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Tues~, July 17, 1973 at 7130 p.m.
Council Chambers, Orono
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- C. A. Reid
- G. H. He;vk:oop
Clerk - H. R. Best
Also Present: E. R. Lovekin, B.A. ,LL.B., Solicitor
M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent
Mr. Tqlor, Equipment Sales end Service, Rexdale
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. G. Chater that the minutes ot: the
regular meetings on June 19 end 21 end on July 3, 1973 be adopted as printed.
'I'IilNTl1i1llR FOR ('-RATl1i1Il & lIEED SP.RAlER
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that the tenders t:or the
supply ot: one grader equipped with snow plow end wing end t:or one weed
sprqer, be reoeived end opened. Carried.
(1) Equipment Sales end Service, Rexdale
(2) Dominion Road Ma,t,hinery, Goderioh
:aESOLllTIONNO. 110:
Moved by C. ,A. Reid, seconded by Robert G. Chater.
WJl'Ii!RHlAR two tenders have been reoeived t:or the supply ot: one motor grader
equipped with blade, snow plow end wing end
WJl'Ii!RHlAR the tender ot: Equipment Sales end Service, Rexdale being the lowest
NOW BE IT TIlEliEFORE resolved that the tender ot: Equipment Sales end Service,
Rexdale, t:or the supply ot: one WABCO grader (Model 555) equipped with snow
plow, wing end blade t:or $28,275.82 including 1% sales tax end trade in ot:
one 1960 Catepillar grader; be hereby acoepted by this Council subject to
approval by M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, Township ot: Clarke end t:inal
~proval by Department ot: Trensportation end Onmtm>ni oations. Carried.
(1) Niagara Chemicals, Burlington
BESOL1l!fiON NO. 131:
Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by Robert G. Chater.
WJl'Ii!RHlAR only one tender has been received t:or the supply ot: one weed
NOW BE IT TIlEliEFORE resolved that the tender ot: Niagara Chemicals, Burlington
t:or the supply ot: one John Been (Model B-6-3OMT600) weed sprqer t:or
$6,376.13 including 1% sales tax is hereby accepted by this Council, subject
to approval by M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent end t:inal ~roval by
Department ot: Trensportation end CollllllUIli.oations. Carried.
Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council. JuJ.y 11th, 1913.
ITEM (1) "We, The Undersigned House md Farm Owners bought dwellings md farms in
above mentioned Township in the Faith of existing ByLaws, md are most
sternly against further developments in or aroll1ld .above mentioned Lot
aI1d Concession, which wouJ.d alter existing ByLaws."
Signed by twenty-two (22) ocoupmts of Lot 33, .Con. 1 Cobbledick
Road md immediate neighbours in Clarke Township of Durham County,
Ontario. Received and referred to Pl.<onning Board. Filed. Carried.
ITEM (2) Jm Ochonski - water course diversion, Lot 22, Con. 1.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. EDtwisle that this Council go into
Committee of the whole Council to receive Mr. J. Ochonski. Carried.
Mr. Ochonski addressed Council in regards to the diversion of a water
course between Parcels 15 md 16 in Lot 22, Con. 1.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by Ie. EDtwisle that this Committee rise
md sit in Council. Carried.
This matter was referred to the Road & Brid8e Committee for an on site
meeting with the Road Superintendent md Mt-. Ochonski at 9100 a.m. on
Fri~, JuJ.y 20, 1913.
(1) Letters from Ontario Hydro - Mt-. A. D. Mosher, Chairman, Lennox-Oshawa Project Team
md Mt-. T. S. Johnson, Project Co-ordinator - Wesleyville, reI meeting with
Municipali ties Proposed Wesleyville Generating Stations. Filed. Carried.
(2) Correspondence regard.il!1g Township of Clarke VB. Jm Ochonski. Clerk: to aI1Swer
md file. Carried.
(3) Brown's COIIIIIIWlity Centre, Provincial Licence No. 131582 with respect of a
lottery to be held in the Township. Filed. Carried.
(4) Copy of a letter from J. D. Beaton, Secretary, Railwa;r Tral1Sport Committee,
reI crossing of third concession road, mile 160.46 llelleville Subd., CPL.
(5) Letter from Mrs. R. Rutled8e, Secretary, LaI1d Division Committee with
enclosed application, reI File No. ll-302-13, Municipality - Twp. Manvers,
Owner _ Douglas W. Huggins, Agent - William R. Coe, Location - Lot 23, Con. 1.
Clerk to answer - no objection. Carried.
(6) Importmt notice to Employers from the Workmen's Compensation Board. Filed.
Appeal notice i'inIII the Assesament Review Court in respect of the Township
of Clarke (E. R. Lovekin for JuJ.ia Jackson) and Regional Assessment Commiss-
ioner. Filed. Carried.
Invoice from the Municipal Planning ConsuJ.tants, reI consuJ.ting services.
Tabled. Carried.
Letter from Mrs. Olive Henderson, Secretary, Newtonville COIIIIIIWlity Hall
Board, reI securing money from sale of llTewtonville Park. Tabled. Carried.
(10) Letter :from ll. Graham Tomkins, reI town by-laws. Clerk to check. Carried. _
(11) !;!>Plication for cancellation md retlmd on a rented property from Curvply
Wood Procb1cts. Filed. Carried.
Letter from H. Connolly, Subsidies Officer, Ministry of Treasury, Economics,
md Intergovernmental Affaire, reI 1912 Farm Tax Reduction Program. Filed.
Page 3. Regular Meeting of Council. July 17th, 1973.
(13) Letter:frOlll H. Connolly, Subsidies Officer, Ministry of Treasury, Economics
and Intergovernmental Affairs plus enclosed list of pa;yments, reI 1972
Farm Tax Reduction Program. Filed. Carried.
(14) Letter:from M. A. Caranci, P. Eng., Ministry of the Environment, reI This
is to advise you that our Department bas issued a Certificate of Compliance
to Gordon R. & E. Robert Morton of R. R. /fl, Kendal, Ontario. The
Oertificate concerns the proposed modifications to the existing hog aDd
cattle farm located on Lot 18, Concession 6, Clarke Township, Durham
County. Filed. Oarried.
(15) List of Properties Subject to Grants in lieu of taxes for the year 1973.
Filed. Carried.
(16) Copy of the Order of the Board made on the 29th da;y of Ma;\r, 1973, reI
Restricted Area Appeal - Leo J. Boisvert and Bella M. Boisvert vs. the
Township of Clarke. Filed. Carried.
(17) The Order of the Board made on the 21st da;y of June 1973, reI Township
of Olarke - Restricted Area By-Law 1738. Filed. Carried.
(18) Letter:from M. D. Lawson, Financial Management Officer, Ministry of
Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, re: Regional
Municipality and enclosed responsibilities of the Steering Committee.
Clerk to answer by letter with copies of Resolutions. Carried.
(19) Notices of Public Hearings from Committee of Adjustment. Filed. Carried.
(20) Copy of a letter from M. D. Brown, O.L.S. to Mrs. Ellen Yeo, Committee of
Adjustment, re: Carscadden Separation (Guselle), Part of Lot 17, Oon-
cession 7, Township of Clarke. Refer to Clerk for report. Carried.
(21) Copy of a Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit Report, reI
premises Lot 18, Concession 5, Clarke Township. Filed. Carried.
(22) Letter:from E. R. Lovekin, Barrister & Solicitor, reI Durham Central
Agricultural Society Fands Allocated from the Winter Work Program.
Filed. Carried.
(23) Report on Construction Progress to month ending June 30th, 1973 :from Totten
Sims HUbicki Associates Limited. Filed. Carried.
(24) Notices from Haliburton Kawartha. Pine Ridge District Health Unit, Medical
Officer of Health, Oharlotte M. Horner, reI Pt. Lot 30, Con. 4, Plan R-3-
329-02 and same. Filed. Carried.
(25) Quarterly Report for period April, Ma;\r and June, 1973 from Haliburton,
Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit. Filed. Carried.
(2&) :B11lletin - Manufacturing Opportunities. Filed. Carried.
(27) :B11lletiI! - Manufacturing Opportunities. Filed. Carried.
(28) 3M Business Communications Division - Special Offer for 3M 209 Copier
Customers. Filed. Oarried.
(29) Regulations of the Ontario Property Tax Credit Plan under the Income Tax
Act from the Ministry of Treasury, Econmics and Intergovernmental Affairs.
Filed. Carried.
(30) List of Pa;yments made to persons under the 1972 Farm Tax Reduction Program.
Filed. Carried.
(31) Original of the Order of the Board made July 9, 1973, reI Township of
Clarke; Restricted Area :By-Law 1747. Filed. Carried.
Page 4. Regular Meeting of Council. July 17th, 1973.
ITEM (1) Arrears on Taxes.
The statement on ar.t'ears of property and business taxes as prepared by
the Treasurer, H. l)eWith, was tabled for further consIderation at a
special meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. on August 1st, 1973.
Im! (2) M. Pedwell and untravelled road allowance.
This matter was further tabled pending receipt from Mr. Pedwell of an
engineering report on that portion of the road to be reconstructed.
Imt (3) Special Meeting, reI Mosport.
August 1st, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Clhambers, Orono was
scheduled fora special meeting of Council with representatives of the
following agencies to resolve the problems of trespass, sanitation
damage etc. resulting from recent activities at Mosport Pa.rk.
1 District Health Unl t
2 Ontario Provincial Police
3 Ministry of The Environment
4 Ministry of Industry and Tourism
5 Mosport Park Ltd.
6 E. R. Lovekin, Township Solicitor
The Clerk: was instructed to forward a letter of invitation to each of
the above noted agencies.
ITEM (1) Reeve WOOdya.rd presented the draft of a by-law to amend by-law #1745
(Lord'S ~ Act).
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the draft by-law
be refe=ed to E. R. Lovekin, Township So11ci tor for certain revisions
and further that the said by-law be presented to Council for their
approval at the special meeting to be held on August 1st, 1973.
Im! (2) By-Law Enforcement.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid.
WH?R1<AR certain violations of the provisions of Restricted .Are~ By-
Law #1653 have been considered by this Council. \
NOW BE IT THEREFORE resolved that this Council hereby autJ;lorize the
By-Law Enforcement Officer to investigate and proceed wi tJ;I. approp-
riate legal action in the matter of Mr. J. Major and Mr. D. Temtant,
both of the Village of Orono, in respect of the parking and ,!Jtoring
of commercial vehicles in an Rl zone together with the matter of
Mr. James Sutherland, Lot 28, Con. 6 in respect of a salvage yard in
an "A" Agriculture zone. Car.t'ied.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that, upon s~
conviction, of the hereinbefore noted violations the ma.xillIIlm
penal ty be imposed. Car.t'ied.
Imt (3) I.:B.M. Tax Billing.
A report submitted by the Treasurer, H. DeWith, that the total cost
to I.:B.M. Canada. Limited, Hamilton, for the year 1973 was $1,549.57.
Page 5. ReguJ.ar Meeting of Council. July 17th, 1973.
I~ 1 Steering Committee.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid.
WR1i1IIH!6R Mr. M. D. Lawson, Advisory Services Branch, Ministry of Treasury,
Economics and Intergovermnental Affairs, has recollDllended that a steering
committee be established to operate from the present time until October
lat.. 1973 and
WR1i1IIH!6R Mr. Lawson has suggested that this Committee be comprised of one
member of Council and one senior appointed official of each of the
existing municipalities which will form the new area municipality as of
January 1st, 1974.
NOW :BE IT TBEllEFORE resolved that this Council hereby appoint Reeve
E. R. Woodyard end the Clerk, H. R. :Best as members of the steering
committee end
:BE IT FURTHER resolved that this Council hereby recollDllends that all
meetinge of the steering committee be open to the public and that minutes
and resolutions arising from these meetings be recorded end be made
available for public inspection. Carried.
I~ 2 Diversion Road, Lot 35, Con. 3.
Mr. E. R. Lovekin appeared before Council end advised that schedule A
to By-law #1742 should be corrected in accordance with survey plan
#10Rl83 as prepared by M. D. Brown, O.L.S. and revised July 17, 1973.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that By-Law #1742 be
referred to E. R. Lovekin for the necessary revisions. Carried.
1m!: 3 Home Smith Estates.
Mr. E. R. Lovekin, representing persons purchasing homes in the new
subdivision in lots 27 end 28, con. 5, requested confirmation by Council
that the' terms of the relevant subdividers agreement had been complied
wi th to the satisfaction of Council.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the Reeve and
Building Inspector investigate the construction progress of Home Smith
Estates. Carried.
ITEM 4 Application for an amendment to zoning By-LaW#1653.
Mr. Agostina Viola of 29 Elizabeth Crescent, Whitby, submitted en
application to rezone 6.834 acres situate in the south part of Lot 16,
Con. 2 to a "E. C." Hi~ COIIDIIercial category thereby permitting the
erection of a building to make and sell fUrniture.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that this application be
referred to the Pl"nning :Board for further study and subsequent re-
cOlllDlendation to Council. Carried.
Application for Cab Licence.
Application for Cab Licence, James L. Caskey, 318 Ballard Street, Oshawa.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that this application be
tabled pending receipt of the applicant I s driving record. Carried.
Page 6. Regular Meeting or Council. July 17th, 1973.
Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. abater.-
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on Jl1gu.&t 7, 1913 at
10:00 a.m. or at another time at the call or the Reeve. Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
n ~.
_~ , /7 ~
-';::.L, - -.( /1.- A'. t-
Reeve _
Council Chambers, Orono
Wednes~ AugUst 1.st, 1973
Present: E. R. Woodyard
Kirk Entwisle
Robert abater
Charles Reid
Gerri t Heykoop
H. R. Best
Corporal James
Dr. Charlotte Horner
Mr. J. F1na.lyson
Mr. Henry Rood
Mr. Robert MacNaull
Mr. F. !lUre,
Mr.' D. G. Kimber
Mr. W. J. Haddad
Mr. H. Hudes
Mr. B. J. Kamin
Mr. A. Carruthers
Deputy Reeve
Ontario Provincial Police
Medical OrUcer or Health
Director, Dept. or Health
Chier Inspector, Dept. or Health
Inspector, Dept. or Health
Eng., Waster Management Branch, -Kingston
Regional Engineer, Private Waste-Water Management Br.
Regional Manager, Industry & Tourism
President, Mosport Park-Ltd.
Executive Vice-President, Mosport Park Ltd.
M.P.P. Durham
Also Present: approximately eight (8) interested persons.
Reeve Woodyard called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.
Moved by R. G. abater, seconded by Jr. Entwisle that whereas it was now
past the hour or 7:00 p.m., at which time the special meeting or Council
was scheduled to begin, be it therefore resolved that the items on the
agenda ror the special meeting or Council be tabled ror the next
regular meeting or Council and be it further resolved that the discussion
meeting re MosPort Park with representatives or the various government
departments who had been invited to attend this meeting, do now proceed
in Committee. Carried.
Reeve Woodyard informed those present that the discussion meeting would
be held in closed comm1 ttee, but berore so doing a:n::r person, who had
not received a written invitation to attend and desiring to address the
meeting would now be heard.
Mr. A. Stolk, R. R. #2. Orono, suggested that Mosport Park Ltd. should
be responsible ror adequate compensation to those persons whose a
property had been damaged as a. result of a:n::r spectator event at ..
Mosport Park.
The meeting proceeded in closed committee.