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Page 4. Regular Meeting of Colmcil. June 19, 1973.
:IIlO Letter from W. McLeod, :Manager, Progrlllllll Section Subsidies :Branch, reI The
Mlmicipal Unconditional Grents Act 1973 Per Capita Pa;yment. Filed. Carried.
:IIll Letter from Consumers I Gas CODlp8llY with enclosed application of Ont&1:'io Energy-
Board end the Consumers' Gas COIllptllq". Filed. Carried.
:IIl2 Minutes of the Central Leke Ontario Conservation Authority Meeting of
June 7, 1973. Filed. Carried.
:IIl3 Minutes of the meeting dated June 11, 1973 of the Ministry of !rreneportation
and Collllllllnications at the Village of Millbrook Mlmicipal Building of June 7,
1973. Filed. Carried.
:lIl4 Copy of a letter !:rom :Barber end Kelly, llarristers & Solicitors, reI Perrin
Property, part lot 17, concession 3, Olarke Township. Filed. Carried.
:illS Pamphlet - Property Maintenance Stendards I lly-Laws end Progrlllllll. Filed.
:IIl6 Letter from Me Pat Artkin, Executive SecretArT, Ontario Mlmicipal Recreation
Association, reI resolll.tions passed at the annual meeting held on ~ )rd,
in Chatham. Filed. Carried.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid, that this Council support the
Planning Bo&1:'d in the matter of their appeal against the decision of the
Commi ttee of Adjustment whereby Clarke Fishing end Conservation Club would be
permitted to construct a building less than 100 feet !:rom a pond. Carried.
:IIlO From H. E. McGill, Live Stock Brench, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, reI
. en appeal !:rom Mr. Joseph :Barry, R. R. #1, Orono, against the award made by
the Township V8:Luer !:rollowiDg the recent loss of an Angus Cow. Received end
filed. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that this meeting does hereby
adjom:n to reconvene again at 9:)0 a.m. on Th=sdq, June 21, 1973 to complete
the rl""aining items on the agenda. Carried.
The meeting adjom:ned at ll:lS p.m.
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Th=sdq, June 21, 1973 at 9:)0 a. m.
Colmcil Chlllllbers, Orono
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woody&1:'d
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- C. A. Reid
- G. H. Heykoop
Clerk - H. R. :Best
IDM (1) In the matter of an assistant Building Inspector, Mr. Maurice Hickey,
R. R. #1, Orono was interviewed by Colmcil. _
BESOLll'fiON NO. 119:
Moved by K. Entwisle, secended by C. A. Reid.
Page 5. Regular Meeting of Counoil. June 21, 1973.
W1'I1ilR1<A!l this Counoil deem it advisable to engage an assistant to the
Building Inspeotor
NOW BE IT TEEREFOBE resolved that Mr. Maurioe Hickey of R. R. #1, Orono, be
engaged as assistant to the Building Inspeotor at an hourly rate of 15.00
per hour. Jla.ties to oOlDlllenoe at onoe and under the direotion of the Building
Inspeotor. Carried.
e ITEM (2) Mr. J. Crumb and applioation for taxi. lioenoe.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seoonded by K. Entwisle that the applicant,
Mr. Crumb, be requested to meet with Counoil to further consider his
applioation. Carried.
ITEM (3) Mr. H. Tqlor and applioation for taxi. lioence.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by K. Entwisle that this application be
tabled pending reoeipt of additional information. Carried.
ITEM (4) Proposed by-law to regulate and oontrol the use of recreational vehioles.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that the proposed by-law
be tabled for :f\1rther oonsideration. Carried.
ITEM (5) Restricted Area :By-Law 1734.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that schedule "O.S. 2",
being a site plan to form part of :By-Law 1734, be submitted to the
O.M.:8. for approval. Carried.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that by-law #1354,
being a by-law to licence, regulate and govern trailer cemps, be
reviewed and amended where deemed neoessaTY. Carried.
ITEM (6) Impost Charge.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by G. H. Heykoop that this Counoil agree
in prinoiple to an impost charge of 1500.00 for each new unit of
residential oonstruotion. If applioable the impost charge to be
colleoted as part of the building permit fee for single family
dwellings, If not applioable as part of the building permit fee,
al ternative methods to be oonsidered. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that this Counoil go into Committee
of the whole Counoil to receive all reports. Carried.
ITEM (1) Reeves Report.
(1) Reeve Woodyard presented several items of oorrespondence relating
to property damage on privately owned land adjacent to Mosport
Park: during the recent Can-Am Races.
(2) The Reeve reviewed and outlined the matters under dispute between
Mr. :Bogdanovio, R. R. #1, Kendal and Mr. Fitze, R. R. #1, Kendal.
ITEM (2) Road & :Bridge Committee.
(1) Mr. M. L. Ross presented the tenders as received for the supply
of one truck with snow plow and wing and for one truck with sand
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that the tenders
be received and opened. Carried.
Tenders for Truck and Plow (less trade in)
MacDonald Ford, Oshawa 121,507.00
Winslow Motors, Peterborough 118,319.44
Page 6. Regular Meeting of Council. June 21, 1973.
Tender for truck: "h."'Iis & sander.
MacDonald Ford, Oshawa, 115,622.00
Winslow Motors, Peterborougb. 117,467.27
Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater that the tenders as
received be referred to the Road Superintendent for farther study with
the request that a detailed report be submitted to Council at his
earliest convenience. Carried.
(2) Pcrsuant to a meeting of the Road & :Bridge Committee with Mr.
Howard P~e, the Chairman presented the draft of an agreement to
be signed by both Mr. P~e and Council, prior to any action being
taken by Council on Mr. P~e's request for title to an unused portion
of road allowance.
(3) The Chairman reported that the tender of Ace Oil Services Limited as
accepted by Council, had been approved by the Ministry of Transporta-
tion under date of June 18, 1973.
I!EH (3) Finance Committee.
A report was presented wherein an increase was recommended in the re-
n1lllleration for the head of Council.
ITliM (4) By-Law Enforcement.
Reports were presented on -investigation rell111 ting from alleged by-law
I!EEM (5) The Clerk presented a written report on the following matters aorrently
before Colmcil.
(a) Dogs involved in killing of calf on Sa--.o Farms.
(b) Correspondence from E. R. Lovekin regarding stopped up road allow-
(c) Lottery licence to Eastern Ontario .Antique SteSlll Association.
R "d
ITm (6) Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. Ay'~t this Committee rise and sit
in Council. Carried.
ITm (1)(1a) Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that a special meeting
be held, at the earliest convenienoe, to consider and resolve the
problems of trespasses and dSIIlage to private property rell111ting from
Mosport Park activities and farther that representatives of the
following Depertments or Agencies be invited to attend, Department
of Health, Ontario Provincial Police, Mosport Park and Ministry of
the Environment. Carried.
ITm (1)(2&) The reeve and deputy reeve were appointed as a Committee of Council
to investigate the :Bogdanovic-Fi tz dispute with specific reference
to the obstruction of & water course after August 5, 1969.
I!EEM (~)(2a) The Clerk to request that Mr. E. R. Lovekin, !fownship 'Illlicitor,
forward the draft agreement to Mr. H. P~e for his approval and
ITEM (3)(a) Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the Clerk
prepare and submit the draft of an appropriate by-law to authorize
the p~ent of an annual allowance and an allowance for expenses for _
members of Council. ,.
The said by-law to substantially inco~te the provisions of
Resolution No. 15, 1913 and to provide for the following annual
allowance to the head and members of Council.
P~ 7. Regular Meeting of Council. June 21, 1973.
Reeve $2,500.00; Deputy Reeve 11,200.00, Members of Council $1,000.00;
end to further provide for the semi-ammal paovment of the at:~tioned
aJ.IOW&llces. Carried.
ITEM (4)(11.) i'he By-Law Enf'orc~t Officer was instructed to send a written
notice to the owners of lend in situations where there appear to
be a change in a non-confoJ:lDing use of lend or buildings wi thin
the Township.
ITEM (1) Application (No. 73-50) for en lIIIleD.dment to By-Law #1653.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. Ell.twisle that the application as
submitted by Robert Stephenson, R. R. No.2, Newcastle, to rezone to
an industriaJ. category, approrlmately 30 acres of land situate in the
south haJ.f of lot 23, concession 1, be referred to the Pl....ning ~ard
for their recommendation. Carried.
ITEM (2) Application (No. 73-51) for SZl amendment to By-Law 1653.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the applioation
of Mr. James :Bentley, to rezone approrlmately 50 acres situate in the
north haJ.f of lot 18, concession 3, to SZl Open Space oategory to
pemit a private park for te~rs, be referred to Pl....niTlg ~ard
for their recommendation. Carried.
ITEM (3) Tenders for two new trucks.
Mr. H. L. Ross presented a detailed report pert:..iTdng to the tenders
received for the supply of two trucks, one equipped with snow plow
SZld wing SZld the other truck equipped with sSZld hopper and spreader.
Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop.
In the _tter of a request for tenders for the Bllpply of a truck
equipped with snow plow SZld
'Whereas two tenders have been reoeived for same SZld
'Whereas the tender of Winslow Gerolsmy Motors of PeterboroU8h is the
lowest tender
Now.be it therefore resolved that the tender of Winslow GerollllllY
Motors for the Bllpply of one InternationaJ. truck (Model 2110A) with
snow plow for $18,319.44 inoluding trade in of 1965 Mercury, be
hereby accepted. Carried.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by Robert G. Chater.
In the matter of a request for tenders for the supply of a truck
equipped with sSZlder SZld
Whereas two tenders have been received for same end
Whereas the tender of HacIlonald Ford of Oshawa is the lowest tender,
Bow be it therefore resolved that the tender of HacJlonaJ.d Ford for
the supply of one Ford Truck (Model L900) with a King Seagrave sender
for $15,622.00 berhereby accepted. Carried.
ITEM 0$)
Licence to Pedal..
Moved by K. Ell.twisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that by-law #1704, being
a by-law to licence, regulate SZld govern hawkers SZld pedlars be revised
prior to the issuing of BZlY licence in respeot thereof. Carried.
Page 8. Regular Meeting of COllIloil. June 21, 1913.
IT1lJ1 (5). Newtonville Cn1lllllm'lity Hall.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. R. Reykoop, that Newtonville
Cnnmn",ity Hall be alloCated the sum of $350.00 of the unused surplus from
the Provincial-Municipal Employment Incentive Programme 1912-1913. Ca;rried.
IT1lJ1 (6) Rolid.a;yB June 21 and July 2, 1913.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. R. Heykoop that all employees of -
the Township of Clarke be granted a holidq with pa;r on Wednesda;r, June -
21, 1913, to celebrate the visit of our Gracious Majesty Qp.een Elizabeth II
to the United COllIlties of Durham and l!Tortlmmberland. Ca;rried.
By reason of July 1st falling on a Sundq, Mondq, July 2, 1913 wa.s
declared as Dominion Da;r Rolidq.
The Clerk wa.s instructed to publish the aforenoted holidqs in the local
I!I!EM (1) Allowance for Read and Members of COllIlcil.
Moved by G. R. Reykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle.
That a by-law to anthorize pa;rment of an annual allowance and an allowance
for expenses for the members of Council be given a first and second reading.
:BY LAW N1lMBER 171)2
A. by-law to authorize the pa;rment of an anna.ul allowance, and an allowance for
expensesfb%<Jaembers of Council.
;J'R'1ilRJll6l'l it is deemed advisable to provide the head of Council and the members of
Counoil with an annual allowance and an allowanoe for expenses, and
;nw.R'J;!ll'l The Municipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario 1910, Chapter 284, Seotion
211 and amendments thereto provides that the head of Counoil ma;r be paid such annual
or ,other renumeration as the Counoil ma;r determine, and
ym;lRli!6l'l Section 389 (1) of the said Act provides that a Council ma;riPus by-laws
for pa;ring the members of Council such annual allowance as Counoil ma;r determine, and
WRlilRli!ll'l Section 391 provides for the pa;rment of such expenses or allowances for the
members thereof as ma;r be approved by the COllIloil of the Municipality.
NOW TllEIlEF01lE, The Council of The Township of Clarke, in accordanoe with the
provisions of Chapter 284 of The Municipal A.ct, R.S.O. 1910 and amendments thereto,
hereby enacts as follows;
(1) The Read of Council shall be pdd an annual ftmuneration of $2,500.00 effective
Janusry 1st, 1913.
(2) The Deputy Reeve shall be paid an annual remuneration of $1,200.00 effective
Januar,y 1st, 1913.
(3) Members of COllIloil shall be paid an annual:e.neration of $1,000.00 effective
Januar,y 1st, 1913.
(4) In addition to the annual remuneration, as set out in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, _
the Read amd Members of Council shall be paid a fee for /mY' meetingB per- _
te,ining to Township business held outside of The Municipality of The Township
of Clarke at the rate of $30.00 per dq or part dq thereof.
(5) In addition to paragraph 4, the Read and members of Council shall be paid for
transportation inourred in the conduct of Township affairs at the following
Page 9. Regular Meeting of Council. June 21, 1973.
(i) $.15 per mile travelled to ezry point within 100 miles of Clarke
(ii) Mileage to ezry point in excess of 100 miles shall be at the rate of
public transportation, providing that expenses a1'e not being paid by
other Municipal or Gov..,.,.,ment Department.
(iii) Convention expenses shall be approved by COuncil.
(6) The remuneration set out in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be paid semi-amru.ally
in two equeal instalments.
The first instalment shall be paid between the 15th and 30th ~ of June of
each year, and
The second instalment shall be paid between the 15th and 30th ~ of November
of each year.
(7) In accordance with Section 392 of the said Act, one-third of the remuneration
or other alloWllllce received by each member of Council shall be deemed to be
for expenses incident to the discharge of his duties as a member of the
(8) That lly-Law No. 1721 of ~lI!o,....'hip of Clarke be and is hereby repealed.
(9) This lly-Law shall come into force and effect upon the date of. the final
reading thereof.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the aforenoted by-law be
given a third reading, passed, signed, numbered as lly-Law No. 1752 and the seal
of the Township of Clarke affixed thereto. Carried.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. EDtwisle.
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on July 3, 1973 at 10:00 a.m.
or at another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
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Reeve .'