HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/21/1973 / / , I REGULAR MEETING OF m' COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP oj CI4llKE Tuesdq, August 21, 1973 at 7130 pm Council Chambers, Orono Present I Reeve - E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillors - R. G. Chater C. .L Reid G. H. He;ykoop Clerk - H. R. :Best - Moved b;y G. H. Heykoop, seconded b;y K. Entwisle that the minutes of the regular meetin& of August 7, 1973 be adopted as printed provided that item 3 of section 5 be amended b;y insertin& the following words at the end of paragraph ..J.."Mr. Lovekin was critical of Planning Board". Carried. Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded b;y L Entwisle that the minutes of the discussion meetin& on Mondq, August 13, 1973 be adopted as printed. Carried. SECTION 1. DELEGATIONS AND PETITIONS Moved b;y G. H. He;ykoop, seconded b;y R. G. Chater that this Council go into Committee of the whole Council to receive all delegations. Carried. I'l'EM (1) Mr. J. Ochonski, R. R. #2, Orono addressed Council in support of BIIIeTII'ling By-Laws 1/1753 and 11754. He made favourable reference to the natural drainage patte= on Lot 33, Con. 5. Moved b;y K. Entwisle, seconded b;y G. H. Heykoop that this Committee rise and sit in Council. Carried. SECTION 2. C01l~CE (1) Letter from Mr. Llo;Yd Raby, reI licence for a "Fish and Chip 'J!ruck" for Orono and Clarke 'J!ownship. Tabled. Moved b;y K. Entwisle, seconded b;y C. A. Reid that this request be tabled peniting review of an appropriate b;y-law. 'J!he Clerk was instructed to obtain info:ElDation from the legal services branch of the Ministr;y of 'J!reasur;v, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs. (2) Notice of interest rates on loans from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Moved b;y K. Entwisle, seconded b;y C. A. Reid that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee and 'J!reasurer. Carried. (3) Letter from Mr. E. V. Holmes, reI complaint as to the condition of Lot 2-013. Referred to Mr. Les Coombes, Weed Inspector and K. Entwisle and C. A. Reid. (4) Letter from Charles Ewert of E. R. Lovekin's Office, reI Road Allowance betwsen 9 and 10 Township of Clarke, County of Durham. Moved b;y G. H. Heykoop, seconded b;y R. G. Chater that the matter be referred to the Road and BricJ&e Committee. Carried. Letter from Mr. M. G. Mallo;y, P. eng., reI action in rsquestin& Ontario BYdro to extend the time period allotted for submissions - Lennox- Oshawa 'J!ranemission Line. Cow to be sent to J. I.qng. Received and filed. (5) (6) Letter from Mrs. M. Risebrough, Secretsr;r, Durham Central Agricutural Society, reI proclamation declarin& Fridq afternoon, September 7th a half-dq holidq for school children. - , , hp 2. ~...~ of Co1moil. .,.t 21. 1973. _~Cf" ~ Hon4 . c. .... ~d. .ooonded .G. 1[. 1Qk:oop. 2Ce fh1. Co1ul41l u.ell;y lleolan. :r.w...1ftl . tOOR.'!o..l-mla: 7. ln3. a holi"'" fID: ol_te:q uacl hiP .ohoo1 .twleDu. 11I4 .. 01_ 18 baell;y iDe-.Wto ftf. oe:riif.1.od oo~ of_1~to ti/ae lIn.~lead. .... ~... 00aIl. Sohoo1 Joezd ..... to ti/ae ~. 0eat:n.1 .Alrinltval ~ov uaclto JUliol.. ~o11'. ."de1oa --0IIl7 Q .. o.oao "0l-"1y tilee. .... the B__tlo ..~. Caul.... (7) $1cl1ed 10tte. __ ~ JL S'..,1. uacl _..I. '1".".. ftl otter to 1'lmobUe Pori.1.oa of St0ppe4 up .t,'LloveIuMfor Boa4. ,...... . (8) Let_ ~ C. B. Qn;r. lI.1..triot ....."r-. M1D1e'P7of "l.~~JleeoBoea. ft. ..~ of LDoaUOII of S.....YOn1oa. PIlri>>" 1'. oeno..81_ 3. ~~p of O1ake. Jlefened to ~80~~~ttee. (9) -,-eiUoa for Cl:wq1le ~ the OM-"'~_ t:I:aIl8)IOri n. 1...1.011. "fer to _.~... (10) ~.. ~7'" ~)M C......., J.4II1w. Jlefer to O1.f<Ql ~. (11) DlYoloe 3494 hoII ti/ae KQD101pal n....t. CoDnJ." t .S :N' Coanl~ iJeJlT.1OM. fo1ID8h.i.p of 01.0. Jlet~ to Clerk to ~_1Ha1ud ..a.hAt. " (16) "11rf;fpr", t.roa J. .... '1f^Y~nop. lI.1.a~t lllmio1paJ, ~......... ftl 1973 . ~ ...... Cow to JL L. BoIIllJ J.oa4. ~lat"'9f--\ uaclfUed. (17) Let_ ,.... J. ~at'D8. Subald10.0fl1_. Subld.4.1... 1inDoh. ~ . "f'U_ ...... "~"lII"l1''', .. Int_......,! . _tal .lftabli. ft. ~al- lfImio1~JIIIIlII--:-t ~Uve 21:111'" 1972-1973. Lette: .011 _ ~~ ed 'b;y ~.~ or uaJ,.tm<Ie 1D OOI!J'lot1J:lc/ti/ae t_. ..,...... to 01". (18) Let....,.. i.. D. JID~.~. ~"ot _ Pl-i"ll-"-IIJI. 1&--i.81OD 11I4 lI.1.a~oa PI!o~oote lI.1.-n..W.. Oat&1lo lI;.'rdJIo, ft. -..t 1. telex 'AIJ'Ihr.lJlAllalto 11 ll.:l alth .beoo1ate. Ina. ....ived cd tiled. . (1') BoU... i.J.l'P11o BHriDc he. tbeo-ti...o of ~__t. Jleoe1ved III1Cl fUed. . e (20) Let\__tll.w.CMIed ptaUoa oUri ~ W. J. ..... Bec1oaa1. Salo. 1'"...... !be ~-M_ Salt ~ J.4II1ted. ftl ...,oteUoa - ~ .alt. Jleeeived .... $ed. . (21) Let_ tJ:CIlI jlez ~. Me"I., .....\J:aot.1.oa "'~V1t Sal.., rntdllatioaal Jluvetlte: ~ot illm"", L1IIited, al ~....,... lDoloee4 1. a Oosv of .a llOOltiot - IntanaUCIII&l - SaIlite'17 LlIII4t1ll. Jleoeived uacl tiled. '. ,.;~ _1- Pap 3. lepl. IfeetiDg ot 00uD011. ....t 21, 1973. (22) ~~:::.- JIf~~; :f ~~~/.~~n:~';"~"'-ll:#::;;~oe. rei Ontario llooDoII1o 00uD011 - AltR1" ot lIlm101pal Pl.....f"'. m ~o. leoeiTed 8Dd filed. . .- (23) Sohe4ale _&_.1 Ccmt_~ - '-to. leoeiTed 8Ddfiled. (24) 21.t &.......1&""& Ccmtereaoe ot;tava, rei re.a:..tl_.leoei-..<<" J'1led. (2$) Letter boll :D. ". ~, 88ID. ~tor. rei .tu4<<At WIPla,r- _t OU-Jowaftlle-wJlit1l7.... ......lft1l 8Dd filed. (26) Letter boIlllowud Pe,yDe, rei ~G....l m priAtipl. ot a _1111. IIIOIIe p&'1'k. Iet8fted to PJ _f"'C Bcazd. I'JIIftIQI 3. ~JJBII ~JQIlW.&III x.I (1) 1Ir. 11- c1. 8Dd opeD. /I:ra1l:I8p tiWa (tomer LlO1d Cl7Hale properQ-, :IevtoJrrille). _..,.~ 1Ir. Ie Irle i. espec,,"- to be m a~-I'"'. !IIi..tter V&Il ftt8fted to tile "a0.4 8Dd 1ft. ~ttH.tor f'lI1'tlw: couideratiozl .UDder t1Ie ~i_ ot tile ~ .&ot. x.I (2) stom........ ~'1ll1l1jt, BW:tiOD Street, 0z0D0. Ih'. It. o. ro=..ter, a 'u"Illla ot 0z0D0 Polioe 1Ra_. mtOZll8d 00uD01l ttiM tollowiDc a ftOtIDt ..1w -"iDe with.lh'. It. 3. B_, P. _., tor tile JIQZ'1lOlItIot tIIItablll1h1Dc aooejtable r1&bt ot vq liII1'_ on Station '~.!IIi. aatter hall been ta1>>led 8Dd a lIUblIellUllt J:'tIPOtt would be' ftr......e4 tor fathR action to tile 00aDc11 of the _ &fta lIlm101paliV. x.I (3) Ie-"'."'C II'-Lav #1.7S3 (Ih'. J. O~O_f, Lot 33,' Con. S). !he Clerk pre.ented the follow1.Dc OOft..poaa-..to ~n. (1) :ioU_of Ob3eotiOD. (i) Jolm 8Ddlla11 Wovdj.~d, It. It. #1., Orono'" t..l tbd lIIloald ti. 117-1_ be oIoHlIOftC1 it would hae the teDd~ tor .0lMtDe m the flltaretopollute..... m..... ...... (ii) 1Ir. 8Dd Ih'e. D. ~. Borioio, .. .. #1, 0z0D0"Ve teil that ldIoIild tie 1I7-1.-be ..,.. it 1lO1Ila,.. tile WonI-"'7 tor -"me' m the fll.. to. pollute vate m that area". . (W)Ih'. 8Dd1h'e. 1e14 .....:..Jl. 11, Orono .petot the 18Dd8- m qulIlIUcm.1l&ft'a. HZ'iou ~ probla-. m the opDa1ODot the ob3~ the.. 18Dd8 .. DOt nit- able tor re8i4eDtial JIII1'PO.... 8Dd ~'7 that- the Pid 18Dd8 8Dd theJJ: propoeed ue &ft DOt m bep1Dg with goo4 pl-f"'C j,atbe-...... . (2) O<llIflIlI...... (i) .Ih'. S. J. 'Ilbite, ..1!<*......-.ftZ.. - ....-- Ooa-- eenation .aatlloriV. ..... .ia ~ .teep 1IIlloa.4 bl!IIt m 1lIle. DOJ.'tb.....pcrftion .......... ot the o1te,. '1'hU __ ~4be .i.p&te4 . a .. hullZd..... llnflilfW- r.u __.a ""'f~ .Htbaek ot 40 teet ft:oa the top ot the '** .. -~..... -. oenifiedV'" ~ I.-4l1to#~. ~_, DO fill.'''. 1I!IIIIrkb14 ~d be ,1'".,,+tor placed, _ ~ .,...~ 1tilI....t>d wi~.t)il !lalIlIZd _, ou.tl1Ded m n4 GIII.... .."r~ up.. Pep 4.Bepl. Jleet1Dg.of Oo1m.cil. Aqut21, 111). {U)Mr. :Darid !ra.ekett, I--tor Pl8lllDU, Off1G1al Pl... Seotion. ... 'by-law 1IU pu.. iD u;\l4lctation of draft appI:O'V&1 of a plan of lI1lb1d1v1oD. ... the plan ot n\lA.f.n.1.OQ 1IU DOt _pr0ye4 _P1"OP2i&te action 1Ihoul4 be takeD with _. appUcation tor ft_-f.... e CouDcil ftllll1e4the _--, .. nated 'by Mr. (\An......'I<f \1Ddd.~ (1), S.ctiOD1~ JIImI4 'by X. JIrltwiel., ..c0n4e4 'by G.. Jl. lIeJk,oop, that thia Oo1m.ci1, th1!ouch the &pp:I!opriate lIIl1lbontiu.will CiTe Nloou14QatiQII. to the 4raf.Dap. JlII8111_ and the po..1blefU1ltIre _ter pollution ot the _ reeu.l t1Dg ~the propo.e4 rea14l11lt1el cleYelOJllllllt, and N..... that th1. 0011II-11 11 iD acco:rdlllloe with the _tiou and OC'f M'ta .. pre8llllte4 'by Mr. Wb1.te, aeaov.roe. "o/"r ot the ~ .....Qll.COU- enation Author1 V. C&'n'1e4. I8I (4) :ae,...,f. BJ'..Z-117S4 (.T. (\A_lIIrf, Lot 29, Con. s). !be Clek prea8l1te4 the tollow1lls COZ'ftIpoIIcl8I108 to Co1lac11. 1. lIot1oa ot Ob~ection. (1) lb. J. L Morley, P. O. Box 2)S, 0nD0. ."1 w1ab.1t IaIatm that our vater p%.....1. qa.l.teln, and I reepecrtfUl17 :Ht'U8t the ClDtu10 JIIlIUe1pel BoUd to 4elq _tract1on ot thi. nb-4b1a1Q11. 'lUltilthe ae0cm4 ve11, planned tor Claztat !o1lDllb.1p, 1a CODlItructe4 and in operation". . e JIImI4 'by G. Jl. ~p, aeocm4e4. 'by ll. G. Qhaterthat th1a OoaDOil epee with Mr. Jfor1ey' a ~te IIIZl4 fU1llu:e cleYe10lDel1t will ~ iD acoorclaQoe with _ lIt_lIlta \1Ddd date ot J-V ), 1112 'by Mr. J. P. llou.ne1, P. Bac., ....1It8l1t D.1.t:rict ....F-TG. ClDtario Wa~ ~... "-1..1on 1IIMre'by the writer .tate4a "W1th _pect to 10V letter ot ~ ), 1111, W willl1 to 1lOd117 our o.,..teot .&uaut 6th to atate tbat _ nb-d1T1a1on could be cleYelope4 .~~ with the CODlItractiQII. ot the HOODd vell. We w1ab. to peiDt out, .WYer, that to our bIovledp the..aard.c1paUV_.DOt puee4 the DeOelIU1:7 'by-l&1lll to euIIl.e _.f~ PJl~.p:... iD the :po~ect to JlIIOT1- theaeoon4wll. We,~. w1ab. to re1terate that 4enloJIMDt of the :popotl8!l HOODdvell _t :po0ee4 at the ._ paM .. aa41.tioul 4en:}.~..qcQQft 111 the aun.oed ~ o~e... .. . .eiou.a vater ~ :pobl. will u1le." .2; . Ioti08 of ~. :a.,...~ Call-. P. O. OIoDo, 0I0D0. "Pl_ be a4T1.ed that I fUl17 nppozt B7-Z- ITS!. .. popoled 'by the to1IDIb1p ot Cleke CouDcil. I 'lIOUld like to ............ ot lIIIl' _tiDP iD the fUt1De on th1. ftJ. .ll4, or to be let __ 1t 1;bee .. _ 4ec1.1_ -=:1Ted at 'by e11l1wz' .. tcnmah1p C01UlOil, or the ClD_1o am1c1pal Bo8Zd ~ thi. _tterR. JIImI4 'by G. Jl. Ee1koop, eeocm4ed 'by 1l. G. Qhater that Mr. Call_'a let_ be re081Te4 and tiled. C-=:1ed. DIll (S) 01", l1IIh IIIZl4 COU_tieD O1l111 _Ir-r- 11694- __ -.t_ val \mo1aatlt t~~.il to oou1_ _ cInft ot at. letter prepUed 'by the Clerk iD ...... to JILl. ~ .'. letter ot .1'a.l7 17, 111). Page 5. Jle&ular PfeetiDg.ofOo1moU. .&qut21. 1913. JIo'ft4 bT 1:. IIIltwiele,lIeOOD4e4bT;i:. .l.le14 t:b&t tile -.n of the Clerk'. letter be ..........oftd. Clar:rie4. QC'!I0lf h. . H~ ImI (1) B,y-:r..IDt~t. (1) .l TUb&1 report; .... lIlIlEtte4 ~ to the 411tpo81tion a of tift violat1_ of JfaD101pal B,y-Law t3:1e4 beloJ!e the _ 00urtII on .b&u8t 14, 1913. (11) Ieport; of aniDft.t1p.t1oa.tollow1Dg ftOeiptof a_tioe t:b&t blUld.tDg retan hUbeIlIllSepuite4 on the ~ GOD. J:Oad ~tel7 ___lio., t lI11e _t of JU.Pn;r IUS. IfJiIK (2) :&1.... stookTaluer. Ifoved bT 1:. IDtwi.le, .eoonded "" C. A. 1814 t:b&t the Taluer'. Ieport;UDder 4&~ of .&qut 10, 1913 1r!.nepeot of al_b Jd.lled b7 doce on Lot 11, B.I'. COD., be aooepted foz ~t. C8ft1ed. ~OJ Ii. DW ~I1II88 ImI (1) IlDtr8l108 CalTert8. Ifoved bT C. .l. Reid, ee0cm4e4 bT I.. G. Chater t:b&t ~ draft of a bT-lawto IIII8D4 bT-law #1128, .. n1II1tte4b7J1. L. Ioae, I.oa4 ~1ataderat. be "fared to.'" 1I>>84.and ~ eo.1ttee. Carrie4. I!III (2) Bell telephone and ba1ed cable. the reque.t .of _. D. m.-.....l of lIell telephone foz pftlI1..1on to ba:r7 oableon fowudUp J:Oad all4<ii U., _retared to the IlNI4 and :Ib:1. ac.1ttee. . . ~QI 6. &1l.T,allOllllllll. . QIOLU'!IOJr 110. ll!!u. lflml4 bT L IIIltwi'81e, aeoonde4 bTltDbcI:t G. Chater. .!bi.001m011l1eftb7 dJOUDlIIto_t .,aiD OIl...Sept........... 4. 1973 at 10:06 ...~, ~.&t another t1IIe at tbe CHill of theJlefte. Carried. !lie CoaDo11 ~ a4#o""'''"datll.)S.p.a. ~IJ; lll?./~rt ;- P- Clezlt <r e