HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/13/1973 PRESEIIP.l' .. DISCUSSION ftI5I!,'.I:.I.NV COUNCIL CHAMBIilIlS, ORONO ~, Angast 1), 1973. E.R. Woodyard Kirk Entlrisle Robert Chater Charles Reid Gerrit Heykoop R.R. lIest Reeve . Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Clerk e Superintendent Erskine Alex Carruthers Gernet Rickard E.R. Lovekin lIemard Kamin Harvey Rudes Ontario Provincial Police M.P.P. Reeve of Darlington Solicitor Hosport Park Hosport Park Also present - Approximately 12 interested persons. Reeve Woodyard called the meeting to order at 2:20 P.M. He stated that the meeting had been called at the request of Hosport Ofticials to receive and consider their proposal for a musio festival to be held at Hosport Park during the forthcoming Labour ~ holi~. The first part of the meeting woiIld be public and ezrr person wishing to speak would be given the opportunity to so do. The seoond part ot the meeting would be in oommi ttee ot the whole with those persons who had been invi. ted to attend. Moved by R. Chater. seoonded by C. Reid that ezrr person wishing to address the meeting will now be heard. Carried. The following persons voioed their objeotions to the activities ot Hosport Park with particular reference to the rook festival held several years previous: Mrs. Lane, ~s. Marvin, Mrs. Grant, ~. Lane. Moved by K. Entlrisle, seconded by G. He;vkoop that membars of Council, Superintendent Erskine, E.R. Lovekin, ~. Carruthers and~. Rickard, go into a olosed committee of the whole to receive legal COUJISel and to hear CClIIIIMI1ts .from ezrr person in attendance. Carried. ~. Lovekin advised Counoil of their legal position with respect to inj'W1Otions etc. Superintendent Erskine, Mr. Carruthers and ~. Rickard alBO spoke on matters currently before the meeting. Moved by C. Reid, seoonded by R. Chater that ~. Kamin and ~. Rudes be requested to return to the meeting and to submit their proposal. Carried. A brief I!TIIIIIIar,y of ~. Rudes and~. Kamin's remarks _ indicated that a folk musio concert was proposed for one ~, .. Saturdair. Septembar 1, 1913 at Hosport Park, COlllll8nO:lDg at . . 4:00 P.M. and ending at 10:00 P.M. on the same~. Attendanoe was expected to be between ten thousand and twenty ~ persons. Entertainers such as the Ian & Sylvia group had been PIl88 2. - Dillcussion Meeting - Council Chambers - Auaust 10, 191.3. booked. It was their intention to arrange and conduct a folk llUSic concert simila:t' to the Ma:t'iposa Festival held recent17 on Toronto Island. At the request of the Reeve, Mr. Kamin and Mr. lIwles withdrew from the meeting. e The following press report was prepa:t'8d and signed by all mem.bere of Council. 'PR1l!R!;l RlI!I.l2lRli! \fR1i!R1i!&R this Council having recsived and considered the presentation of M'osport Offioials regarding a folk musio conoart featuring such entertainsrs as Ian & Sylvia Etc., the membars of this Council are of the opinion that such a ooncert would not be defined as a "rook: festival" but is more along the lines of the Mariposa Festival held in Toronto Island and on the as8Ulllption that the proposed activity is of the Mariposa type, the mem.bere of this Council will await the OUtoOll8 of the one da,y fllllli17-type Mariposa Conoert as proposed for Saturda,v, Sep't8absr 1 from 4 P.M. to 10 P.M. at M'osport Pa:t'k before finalizing its proposed _(1l1leut to the existing By-Law. Mr. Jr"",in and Mr. lIw1es were recalled to the meeting and info:J:lll8d of Council's action. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. e _.54~j R.u.t' j.J Reeve Clerk