HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/19/1973 liliUULAR MEETING OF THE COWCIL OF THE TOWliSHIP OF CLAllXE Tues~, June 19, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Orono e Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Counoillors - R. G. Chater - C. A. Reid - G. H. He1koop Clerk - H. R. Best Also Present: Road SUperintendent - M. L. Ross !he minutes of the regular meeting of Counoil on June 5, 1973 were adopted as printed on a IIIOtion by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid and oarried. SEC!fiON:t. D'ELliGJ.!fiOBS &. PE'lITIOBS Moved by K. EntwiSle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this Counoil /!fJ into Committee of the wbDle Colmcil to receive all delegations. Carried. ITEM (1) M::. H. Millson and M::. R. MoLell"en on behalf of Millson Inerance Agency presented, in printed form, a condensed report on the insuranoe progeamme currently in effect in the To1mship. ITEM (2) M::.')1V>Rioe and M::. William Rains appeared before Colmcil in support of their proposal for the Pine Ridge Retirement Perk on parts of lots 32-35, oonoession 1. A oovering letter, under date of Jlme 18, 1973 from E. R. Lovekin, Solioi tor for Rioe Construction, to the Reeve in Council was presented for Council's consideration. I2EM (3) M::. Mallrioe Pedwell, R. R. #2, Newoastle, addressed Council conoerning the untravelled portion of the road allowanoe between lots 30 and 31, concession 2, and the availability of building permits for appro:ximately 14 lots abutting this portion of the road allowance. M::. Pedwell stated that an R.D. plan of his property was under preparation and a copy of same would be submitted to Council when available. ITEM (I.l) PETITIOli for Struet Lighting on Leskerd Road. M::. Gary Er.ijardt presented a petition on behalf of forty-one (!j].) ratepa.yers in lots 30 and)1, concession 6 requesting Council's con- sideration to have street lights installed on the Leskard Road. Appro:ximately eight (8) persons appeared in support of this request. I2EM (5) PE'lITIOli for 35 m.p.h. speed limit on Leskard Road. M::. Gary Erhardt presented a petition on behalf of fifty-one (51) ratepa.yers, residing on the Leskerd Road, requesting Couoil to consider a 35 m.p.h. speed limit on the Leskerd Road. Appro:ximately eleven (ll) persons appeared in support of this petition. ITJiK (6) M::. Howard P~e, R. R. 13, Newctstle, a;ppeared before" Council in support of his letter to Co_cil tIJ1der date of JtIJ1e 18, 1973 wherein M::. P~e requested "approval in principle- of a licence to construct and operate a "Mobile Retirement Home Park- on 226 acres of land situate in the south part of lots 1 and 2, B.F. concession. ,e) ITJiK (7) M::. D. Simpson, Chairman of Orono Police Trustees presented to COlI11cil the following tenders for the construction and installation of washroom facilities at the Orono Fire Hall. (1) Ye oman's Plumbing &. Heating - R. R. 11, Orono (2) Max Lycett, Plumbing &. ,Heating - R. R. 11, Orono $1,0)6.70 " $1,145.00 Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council. June 19, 1973. IT.iM (8) Moved by K. Entwillle, seconded by C. A. Reid that this COIIIIIIittee rise and sit in Council. Carried. I'r!M (1) (a) Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. !leykoop that the review of the insurance programme be tabled for a special meeting with Mr. Killson. Carried. ITEM (2) (a) Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that a copy of a Mr. Lovekin's letter regarding the proposed Pine Rid8e Retirement .. Park be referred to PlAnniTlg Board. Carried. ITEM (3) (a) Action on Mr. M. Pedwell's presentation was witheld pending receipt by COlmcil of an R.D. plan of Btlr'fey as referred to by Mr. Pedwell. ITEM (4) (a) Moved by R. G. Chater. seconded by C. A. Reid that the Clerk send a letter to each property owner along the leakard Road whose property would be subject to an increase in ta: mill rate if street lighting on the Leekard Road were to be undertaken on a Local Improve- ment basis. The letter to request the property ownere to reply in writing stating whet<her they are in favor of or opposed to street lighting on Leaka.rd Road under the provisions of the Local Improve- ment Act. Carried. IT.iM (5) (a) Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle that the Clerk prepare the draft of an appropriate by-law whereby the speed limit would be reduced to 35 m.p.h. on that portion of the LeBkard Road from a point at or near the former LeBkard Schoolhouse south to the inter- section with the Taunton Road. Carried. r- I'l'EM (6) (a) Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. HB,XoOll that a copy of Mr. H. Ps;yne's letter regarding a "Mobile Retirement Home Park" be referred to PlAnning Board. Carried. I'l'EM (7) (a) Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater that this Council recommend to the Orono Police Trustees that they accept the tender of Yeoman's Plumbing & Heating, in the amount of 81,036.70, for the construction and installation of washroom facilities at the Orono Fire Hall. Carried. SECTION 2. COBllESPOliDENCE Tl Letter from Ulrich Ruegger, :reI purchase of land between the railroad tracks to the West of the road on Newtonville Road South. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that the Clerk reply to Mr. Ruegger informing him that at this time the Council do not wish to dispose of the subject property. Carried. T2 Letter from Ulrich Ruegger, rei taking hq from Township's acreage, part Lot 9, B.F. Concession. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heyitoop that the 1973 hq crop be sold to Mr. Ruegger for the sum of 870.00. Carried. T3 Letter from Orono Police Trustees, rei two t'tIrther building permits to Home Smith Orono Estates. Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that this Council concur with and endorse the comments of the Orono Police Trustees pertAining to the request of Home Smith Orono Estates. Carried. T4 Letter from Barbara A. Merson, Ailmini strator, Township of Hope, rei wio"ning e road between road allowance of Hope and Clarke Boundary Road. Refer to Road and Bri~..COlllll4,'ttee. .Carried. T5 Letter from D. C. Hod8eon, B.A.. A.M.C.T.. Deputy Clerk, Town of Oakville, rei motion to amend the Dog Ta: and Live Stock: and Poultry Protection Act. Filed. Carried. P86El 3. Regular Meeting of Counoil. June 19, 1913. . T6 Letter from E. R. Lovekin, Barrister & Solicitor, re: road allowanoe between 9 md 10 Tow.ship of Clarke, County of Durh8lll. Refer to Road & :Bridge Committee. Carried. T7 Letter from C. R. Grq, District Manager, Kinistry of liatural Resources, reI pqment of 1973 tlaElS on Concession 10, Part Lot 15. Refer to Tre8Sllrer to clear up. Carried. e T8 Letter from G. Wakely Ca.rt86El Limited of Grmt Wakely Cart86El Limited, reI garb86El pick ups. Answer as we do not license. Refer to Kinistry. Carried. T9 Letter from E. R. Lovekin, President, IllIrham Central Agricultural Society, reI Orono Fair Grounds clem up. ~ Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. R. Reykoop that the request of the Durham Central Agricultural Society be grmted for m allocation of 11,000.00 of the unused surplus from the Provincial-Municipal Emplcyment Incentive Prcgr&lllllle 1972-1913. Such ftmds to be used for painting lID.d clean up work at the Orono Fair Grounds md subject to the requireJllents of the Canada Manpower OUice. Carried. TlO Petition for Speed Limit. Refer to Section 1, 5 (a). Carried. Tll Petition for Street Liehting. Refer to Section 1, 4 (a). Carried. Tl2 Ontario Municipal Board Notice of "A,ppointment for Rearing", July 4, 1973, reI m ~eal by J. Ochlmk:si in respect of Lot 33, Concession 5. Referred to E. R. Lovekin, Township Solicitor. Carried. Tl3 Ontario Municipal Board Notice of "qpointment for Rearing", July 4, 1913, reI m ~eal by J. O"hnnllld in respect of Lot 29, Concession 5. Referred to E. R. Lovekin, Tow.ship Solicitor. Carried. Tl4 Letter from Andrew Sutch Sr., re I gravel pits. Clerk to acknowledge and refer to Plllnning Board. Carried. Nl Letter from C. Saruyama., Supervisor, plAnning Jnmini stration, Ontario Municipal Board, re I Township of Clarke - Restricted Area :By-Law 1747. Tabled. Carried. N2 Letter from C. S~, Supervisor, plAnning 4nministration, Ontario Municipal Board, reI Tow.ship of Clarke - Restricted Area :By-Law 1747 with enclosures. Tabled. Carried. N3 Letter from P. C. Eberlee, P. llDg. Totten Sims Rubick! Associates Limited, re: subdivision agreement. Filed. Carried. N4 Letter from L. R. Allick, P. EDg. Totten Sims Rubick! Associates Liaited, reI report on Const=c:tion Progress. Filed. Carried. li5 Rearing Notice form the County/District Judge which has been sent to The Municipal Clerk, Regional Assessment Commissioner md Jewel Anges Jackson. Filed. Carried. N6 Letter from R. K. Long, Treasurer, Citizen's Input Committee with enclosure, reI Committee hereby respectfully requests finllD.cial assistmce from Clarke Tolmship Cotmcil to defrq expenses. Filed. Carried. . N7 Merlo from Bo_ Construction, re: new general contracting firm. Copy to be sent to M. L. Ross, Road SUperintendent. Filed. Carried. H8 Letter from Committee of Adjustment, reI qplication File "B"14-73 John Edward Cars cadden, Part Lot 17, Ccncession 7. Answer - no action. Filed. Carried. li9 Copy of a letter from Barber and Kelly, Barristers & Solici tore to the Clarke Pl......ing Board, reI Clarke Fishing and Conservation Club. Refer to PlAnning Board. Carried. Page 4. Regular Meeting of Colmcil. June 19, 1973. :IIlO Letter from W. McLeod, :Manager, Progrlllllll Section Subsidies :Branch, reI The Mlmicipal Unconditional Grents Act 1973 Per Capita Pa;yment. Filed. Carried. :IIll Letter from Consumers I Gas CODlp8llY with enclosed application of Ont&1:'io Energy- Board end the Consumers' Gas COIllptllq". Filed. Carried. :IIl2 Minutes of the Central Leke Ontario Conservation Authority Meeting of June 7, 1973. Filed. Carried. -- :IIl3 Minutes of the meeting dated June 11, 1973 of the Ministry of !rreneportation and Collllllllnications at the Village of Millbrook Mlmicipal Building of June 7, 1973. Filed. Carried. :lIl4 Copy of a letter !:rom :Barber end Kelly, llarristers & Solicitors, reI Perrin Property, part lot 17, concession 3, Olarke Township. Filed. Carried. :illS Pamphlet - Property Maintenance Stendards I lly-Laws end Progrlllllll. Filed. Carried. :IIl6 Letter from Me Pat Artkin, Executive SecretArT, Ontario Mlmicipal Recreation Association, reI resolll.tions passed at the annual meeting held on ~ )rd, in Chatham. Filed. Carried. ~ .ADDITION TO: Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid, that this Council support the Planning Bo&1:'d in the matter of their appeal against the decision of the Commi ttee of Adjustment whereby Clarke Fishing end Conservation Club would be permitted to construct a building less than 100 feet !:rom a pond. Carried. :IIlO From H. E. McGill, Live Stock Brench, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, reI . en appeal !:rom Mr. Joseph :Barry, R. R. #1, Orono, against the award made by the Township V8:Luer !:rollowiDg the recent loss of an Angus Cow. Received end filed. Carried. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that this meeting does hereby adjom:n to reconvene again at 9:)0 a.m. on Th=sdq, June 21, 1973 to complete the rl""aining items on the agenda. Carried. The meeting adjom:ned at ll:lS p.m. ~~ I'l~g Q..R.J, ,"" ~7 /:~"'_ ~ Lf/.(/- -f Clerk Reeve REGULAR DftING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWllU:$Jill' OF CLABKE Th=sdq, June 21, 1973 at 9:)0 a. m. Colmcil Chlllllbers, Orono Present: Reeve - E. R. Woody&1:'d Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillors - R. G. Chater - C. A. Reid - G. H. Heykoop Clerk - H. R. :Best SECTION 3. :BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD IDM (1) In the matter of an assistant Building Inspector, Mr. Maurice Hickey, R. R. #1, Orono was interviewed by Colmcil. _ BESOLll'fiON NO. 119: Moved by K. Entwisle, secended by C. A. Reid. .'