HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/1973
Tues~, June 5, 1973, 10:00 a.m.
Council Chambers, Orono
Pre8Jmt: Reeve - E. R. Woo~a:rd
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Oouncillors - R. G. Ohater
- O. A. Reid
- G. H. Heykoop
Olerk - H. R. Best
The minutes of the Regala:r Oouncil meeting on Ha\r 15 and 17 and the Special
meeting on Ha\r 29, 1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by Ie. Entwisle and
seconded by G. H. Heykoop. Oarried.
Moved by R. G. Ohater,. seconded by K. Entwisl,e ~t :this Council go into
Committee of the whole Oouncil to receive all delegations. Oarried.
ITEM (1) Mr. H. E. Millson of Millson Insurance .Agency, Orono, res renewal of
insurance coverage.
lfEK (2) Mr. J. Leslie Crumb, 121 Byron Street North, Whitby, reI application for
a taxi licence.
ITEM (3) Mr. B:a:rold S. Tqlor, 230 Waverly Street Sout~, Oshawa, reI application
for a taxi licence.
ITEM (4) Mr. J. Ochonski, R. R. #2, Orono, reI proposed sub-division on lots 29
and 33, concession 5.
IfEK (5) Mr. R. Forrester, Orono, reI Provincial-Municipal Employment Incentive
Program 1972-1973.
ITEM (6) Mr.:B. Vanden Reuvel, Orono, reI buses, trucks, machinery, oil and
garbage trucks pa:rked on rea:r half of lots 6 and 7, :Block H, Village of
ITEM (7) Moved by R. G. Ohater, seconded by K. Entwisle, that this Committee rise
and sit in Oouncil. Oarried.
IBM (8) Moved by O. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Ohater that this meeting does
now recess for lunch and reconvene at 2:00 p.m. Oarried._
ITEM (9)
ITEM (10)
Meeting recessed at 12:45 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 2:15 p.m.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by O. A. Reid that Mr. Hillson meet
with Oouncil at 7:30 p.m. on Tues~, June 19, 1973, to further review
all aspects end details of insurance coverage. Oarried.
IfEM (11)
Resolution No. 109:
Moved by Oharles A. Reid, seconded by Robert G. Ohater.
WR'Ji!RlilAR Mr. J. Leslie Crumb, 126 Byron Street North, Apartment #3,
Whitby and Mr. B:a:rold S. Tqlor, 230 Waverly Street South, Oshawa, have
applied in writing for a licence to operate and drive a cab for hire
wi thin the Township of Ola:rke and .
WR'Ji!RlilAR the policies of insurances as filed with the applications do
not meet the' provisions of Section 6 of :B;r-Law No. 1677 .~
NOW BE IT THEBEFORE RESOLVED that this Oouncil authorize the Olerk to ..,
issue licences to Mr. J. Leslie Crumb and l4'r. Harold S. Tqlor subject
to the following conditions:
(1) -the applicants submit documentary evidence that the insurance
coverage confo-rms to requirements of :B;r-Law #1677,
(2) that favourable character references a:re obtained from appropiate
authorities. Oarried.
Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council. June 5'th, 1973.
ITEM (T1) Letter from Michael Fay,. Environmental Planner, Ministry of frans-
portation and COJIIIIlUDications, re:- meeting at Millbrook MlDicipal
Building on June 7th, at 7:30 p.m.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that Reeve Woodyard,
Messers M. L. Ross and S. Lancaster represent the Township of Clarke
at a meeting 1;0 be held in Millbrook Municipal Building on June 7,
1973 at which time members of 'the Environmental Studies Office of the
Ministry of Transportation -end Commmications will describe the Highway
#115 project. Carried.
ITEM (T2) Letter from R. J. Skillings, Clerk, Township of Hami11;on, rei by-law
1;0 establish impost fees for sub-division lots. Rece-ived and filed.
ITEM (3) Letter from C. Saruyam&, Supervisor, PlAnning Anministration of the
Ontario Municipal l3oard, re: Township of Clarke - Resb-icted Area
:By-Law 1694. Clerk to forward a carbon coW to Clarke Fish and Conserv-
a tion Club. Carried.
ITEM (T4) Letter from C. L. Gunter, Manager, :Bazik o!c Commerce,. reI interest rates.
Received and filed. Carried.
ITEM (T5) Letter from W. K. Jqcett, :Barrister & Solio-itor, rei part lot 29, con.
5, Clarke Stapleton, Hazel & Walter M. Tabled to be brought forward
under Section (3) of agenda. Carried. "
ITEM (T6) Letter from :Barbara A. Merson, Anministrator, Township of Hope, request-
ing the Township of Clarke to endorse a resolution opposing the proposed
sanitar,y landfill site on lots 26 - 30, con. 2, Hope Township.
Moved by R. G. Cbater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this letter be
tabled, as sufficient information, pertaining 1;0 this matter, is not
available 1;0 Council at this time to assist in reaohi ng a decision.
ITEM (n) List of properties subject to Taxation for 'the year 1974 from Wallace
H. Parnell, M.I.M.A., Regional Assessment Commissioner for the Counties
of Northumberland & Durham. Filed. - Carried. -
ITEM (N2) CoPY' of a letter from W. H. Somerville, Superintendent, CP Rail, rei
- overhead brid8e, Newtonville Road, Lots 8 and 9, :Broken Front Concess-
ion, Township of Clarke, Province of Ontar--io, Mileage 151.92, :Belle-
ville Subdivision, CP Rail. Refer to Reeve for further action. Carried.
ITEM (N3) Notices of PubH.c Hearing from the Committee of Adjustment from Mary
Ellen Hill, Williams Grove Orchards Ltd., G. A. Wanless, J. & K. Marez,
Robert L. Bullen, A. M. :Babr, Austin Turner, WIll. H. Monroy, V. & A.
Onjukka, Robert G. Allin, Jean Lewis, J. & M. MDrree, James Adams,
Michael :Bevan and PaW.. J. Collinson. Received and filed. Carried.
I!!EM (N4) Cancelled debenture from L. D. Gagen, Director, Securities Branch,
Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs . Received
and filed. Carried.
ITEM (N5) CoPY' of a letter from ChaTlotte M. Horner, Medical Heal'th Officer,
- Haliburton, Bawartha, Pine Rid8e District Health Unit to Mrs. Lila
Robinson, Orono, reI Premises - Lot 28, Con. 5, Clarke Township.
Received and filed. Carried.
ITEM (N6) Memo from H. F. Crown, Diz.ector, .ABDA Branch, Ministry of .Agriculture &
l':>od, re: .ABDA Special- Drainage Assistance Program. Received and filed.
ITEM (N7) CoPY' of a letter from J. M. Browning, Secretar,y-Treasurer, Central Lake
Ontario Conservation Authority', re I SWEEP Program. Copies to be forwarded
to Orono Police !rustees, Orono Chamber of Commerce, Orono Memorial Park
l30ard and Cemetery l3oard. Carried.
Page 3. Regula:r Meeting of Counoil. June 5th" 1973.
ITEM (B8) Report of Live Stock Valuer - Sawmao Farms, Lot 28, Con. 7, reI oalf killed.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seoonded by K. Entwisle that the report dated
Mtq 22, 1973 submitted by Mr. Hallowell, Live Stock Valuer be acoepted
by this Counoil and farther ,that the Dog Control Officer submit a report to
Counoil pertA.in11'g to the neighbours dogs as referred to in the Valuer's
Report. Carried.
ITEM (19) Letter from J. M. :Browning, Secretary-Treasurer, Central Lake Onta:rio
Conservation .Authority, re: notioe of Apportionment of Levies Waterfront
Conservation Area - Town of 'Whi. tby. Refer to Treasurer for p~ent.
ITEM (10) Applioation for a Capital Grant from the Ministry of CoJlllllUDi. ty and Social
Servioes. Copies to be forwarded to local boa:rds. Filed. Carried.
ITEM (nl) Invoice from C. S~ama., Supervisor, PlAJ'lning Ailmin'fstration, Ontario
Mlmioipal :Boa:rd, re: :By-Law Bamber 1747. Refer to Treasurer for pa;rment.
I!I!EM (n2) Letter from F. Borman, Chief Feasibility Planner, Ministry of Transport-
ation and CoDllll1mioations, reI Peterborougb Area, a Higbw,," Plan. Recieved
and filed. Carried.
- .
ITEM (n3) fhe Roql Trust Company - Short term investments of Guaranteed Receipts.
Reeieved and filed. Carried.
ITEM (n4) Letter from Malcolm G. McCa:rt~, President, Soboel of Economics Scienoe,
Re: Conference held in Toronto from July 4 to 7/73. Received and filed.
, Carried.
ITEM (n5) .conference at Brockl'aiversi ty - June 13, 1973 - Erie Onta:rio Water
Level Conference. Reoeived and filed. Carried.
. , .
Ii'EM (n6) AKO - Legislative Balletin. Received and filed. Carried.
Ii'EM (n7) Memo from Association of Munioipalities of Onta:rio, re.: membership for
1973. Received and ta.bled. Carried.
IfiH (n8) Form from Canadian Federation of Mtqors and Municipalities. . Refer to
Clerk for reply. Carried.
ITEM (n9) Memo from Rene Brunelle, Minister of Ministry of CoDllll1mity and Social
Services, reI Senior Citizens Week 1973 "Living oan be Ageless". Received
and filed. Carried.
. , c
ITEM (B2O) Posters from Ministry of CoJlllllUDity and Social Services, reI Onta:rio's
Senior Citizens Week 1973. Received and filed. Carried.
... " ... -
Ii'EM ~N21), Pamphlet - !he_ Divorce Aot Annotated. B.ec~ived and filed. Carried.
" , "
ITEM (N22) :Booldet - Reme:1'"lcs by the Honourable WIR. G. Davis, Premier of Ontario to
the Roads and Transportation Assooiation of Canada. Received and filed.
ITEM (N23) Pamphlet - ColDDlercial letter from Canadian Imperial B.ank of COIDDleree.
Received and filed. Carried.
ITEM (B24) Booklet - A Highwq Plan PE!ERBOROUGH AREA. Received and filed. Carried.
, .
ITEM (N25) Road R1mner from the Ontario Good Roads Association. Received and
filed. Carried.
ITEM (B26) :Booklet - L.and Use - Special for Canada. Reoeived and filed. Carried.
Ii'EM (N27) Pamphlet introducing Corporations Volumes 4, 5 and 6 in O':Brien's
Eneyolopedia of Forms. Received an$!, f~led. Carried.
Page 4. Regular Meeting of Cotmcil. June 5th, ,1973.
ITEM (N28) Pamphlet "?" - Are Estates & Trusts Important to You? Received and
filed. Carried.
ITEM (N29) Booklet - Fire Marshals Quarterly News. Recieved and filed. Carried.
ITEM (N30) News Digest from International Institute of Mlmicipal Clerks. Received
and filed. Carried.
ITEM (N3l) Order to. and info~tion regarding Books from C C H Canadian Limited
in Doil Mills. Recieved and filed. Carried.
I!1'.EM (N32) Information from the Industrial Development Department of Consumer's
Gas System. ReGeived and filed. Carried.
I!1'.EM (N33) Booklet - Toronto - reI three special seminars re cost^operations.
Received and filed. Carried.
ITEM (N34) Memorandum #5, Provincial-Mlmicipal EDployment Incentive Programme for
1972-73, reI extension of programme up to and including June 30th, 1973.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that the Reeve and
Councillor C. A. Reid be authorized by Council to arrange for projects
that could be undertaken wi thin the Township in order to pefmi t greater
utilization of the f'tmds previously allocated under this programme.
Carried. \
I!1'.EM (1) Road Closing By-Law 11748.
The following correspondence relating to this matter was presented to
Council :
(a) United Counties By-Law #2348 confirming :By-Law 11748 of the
Township of Clarke.
(b) Letter from W. K. Iqcett, Solicitor for Hazel Louise Stapleton and
Wal ter Mil ton Stapleton together with an enclosed photocopy of a
sketch of survey showing Block 9 Village of Orono.
Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by Robert G. Chater.
WR?RTi!A~ certain road allowances have been stopped up wi thin the Police
Village of Orono by By-Law 11748 of the Township of Clarke I and by. By-Law
#2348 of the United Counties of Northumerland and Durham.
BE IT THEREFOBE RESOLVED THM! in acoordance with the^ provisions of the
Mlmicipal Act, Chapter 284, Section 461 of the R.S.O. that this Council
hereby offer for sale those portions of the siad stopped up allowances for
roads, to the owners of abutting land, at a priilte of 11,000.00 per acre plus
an apportionment of costs incurred by survey, advertising, legal fees, etc.
ITEM (2) Draft by-law for the control of recreation vehicles. Tabled for further
oonsideration and study; copy to be supplied to each member of Council.
ITEM (3)
Township of Clarke
Copy of letter from E. R. Lovekin to Feigman & Chemos. Received and
filed. Carried.
I!1'.EM (4) Ontario Safety Leagu.e, reI fireworks, brought forward from meeting of
~ 17, 1973. Filed. Carried.
Page 5. Regular Heeting of CO'Q11cil. Jme 5th, 1913.
I!JiJI (5) Central Lake Ontario Consevation Authority, brought forward from ~ 11,
1913 meeting. :med with Jf7 of correspondence, Carried,
I!lII (6) Letter of Resignation &I)J member of Clarke Plpning Board from H. E. Walk.,-;
tabled on Mq 17,1973 pending consultation between the Reeve and Hr.
. .
Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle that in view of the report of
=~:;v~~~e~::lc:::;tt:Mr~a~:~~:; =;~:::~~~~:~:t= .
of his years of valuable service to the Clarke plsmning Board. Carried.
ITEM (7) By-law to amend zonitlg By-Law #1653 and to repeal By-Law #1734 (Alton and
Valerie Smith, Lot 6, Con. 3). Tabled for meeting on Jme 19, 1973.
Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater tha:t this Comcil go into
Committee of the whole Comcil to receive all reports. Carried.
(a) From Robert F. Bixon, Leader of the Opposition, Ontario Legislature
requesting this Dl'lmicipali ty' s views on the gove1':!;D1lent' s proposed
legislation to establish regional government in this area.
(b) From Durham Central Agricultural Society requesting the Clarke
Township Roads Department to oil, certain parts of the fair grotmds
at a cost of not more than 140.00 to the Agriculture Society.
(a) Chai?lllgn, K. Entwisle presented a verbal report on matters currently
before the Committee.
ITEM (3) The Building Inspectors Report for the mo~th" of Mq 1913 was reviewed by
ITEM (4) The By-Law Enforcement Officer presented a verbal report pert~ining to
alleged violations of Dl'lmicipal by-laws.
ITEM (5) Moved by, C. A. R,id, seconded by G. H. l:Ieyk09P that this Committee rise
and report in Cotmcil. Carried.
IT.IiJt1 (6) Mr. Bixon' s letter was ,referred to the Reeve for appropiate action.
ITEM (1) Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle that the Road Department
oil that part ot -:t;h, Orono fair grounds from the Centre Street entrance along
the midwq to the horse barns immediately south of the arena and farther
that invpice for this work be fJent to the Durham Central Agri~ ture
Society. Carried.
ITEM (8) BESOLU!rION 1'0. Ill:
Moved by Ch&l'les Reid, seconded by Robert G. Cbater.
Whereas the tender of M.S.O. Construction Limited, 100 D1sfO Road Rexdale,
for the supply and application of refined used oil was accepted by this Council,
subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation and CoDmnmications
(Resolution 1'0. 86) and
" -
Whereas the Department of T;ransportation and COJIIIIl1mications did not
approve of said tender
. . .
Now be it therefore resolved that this Comcil accept the tender of
Ace Oil Services, 44 Gondola Crescent, Scarborough, Ontario being the lowest
satisfactory tender, for the supply and application of refined used oil,
subject to the approval of .the Department of 'h"ansportation and CoJllJB1mications.
Page 6. Regular Meeting of Counoil. June 5th, 1973.
Moved by Charles A. Reid, seoonded by Robert G. Chater.
That the Road Superintendent be authorized to oall tender for one 160
H.P. motor grader, subjeot to approval of the Department of Transportation
and Communioations. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by G. H. HeYkoop.
That p8\VlDent for mileage be inoreased from 10lt per mile to 15lt per mile
for all Township Employees, for using their own oar. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by G. H. Heykoop.
This Counoil hereby resolves that the following Pq Vouohers be and
are hereby authorized for p8\VlDent by the signing offioers of this Counoil.
O.P.V. Vouoher No.5
Road. Department Vouoher No. 5
General Department Vouoher No. 5
$ 2,020.21
ITEM (12) Moved by C. A. Reid, seoonded by K. Entwisle that the Building
Inspeotor report for May 1973 be reoeived and filed. Carried.
ITEM (13) Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seoonded by K. Entwist.. that a by-law be
prepared in draft form to amend zoning by-law #1653 whereby oontrol
oould be exeroised over ohanges in non-oonforming oommeroial uses
of land. Carried.
ITEM (1) Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by C. A. Reid that the reoommendation
from the Planning :Board that Counoil establish an impost oharge, be
tabled. Carried.
Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by Charles A. Reid.
WHEREAS the Orono Chamber of Commeroe have applied on May 31, 1973
to manage and oonduot a 50-50 draw wherein the total value of all prizes
be $3,500.00 and
WHEREAS the prize winners will be determined by draw at The Orono
Fair Grounds on August 6, 1973 at 6:00 p.m.
NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that this Counoil hereby authorize the
Orono Chamber of Commeroe to oonduot a raffle lottery wi thin the Township
of Clarke provided that a lioenoe is issued by the Lotteries :Branoh of
the Ministry of Consumer & Commeroial Relations. Carried.
Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seoonded by K. Entwisle.
WHEREAS the Antique Steam Assooiation have applied on May 31, 1973
to manage and oonduot a 50-50 draw wherein the total value of all prizes will
be $3,500.00 and
'-' WHF.R'F.AS the prize winners will be determined by draw at The Orono Fair
Grounds on August 6, ~73 at 2:00 p.m.
NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that this Counoil hereby authorize the
Antique Steam Assooiation to oonduot a raffle lottery within the Township
of Clarke provided that a lioenoe is issued by the Lotteries :Branoh of
the Ministry of Consumer & Commeroial Relations. Carried.
Page 7. Regular Meeting of Counoil.
June 5th, 1973.
Moved by Charles A. Reid, seoonded by Robert G. Chater.
In the matter of Applioation File No. 72-40 as reoeived by Counoil on
September 18, 1972 and referred by Counoil to Planning Board on September 20,
1972, wherein the applioants Nick and Mike Anton1adis requested that 2.250
aores of land situate in the North East part of lot 24, oonoession 8 be
rezoned to a "H.C." Highwq Commeroial oategory and .
Y1hereas the Clarke Planning Board have prooessed this applioation and
approved of same and
Y1hereas Clakre Plannind Board at their regular meeting on Ma\Y 17, 1973
have approved the draft of an amending by-law and recommend this by-law be
passed by Counoil.
Now be it therefore resolved that this Counoil give first and seoond
reading to said by-law as reoommended by Planning Board, whereby 2.250 aores
of land situate in the North East part of lot 24, oonoession 8 would be
rezoned to a "H. C." oategory. Carried.
BY-LAW NO. 175~
WRVoRF.AS the Munioipal Counoil of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke deems it advisable to amend By-Law No. 1653 as amended.
NOW THEREFORE the Munioipal Counoil of the Corporation of the Township
1. That Map 1 of Sohedule "A" of By-Law No. 1653 be amended by ohanging to
"H.C." the zone symbol of the lands so designated on Sohedule "W" hereto
2. This By-Law shall beoome effeotive on the date hereof subjeot to receiving
the approval of the Ontario Munioipal Board.
ITEM (5) Moved by K. Entwisle, seoonded by R. G. Chater that the By-Law to rezone
2.250 aores of land situate in the north east part of lot 24, ooncession
8 to an "H.C." oategory be read for the third time, passed, signed,
numbered as by-law #17$1 and the seal of the Township of Clarke affixed
thereto. Carried.
ITEM (5) Moved by G. H. Heykoop, secondedpy C. A. Reid that the Clerk be
authorized to oontact persons interested in an oapable of undertaking
part time duties as assistant building inspeotor. Carried.
Moved by Robert G. Chater, seoonded by Charles A. Reid.
This Counoil hereby adjourns to meet again on June 19, 1973 at 7:30
p.m. or at another time at the oall of the Reeve. Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
~~Ol. Q.j{...t
Reeve '