HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/1973 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesda;y, August 7, 1973 at 10:00 A. M. Council Chambers, Orono e Present: Reeve - E.R. Wocidyard Deputy-Reeve - Kirk Entwisle Councillors - R.G. Chater C.A. Reid G. H. Heykoop Clerk - H.R. Best Moved by R. Chater, seconded by G. Heykoop that the minutes of the regular meeting on July 17, 1973 be adopted as printed; Carried. SECTION 1. DELEGATIONS & PETITIONS Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. Reid that this Council go into committee of the whole Council to receive all delegations. Carried. ITEM (1) Mr. James R. Major of the village of Orono requested Council to withdraw a summons reoently issued to him in respect of a violation of zoning by-law #1653. He also stated that the travelled portion of Station St. Orono, was gradually encroaching onto privately owned property abutting the south side of Station st. Mr. Major also requested Council to take further action to remedy the drainage problems existing on Station st. Moved by C. Reid, seconded by K.Entwisle that this committee rise and sit in Council. Carried. Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by C. Reid that this Council meet with the Police Trustees of the Village of Orono to discuSs the various problems relating to Station St. Carried. Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by C. Reid that the summons to Mr. J. Major be withdrawn provided that the Orono Police Trustees by resolution so request. Carried. SECTION 2 - CORRESPONDENCE (1) From Mr. James Kulyk, Newtonville requesting that the road leading from No. 2 Highway South to their property in Lot 3, Con. 1 be named "Kulyks Road". Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. Reid that Mr. Kulyk be advised that this Council agrees in principle to his request and that further action will be undertaken by Council to implement the naming of the subj ect road. Carried. e (2) From Mr. J. McIlroy, Clerk-Administrator, Town of Bowmanville. (i) Minutes of Steering Committee meeting on July 25, 1973. (ii) Regulations governing the Oct. 1st, 1973 elections. (iii) Appointment of H.R. Best, Clerk as assistant Returning Officer and Assistant Revising Officer in connection with theforthcoming election. Received and filed. (3) Letter with enclosed list of the local offices of the 11inistry of Agriculture and Food. Received and filed. Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council. August 7, 1973. (4) Letter from D.P. Collins, District Engineer, Ministry of Transport- ation and Communications, re: tenders for grader with Plow and Wing. Copy to M.L. Ross received and filed. (5) Memorandum from W.A. Proudfoot, Chairman, Subcommittee Requirements for Handicapped Persons, Ministry of Consumer Commercial Relations, reI building code. Enclosed also is completed in regard to same. Moved by K. Entwisle, enclosed questionnaire be referred to District Health Unit-for completion. on Building and a form to be seconded by G. Heykoop that the the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge Carried. e (6) Letter from C. Saruyama, Supervisor, Planning Administration, Ontario Municipal Board, reI Township of Clarke - Restricted Area By-Law 1694. Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by R. Cha"!;er that this matter be referred to the Reeve and Clerk to obtain further clarification from Mr. Saruyama and to obtain legal opinion if considered necessary. Carried. (7) Letter from Gordon Carton, Q,.C., Minister, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, reI second advance pa;yment of subsidy. Copy to H. Dewith Received and file~. (8) Memorandum from E.A. Gomme, Director, Advisory Services Branch, Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, reI resignation of Mr. Scott C. Somerville, Financial Management Advisory Service. Copy to H. DeWith. Received ana. file.d. (9) Letter from D.E. Barrett, Director, Ontario Fire College, reI Regional Fire School - Cobourg for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Copy to Fire Dept. c/o H. Partner and to Orono Police Trastees. Tabled for meeting with Police Trustees. (10) List of pa;yments made to persons in the municipality under the 1972 Farm Tax Reduction Program. Received and filed. (11) Letter from A.D. Mosher, Chairman, Lennox-Oshawa Project Team, Ontario Hydro, reI corridors located in the Lennox-Oshawa study area. Received and tabled. (12)Survey of pet shops in the municipality to be completed from R.I. Hughes, General Manager, Ontario Humane Society. Referred to Clerk to answer. (13) Letter from Mr. M.G. Malloy, reI proposed Hydro Lines. Received and tabled. (14) Notice of Application for approval of By-Law 1612 from Barbara A. Merson, Clerk, Township of Hope. No objection. Received and filed. (15) Notice of Application for approval of By-Law 1619 from Barbara A. Merson, Clerk, Township of Hope. No objection. Received and filed. (16) Letter from B.oT. Smith, Secretary-Treasurer, Ganaraeka Region Conservation Authority, reI reminder of levy. Copy lt6 H. DeWith. Received and filed. In the absence of Reeve Woodyard, Deputy-Reeve K. Entwisle occupied the chair. (17) Letter from Graeme Hedley, Secretary-Manager, Ontario Beef Improve- ment Association, reI Warble Fly and Grub Control. Received and filed. e (18) Letter from E.R. Lovekin, Solicitor, reI Township of Clarke vs. Jan Ochonski. Received. end filed. Page 3. Regular Meeting of Conncil August 7, 1973. (19) Letter from B.J. McCaffery, Secretary-Treasurer, Ontario Good Roads Association, re: attendance of \im. Werry at the 1973 "C. S. Anderson" Roan School Equipment Maintenance Course. Received and filed (20) Letter from Hilborn & Company, Chartered Acconntants, Evans Contract- ing Limited, re: statement of the balance of acconnt - tender deposit re surface treatment. Refer to H. DeWith for reply. e (21) Copy of a letter from E.R. Lovekin, Solicitor to W.K. Lycett, Q.C., re: Old Age Retirement Homes Orono, Ontario - Porposed Land Purchase. Received and filed. (22) Letter from The Workmen's Compensation Board (H.A. Gramolini, Chief Assessor, Treasurer's Department, re: earnings maxinmm for compensation, coverage for volnnteer firemen. COllY to Orono Police Village and file. (23) Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment, }lonc1ay, July 23, 1973, July 24, 1973 and July 26, 1973. Moved by C. Reid, seconded by R. Chater that the minutes of the Committee of Adjustment meeting of July 23, 24 and 26, 1973 he received and approved. Carried. (24) Memorandum from K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, Administra.tion Building, Cobourg, re: severances a~ong Connty Roads etc., enclosures. Received and filed. (25) Copy of the Boards Interim Order E.B.R.O. 302A, Energy Board from J. McCarthy, The Consumer's Gas Company. Received and Filed. (26) Letter from F.C. MacKenzie, Resident Manager, Domtar Packaging Ltd., re: Road Binder and Dust Suppressor. Received and filed. (27) Copy of a letter to the Editor from John Layng, Town Planner and Architect, re: Lennox-Oshawa 500 KV Transmission Lines. Received and filed. (28) Copy of a letter from Stuart MacKay, Selkirk Holdings Limited, re: generating complex in Wesleyville with enclosed newspaper article. Received and tabled. Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by C. Reid that copies be forwarded to the Ministry of the Environment asking for their comments. Carried. (29) Magazine - Ontario Parks Association. Received and filed. (30) Application for Membership to the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario. Refer to Clerk for his recommendation. (31) Booklet - Submission to the Executive Conncil of the Province of Ontario. Received and filed. (32) Letter from }lichael L. Sawyer, Sawmac Farms, re: stops signs at corner of 7th line and Sa;1Yers side road. Referred to Road & Bridge Committee for report. (33) Memorand1.lffi from Ministry of Labour, Construction Safety Branch, re: The Construction Safety Act, 1973. Received and filed. (3!1) R. Farrow and estimate of repairs for further damage to his car sustained while driving on the eighth concession road. Refer to Millson Insurance. e (35) H.E. McGill, Live Stock Commissioner re: Appeal of Mr. Joseph Barry for Livestock daBage. Copy to Joseph Barry and file. (36) Letter from C. Saruyama, Supervisor, Planning Administration, Ontario Municipal Board, re: Township of Clarke - Restricted Area By-law 1734, A.& V. Smith. Referred to Clerk for reply. (37) Letter from E.R. Lovekin, B.A. LL.B., re: Home Smith Property Ltd. Subdivision Agreement Finalization. Received and filed. Page 1.~. Regulax Meeting of Council. August 7, 1973. (38) Letter from E.R. Lovekin B.A. LL.B., re: Rice Construction Co. Limited. Received and filed. (39) Letter from CENTRAl, LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY re: Notice of Apportionment of Leview Conservation Planning Study, MA 341/73. Copy to H. DeWith and file. (40) Letter from Spencer, Romberg, Kassirer, llaxkin & Esbin re: Home Smith Properties Limited. Referred to Clerk for reply. e Hoved by G. Heykoop, seconded by C. Reid that this meeting recess for lunch and to reconvene at 1:30 P.M. Meeting recessed at 12:10 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 1:45 P.M. Deputy-Reeve K. Entwisle returned to Council end Reeve vloodyaxd occupied the chair. Items 11, 13 and 27 were brought forwaxd for further consideration. Resolution No. 135 110ved by Kirk Entwisle Seconded by Gerrit Heykoop That Ontaxio Hydro be requested to defer the deadline for return of questionaire on the location of the proposed Lennox-Oshawa hydro transmission lines through Claxke Township to August 22, 1973. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop that the Clerk reply to Mr. John Layng advising him to submit his comment, as set forth in his letter to the editor re: Lennox-Osha8a 500 KV transmission lines, directly to Dr. Solandt, the appointed referee; Carried. SECTION 3. :BUSINESS llROUGHT FORI-lA-till ITEM: (1) Municipal Planning Consultants re Invoice #31.135. Further correspondence was presented from Mr. John Farrow, wherein the writer set forth in detail, the cost of the specific items in question. Moved by R. Chater, seconded by C. Reid that Invoice N . o 3435 be approved for pa;yment. Carried. ITEM: (2) James P. Caskey, Oshawa, re: taxi licence. The reply from the Dept. of Transportation and Communications re driving record of the applicent, was presented for Council's consideration. l10ved by G. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that a licence to own end operate a cab for hire wi thin the TO'ffiship of Clarke, be issued to ~lr. Caskey provided that the applicant file with the Clerk a copy of a policy of insurance in accordance wi th Section 6 of lly-law #1677 . Carried. e ITEM: (3) Mrs. Olive Henderson, Sec. Newtonville Community Hall Bpaxd re monies held in trust by To;mship from sale of former Newtonville Paxk Lands. Page 5. Regular Neeting of Council. August 7, 1973. Resolution No. l32.... Moved by Ge=it Heykoop Seconded by Ch8~les Reid e v~ Mrs. Olive Henderson, Secret~ of Newtonville Comnnmity Hall :Board, has requested that certain monies, held in trust from the sale of unused parkland in NewtonviLie, be used for renovating the Newtonville Community Hall. NOW BE IT 'L'W.r'lREl'OHE resolved that the Clerk be instructed to advise !1rs. Henderson that the money held in trust is intended for the purchase of more sui table park land, when such lend becomes available. ITEM (h) .ArJ:oears i.n Taxes Noved. by G. Heykoop, sec;mded bJr B.. Chater that the tax co~lector ini ti.a.te appropriate a.ction wi thin 30 days to collect all arrea.rs in business ta.x and. Further thax the ta~ collector notify all 0'n1ers of property ;ri.th property tax arrears of i~lOO.OO or more that if such a:r.rears are not paid wi thin 30 days from da.te of notice, further action will be undertaken under the authority granted and in accordance with the provisions of the !.ftmicipa.l Act R.~.n., 1970, Chapter 281!. and amendments thereto. Ca.crried. I~~ (5) Proposed Speea ~imit on Leskard Road A model by-law together ,.,i th attached. schedules, as sub- mitted by ~~. J.A. NcKillop, Destrict !fwnicipal Engineer, wa.s presented. for Council's consideration. !loved by K. Imt"isle, seconded bJr R. Chater tha.t the Clerk be authorized to investigae;e the possibilitJr of the Dept. of ~T8nsportation and CommunicB~ions lUlderteking a traffic stu.dy together "Ii th a subsequent report in respect of the Lesk8.I'd ::toad. CB-ITied. l?ECTID.!'J_!L::.__~ORT~ Foved b,r C. Reid, seconded by G. Heykoop that this meetinc go into committee of the whole Council to receive 811 reports. T~~ (l~ Fin811ce COmIlittee. - - - ~"'I Accounts for month of JuJ.y. IT.I:],~ (2) Home 8m tl:. Sst8.tes J\Tr. E.R. Lovel~in, B.A. IJL.B., r'Ir. C. :Y\'lart av.d Ilifr. \~ralter Grieves a.]1)Jep.red before Council i.n the matter of finBJ.iza.tion of the subdivision agreement with Home Smith Properties. ITEl'1 (3) J. Ochonski and. amendine: b,r-lm-rs Nos. 1.753 to 175q. e ~'he Clerk nresented. a. verbaJ. report on the present sta.tun of the aforenoted. b,r-12.W8. It "'3.8 noted. tha..t Aug. 21, 1973 was the last day for recei.viv-t::: object5.ons to each of these by-J_a.ws. I'l'EH (1) Bc"-law Enfbrcenen';; ~e By-18.\1 endrorceq~:'D.t. Officer snbmi tted 8. verb8~ report on y0885.ble infractions of mu.11.icipal by-12~t'ls tOG'ether vith [l re:pori; 0::.1 sllBDonS8S currentl~r befoJ?8 the courts.. JOe€€, 6. Regul8x "!ecting of COlmCn. AUG1St 7, 1973. ITEH CS) I~ive8tock V2~ner A re:pol:"t 1:1fLS :orese:'1teCl frOT!1 1:. Ea."_lovTello livestock v?,luer in rcelJcct of ". l".nlb '.dllec by does on or about the 25th cay of ,July, 1973 and o1:mec, beT Jas. E".110wel1, of Lot 12, Con. .S. IT,,)"! (6) Buil0.inc: Inspection :>:'e"ort fo:>:, June [, July 1973. Moved by R. Chate:>:', seconded by C. Peid that this c011lT".i ttee rise ane_ sit in Council. CaLTiec1.. (l)(a) ResoJution No. 137 !.'Iovecl by G. H. Hey~,-oop Seconden by Robert G. Ch~ter e J.jH.I'J:e'iAS the accounts for the month of July, as submi tte0 b~:'" tI')e Trea.Sl~-r.er have been exe11linecl and f01IDO. to be in. orc_er NOW TIF IT ~~FOR~ resolve~ that this Council approve the follouin~: v01.whers end the S?ffie ?2.?0 hereb;," authorized for pa:yment by the sj<:y!.:Lng office~s of the Corpo?~2_tio!1 of the ~~m'msb.i_~ of C18.:rJ:e. GeD-e~e,l I'Je:08::,tment - Voucher No. 7 -"'1.08,0 !)en2~7:"t!l1ent - iToucheT' 1:10. 7 OrOTIO :r?oJ5ce YiJ.lpce - Voucher No. 1 '~13,122. 93 ~61,130. 72 ~, 3,LlO.36 (2)(0) '- -- J ,-" ~ ~':efJoIution Eo. :.38 Hove 0_ b~T G. H. HeyJr:ooTl Second.ee} by Ch8J:'lcs 11. Reid Tb.at 9. By-18":l to f0:r:rr18J.ize FUld com:plete the slJ.b-05.yision 2,~eeme~.t be-G':!een Hone Srr:i th Properties IJimi teo. an<l the Tov,msb5::-> of CJ.p~":.:e f'JJ ado3)ted in ~T-Lcr",'T l\fo. 165.5 ~ be C.j_ilen e. fiJ:'pt end S8COD,(! reading. T:H3 CO'{PO'I~ry'IOlT OP '1"'1" TO'!NSEJ:P OF CL!01.F'lC 1,7}lel"ep,p lm.0e:-:~ 'B::T-I"B,u ,:~'~'1736 the COlTI'!cil of the To't\1!1ship of Clarke a,uthorizeo. the traJ1sfe:r to Bn:-1 assl~r,'r9tioTl b~r the IIo:m.e Smi th :PTo1)p.~ties JJimi teet of a subdivision 2<?:Teement 8,(lo-ptefl_ ll.nder :B:r-!J8,"., <~165S ancl iJ'!'1e:r-eEq::; fo!-:' tl~o SE'L1_8 of snc!:l tr8n8fe~(' auci 8,S81J.TD.',)tio!1 subsequent conditions 1'Te!?e reC:~J.iJ:'ed fT.0~ rro~:r!C :;Tni '{:.l1 ?:!:'o~e~ties Jd.!'1i teo. e~c1 1:!herep,g i!l H letter clateQ. Au{;up.t 2na ~ 1972 Hone Smi t~ :?r8~()e?ti.es set out t1::.ese a.r.cl.i -'cioYleJ COI!.cli t:1.ons 21;.0. l.1J'lc0.CY'tao:: to ~e~fo:-~ the~, 2nd i'lhereas Henry DeWi th, Acting Clerk e.nc. CJer',-Tr8".snJ~0,. of the Co=,::!ol"e3;ion. of the TOlffishi31 of Cla-r:.;e by lettcX' to Eome Smitb :.'?ro.r?prties T,imiter3., oB.te0_ ~T1JJ.y Ihth, IS?? listeo. a S8r.~en ot 8i:~>'ht (8) con.;Iiti01'lS, 3.J.80 'uhich i'mre to form part of the assigned An:re€!'18?:'_t; 22"1_;=1. 2.C'J:J:'eo:-:1_ -to T':01~12 S."'j_ t2!. I'::O:::'8J:'tl.ef:! J--,irn5_teo. :':r."Bnt5.:11..'-" of E(l(1.itio~_2.J 1_8:'1C_S 8':'1d to EO!QO 8~1'\ttl"). Prop8::-ties :i:5.J.l5ten [~p.0.L(1.,'2' of the 82J1leJ for p. n18,:t2"Z'oUnrl.~ t1:ls cnnr'15. t 5_0:'1. ">.')!:'OT)OS8S in J:'et'JJ:'TI fo~ deleting that Home Smith ProP8:::-tie2 1',,:!Y1.ite> "'8.,7'"" l~eY' ~:~}:lOl1.S8rj~. 0.o~_l.p~s e;IO,OOO.OO) ~_T_ ca8r~ a.s '"L":!.0.e::- suo-nj_"<rtr:don at-reemoT,.J:; co!:'J'i,tio:n. f/:27. ~?O~o! 11l}1!I:?~rOT?.Y' COU:.."'!jI~, fiT;1 TI'::: ~01'!l~STIj? ceil 0T:_"'_~:?..2 :rJ':"I0TS .\ r: '~(':r,IO~'!S: - 1. That the terms 1 through 9 incJusive in 1;'10 '.ettel' 02.1;8" 1;'10 ?nct of _\1-\:').8-[ 1972 ,~nCl. sent from_ FO"18 Sr1itr). Frope7_,t.ies JJimitcC1 to ':3. F. Gol1i.!1.s, CJ.er!':: _^_CJ1~i~nistr?,tmr of the To~'rnEh~_) of Cl?:--:-:,-e Page 7. Regular Meeting of Council. August 7, 1973. e (5)(a) (6)(a) - and a copy of which is annexed hereto, and the terms 1,2,3, 5 and 8 of the letter from Henry DeWith, Acting Clerk of the Township of Clarke to Home Smith Properties Limited dated July 14th, 1972 a copy of which is hereto annexed, be incorporated into the subdivision agreement authorized by By-Law #1655. 2. That said terms should be read mutatis mutandis with the agreement where possible, and where they conflict such terms will be read as being paramount. 3. That Home Smith Properties Limited are and is hereby absolved from pa;ying the Ten 'I.'housand Dollars ($10,000.00) referred to in term #27 under the subdivision agreement, in so far as they have transferred Block !IF" to the Township of Clarke and graded said Block "F" for pla~ground purposes. Read a firstap.d second tilae th,1:$ 7th~.,$:f Aug. 1973. (Simed) Edwa;rd R. Wood-vard Reeve (Simed) Horace R. Best Clerk Read a third time and finally passed this 7th da;y of Aug. 1973. (Sil1Ded) Edward R. Woodyard Reeve (Sil1Ded) Horace R. :Best Clerk Moved by C. Reid, seconded by R. Chater the aforenoted by-law be given a third reading, passed, n1;llllbered as by-law No. 1755, signed and the seal of the Township of Clarke affixed thereto. Carried. Resolution No. 1'39 Moved by Gerri t Heykoop Seconded by Kirk Entwisle In the matter of FulfiJ.lment of Home Smith (:secas) Subdivision Agreemeni; Terms :BE IT THEllEF0RE resolved that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to forwa;rd a letter to Robertson Lane Perrett, 105 Adelaide St. West, Suite 900, Toronto, in accordance with Uhe draft as submitted under date of August 2, 1973, to Council on August 7, 1973 by Mr. C. Ewart. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop that this Council accept the report of the Livestock Valuer. Carried. Moved by C. Reid, seconded by G. Heykoop that the :Building Inspector's reports for June and July 1973 q,.approved. Carried. Page 8. Regular Meeting of Council - August 7, 1973. SECTION ". NEW :BUSINESS IT.E:M (1) Mr. & Mrs. Ted Remington, Main St. Orono re: application for amendment to by-law #1653. Application was made for an amendment to zoning by-law #1653 whereby the permitted non-residential uses in an RI zone would A include a "picture studio furnished with antil(lles". ., Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by C. Reid that this application be refe=ed to Planning Board for their recommendation. Carried. IT.E:M (2) Mr. J .C. Tamblyn and amending by-law. Resolution #140 Moved by K. Entwisle Seconded by Robert G. Chater ;n::nmli!A!'l Mr. James C. Tamblyn of the Village of Orono applied to Council on the 14th daiv of ~, 1973 for an amendment to the Restricted Area By-law No. 1653, whereby approximately 3/4 of an acre of land situate in the south east corner of Lot 27, Con. 6 would be rezoned to a "HC" category and WHEREAS the aforementioned application was refe=ed to Clarke Planning Board on May 16, 1973 for a detail study and subsequent recommendation to Council and ,. lmERE.AS the Planning Board have recommended to Council that Mr. Tamblyn's application .be approved and have submitted the draft of an Amending By-law. . NOW BJjl IT c"'H",Hk~resoJ. v;~ti'tl)a.t,th;is: ~tIiJ~'~ii'<9i:v(t a' first, . and. s$cj)nd,re~ to, 'tp"e.. h~ebe;f?re'nt)ted' br'-law as approved and recommended by P1 Rnn; ng Board. . T.IlE CORPORATION OF. T.IlE. TOWNSHIP OF OLAllKE A By-~to _end~';Law ~;;;;q{ Slq,~~R:::~:~f~~~~~~~i;De .... ";-1Ilw~~6~~aS' amehaea. .. . . , .1WW'.""..........".:the'*.~J. Gf. :t~tll!l~rati~of th~,~~~~;p,~! cel~ke" ,. .",.i'~l~;,.d .' '. '1'.,"fha.tT<Mv1'g$":&h$l.Ul$""ltli$&: :ig..~nJ.ii'1)~~:3cll.\!l' ... . ,~endeli bi"r~~t<lj"~ilt'i ~r_~:(~~,~l' l~ S.O 4eSignaua:'()i1i8qhe~bl1~: ~~'-9'Ul;.~d;~P. . . # .. ' .' .~.." ! l, ~')-. '..-',0 2.!rhat Secti;n7'?t._~'lfwII~ 1l;53 lie ~Odf8,W ~,;J~~g . ,lh..retOj;h~'ct"U~~~etion}; -, .r ~. '. -\.:{-:~ ~ 1. ... ..... ' "7.J ~e'ial~~i....... .,'- "(a)-:'~"~,.:-~~}()fJ.r~;,'~1.,t::i},:)~ .:1',. .:.....':.;-... . . .~,~.+.;=; . . . (i) In,.<11~en:\;r)~~~'-i;~S~~l!1' .~~J~~~~~~~~.~~'i:"i~~;~"'..e ..: . (!)n~~tiL~,*"~C~~!~bIl,.rll,l\!;_,.'l:!Ei:~a fer the ;fallo~.~ses: " Page 9. Hec;ular fiIeet.1~nC' of emuleiJ. - AUSU~8t 7, 1973. No mO:Y"e thRn Ane r1wel.1i:n~ "]}i t ..bl 2 NO!;l- He8iA~enti81 builcHn/}' rroviilea~ that the dwelling uni t is constructed a.bove the first floor and is a. minimum distance of 12 feet from the easterly lot line. A wholesale establishment for the sale of dairy products, cta.b~7 eq1!iIJ!!1ent ann. 81).pplieR. e A retdl e8t8blismnent fo:>" the 88.1e of a~a.iry UrOc.Fct8 8;rUJ, related fOOd n:ror:1.ucts. (u) '\fot\.tith8t~:n(ti.:n"S the :nrovisions of 88cti.OD. 7.. 2: the ni.niEmm lot frontage shall be 125 feet the minimum lot area shall be 0.69 acres the minimum front yard depth shall be 9 feet no side yard shall be required from the easterly lot line, the m5_ntrrru_T!! setbp,c!:: from eentre 15-11.9 o:r:' COllnt;:?' R.osil No. 1 8bell be 38 feet (. . . ~ J.lli Fo ?,'R:rae:~e o:pen:Lng or:> otne:t:" direct. i='LCCeAS shrtl] DE" "D0:r"T'1.itt.en. on tl'")e e.'='.~t p-i.Cle of the subject bu.U "i.nS s..dje.ce!lt to the Road .Ulowance between Lots 26 and 27." 3. That all .other provisions of By-Law Number 1653 shall apply. 4. This By-Law shall become effective on the date hereof ,~ubject to reccdv:t!1-S' tr.e 2.~:?rov~l of tf1.e Ont2.'i?:l.o Hr!.nici!l8~ Bop.rd. "R.ep.cl, p. first 8.no. second time this 7th 08,~T of )\.uf"\lst~ .A. J). J.973. (Sjr:;ned_) 1].Cl.'-r~2"'~?:., R. i".Tooc1~'?:r.o. 'Peeve (Sivnef) Horace R. Best Clerk Read a third time and finally, passed this 7th d~ of August, A. D., 1973. (Si~ed)Edward R. \{q.o.ilL?E.i!. Heeve (~jJ~8(l) Ror8.0'e H. 'Best Cler,.: J."ovec. b~T G. He~>l{ooJ: ~ 8econC!er:1 b~T lC :cm.b.;risle thp.t the pfox-enoted by-lp:u be ,r-,~~.ve:r ~, th,5_J?A. reF1,(lJ~:=,,~ :pAssed, numbered as by-law No. 1756, signed and the corporate seal of the Township of Claxke affixed thereto. Carried~ ~ ~. ". '..,. ITEloI (3) Rice Construction and' pro;pos~d retireI'1ent hom;' ,:w"l. . ITovec1 0;" G. B:e:,T\:oOl!~' '88 0,0:0 r,1E'0_ b:r T(. :G.n.t'Y,r:tslp thp,t. thj_s C0111'Wj.J :.''0 i-r:\to COT:1Tf1:L ttee of the \oT~.ole C01J]".cil. Cqrrieo.. Pa.g'e 10. ~)"e~'!}.ar !'~eeti:D.3 of Council. Auc~'st 7, 1973. r~:r. :S.R. I,ovekin, B.A. LL.B., Mr. Charles Ewart and Mr. Max Rice appeared before CelUlcil ~ suppert .of the prepesed Retirement Home Park in Lots 33, 34 and 35 Concession 1. T1'!.e s~0e8Jce!'s cO]T'J1le:~.ted 8.t le:Qcth reS'2r(lj_TI.'T the :':"ecent 0_cctsion of the :OJ_9r'n:tn,~ :Boaro \'Thereby the EoaL'cl. hEtcl recoP1Tfl.enned to Cou,"'lc5_}. t:h8.t tb.e :,~o:.!ospl of Rice Con8t~lction be refused.. Addendum - ~ Mr. Lovekin was critical .of Planning :Beard. Refer to the In SD~n8~J, the speakers requested Council te censider the first metion recommendation of Planning Beard at their earliest cenvenience. .of the minutes .of AU8Il8t 21/73 Moved by K. Entwisle, secended by G. Heykeep th~t this com~ittee ::.-ise PX',0. sit i~. C01_~Cil.. Ce.rried. e MOY0~ b:'" !{. ~t-;:'!isle, seco!1.cLeil by G. He~r1~OOIJ t!l.at the reco~- rr:.er:0.p,tioD from :P18~nin.: }108.r(3 ~e:'3'e.:::"cl.in'3' the 1)J:>OD082,} of Rice Co~strclctien be tabled LL~til the next regular meeting .of Ceuncil .or a special meeting of Cetincil called by the Reeve. Carried. Meved by C. Reid, seconded by R. n01iT 8,Ct~ m}~ to reconver.e 2.t 7 = 30 Chatel!: that this meetinc c.o n "'.T ~. . "c.. Cer::riefl.. T1[eetir}<:r cY~.joln~.,_ccl. ~ ~oS P.1J. HeC't5~~.:,: recor.ve:n.80. p,t 7 =;0 P. 1.1. !T:~/~ (!,) - 5ow?,r:-d ])8~:TD.€: ;:>8 1=?etiT.'pr'l,en.-: Home P8.:'::'>: ~~.e .f,")1_1m,ri.:l.D ~2teY'i?J, ~'Tp,S 1]resnnted. (1) Reco!'lJ1lendatien from Planning Board that Hr. fayne's prepesal fer the develepment of a Retirement Heme Park in Lot 1, Broken Front Cencession, be rejected. (. . \ ~ J.J. j .:.~c Jette!:' fro~. I',r.:'::'. !-T. Pp,yne T!2';.~.e~ ~'<=\te of ~".12'. 6, 1973 :::'er:.'L'!.estin:,,;, the.t h~J' rr:J!~11icatio::1 f',.,"t" 2. ~ob5J.e reti!:'eT:'l.e::1.!: !":.o!Y!e , ",)8Xl>-: be reco!',8irl.eY:'8it b:'" n}.2nn.~_n~~ :Bo?J:'cL l"T.OV00_ b:' ?:. T:'!.-b:'":i.~:1.e:, s8con(!ecL b~r G. Heykoop that the :Board t s recemmendatien be tabled. Carried. lTE!1 (5) Mr. Ronald D'Een .of :Bewmanville reI use of Ceuncil Chamber. Moved by K; Entwisle, seconitecl b:.r G. :qe:.,.l,:QQ7! tn.2,t t!.1.8 Cle:C':'~ be ?,IT':i"h07'~_ "',eo. to rent t:b.e ConTlc5_1 Ch::'l.mbe::r:-s to ~'Tr. I' I ~?on, :for the l'E1.:--:::0SE' of !:'lu8.i.c .i.71_StY'llCtiorl" e2.c}~_ },-'1o~cLay eY~Dtnc~ eO::':!-:1e:1ci11::.' O~_ GO:'Jt. JO~, J.?73 8':',::1. contiY'cp.i::J.C t~ou:;h the "Tinter season, previded that the Chambers are not required by Council en eny lecal Board .or Committee thereof. On such eccasiens Mr. D'Een would_ be pertTli tteo. to use the haJJ. aU0.i to::::,j_~1!'1 i.I not ot~,E.;?1:Tip(> :-:.>eS8!:'\.re0.. C1?~-:-:-('5.('r3,. I~r:n!T'I (rS) -qecO~J'1.~YD.r.a tiOTIS :cy-o":,,, rJ_("1J:'.""'.iJ:'-:~ B08,"':'0. lttM2.-!~ tl1ir "'RO?:':"o. :r:'ecorn,",:,.C'~.;:] to CO'_"_:t'.ci_l. .t~;.2.t t}'.e fflo'.:r:0s:05.:,:, ?:,.,?r;'5_r.ee~s "be COT'lT'1t~85_one(l. to StU0.y and. report on the fea,sibility of a ll!unicipal 1-Tater supply system for the hamlet .of Newtonville." Moved by G. Heykoep, secended by R. Chater th8>t this CouncE !~ee-t ,:':5_-!:::-;. T''f~. Pete:c' :sbo:'?J_ee, To':'n~s]~.i-:S' 'fib:;-::~.nf8'?, to 0i~cU2q the '1!"l.0ert2.1c-:5_:"1.:-' of' PIl engine'?~i~:'~: st1~.d:,:" to [l,ete~i'.!e t~_9 fep~'35_b5_15.t~T O!. p l"".ll..Yltci."p". -;-:':'0,1 ~'~2tC'~? r1J..:')~~!.:T for t1.1C ~rnlet oJ: T\~e't.rt0nvllle. Ce..rried. e :...~ Page ll. Regular Meeting of Council - August 7, 1973. (ii) flthat this Boa..rd recommend that COUJw::LJ. '!?Gr1l"1.o.f't cOTl!'lent.s fl~OTn t.]],!') r-::->2.1~.:"'8,:'"""":~ :Pp<::iml C.ons8"?VP,f::i.on. t,Ftl'o;:-i t;,,' con('.()~!:'!,l.in~; the 8'b..>(,:8:'~ C1.l.V0~,.,8:1_0:':l 0:;" H,e 0,~o"'o Ti'~t"!:lt0'C 8lJ.b-rl5.,r:i.~5.on. If e (iii) ~'fov..:;r:j b~- G. }"'f'"'""T""~OO'l~ seco:D.G.0ci ::):'"" T:L C}"p:};er th~t the Clerk re~ueRt comments from the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority. Carried. "that this Board reconunends to Council that the mmlicHtion of Home 81"it1'l. :?ronp~t~.28 :r:tcl,. (Jil~.:'? YfOa 73-1:.<) t.o-;'C7,OTlP "Bloc~':". A. ~p r:l~".o;''':l. O!:"). :-~'r.:~':1.;~tE':-r:'p;i .''\}_:::J':I. No. 693: to ~. en C;?t<?s"O~'" ~ be :-r:'(;f'l}sc>c1a If Iro""re~ b:T C.. :".25.A., c<PC0Y"'.r1Pr? D~.'" :;~).~ 0h':lf:0T t;i,,,t, tll:i_f~ CO"1.1TciJ. ~-'-:~c,?~'1t +hr:; ::?'8C'o:n.r")en~,8,tion of Planning Board. Carried.. (iv) "that this Boa."d reconunends to Council that the annlication of Home Smith Properties JJta. (File No. 7 3-),7) t~- re700"" 13J.oc~''":? ~f'~ ",1:'.01:,7'"1' OYl ,,,c.~:i.,"~~('~r."'~ ">"1J::"Ic". ';-;'!':)a t:0"') ":-,0 p, c0T"'T":1.e~ci8J~ cr>,+P~"0r:,:-:, bs ~0fcl''''''""I:'..'' 'Hoved. b~,;- !C~ ""~,.+.~~'~ ~Jr ~ 000.0Y'fprl l)~" '=-? ~ C],,p,tC<:" thp.t p'""0~1:i.c~t5.o:n. y.''';"1? ~r0. T?-\': tJ0 '-:,":f'~':-V'-"0C" "h::'.r:':1~ '1~8 :rq.r7.'.;---'5_~.'.' BO-:lJ....c. for f1)]:,ther stuc.y with the reconnnendation that more detailed information be obtHined from Home ~ith Properties recarding the proposed uses of tbf' subject l8:f1,C,~ C8.~.-i.0,;1.~ I'l'li1K ( 7 ) Durham County Senior Oi tizens Lod8e Reeve Woodya;rd reported that he had received inf_tion f'roIII Mr. T. W. KoElltIDerll, lllmicipal &Amini stration Offila1', .&dvi.sory Services lIrszI.ch, which indicated that it would be necesss:t7 for the Township to secure O.H.ll. approval prior to the sale of /mY land OlIlled by the Township and valued at 15000.00 or more. The Reeve and Olerk were instructed to proceed in this matter. I'l'li1K ( B ) Mosport Park and Rock: Festival Reeve Woodyard presented a copy of a letter froIII llwPn...,.d J. ramin to :lleJ:na;rd lL SolOllOJ1, llarrister, Toronto, in which the writer stated "We are returning to you the Offer to Lease subm1 tted together with your deposit cheque in oonnection with a _ic festival end concert as sue is unacceptable to our cll.8I1t. n SEcTION 6- Be.olutton .0. 1 It? Moved by Robert G. Ohater Seconded by X. Entwisle !his Council hereby adj01l1'D8 to meet lI8&in at 7130 p.lI. on Tuesd&;y, AUBWIt 21,1973, or at another time at the call of the Reeve. Oa:rried. e Jlleetinfr adjourned at 11:00 P... aJ~ ni. Q.g~~ Olerk 'f 4,,," ,f~d j Reeve ~