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09/10/1973 (Special)
Sl'IlCUL _.l.!IQ 0'1_ COUIOIL . 0'1. m ~~I""or~Ql.QP! . . IMIdq. Sel'~10U$7l a" l~tJO .... ColmCl1 .,..~'t IZ.je.o.a . - h.'."'" Rem' - E. L w~ Oc llJcill on- R. G.abateJ.' - C. A. Beid ~J.' - ll. DeW1th Clak - B. R. lIe.t aalll1t. DepllV Jleeft - It. l!ntvbl. ~"l_ - G. B. BQkoop . . .. W&l_ J1ope~ lu41tftt. tbiI fooloo.....p ot Cl_ ..Jkmcl." SJ.!g1lOD. ~.,.".. OZOIIP .Mioe...... _.~~.teJ.'; -..II1iUl..Qi!ozIo'Poll,. ~"". lle.eft. ~o&L1.d tbe --tiDe t.o __ a" 10.)0 ...Jl. Wlo ,*-a.t. - -, .' . . ........ _I. G... aba... ...00Jl4tI.4 __ .0. ....... Bei4 ~'1ohie....~ 10 iIlto - ..OcliIiitieeot the .1.....til;lB....~ 1M toUCQdJWilGteft veJ.'lt- di...... ft..1", t!>. _ ~aoU.. of .u.U.. ~.a. . .. . . l.fbe_i~ aDd feza 10-'01'''' 1'Qll"TU~ of ~ . . . 2. q,.""a1&9 4iapeaal AlPS_WIt be...... tbe 'lcrilwthil' ot Cl.-e1a4 Poll" JU~ot_~.. ,'.. . . -. -,' '.- ~ .. . . . 3. ~ tu: ...bt_' ...i.h~.li.te. totU .n1 __ r. tbe PoU.. TUl..- ot ~. .... w-l_ J10pe Jl8V18V8dthll fi.....clal upefte ottbe pzopolqlll . .....fTlIl~l" .... kIk" as _t...~ ill Jleeft ~" ftIlO1lt "'lciwIudalP DImIlll][I' 1\'1'.' , ~lIla.Q;.Clb&ter, .e00D4e4_C..l. Jleid that Wac..1.ttee rue 8D4-.it-ln ~ . ;D ~Camied. lfoTe4 _ C. A. lleid. ..00000d _ ll. G. abate:&' tM,t tbe ....... HI 11. .... ~1l....1....t" be ....lmIUa.b18 to tbe pa)dto..~ed. ~"~J'.$' JIOq4 "'.. G. -"te:&'. ..00D4e4'", C; .l. .u.. . . . .-" .......... ~.." ~O\11lIlto-..t..,..tJ;a ill .. QIOi&l...UItc oa - ,..... SI~,~tc 13. 1973 at 2&oop... -.1r/.,. _. ~n . ~.. 0z0D0 or at W ..-- u.. at tbe o.u ot ......... CtlB1e1. ".I,l.'~-~ at 12100 .... . . .~ ....... e I- , .