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Tuesd~, September 4, 1973 at 10:00 am
Council Chambers, Orono
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- C. A. Reid
- G. H. Heykoop
Clerk - H. R. Best
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the minutes of the
regular meeting on August 21, 1973 be adopted as printed. Carried.
~loved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this meeting go
into Committee of the whole Council to receive and hear all delegations.
ITEM (1) Mrs. and Mr. Clyde L. Lewis of Toronto appeared before Council in
the matter of the untravelled portion of the road allowance
between lots 4 and 5, concession 8.
ITEM (2) Mr. Jan Ochonski, R. R. #2, Orono addressed Council in regards to
the draft Official Plan and a letter received by his agents, Swartz
and Swartz from Mr. Morley of Senior Planner Plans Administration
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the Committee rise
and sit in Council. Carried.
1. Letter from Ralph E. Geach, re: severance of land in part Lot 9, Con. 6,
Kendal. Refe=ed to Clerk for reply and Copy to the Committee of Adjustment.
2. Letter from P. Paterson, Accountant, 1180 Construction Ltd., re: tender
deposit of April 17th, 1973. Refe=ed to Treasurer.
3. Letter from Walter Beath, Chairman, Regional 1lfunicipali ty of Durham, re:
names and addresses of Council, Clerk and Treasurer/Tax Collector. Filed.
4. Letter from R. Sharp, Secretary, Orono Police Trustees, re: sod in general
pump house area. Refe=ed to Tottem, Sims & Hubicki.
5. Letter from R. Sharp, Secretary, Orono Police Trustees, re: Senior
Citizens being soldland. Filed.
6. Memorandum from R. E. Sims, P. Bog., re: Station Street Survey and Improve-
ment - File No. wlo05. Filed.
7. Letter from Gary A. Fitchett, Hopkins, Burrows, Selby & Beadle, Chartered
Accountants, re: appointment of Auditors. Refe=ed to Reeve Woodyard.
8. Letter from \{. Frank Thom, Director, of Education, Northumberland and
Durham County Board of Education, re: Resolution No. 143 declaring
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Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council. September 4th, 1973.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that a copy of the letter
together with copies of the complete file relating to Mr. P. Caspari's
division of lands in lots 4 and 5, concession 8, be referred to Mr. Sims,
Township Engineer, for an analysis and subsequent report and recommend-
ation to Council. Carried.
10. Signed letter from Hazel L. Stapleton and Walter Stapleton, reI Offer
to purchase portion of stopped up allowance for road. Referred to Clerk.
11. Minutes of a meeting of the Steering Committee appointed to advise the new
Council on the organization of the new Town, dated Thursday, August 16th,
1973. Filed.
12. Appointment for Hearing, reI appeal from a decision of the Committee of
Adjustment re Clarke Fish and Conservation Authority. Filed.
13. Copy of a letter from H. D. Morley, Senior Planner, Plans Administration
Branch, Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, reI
Township of Clarke-Part Lot 33, Concession 5. Filed.
14. Memorandum from John White, Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern-
mental Affairs, reI payments under the Property Tax Stabilization Act.
Referred to Treasurer.
15. Memorandum from H. I. Mac Donald, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Treasury,
Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, reI report of Paul Hickey re
decision making processes of municipal governments and of other juris-
dictions in Ontario etc. Filed.
16. Acknowledgement from Director, Municipal Grants Division, Department of
Finance, reI application under the Municipal Grants Act relating to the year
1973. Filed.
17. Invoice No. M-15631 from the Ministry of the Environment. Filed.
18. Composite Mercantile Policy from Hamiltons Insurance Sercie. Approved for
payment. Refer to Treasurer.
19. Copy of a letter from R. M. McLean, re: your file 26727.703 Crossing of
Third Concession Road, mile 160.46 Belleville Subd. CPL. Refer to Clerk
and file.
20. Memorandum from Mrs. Jane Dagneaul t, Field Representative, The Canadian
Arthritis and Rheumatism Society, reI donation. Filed.
21. Another Credit Crunch from Burgess Graham Securities 1imi ted. Filed.
22. Notices of Hearings from the Committee of Adjustment. Noted and Filed.
23. Agenda of the Fall meeting of A.M.C.T., Zone 5 in Hope Township. Referred
to Clerk.
24. Letter with enclosures from Grant E. Stickle, Building Inspector, City of
Belleville, reI proposed curriculum of studies for Building Officials.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the Building Inspector
be authorized to attend the winter programme at Loyalist College Belleville.
Page 3. Regular Meeting of Council. September 4, 1973.
ITEM (1) Street Lighting - Leskard Road, Concession 6.
This matter was brought forward to consider a report from
Mr. D. L. Tideman, Sales Supervisor, Ontario Hydro.
The report stated that the annual charge of $988.00 to the Township
involved the supply, installation, maintenance and operating costs
based on Ontario Hydro Capital.
The costs were derived from the suggested lighting installation con-
sisting of 26 - 250 watt, mercury vapour luminaires and an annual
cost of $38.00 per unit.
This matter was refe=ed to the Clerk for further consideration.
ITEM (2) Licence for Fish & Chip Truck - Lloyd Raby.
The following material was presented.
(i) Clerk's report on information received from Mr. Gillespie,
Legal Advisory Branch; Mr. Rowlands, Municipal Organization
and Mr. R. J. 11acNaull, District Health Unit.
(ii) Copies of comparable by-laws from the City of Kingston and
Town of Grimsby.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that this matter be
tabled pending a review of the aforementioned by-laws. Carried.
A copy of each by-law was privided to members of Council.
ITEM (3) Road Closing By-Law #1740 and Nr. R. D. Parker.
At the request of Mr. Parker this matter was brought forward from
the meeting on July 3, 1973 (Section 3, Item 6).
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the Clerk be
authorized to proceed with the transfer of the stopped up road
allowances to abutting property owners. Carried.
ITEl1 (4) Road Closing By-Law /{1748.
l10ved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater.
vlHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke have by By-Law stopped up
the allowance for road as described in a plan of survey dated August 31,
1973, file number 73204 as prepared by M. Brown, O.L.S. and
WHEREAS Resolution No. 125 established certain conditions under which
such stopped up allowance for road would be offered for sale to abutting
owners of land
NOW BE IT THEREFORE resolved that the Clerk be authorized to proceed in
the preparation of deeds and finalization of all relevant transactions.
Page 4. Regular Meeting of Council. September 4, 1973.
ITEM (1) Reeve.
Reeve Hoodyard presented a "Ti tten report, re: "Township Develop-
ment".Appendices attached to the report are as follows:
(ll Rice Construction.
2 Walter H. Pope
3 Department of Agriculture
~4 Hunicipal Planning Consultant
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the Reeve's
report be tabled for further consideration. Carried.
ITEM (2) Road & llridge Committee.
(i) Status of road allowance between concessions 9 and 10, Lot
13 and Hr. Paul ~lcI1ackin.
The Cleret was instructed to advise Mr. HcHackin that the
subject road allowance was not developed as a highway to a
standard acceptable by the Department of Transportation and
Communications for purposes of subsidy.
(ii) Mr. Haemmerle and water course (Newtonville).
110ved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that the Clerk
advise Mr. Haemmerle that it is the responsibility of the
owner of land, desiring to improve drainage works, to
initiate proceedings under the provisions of the Drainage
Act of Ontario. Carried.
(iii) Bell Telephone & Buried Cable.
Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that Bell
Telephone Company be requested to provide plans to the
Township showing the location of all their buried cable.
(iv) Mr. Maurice O'Neil and road allowance between Lots 10 and
11, Concession 2.
This matter was refe=ed to the Reeve and Deputy Reeve.
(v) Mr. Michael L. Sawyer and intersection of Sawyer's sideroad
and 7th concession road.
In accordance with Mr. Sawyer's written request for stop
signs to be erected at the aforementioned intersection, the
Clerk was instructed to prepare the draft of an appropriate
(vi) Draft of a By-Law to revise by-law 1.'1728 (Entrance Culverts).
Refe=ed to Road and Bridge Committee for further study.
(vii) Sale of used road equipment.
Page 5. Regular Meeting of Council. September 4, 1973.
ITEM (3) Finance Committee.
(1) Orono Police Village and repa;yment of Capital Loan.
Following a brief report by Reeve Woodyard, this matter was
tabled for a special meeting with the Orono Police Trustees
and Mr. Walter Pope, Auditor.
(2) Vouchers for the Month of August.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater.
WHEREAS the accounts for the month of August, as submitted by the Treasurer
have been examined and found to be in order
NOW BE IT THEllEFOBE resolved that this Council approve the following
vouchers and the same are hereby authorized by the signing officers of the
Corporation of the Township of Clarke for pa;yment.
General Department - Voucher No. 8
Road Department - Voucher No. 8
Orono Police Village - Voucher No. 8
$ 2,367.30
ITEl1 (4) Building Inspector's Report for Month of August.
Received and filed.
ITEM (5) By-Law Enforcement.
(i) Sund~ Racing at Mosport Park.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the Clerk
send a letter to Mr. A. Carruthers, M.P.P., requesting that
Mr. Carruthers obtain information from the appropriate govern-
ment authority in the matter of enforceing the provisions of
the Lord's D~ Act.
(ii) Saracens Car Club and Orono Police Trustees.
The By-Law Enforcement Officer presented correspondence
relating to a complaint filed by the Orono Police Trustees
against the Saracens Car Club of Orono.
Their letter of August 20, 1973 stated that the conditions
appear to be the same as stated in their previous letter of
June 5, 1973 wherein it was stated, quote "the Saracens Car
Club are using the premises at which they are located in a
manner that contravenes the local by-law regarding residential
areas in regard to exterior refuse", end of quote.
The By-Law Enforcement Officer was advised by Council to request
the Orono Police Trustees to provide sufficent information as
to the specific contravention together with acceptable evid-
ence of the alleged contravention in order that a prosecution
could be undertaken.
Paee 6. Regular t1eeting of Council. September 4, 1973.
ITEl1 (2) Official Plan.
Hoved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid that whereas the
revised sheets of the draft Official Plan had not been received from
~h1nicipa1 Planning Consultants Limited that the recommendation of
the Planning :Board be tabled for the next regular meeting of Council
or a special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
ITEl1 (3) Brown's Communi~J Association - Application for a lottery licence.
Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater.
v~AS the signing officers of Brown's Community Association, under
date of August 29, 1973, have applied to the Council of the Township of
Clarke for a licence to conduct a raffle 10tte2"'J wherein the total value
of prices to be awarded does not exceed $3,500. cash or merchandise
BE IT THEREFORE resolved that this Council issue a licence authorizing
Brolm's Communi~J Association to conduct and manaee a raffle lottery
in accordance with the provisions of Section (2), subsection (1) of
Order-in-Council, 274/70. Carried.
ITEM 0+) Consumers Gas Company Limited - Application to construct a gas line.
Moved by C. A. Reid, see mded by R. G. Chater.
This Council does hereby approve of the application of Consumers' Gas
Company Limited to construct a 4" high pre sure gas line from Highwa;y 115
and 35 ~esterly along the north side of the 3rd concession road to the
Clarke Darlington :Boundary in accordance with dra~dng nos. 40-0085,
sheets no. 8-16 inclusive subject to revisions to meet the reCJ.uirements
of the To~mship Road Superintendent and To~mship Engineers. . Carried.
Noved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid.
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on September 18th, 1973 at
7 :30 p.m., or at another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
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