HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/03/1973 ROOULAR MD'.mIG OF mE COUNCIL OF TBE rowNSlIIP OF CLAllKE hes~, July 3, 1973 at 10:00 a. m. Council C~bers, Orono Present: Reeve - E. R. Wood;rard Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillors - H. Heykoop - R. G. Cbater ;.. C. A. Reid Clerk - H. R. llest e SECTION 1. DELmATIONS & PETI'fIONS Moved by R. G. Cbater, seconded by K. Entwisle that this Council go into Committee of the whole Council to receive all delegations. Carried. I'fEK (1) MI:.Mike Winslow of Winslow-Gerolam;y Motors, Peterborougb. addressed Council regarding bis tender of June 11, 1913, as accepted by Council for the supply of one International 'fruck, Model 2110.1, equipped with V type snow plough and wing. He stated that bis tender, as submitted, contained a serious pricing error and for this reason he requested Council's perudssion to wi th- draw bis tender. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. G. Cbater that tbis Collllllittee rise and sit in Council. Carried. 'l'bis matter was tabled for further disClUlsion under Section 4, Item (2) (Road and llridge Committee). SECTION 2. CllilRlilR'POl\lDENCE N (1) MI:. D. P. Collins, District EDgineer, Ministry of Transportation and CollllllllIlications, rei Call O11t of Fire Department. Copy sent to the Fire Department. Filed. Carried. l!l (2) 3M Comp8ZIY, rei renewal of Guaranteed Maintenance Agl:eement for copy ms"hine - $115.00. Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the Clerk advise the 3M Comp8ZIY that this Council wish to terminate the =ant maintenance agree- ment contract as of JDgust 9, 1973 and therefore the contract will not be renewed. Carried. N (3) N (4) N (5) Munioipal EnUlllerator Notioes, re: Lot 31, Con. 4. Filed. Carried. Munioipal EnUllleration Notices, rei Lot 28, Con. 3, Cemetery. Filed. Carried. Me=ill D. llrown, O.L.S., Invoioe No. Old 'fownship Yards, Village of Orono. Treasurer. Carried. 0599 (Overdue acoo=t), rei survey of Approved for p~ent. Refe=ed to N (6) Subsidies Offioer, Mlmicipal Subsidies llranch, rei list of p~ts made to persons in this munioipali ty under the 1912 li'a.:rm 'fax Reduction Program. Filed. Carried. N (1) Newtonville CollllllllIlity Centre, rei Application for Capital Grant. Refer to Clerk. Carried. N (8) City of Thunder lla,v, rei Youth travel through Canada. Filed. Carried. N (9) Agl:ieu1tural Engineer, Ridgetown, rei Open Ditch maintenance demonstration July 20, Windham Ifownsbip, near Simcoe. Refer to Road & llridge Committee. Carried. - N (10) District Engineer, Ministry of Transportation & CoIIIIIIlIIlications, rei approval of Ma.eDonald Ford tender for the supply of truck with sand hopper and spreader. Copy to M. L. Ross, filed. Carried. Page 2. Regular Meeting of Co\11lcil. July 3, 1973. N (11) District Engineer, reI approval of Winslow-Gerolam;y Motors tor supply of truck: with V snow plow and wing. See Resolution. Tabled for further consideration under Section 4, Item (2). Carried. N (12) Miss J. Darrell, Plans Ju'lmini stration Branch, reI Mobile Homes and Trailer Parks. Refer to Pl""ni ng Board. Carried. ....e N (13) Minutes of Committee of .Adjustment meeting of J\11le 11, 1973. Received and filed. Carried. N (14) Copy, Brooks & Harrison to Pl"nning Board, reI proposed subdivision on property of Leland Pa;yne. Filed. Carried. N (15) Copy, District Municipal Engineer to M. L. Ross, reI Wilmont Creek Bridge, Lot 32, Con. 3 - 4. Copy to Road & Bridge Committee. Filed. Carried. N (16) Inter.national Coat of .A:I:ma (adv). Filed. Carried. N (17) William J. Adams - lands to be considered for future development as rural residential. Refer to Pl""ni1'1g Board. Carried. N (18) Ministry of Gov't Services, reI cancellation of lease, Division Court, Main Street, Orono. Filed. Carried. N (19) Ontario Municipal Board, reI decision of the Board with respect to restricted area by-law #1738 (Dyriw). Filed. Carried. N (20) Mr. R. Farrow, reI claim for damages (154.96) sustained to his car while travelling on 8th con. road. Copy to M. L. Ross lIIld Millson Inallrllllce. Filed. Carried. N (21) From Mrs. E. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of .Adjustment for the Township of Clarke, reI applioation (File No. ll-14-73-14) of Edward John Careoadden for permission to sever 40 acres from his property in Lot 17, Con. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 1241 Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by Charles A. Reid. In reply to co=espondence from Committee of .Adjustment under date of June 22, 1973 regarding the applioation of John Edward Cars cadden (File ll-14-73-14), the Clerk be instructed to reply that Council ca:cmot, oon- template improving the north portion of the sideroad. between lot 16 and 17, concession 7, at this time. Carried. N (22) Canada Law Book Limited (ad.v). Filed. Carried. Ii (23) N (24) Ii (25) T (1) Statistios Canada - Job Vaelllley Survey. Filed. Carried. Committee of .Adjustment, Notice of Hearing, E. C. Copping, Filed. Carried. C01:lStruction Safety Branch. Filed. Carried. Letter from D. Maulson, Pl.onniTlg Department, The LiqUCIr Licenoe Board ot Ontario, reI Dutch Oven Tavern, Clarke Township (Orono) Licenoe. Refer To Building Inspector. Carried. T (2) Letter from Miss J. A. Darrell, Senior Planner, PlllllB Anmi ni stration Brllllch, reI Township of Clarke Restricted Area By-Law No. 1747 (Second Comments). Received and filed. Carried. e T (3) Letter from Howard S. Swartz, Swartz & Swartz, :Barristers & Solicitors, reI .A;ppointment for Hearing, reI Lot 29, Concession 5, Township of Clarke. Received and filed. Carried. T (4) Letter from T. s. Johnson, Project Study Co-ordinator, Ontario Hydro, reI proposed generating station for Wesleyville. Reoeived lIIld filed. Copy sent to plAnning Board. Carried. Page 3. Regular Meeting of -Council. July -3, 1973. Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by G. H. Heyitoop that this meeting does 1lOY recess for lunch and to reconvene at 2:00 p.m. Carried. The meeting reoonvened at 2:15 p.m. at the call of the Reeve. ~ION 3. BUSINESS BROUGm! FORWARD. ITEM (1) Millson Ins=ance Agency. e Moved by R. U. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that the renewals for the insurance coverage &iii described in the "Insurance Review" and presented by Hr. H. E. Millson to Council Qn June 19, 1973, be approved by this Council. Carried. ITEK (2) Street Lighting on Leskard Road. The Clerk was instructed to request Hr. D. Tideman of Ontario B;ydro to prepare an estimate of the capital cost of installing street lighting on that part of the Leskard Road wi thin the sixth concession. Carried. ITEK (3) Hr. T~lor & Application for Taxi Licence. Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater that a licence be issu.ed to Mr. Harold T~lor, Whitby, to own end operate a cab for hire within the Township of Clarke, provided that the applicant files with the Clerk proof of insurance coverage .as required in by-law No. 1677. Carried. The Clerk reported that Mr. Crumb of Whitby had verbally withdrawn his application for a taxi licence. ITEM (4) Special Meeting, reI Mosport. Mon~, July 23, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Orono, was scheduled &iii a tentative date for a special meeting with representatives of various agencies in order to resolve the problems arising trom the activities at Mosport Park. The Clerk was instructed to notify the respective agencies of the proposed date for this me.eting. ITEM (5) Licenoe to pedlars. Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heyitoop that Mr. G. P. DeHarder of Oshawa and Mr. Wilson of Oshawa each be issued a licence to peddle wi thin the Township of Clarke in accordance with the provisions of By-Law #1704. Carried. ITEK (6) Sale of allowanoe for roads stopped up by By-1.aw #1740. Brought forward trom the February 6, 1973 meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 125: Moved by Charles A. Reid, seoonded by G. H. Heykoop. Be .it hereby resolved that this Council offer for sale those portions of road allowances &iii stopped up by by-law ntllllber 1740, to adjoining property owners at a price of $400.00 per acre plus an apportionment of the costs incurred through surveys, advertising, legal fees, etc. Carried. ITEM (7) Petition for 35 m.p.h. Speed Limit on Leskard Road. The Clerk was instructed to request information and a recommendation . !rom the Department of Transportation and COli..""" 1 cations regarding the effects .of a 35 mph speed 11m! t on Leskard Road. Page 4. Regular Meeting of' Council. July 3, 1973. SECTION 4. REPORTS. ITEM (1) Reeves Report. S.S. (1) Reeve Woodyard presented a letter dated July 2, 1973 over the signature of'Mr. Wilfred Hawke, R. R. #2, Orono - in which the writer stated his opposition to a by-law enacting a speed limit of' 35 m.p.h. on a portion of' the Leskard Road as requested by a reoent petition. e This correspondence was tabled f'or fUrther consideration. S.S.(l1) Reeve Woodyard presented a letter from Mrs. R. Sharp, Seoretery, Police Trustees, Village of' Orono, wherein the Trustees requested that the Ccmncil tllke immediate action against Mr. James Major and Mr. Donald Tennant regarding the parking or storing of' commercial vehicles in an residential zone. Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that the :By-Law Enf'orcement Of'ficer notify Mr. Major and Mr. Tennant that they cease, within seven da;vs !rom date of' notice, to use land in a residential zone f'or the storing or paJ.'king of' commercial vehicles. Carried. ITEM (2) Road & Bridge Committee Report. S.S.(l) Tender supply of' one truck equipped with snow plow and wing. RESOLU'fIOlI NO. 120A: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle. WIfli!Il1i!AR this Council did by Resolution No. 120 on June 21st 1973 accept the tender of' Winelow-GerolalllY Motors of' Peterborougl:l f'or one International Truck Model 2110A with snow plow, being the lowest tender, and WIfli!Il1i!~R af'ter fUrther investigation a serious pricing error was noted, and WIfli!Il1i!AR due to this error Winslow-GerolalllY Motors have, by letter dated July 3, 1973 withdrawn their tender BE IT !I!BEBEFOllE RESOLVED that this Council hereby recind Resolution No 120 and that this Council hereby accepts the tender of' MacDonald Ford, being the lowest tender, f'or the supply of' one Ford Truck, Model LX900 with V type snow plow and wing and equipment as per tender f'or a total price of' TWEN'rY ONE !ffiOUSAND FIVE BlJliDBED AND SEVEN DOLLARS ($21,501.00) including trade-in allowance of' $200 f'or 1965 Mercury. Carried. S.S.(l1) Howard ~e and diversion road, Lot 1, :a.F. Con. Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the Clerk reply to Mr. Pa,yne advising him, that the Ccmncil are prepared to proceed in accordance with the verbal ~eement reached between Mr. Pa,yne and the Road Committee during an on site inspection on or about June 15, 1973. and fUrther that Mr. Pa,yne be requested to confirm in wit1Dg that the aforementioned ~ellleIlt is satisf'actory. Carried. S.S. (111) Repairs to Wilmot Creek Bridge, Lot 32, Con. 3-4. - The matter of' repairs to the south west corner of' the west abutment and the f'ooting area whereby the bridge would be saf'e f'or gross load of' 15 tons, was tabled f'w further consideration. S.S. (IV) M. Pedwell and untravelled portion of' road allowance between lots 30 and )1, concession 2. Page 5. Regular Meeting of Counoil. July 3, 1913. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that in order for building permits to be obtained for some 24 lots fronting onto the said road allowance that this Council approves in principle of an agreement between Mr. Pedwell and the Tovnship whereby Mr. Pedwell would a.ssume the cost of construoting the said road to a standard acceptable for subsidy- by the Department of Transportation and COIIIIIUI1ioations and other su.thori ties having j=isdiction in this matter. Carried. e Upon 'receipt of an R.D. plan of s=vey from Mr. Pedwell the Clerk was instruoted to prepare an appropriate resolution and to place same on the agenda of next meeting of Counoil. S.S. (V) :Boundary Road between Tovnships of Hope and Clarke. ~e letter of June 8, 1913 from Mrs. B. Merson, Arlmi"istrator, Tovnship of Hope pert.-i"i"g to therealigDlllent of the road allowanoe in Lot 1, between concessions 3 and 4, Township of Clarke and in Lot 35 ooncessions 4 and 5, Township of Hope, wa.s brought forward for further consideration. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the Road Superintendent, Mr. H. L. Ross, be 8llthorized to undertake a S1IrVey of the extreme ea.sterly part of the road allowanoe between conoessions 3 and 4 abutting Hope Tovnship, and t=ther if it is not possible for the Tovnship of Clarke to undertake the road wid~iY1g projeot in the o=rent year that the estimated cost of the projeot be inoluded in the road budget for the year 1914. Carried. S.S. (Vl) Entranoe Culverts. ~ Chairman, K. Entwisle, infcmoed Council that his Committee an9- the Road Superintendent were preparing amendments to :By-Law #1128 whereby the applioant would be responsible for the installation of his ovn culvert. ITEM (3) FINANCE COMMITTEE. S.S. (1) BESOLUTION NO. 1261 Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by Robert G. Chater. VRN!R1l!AR the acoounts a.s submitted by the Trea.s=er have been evsuni"ed and found to be in order NOW :BE IT 'l'BEBEFOllE resolved that this Counoil approve the following vouchers and the same are hereby su.thorized forpa;yment by the sigl'li"g offioers of the Corporation of the Tovnship of Clarke. General Department - Voucher No. 6 Road Department - Voucher No.6 Orono Police Village - Voucher No. 6 $154,161.29 $ 29,480.80 $ 6,911.16 Carried. S.S. (11) ~e Trea.s=er wa.s requested to prepare a list of tax arrears on real. property up to and inoluding the year 1969 and a list of arrears in business taxes up to and inoluding 1911. S.S. (111) ~ Trea.s=er was requested to submit a report on the total oost of I.B.H. tax billing for 1913. SECTION 5. NEW BUSINESS. ITEM (1) Renewal of Ins=ance on Tovnship Hall. e Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by Ie. Entwisle that the present ins=ance coverage on the Tovnship Hall, inoluding contents, be renewed for a period of one year, with Hamilton's Insuranoe Servioe. Carried. Page 6. Regular Meeting ot Council. July 3, 1973. IT.IiJI (2) lITo action was taken in the matter ot the mortgage to Durham Central Agricultural Society, reI tormer Township yards. ITEM (3) Regional GoverDlllent. e .An invitation, trom Darlington Council to attend a joint meeting ot the Councils and Clerks ot Clarke, lITewcastle, l30wmanville and Darlington on July 5, 1973 at 7:30 p.m., was accepted. The purpose ot the meeting is to discuss, in Committee, the many matters concerning the approaching local goverDlllent re organization. ITEM (4) Tender tor Cemetery Fencing. Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the one tender received, Orono Custom Fencing, be rete=ed to Mr. C. A. Reid, Chairman ot the Clarke Cemetery Board. C~ied. ITEM (5) Amendment to Restricted Area :By-Law #1653 (Lot 33, Con. 5). RESOLUTION lITO. 127: Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle. WJl1i!R1UR Mr. Jan Ochonaki, R. R. #2, Orono, has submitted an application tor an amendment to by-law number 1653 whereby 72 acres ot land situate in the south part ot lot 33, concession 5 would be rezoned to an "RR" category thereby permitting a rural residential development and WR"Ji!IllilAR this Council deems it advisable to amend by-lay IIWIIber 1653 as requested ' NOW BE IT TIlEIlEF01lE resolved that a by-law to rezone the subject lands to an "RR" zone Be given tirst and second readings. CABRIED. BY-Lay . A :By-Law to amend :By-Law IlTumber 1653. Whereas The Municipal Council ot ~e Corporation ot the Township ot Clarke deeme it advisable to amend :By-Law lITumber 1653 as amended. NQW "'HICHICII\JJIE, pursuant to the provisions ot The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 349, with 8J1\endments thereto, the Municipal Council ot the Corporation ot ~e Township ot Clarke ENACTS as tollow: (1) That the use ot the lands as illustrated on Map 1 ot Schedule A to :By-Law Number 1653 be amended by o~ the said use to "RR" and the zone symbol ot the lands so designated on Schedule "RR3" attached hereto shall illustrate and detine the lands so aftected. (2) This :By-Law shall become etrective upon the ds;y it is approved by the Ontario Munioipal Board. Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle that the hereinbetore noted :By-Law be given a third and tinal reading, passed, numbered as by-law #1753, signed and the Township seal affixed thereto. C~ied. ITEM (6) Amendment to Restricted Area :By-Law #1653 (Lot 29, Con. 5). RESOLUTION lITO. 128:r . . Moved by Cherles A. Reid, seconded by Robert G. Chater. 1jlR'1i!ali!AR Mr. Jan Ochonak1, R. R. #2, Orono, has submitted an application tor an amendment to by-law number 1653, whereby apprOximately 10 acres ot land situate in part ot lot 29, concession 5 would be rezoned to an "RI" category, thereby permitting a residential development md Page 7. Regular Meeting of Council. July 3, 1973. WR"A!R1U.S this Council deems it advisable to BIIIend. by-law number 1653 as requested NOW :BE IT THEllEFOllE resolved that a by-law to rezone the subject lands to an ''RI" zone Be given first and second readings. CABRIED. :By-Law A lly-Law to BIIIend lly-Law Number 1653. e WR'1ilR1i1A!f The Municipal Council of The Corporation of the Township of Clarke deems it advisable to Blllend lly-Law Number 1653 as Blllended. NOW IJ'R1i1Il1i11i'()RE, pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 349 with BIIIendments thereto, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS as follows: (1) That the Use' of the land as illustrated on Map 3 of Schedule A to lly-Law Number 1653 be Blllendad by changing the said use to ''RI" and the zone symbol of the lands so designated on Schedule "Rl-l" attached hereto shall illustrate and &fine the lands so affected. (2) This lly-Law shall become effective upon the da.v it is approved by the Ontario Municipal :Board. Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that'the said by-law be given a third and final reading. passed, nUBlbered as by-law #1754. signed, and the Township of Clarke seal affiited' thereto. Carried. ITEM (7) TOWNSHIP PROPERTY held under deed No. 44064 and located in lot 9, ll.F. concession between the south limits of the Canadian Pa.cific Rail~ right of Wf1i1 and the north limits of the Canadian National Rail~ right of ~ comprising 7 acres more or less. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that the Clerk prepare an appropriate by-law whereby the hereinbefore noted lands would be rezoned for restricted industrial or cOlBDlercial uses. Carried. SECTION 6. RESOLUTION NO. 129: Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by Robert G. Chater. This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on July 17. 1973 at 7:30 p.m. or at another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. ~.An ru. CLPu~ Clerk: -' U ~! ~~~J}(, ~7~'. Reeve - '- ,