HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/1973 (Special)
SPIlCIAL _..uC fJ' !BIQ01lIICIto
or--Sl' ~_... -rm~-_-m~<.......
!t1IIra4q, septeaHr18, 1m at 2.00 p.a.
.. Counoil. f!h"'~, .. ClroIlo .
he.ent. Relml - B. li. Woo~
DePUV Reeve - L BotwiBle
Couno111ort1 - R. G. Cha.
- C. A. Reid
- G. lL B'e1koOP
Clerk - lL li. :Best
!l.o he.mt. MJ:>. Doug Mottatt
I'1'JI( (1) !ovDBh1p 1lnelopsent -.llefte 1fe.4...Id'. ~t ot ~eptIIIber 1, l,.,}.
Moved 177X. Botvillle, ..~...1I7.G. lL~ tbt.tW. Council SO
into 00IBi ttee ot the whole ' Counou' to Me MJ:>. IIorl..tt.
MJ:>. llol1gl.. Mortatt a.-be 01 Fl.-fTlg Bo&:L'Il. (I . Tl1ted em. the
developlllD.t. in ClBrke 'IowDBbip nth pariiGllle rei'",,: ... to the
propoaaJ. 01 llioe CaiUtftct1. .tor... Re*'lrDt 1JaD Pek.'in )IZ'tB
ot Lot. }l-3S, lb:okeil. J'J!ozat ~.Bicm..
MJ:>. Mottatt'. Cr' IVtll were aa~ 1P~..d b7. a 1iZ1t_~.
Depuv lleeTe L Botville IIUllId.tted a written ftport, to e8Qb ......
of CounoU. !hi. report .... inrep17 to tM lleeTet. ftport or
Septeabft 1, 1973.
Moved 177 L Botvillle, IIOOIldI4 b7 G. lL Jr8tkoOp that tbIt c-lttee
rise and Bit in CounoU. Cllftled.
IIJ91p.tJ.Oa 10. l~2.
Moved 177 C. A. Reld, IIIOGII4ed 177 1t.G'. ClIlatft.
!hat bued em. the llelml'. written :npori under date ot e.-1Iftl,l"'),
this Counoil doetI DOt aooept * reCr III~at.i.oD ot Pl--tWlI' Bo&:L'Il
as lIula110ted toOounoU. 011......10 7-. 1,.,3. in :nQH't. .ot thepropo.ed
dlmIlopsen1o ot Re1oiJ: ,10 IGMa ,.... nla11oted'177 llice eon-
.Uuctiem. .(!O..~ and 177 Bo1MZd 'ape.
. . .
llepuv lleeTe L BotviBlexa...1ted that .. ftO~r~ 't'Ote '" takeD
em. the e.tonJlOted reBOlu1oicm..
])epv.v Reeve L Botvi.le Dq
CounoUlor It. G. .. "..
Counoillor C. A. 1le14 "&
CcnmoUlor G. JI. B'e1kooP Dq
Rell"nl :I. li.' WooclpJ:d "..
liHolutlem. lfO. 1$2 w&Il ou:riea.
Moved 177 C. Reld.
lfOy be ittM:nto:n :nlOl"Al4 thatthi. Covnc1J acoeptin priDolple
the propolal. ot llioe ~. ~ and JIo1I8Z'4 Pap.e and
furtilerthat thi.Counoil en. into DeJOt1cUozll nth 'both
parii..: . . . . . . . ., .. .. ....' . .
IC. :Br1twiale ro.e em. .. point ot Jri..u.... andreqllHted that the
motlem. ot C. A. lle1. 11010 be reoe1...d 177 the ohaf.r 1IIl1011 CoaDoil
hall bid a4eq,llIte tf:ae .~ _14ft hi. :nbu.1otaJ. to 1;M. Relml'.
:nport ot Sep-Habe 1, 1973 and to _i4er MJ:>.Jbttatt'. e
:npor1; IIUllId.tted .. ot '"'" ute IlD4 to 11lten to MJ:>. Westl_
ot Ilq1ll11a1 M_" l' Otf1oe, Cobour.
MJ:>. JID.twiIIle .te.tedM -U vlt:Jl4rw his point ot Jri~... it
& IIOtioa were ou:ried 177 CoaDoil 1;0 tIble ~ 41....101l. 011
the Reeve'. ~ 1IIltu the ".__R ~ ot <:0=011.
Page 2. Special Meeting ot Council. Sept_ber 13, 1913.
ITEM (2)
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop' that no further
action be taken in respect ot the Reeve's report until the next
regW.1L'r meeting ot Council on September 18, 1913. Cs:rr1ed.
Review ot the dra.tt ot the Otticial Plan as reOODlllended by
P1<mniT'g Boa'rd. .
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A.Reid that discussion on
dra.tt O1't1cial Plan be tabled to next regular meeting ot Council.
ITEM (3) Adj~ent.
BJilSOLll'fiOllT NO. 153:
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid.
This Council he:t'eby adjourns to meet ap.1n on September 18th, 1913
at 7:30 p.m., or at another time at the call ot the Reeve. Carried.
"'eting adjOU:t'!led at 4:45 p.m.
~n~. Q &.i
- 2L,", J ;(J/d f. .(
Reeve .
-- &. II.- .IIA or III COlIlIOIL
. III "~VV~I'" 0Jl nT"......
_a"v. Sep*~ 11. 1113 at 7130 JI~..
0-011 m. ~ IZIIt ~
P:na.tl ...... - liI. Jl. Weo~
])epaV ...... - L liIIltviale
0--.111_ - Jl. a. Cbater
-G. H.~
"- O. A. Ba14
Olezk - L ll. Jut
.Alao .....tl ~MlT 18 o1:ber J 1"_.
~ _ ll. G. Cbater. aeOGlll4e4 _ C. A. Ba14 t.lIat the __Ma or 1llle
.....- ...u., or ecnmou 011. Sepv-lIoft ". 1,.,3 G4 or 1llle apee1al
~. .r Ceuoi1 011. Sept....,.... 10~ G4 13th 1le s4opte4 as priIlMd.
~-" b:r.u.L.aII
...,.. _ L liIIltviale. aeoa4ed _ C. A. lle14 t.lIat thU c.a.u so iIlto
....tMe or 1llle vtMt1e Oolmoll te ~'ft all Ulep.U_. Caai.e4.
U. (1.) _. Wlter J. BIle. ll. ll. #2. "III uUe.
_. BIle 1Dtepe4 0-011 t.lIat >> 1IU 0III:Itaa~ p:r:ov1~ a
__... pi. 1IP a&1!'ri.oe to rea1AaM 1Ja the !eaah1p CID a ...,.
Ureat ltu1a. w.t 1IU uped....4"lf: ... dirf18l1lV uilWlc tJNa
"0ftlI- - ..,...t .r _ts 1IIdeh 1lU retleot.a. _ . 1Dore_
ill ....u.c _ta.
Be ~ ecnmou to n-.i.... oolleoti.llc 1llle pi.... r..a
t.),.~ . ... lIII4 to truar_ the _lle.U- to Il1.s "1__1;.
:!Ie ~ lJ1.. _..ated that Il1.s JI3!Opeaal 1le n I n4e4 _ thia
ecnmou _ ~OII. _ 1llle 0.1 ..41-eleotot 1llle ~.r
..... uUe.