'__.:.- __ f;'l 1972 1:Jc:ce aC10ptsCl ao p::.->j,nt-..;::] on a moti,on by Ccuncj.Jlor R. G. Chat8I' and 3ecorldcd by CounGillor F.. A.. Gl."'ay a~1d carrJ_:;d. D,:-> :lJtu""t-ions ['" P2titioTls: Illotion by F. A. Gr'ay and seconded by .i:o. C.. COf:pint: that the various deleGations be heard. 1. Eru.c8 Plumb, re: Rcqucstsd ~otion thi,;,,: hill dovln. first read west of fror,- Council to the ~;uv:tonvil1e - safety Hazard.. to crade i;lnistry ._,..c> ~- LJ,Gn\'l~YS ~ction by a.. ~. Chat~r. secondad bv E. C. Coc"'~n;' ~~at 0~~<. ~ '" .. ~_ ~.~<,.;.> oJ ~ V~..---,-..:; C01.J.ncil f,>et-:Ltion tha ~:ini.3try of 'l'ran.sJ.~ior'tatioT1 Cor-:nunicatj ODS i;~~i.Tove the site clearance so that aCC8S3 onte ,-/2 :Tichway ;.:ay be without a','.V ~,.q.~,~r;~~ or ~ol,]i~~,or.., (~ir~~ .,,'o,?rl \.1~~,..~ 0 ",' .~] . -- .; '-"--~ ~~~ ~ - ...~--'--....-". !;-C.. _'-'. '.~~ -,.::_~ -: IjGvrcOD-"llJ....e as Sta~:Gton side ~oad). to T;adc; knc\)n 2.. 7'Iiss Gail I.Iorrj..con, :.:_i.,:;.>s Tlal.erj_ e Far~rid_cc and ~(ev'. :"on..; r<;..:q':.~.ot.-3d .~o rent the hall lLj::d::,ai.r;; on ~~ov.:Jr:ber 17, J 0'72 fro"" Q ... t- 0 1 2 ~,,-i _ -"',--:,~"l...+- 1I.r,-I-' ,_~;"" A''':'''' -', ...,--"(" _.....-- .l..,""..OJ -0"- ~-,-'- ..~_.Ll.,"""'. .,.0 L.l.on 0.:; .r-. .. ;,J't"ay, secor:ded ,>"IT;;" ..... ;""0- ..--.j .,..,,-- ,J__ h at.-""r...... -i ,,---: 0-- Le .. Cl'anted to rent the haiJ u;>8t.ai;s to'" the ~ un; tecl.i"'Ch-~~c<a;~IC;;'<~-r:;l-';~~.i-- L y, ~'.r, '-.,.,..,.b.'''..... "17 ., O'i0 .'"< Y. -.-, .I- ., 2' . . ,_ _ ~, ,...., ;;:;., "_~.t--' O~C ...,Qv!,;:.:,... ........ -'_ , -<...i I k. V .i.Ja'_:.a ',_0 _:. ~:,ld...?1.:Gl1'l at tne nO::,~_J,na.l .f'S8 a.net }.':ccv:Ldi:ci.G the eX'ouf:' _clean ap after ther:JSGlvcs and to su,;--::,l'l the.; 1" n\.,Jli Page 2. R8S'..llar Cot..nci~ ~':cct:3_nL. of lrovet":ber 7, 1972, cent'd. Tl1e fol1oVJillf: correSl)ondence "Ylas IJresentcd to Council: 1 & GOi-JY of a letter f'ror.l s~ F. HutchinGs ,Chief, Public Health Inspector }Ialiburton, KaT,:.rartha, Pine RidSG: District Ecalth Unit to I,Ir. E.. P... .ioodyard, Secretary, Police Tr~.stc:c Board of Orono, Re: Orono :'-lill Pond. Filed. Carried. 2. 2':8norandum t.o all :-'-lun:Lcil_<1.1 C1erks Iro.1;' P. G. G~llis, Executive Dir8ctor, AsseSSDant Divsion, ra: GuidlinC for revising Schoo] Su~port and SchooJ. Board EJ.cc)~oral Stat ',,1.05.. Filed & Carried & 3 & Arpoin~n8:nt fer Hearinc Iron: the Untar'io I :unicipal Board. ~arr:5.8d. r- Letters fror;~ E. ~;\.. Lovekin, Solic~;_tor, r:;: :':arvin .sale to the Cor~,)oration 0: the ':Lo~";'.'-nsh 0: CJarke, Pt. Lot 31 and 32, Con. $, . . Clarka TOVir;.ship. Filed ~ r~e.f8r 3tatc:n:icnt to Treas;xr'Br for P~YIT"3nt. Carried. 5. :i:..ctter frO:;l PaGe r.- ~:ard.n, 1"c: l:o.sport ParI.;: L.:Lr,Lit~d - B:r-la\v to IJerrrit r'otor rac::Lnc to take 1>lac2 at IIoot:,ort. Park fo:." the year 1973. Tabled t:ntil f:Lrst IT..cet inC in ~>an1..lary 197.3. Carried. C. Letter froT;: ~'~'olby Cor;'-i~utcr Serv:tc8s L::.r:it8.:l, 1'"8: ..;resentation on tax bill=_HG at the recent conv<J::t- ion ::'11 Otta\'la ~ Fj~:::"cd. Carried ~ ~; ~ Letter IroD E. R. Lovekin, re: Vic]':ery .saltc t.,:,o CCri)oration of the TO\'lDShi:t:; of Clarl(8. :-:'..efcr to Accounts ~ Carried. 6' ~ :"'3t ter froM 1J. ..-r. AtkinsoIl of :<cConis~':ey C," Atk:..nson, re: l\Iarv.:Ln sale to Patte, Pt. Lot 32, Con. 7, '...'o\'lr~ship of Clarke - 1"e arrcnding by-lay; rf1729. Tabled. Carried. 9. Letter fror:~ ";i-. D. ?...atz, S'J.}'erintendent o.::~ Survey.s, ~Iinistry of Trans- I>ortation .:~, Comnuni.cati_onG \'rl.th cnclosur0>3, re: Assurc.ption or Tli.e;hvlay, ,.~., .....- '~, -,') --:)':1('0 ' r-- II~ r, ("'..., 1 .j.. C' , ~ilb'::1\.lay .:;:;, j.....-.Lan ~-~.J;' -i+,:).IJfTU''':''O .....ieri{ ....0 anSVler. arrleu.. 10. i<in'.ltes of the CorJJ~littee of Adjustr;lent of tho Inspection on Thursday, October 19, 1972. Filed~ Carried. 11. Aplc'lication :for COnS81'lt for the Corr:nittee 0:: Adjustment by iiar.!'] A. Kuellfi. Filed. Carried~ ~2. l'.:er:.orandum to all ~Iun~cipal 'Ireasur0~"b anu Clerk_-j.'reasurer;3. with accocJ-:ar-l;):-inC tax collection i_olley ques-::. iOTInaire. :Z.efer to Treasurer to an~wer. Carried. :3. Letter from llod~rick .Lc\1.is, Chief Elect.ion' Officer, Ontario Zlection Offi.ce, re :fote under the LiqL;or l.ic2r.ce Act, llo\;:nship of Clarke, Dec- 8: be:" .\1~1, 2.S:72. l:efer to CIeri.:. Carried. llr. Quarterly r~l-Jcrt fror.', Charlotte l.:~ ~~ornGr, 1.Iedical Offic'3r of ;Iealth for Eal:.bu.rton, Ka'i,..rart>.ti, fi::'10 .i.~~idbe District Jcal th Unit.. Filci..:l. Carl':Led. lS~ Kequast. for,l~Gsolutiol1s Cr' ,eroi;osal of ::'ar.lO;; for .i~ecobnitior: of LOrlb 3~rvic8 in the cai..1.se of' Good ~{Ga.d.s f'rOl"cl Ontario Good i:-~oa,_ds A.ssociat :Lon. Filed. e Filed. Carried. . I :eF.orar'LdlALl to all CJcrl(.:; in -'c,~:le Lake 'J:.:-:tario Area :rom A.::. ';oLnson ~':..ei;-;j.onal 1(8cistrar, re: A33essL~0.~t ~-<.eviei,1 Ccurt ~rcarinGs.. Filed. Cal"ried.. 17.. 'i'he 1972 FOi-;t:.lo.tio::. C.G~1SU3 .for the :1l:.niciiJality froG Ii. ::I~ FarneJ~l 2..ecior:..al Assessment Corc-,:;:-aiGGio:c.:.er. Filed ~ Carried ~ lC. Letter :roL Gordor~ Carte:'1-, 4~ c. 0 L:tnister of Transl--ortation c.. Co!nJ~T..n.:.,cat:LollS, :ce: addj_~~ion2.: n.ai.ntenanC2 $ubsidy a11ot:-lsnt for \;Jinter control dL.t"inb the 1-:er-io,l JaEuary 1st tc AI-'ril 30th, 1972. Filed.. Ca.rried.. 1 So. :.:SC Hews on the ::atior:al Bu.L2.dinS Cod.;;. ?iled.. Carried. 20. Fron J~ Parro\"l, l=unici~;al r'l,'"::''..nn:inc Ccnsu2.tants, 1"e: ConsuJ~tan.l~Gr ..;<.c,t.;ort ;::'0. ? ApLjlicatior.. for ~<8zonj.n6 Clarl:e TO\'inshi];. i\.cfar to fla.nrd_nG ~card. C.arried.. 21~ i'roTL ::unicipal flann:,Ylt;; Consultants, l"e: l:--rof"o,:;ed Tp..inCihi;, 01'-' Clal'ke-Invoic0. KS~'""'2.r to }'laLn::.rlb Loard~ 22. 1(.8",:':;O:i::'t. to Councj.l l'""ro:,~ t;>~ 3'..lildJnc :r:n$l~~;;ctor :for ~o}iteE.ber 3.nd October 1972 ~ 7j.2.ed. Carr.j.~d. 23. . Firei,iarshals 2uarterly l-TC\"v'.s. Filed. Carried ~ 2Lt. C1-iilion Canada 2ook1et. Fi.:_0d. Ca:-'l"ied ~ 2S. ~':al1ufacturirlC Op1Jort uni.tie s ..3ook1et. Filed. ~.-: ,r,r"l"... _ ~h,.~__ _~__ _ _'"" T"'~ __ __ __ _ _. _., '-,_ Cfficial Plan, Carrj_ed. tile lrlOnt}: t s of Carried. ~:aL.C .,)0 .i.::";Jb,~2,ar Counc:Ll ~...<:;.:-.;-L ir:0 of ~ToveL~be:r' " , 10'/':) ~r ~.. ,. >-- , cont.'d. JG. L.. ..<oGncLsr~"".:;a;:, r..:::: cO:-:.~la_jnt:, ::'_ca.inst St.zphcnsor: si_de road -. ~rc/.- 1-Jov;i-nG and ll;:::_nc; iJl-: of r03J':. OV8rta;,~(;d ,3-f1~(;alinb t,c A~sessner:'.t lJC~'3-1"'t;;iO~_1t. Pi.led. Ca:"r':L::;d. f:'1pipJjt> ( ItII' ~," ,e~:1/~/7J:.) J=_. R8q,-}.e.st 'i'rc,:l;:)l,:.rcr tc 1:-;a!::0 out ...toads D:::partLlent ' D..DU ",':1.---,--,- thou ou_t to ths l'es;:'Gctiv~ C01..u:.,:;ilJ.or,S" n.c.~V() and Dep~J.ty l<c~vG fer their j;-' .1.r.3ual and 0:::- Ot;.;i'O::'2 T1C;.:t Councj_l l',cet tnc; of :'~over",ber 21 ~ 1 S?2 [tt 7 :30 ,.... ..,;. b-I-.L:"I~,\.~ -ifl 7L2 - ';:':)8tU'; a br....lavl to st.o;,"'ul-' ccrt:.a2..I1 road al~.O~v'lances and C2-.i...q.:.a1.I1 i-'arts of road al1o'.'iancB& :Ln l!!c To~.,.'11s::.i.l:) of:.' CJ_ ark0. -.,EE-':<..i.AS not.ic8 0:''' :L1tert.i.or~ to :t.-.;iSS by-I::l_\'/ \--la;; l---~ublished once a vw':.;;ck ~,E'or a least four .:;ucces;::;j.ve waeks i:'!d-......a.3 ;.:ost.Gd 1_~l-' for at least onE; L!cnth i::1 'si~.~ o~r: th.2 !~;cst l)ubJic ~,:ac8s in t.ile i!::J01cdialc neiG:-lbo;.lrl:oo:i of t:;ach or the ,3,3.id l~o-"ld tlJl,O'.i!U~CC.s 01'-' ~'3.rt3 0:: road c3.J..J_o'.'la_Ylces hereby a.ffected as r,::.;qu.:Lred by the .t-,rovisior~03 o::1;.e l-lunicipaJ. Act; A:'T.J '~-iII'II~~l..S,A.3 Courci~. '-~,a3 r~c~ived no ob:ect:Lons froE". ~~~r.son3 clairr~inb that. their land \"lo1.~'.ld :)C .i--;:'c.~1,_diciC1.11y Et?fGcted by the by-la;,.',;,; l:;u,; '.:2=-IERaFOR.E the lit::;-l:L:::.i,t.;aJ. CO'J.EC"l_] of f~he COl"l_orat:lon of the 'l'o';.'JDs:-tif of Clar'kc :':;:.;AC'l'S AS YOLLOu'S: "1 ''':L.,3,tall those road a~.lovJanc(;:s and j.Jar'Gs 01'""' road alIo\'7anCQ,S in. t:h~ 'i'ovln.311.:_}) 0: Clarke :3.8SC1~::_bG;1 j.Y1 Schedl.::.2_8 HAft and forl,d.nc Far~ of this o:"-}:r\:,' be and othe s.1.2"':\.;;; ;').1'8 :lercby stof'l-:'8=.1 '--'-1"''' Sc'ht:>dl]!P "An of' ~""-,L;:I1"'l #17>2 .5einc a b;y-law to clo':;0 certain rOtl~::' allov,-anc..;;,J and cort.ain J:"tLt"ts of road. - al1o\~-nac0.G j.l1 t,~l~...,'()~il:n.zhi.p of CJ.,'1rl:e ~ 1'h8 o}Jen road al1o'idanc2 bctv,iecn Conce,:.;;:;:ton ~ a:ld .3 of Lot- 35, -1__:" ,_~:::._+- ''';y,-'';''\. .,'" TO~- -')r:' t-'",y...,-,,~ ,.+-"".l.,.c\(>- '""' . l(~~:.<:::, \,..~,:,.... v'v'V':;;;'..... ....__uL.,_'"" 0... ~ '.... ...,J...J v,..-.;~.;.(..:,-, ....'3.....'-'1;;.:.1. _./ /---J ::8e~ CO:"<.;; ..or -'-__..... ..~oint 100 rest LOri:; 0:,.'" J.G":;;;';, GEl..st O~-. i....:-:(;. e~st bou:c'dary of the C,'l.n,3.di an 1"acif5.c Kail',.rlj'. .#/(PNf" 6'-:/ ul.'9Y" rro:;~:; t.o a i{e.-::;ol;:i~";ori Ho_ 1-],B:l~OV8db:ru~ c. This CO:J,nciJ n~r..."H):'" ~.,-: lOJ::'jzes ..3y-L,::c..,~ iTl742. Carrj_ed" CO.i.~~:,;5_:1L>' .:icconded by F. A. tl1C lz~ ~~d s8cc~droadinc ".-/ u-ray. of' iiJ742. (~~c;0111tiorl no. iLl :l'IO"~-8d b~" z,~ c. :l:'ll.:Ls CO'J.ncil }1(;l"Gby .;rJ_t.:--icr~_ZeG CO:t-:!~_~in.~, sscon.10'.-:-l t:1C ]rd and fin~l by .t. A. Gray.. readinG: of- Dy-l.a'..' CarrieLl.. H..,"'r~ol'Jt.iOj1 :'~o_ '-1i.2:::ove.l L~' "". 0. C~at.Gr, sccondGri by f. A. Gr-3.Y~ 1'11is Council hereby re.so1.v0.s that t folloT,"li_l.:.c; Fay Vouchers b~ a.nd a:~c heroby authorized -:or fayr:ent by the ;:;ib'nj_l"lG officers cf this "0 . 1 /~- 1 Tl " ,"-, "'.... n +- ~ . t' '" 2' (.1"'" 1\"-" ~UT1Cl..l.~ i..:t8ne~a.->.-' OucrJ_er U'.i..--- .:.:01"' UC,-,ObGI" :..n -;:':'.81.Il;OU.nC 01. ~:--4,8.....(-:"\,,..)... .-(oad,;) Vouche;:o 1ilO for Octoccrir:. t}'lG ar~ount of '1(2;-1-, 170 ~3,j and tl-le i..).r'ono Police 'liJ..lace VoUCI1Crjf2- o far Cctcbc::: in the a:~ount 0,: ';'~~52. SO. Cl'd.. i:.e.'[""i0111t~on ',To 1L--:--'..~,.'0'T,c"'(1 }Y"~ r: ~ (':o,"r"';""-,' -C"',-'''r''on:l''''r~ 1'-0:"- ,_" A. (~_............,. --. ~-- '-"-- '-- "';"-- ...... -" -. -. -- j;-~-'-~.b: ....--'-" ~.....,-.;;....~ 4..>,,; 4 ~ ~'1.. .......~j.. 'fhis Counci.l hereby 3..dJc'.:trr:..s to T:-:cet ;'lcain on L"OvcLlocr 2J.... 1972 7:]0 !_,..r~~. or at ano;.:.~1.' t:tr.1C n_t the ;::;:;.11 of -the ~(e8v0.' Carried. ~" ,~V '1 'A~ (11 ,,~1,- ',;,,; '(':straJe;o~ _.....-.....I.~"- ..;o..~.,' _ ''~ ... ",', ./)V , /i i-L.J G v.c~/