HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/01/1973 Page 6. Regular Meeting or Council. July 17th, 1973. SECTION 6. I1ESOLUTION NO.1 '31: Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. abater.- This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on Jl1gu.&t 7, 1913 at 10:00 a.m. or at another time at the call or the Reeve. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. - ~-- Clerk n ~. Q.gut _~ , /7 ~ -';::.L, - -.( /1.- A'. t- Reeve _ l f DISCUSSION MEETING Re: MOSPORT PARK Council Chambers, Orono Wednes~ AugUst 1.st, 1973 Present: E. R. Woodyard Kirk Entwisle Robert abater Charles Reid Gerri t Heykoop H. R. Best Corporal James Dr. Charlotte Horner Mr. J. F1na.lyson Mr. Henry Rood Mr. Robert MacNaull Mr. F. !lUre, Mr.' D. G. Kimber Mr. W. J. Haddad Mr. H. Hudes Mr. B. J. Kamin Mr. A. Carruthers Reeve Deputy Reeve Counoillor Councillor Councillor Clerk Ontario Provincial Police Medical OrUcer or Health Director, Dept. or Health Chier Inspector, Dept. or Health Inspector, Dept. or Health Eng., Waster Management Branch, -Kingston Regional Engineer, Private Waste-Water Management Br. Regional Manager, Industry & Tourism President, Mosport Park-Ltd. Executive Vice-President, Mosport Park Ltd. M.P.P. Durham Also Present: approximately eight (8) interested persons. Reeve Woodyard called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Moved by R. G. abater, seconded by Jr. Entwisle that whereas it was now past the hour or 7:00 p.m., at which time the special meeting or Council was scheduled to begin, be it therefore resolved that the items on the agenda ror the special meeting or Council be tabled ror the next regular meeting or Council and be it further resolved that the discussion meeting re MosPort Park with representatives or the various government departments who had been invited to attend this meeting, do now proceed in Committee. Carried. Reeve Woodyard informed those present that the discussion meeting would be held in closed comm1 ttee, but berore so doing a:n::r person, who had not received a written invitation to attend and desiring to address the meeting would now be heard. Mr. A. Stolk, R. R. #2. Orono, suggested that Mosport Park Ltd. should be responsible ror adequate compensation to those persons whose a property had been damaged as a. result of a:n::r spectator event at .. Mosport Park. The meeting proceeded in closed committee. Page 2. Discussion Meeting, August 1st, 1973. The Clerk, at the request of the Reeve ~ad the following correspondenoe in which the writers referred to property damage suffered by owners of land adjacent to Mosport Park: and resulting from the activities at Mosport Park. e 1. Edward S. MacKa;y, P. O. Orono 2. A. J. MoComisey, reI Jack Syer 3. Stewart MoTavish, reI Ontario Darhem Pond Owners Assooiation. A letter from M. G. Melloy, P. Eng., R. R. #2, Orono was presented wherein the writer in BUlDlDsry stated "I do not believe it is in the best interest of the cnmnn,ni ty to unreasonably restriot the operation of Mosport" . Dr. Horner, Medioal Offioer of Health presented a written report on a meeting held in the Bowmanville offioe of the Distriot Health Unit on July 19, 1973. The meeting was held to discuss the conditions and problems at Mosport Park and was attended by those persons interested and conoerned in publio health and allied fields. The report set forth a number of reOOlllll8l1dations and in Il1IIIlIIIarY indioated there had been a oontinued improvement in the conditions at Mosport during the past few years and some unsatisfactory oondi tions had been reotified. The medical services were considered adequate and that emergencies could be handled. Mr. W. J. Haddad is speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism stated that their department oonsidered Mosport Park as an advantage to the tourist industry in Ontario as a whole but suggested that measures should be taken to co=ect all the disadvantages in order that their operations could continue in an orderly manner. Mr. Kimber of the Waste and Water :Branch suggested that Mosport Park: should prepare a five year plan for the handling and disposal of waste materials. Corporal James of the O.P.P. and Mr. Carruthers, M.P.P. also spoke on matters relating to the improvement of operations at Mosport Park. Mr. ll'udes and Mr. Kamin of Mosport Park: expressed their desire to co-operate with all IIlIlnicipal officials and government departments concerned with the operation of Mosport Park. Reeve Woodyard on behalf of Counoil thanked those present for their attendanoe at the meeting and for their comments and reoommendations. The meeting adjourned at 10105 p.m. Clerk Reeve e