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Tuesday, October 17, 7:40 p. m.
Council Chcuubers
Present: Reeve - J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve - W. R. Carveth
Councillor- R. G. Chater
Councillor - F. A. Gray
Councillor - E. C. Copping
Clerk-Administrator - B. W. Collins
The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on October 3,
1972 were adopted as printed on a motion by Councillor E. C. Copping
and seconded by Councillor R. G. Chater and carried.
1)p.pl1L~t.ion5; & Petition~: motion by F. A~ Gray and seconded by
R. G. Chater that the various delegations be heard.
1. ~~. Stanley Chapman, re:application to re-zone #72-41.
2. Hr. !Jjeasor appeared with a committee of five, re:Stevenson side
road. The following questions?
Basis of Assessment for Taxes?
imat is Mill Rate?
Does the Village of Newcastle pay SroE apportion - school rate -
Answer was NO.
Reeve J. Stone advised them to go and see ~~. Parnell, Assess-
ment Commis-sioner, Cobourg.
imo is the weed inspector? Advised l,~. L. Coombes is weed
Wno <.;ave permission to Hr. J. Ochonski to change water course'?
Reeve J. Stone said he or Council did not.
They all comp~ained about the snow removal and wanted a
guarantee that their road would be plowed~Council refused.
The following correspondence was tabled from last lueeting:
1. Letter from Tilley, Carson & Findlay, re:Mr. Clyde L. Lewis.
Tabled. ~~. Lovekin to write letter. Carried.
The following correspondence was presented to Council:
1. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, re:Vote-Liquor Licence Township of
Clarke. See number 9. Filed. Carried.
2. Carbon copy of a letter from ~~& Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer,
Cormnittee of Adjustment to Hr. n. DeWith, Treasurer, re:additional
help on occasion. Filed. Carried.
3. Letter from ~~. E. R. Lovekin to V~. Collins, re:re-appointment
of E. F. R. Osborne, Jr. Member, Committee of Adjustment. Refer to
Clerk to make up resolution for November meeting. Carried.
4. Letter from K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, United Counties of
Northumberland and Durham to the Clerks of the Constituent Municipal-
ities. Send copies to members of Council and Treasurer. Carried.
5. Copy of the letter sent to Imperial Oil Ltd., Don l~ills, with
enclosed Ministry's certificate of approval for the modifications to
the existing Imperial Oil Service Centre Sewage Treatment Plant in
the Township of Clarke. Filed. Carried.
6. Letter from A. J. Forsyth~ Supervisor, Municipal Projects Section
re:Township of Clarke (Police Village of Orono) Water Works Project
#6-0223-71. Tabled. Carried.
7. Letter from Hiss B. l',ay, Head, Canadian Section of Public Archiv",,,
fage 2. Regular Council j<;eetin;; of October 17, 1972, cont'd.
9. Letter from Roderick Lewis, Q.C., Chief Election Officer, re:Vote
under the Liquor Licence Act, 'I'ow"Uship of Clarke, December 4th, 1972.
Refer to Clerk. Carried.
10. An Appointment for Hearing from K. G. Andrews, Secreta~y, Ontario
Municipal Board. Filed. Carri.ed.
11. Licences Supplies order form from Toronto Stamp Ltd., and Dog Tags
for 1973 with sample enclosed. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
12. Letter from iMl. H. ~allace, Clerk, The 'Corporation of the TOvm of
,i1litby, to all Eunicipal Clerks, re :Bill 90 - Provincial Incentive
Programme Construction of New Arenas with enclosure of a Resolution
passed by the Council of the Town of ,ihitby. l{otify received. Filed.
13. Letter from J. M. Browning, Sec.-Treas., Central Lake Ontario Con-
servation Authority, re:payment of Administration Levy. Refer to
Treasurer. Carried.
14. To all mU!licipalities in Ontario from .i.l. F. Scott, Clerk-Treasurer,
City of Pembroke, re:level of Licence currently evident in books,
ma.;azines, films 'and television progranming etc. and Council's resolu-
tion on this sub~ect ~ I.:otion b~l. ~wi. R.. Carveth, seconded by F.. A. Gray
that W>ifJ endorse the motion passed by the City of Pembroke. Carried.
15. Letter from H. A. Hav.rthorne, l'Iinistry of Transportation (; Comnuni-
cations, re:Kasper Hollen Subdi.vision - Lot 3, Con. 1. Filed. Carried.
16. A thank you from the Canadian Arthritis and Rheunatism Society for
our contribution. Filed. Carried.
17. l'lanufacturing Opportunit.i>ifJS Bulletin No. 124. Filed. Carried.
1$. 1;~emorandum from Russell C. :Ioney, Q.",C", E..P.., to Councils of all
Eunicipalities in th>ifJ riding of Northumberland & Durham re:1972 - 1973
Local Initiatives Program. Refer to II. Deiiith 6- I.I. Ross. Carried.
19. llcKemco Bulletin re:McKemco Ice Helter. Filed. Carried.
20. Eooklet from the Association of Professional Engineers of the
Province of Ontario, re:Directory of Firms & Corporations. Filed. Carried.
21. Booklet from HCR cordially inviting Ilyou and your associates" to see
the all new NCR 399, Accounting & Terminal Computer. Filed. Capried.
22. Memo to Clerks & Clerk-Treasurers, Ontario J.1unicipalities, from G. L.
CalveI', Drainage Co-ordinator of Ministry of Agriculture and food
Agricultural and Horticultural Societies Branch, re:drainage. Refer to
Clerk and Treasurer. Carried.
23. Letter from J. R. Houston, re:;iome Smith Properties Ltd. Subdivision
forwarding the report on construction for underground services. Filed.
24. Copy of the minutes of the Conrrnittee of Adjustment of October 2 and
October 3, 1972. Filed. Carried.
25. IIinutes of a meeting of the Members of the Councils of' the Village of
Kewcastle, and the Townships of Clarke and Darlington. Filed. Carried.
26. Letter fronl John E. L. Farrow to Mr. Collins, re:Draft Official Plan
and a carbon copy of a letter to Brian Carney, Senior Planner, re:same.
Refer to Clerk. Carried.
27. Letter from lEl'; Canada Ltd., re :Voter Notification Card Service with
enclosed printing order form. Filed. Carried.
2$. Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Filed.
29. Letter from J. C. Beech, Manager of The Great
Council with enclosed 1972 TRAVEL GUIDE. He asks
reviewed and advise them of any necessary changes
Filed. Carried.
30. l'lemo for Municipal Clerk with enclosed Interim Statement of Expendi-
ture as of August 31 for the year 1972. Filed. Carried.
31. j-;emo from Hr. Collins to Hr. Stone, Reeve & Hembers of Council~ re:
the attached report. Filed. Carried.
32. Nemo to all Clerks of Eunicipalities in the United Counties of
l,T............f-"h'..,.."h,....,..,..1.............:I j.', :1........1.-............ +'~...._ -::. '" 1:>___.1-__ rn___.~ r\.,
Pine Ridge Tourist
that the same be
of tourist interest.
Fage 3. Regular Council l.leeting of October 17, 1972, cont'd.
35. Letter fronl J. D. l~sters, re:opening of road. Refer to Clerk to
have letter typed and Reeve sign it. Carried.
The following Resolutions were passed:
Rp-solutinTI No lh():!.loved by 'd.. R.. Carveth, seconded by R. G. Chater..
This Council hereby authorizes the Roads Superintendent to close
up that part of the Township Road between Concession 2 and 3 of Lot
35 cOIl'JTlencing froT:! the westerly limit of Lot 35 to easterly 965 feet
more or less to a point 100 feet more or less east of the east
boundary of the Canadian ?acific Railway. Carried.
HA~ol11t~ion No. 11...1 :i,loved by E.. C.. COPpiUb, seconded by F. A. Gray.
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on ;"ovember 7, 1972
10:00 a.m. or at a~other time at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
, .,\hY>
,c '11./1 --,..../-
: )v "'Vt..4~4
pfll/1j Reeve
:tEG1.H.A?. :.IEET::lj'G OF T:U; COUITCII.
OF' TIrE l:O,I~:SI:C:P OF' CLA:::C':;
Tuesday, Xoverrb~~ 7, J.O:OO a.D.
COD-He:i.J.. Cha!:[,0Cl''s
Fre sent:
DPI'11tyl~pevp. - ,,'. .-".. l~a-,"'~70:>+-.1-; (~c.l--,.~-.l a" >-"..".'
......r' ~ ~--..... - _" ~. - <--<. v..... '"'" ,.;;;. ..."t:.0 'iI e J
Counci.llor~ - ...... ..... Chater
F. A.
- D" 't'i. CoJ.li11S
E. C..
Cle:ck -Adlninistrator
l':otion by E. C. COl;-'~~inc, seconded by rt.. G. Chate.:'-' that
.ueputy R8ev'~, '~'i. L~. Ca:.....veth, chair this TneetinG in absence of the
~"~eeve. Carried..
The Linutes of t2-:c lt8;"'ult?~ Counc]'l T','..:>(::.f--ir:," l"-,,lri 0'1 I'"'I-....t-oh""~ 1"
'. _ ~ -~..- -..... ,,,.......- w~..~o ............,-.. , ....--'"' ""'__.:.- __ f;'l
1972 1:Jc:ce aC10ptsCl ao p::.->j,nt-..;::] on a moti,on by Ccuncj.Jlor R. G. Chat8I' and
3ecorldcd by CounGillor F.. A.. Gl."'ay a~1d carrJ_:;d.
D,:-> :lJtu""t-ions ['" P2titioTls: Illotion by F. A. Gr'ay and seconded by
.i:o. C.. COf:pint: that the various deleGations be heard.
1. Eru.c8 Plumb, re:
Rcqucstsd ~otion
thi,;,,: hill dovln.
first read west of
fror,- Council to the
- safety
to crade
~ction by a.. ~. Chat~r. secondad bv E. C. Coc"'~n;' ~~at 0~~<.
~ '" .. ~_ ~.~<,.;.> oJ ~ V~..---,-..:;
C01.J.ncil f,>et-:Ltion tha ~:ini.3try of 'l'ran.sJ.~ior'tatioT1 Cor-:nunicatj ODS
i;~~i.Tove the site clearance so that aCC8S3 onte ,-/2 :Tichway ;.:ay be
without a','.V ~,.q.~,~r;~~ or ~ol,]i~~,or.., (~ir~~ .,,'o,?rl \.1~~,..~ 0 ",' .~]
. -- .; '-"--~ ~~~ ~ - ...~--'--....-". !;-C.. _'-'. '.~~ -,.::_~ -: IjGvrcOD-"llJ....e
as Sta~:Gton side ~oad).
2.. 7'Iiss Gail I.Iorrj..con, :.:_i.,:;.>s Tlal.erj_ e Far~rid_cc and ~(ev'. :"on..; r<;..:q':.~.ot.-3d
.~o rent the hall lLj::d::,ai.r;; on ~~ov.:Jr:ber 17, J 0'72 fro"" Q ... t- 0 1 2 ~,,-i _
-"',--:,~"l...+- 1I.r,-I-' ,_~;"" A''':'''' -', ...,--"(" _.....-- .l..,""..OJ -0"- ~-,-'-
..~_.Ll.,"""'. .,.0 L.l.on 0.:; .r-. .. ;,J't"ay, secor:ded ,>"IT;;" ..... ;""0- ..--.j .,..,,-- ,J__ h at.-""r...... -i ,,---: 0--
Le .. Cl'anted to rent the haiJ u;>8t.ai;s to'" the ~ un; tecl.i"'Ch-~~c<a;~IC;;'<~-r:;l-';~~.i-- L
y, ~'.r, '-.,.,..,.b.'''..... "17 ., O'i0 .'"< Y. -.-, .I- ., 2' . . ,_ _ ~, ,...., ;;:;., "_~.t--'
O~C ...,Qv!,;:.:,... ........ -'_ , -<...i I k. V .i.Ja'_:.a ',_0 _:. ~:,ld...?1.:Gl1'l at tne nO::,~_J,na.l .f'S8 a.net
}.':ccv:Ldi:ci.G the eX'ouf:' _clean ap after ther:JSGlvcs and to su,;--::,l'l the.; 1" n\.,Jli