HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-137-93 /_.... ",'" . ". . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON :L DN: WEST-MCA.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration committee File # "'DOl \.. Res. # ~ti -5bD-13 . By-Law # Date: Monday, October 4, 1993 Report #: Subject: PD 1J7 9 Tile #: FLN 12.6 PROPOSED URBAN DESIGN PLAN BOlfMANVILLE WEST MAIN CENTRAL AREA FILE: PLN 12.6 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-137-93 be received; 2. THAT the Urban Design Plan for the Bowmanville West Main Central Area be approved in principle and be submitted for final approval in conjunction with the Secondary Plan for the Bowmanville West Central Area; / 3. THAT Staff be authorized to finalize the Seconqary Plan for the Bowmanville West Main Central Area and advertise a Public Meeting for the adoption of the Secondary Plan as an amendment to the Off1cial Plan of the former Town of Newcastle to assist the Ontario Municipal Board in its consideration of Amendments 40 and 255; and 4. THAT the ontario Municipal Board and the Region of Durham Planning Department, all interested parties listed in this report, and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. URBAN DESIGN PLAN 1.1 Phase 3 of the Bowmanville Main Central Area study involves the preparation of an Urban Design Plan for the West Main Central Area. The Urban Design Plan is not to be incorporated into the Official Plan. Rather, it is intended to be adopte~ by Council as a guideline for the review and approval of site plans within the West Main Central Area. 1.2 A proposed Urban Design Plan has been prepared by Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg Ltd. and Town staff. A copy of the Urban Design Plan has been available for Councillor's review but is not incorporated in this report 'due to difficulty in colour reproduction. It was circulated to interested parties by September 24, 1993, in accordance with the direction given by the ontario RECYCLED I:t\ PAPlEA PAPER "'a:1 RECYCLE THIS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 569 ~,. 't""O!' .. ..... REPORT NO.: PD-137-93 PAGE 2 Municipal Board at the' Pre-Hearing Conference of July 6, 1993. Among other things, the Plan establishes bqilding envelopes, maximum building heights, orientation and treat.ent of buildings, public street system, areas of architectural focus, and special landscape treatment. 1.3 The Urban Design Plan will be utilized as the basis for the completion of the Secondary Plan for the West Main Central Area. 2. SECONDARY PLAN 2.1 In addition to the Urban Design Plan, the completion of the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study also requires the preparation of a Secondary Plan for the West Main Central Ar,a. This Secondary Plan is currently under preparation and will be, based on Scenario 3 (Highway 2) as modified by Council as per its resolution of July 26,1993. 2.2 A preliminary draft Secondary Plan has been developed by Staff to aid in the preparation of the Urban Design Plan and has been circulated in conjunction with the Urban Design Plan. This preliminary draft secondary plan has incorporated several changes as necessitated by the exceptions made by Council through its resolution of July 26, 1993 and are considered prudent in order to ensure the plan, is workable. The changes contemplated are: i) the plaza format on the Markborough property necessitated that the north-south collector road be fixed in a location which bisected the willsonia Industries property, This enabled the structuring of major commercial uses along this new street; ii) a more developable retail commercial parcel on the northeast corner of Commercial Street B at Highway 2 is proposed by incorporating some of the Town's lands at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. A portion of the willsonia lands are ~1g \ . . , . 'A . . .' . REPORT NO.: PD-137-93 PAGE 3 identified for community purposes, enabling a fu~ure land exchange; iii) the preferred GO station site is incorpora~ed; iv) the Ghod's Builders and ELM Investments sites were previously shown as 'Mixed Commercial Residential' allowing either office or residential uses in second storeys and above. The sites now have split designations, with a portion shown as 'Office Commercial' and a portion shown as 'High Density Residential'. v) the lands west of Willsonia (primarily Cos~art Marketing) has been changed from 'High Density Residential' and 'Highway 2 Commercial' to 'High Density Residential' and 'Medium Density Residential'. 2.4 The secondary Plan will be finalized by Staff t~rough discussions with landowners and agencies. staff will report to Council prior to the commencement of the O.M.B. hearing on January 4, 1994 in order to assist the O.M.B. in the consideration of these matters related to the Central Area. The Secondary Plan will be dealt with as a separate amendment to the Official Plan. 3 . OTHER MATTERS 3.1 It is noted that Highway 2 and Commercial Street B are of particular importance in terms of the implementation of the Urban Design Plan and the processing of site plan applications by Markborough properties/West Bowmanville Developments, Willsonia Industries and Ghods Builders. These two streets will be the key to establishing the character of the West Main Central Area, particularly the transformation of Highway No. '2 from a "highway" to an urban street and the creation of a pleasant shopping environment along Commercial street B. 3.2 In order to implement the .Urban Design Plan and to process and review the individual site plans currently befor$ the Municipality, it is considered essential that a Functiona~ Engineering and streetscape Plan be completed to address the following matters: 571 " ',~ . , . REPORT NO.: PD-137-93 PAGE 4 . the redevelopment of Highway 2 to an urban cross section; . the reduction of the superelevation and' design of a safe intersection for Commercial street B; . the unified landscape treatment along Highway 2 as identified in the Urban Design Plan; . the special design elements for Commercial street B as identified in the Urban Design Plan. staff will be requesting the above noted dev.lopers to jointly prepare a Functional Engineering and Streetscape Plan for Highway 2 and Commercial street B. The terms of rieference would be established in collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation, Region of Durham and Municipality of Clarington Staff. The completion of this work enables an expeditious r$view of subsequent site plan proposals. Respectfully submitted, C')~~ LA.~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.~. Director of planning and Development DC*FW*df 28 September 1993 57'2'