HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/29/1973 (Special)
3l-;EC=~AL :.J:;B~\T:;G OF l'T-IE CCul.JeIL
CF T~.-IE tT04i.~:'IS=-IIIv' OFt CLAP~(E
,n ~ p 20 c. 00
j. UG S',-i;:J Y, .14~Y -", 0:, pr:1.
Council Charrbers, Orono
.,;;~" e ,~.\ ~.",4- .
......... i.:;;:w'-.; ........ .
Reeve - E. I~. .~oouYa:""d
Ueputy i(eeve~ K. Ent~isle
Councillors- K. G. Chatel'
G. II. Eeykoop
C. A. Reid
C181~1,:- II. .r\.. .de st.
The aeeve stated this special Dee~ln~ had been called to consider
several matters currently before Council.
Tr:~ ry~ ,.
_, ..l.L..
.fteevE; .loo(l~T1-rd ~l-'ese11ted a ne\:lS relea,se, d<'1ted >lay 26, 1973,
fro!.: the .::Lnistry' of Treas1J,ry, ECOIionics and Intergovcrnr;lclltal
Affairs. This release contained a statement to the LObisl~ture
by the =:o:::lOurable "::-olm :r:lito, Treasurer of Ontario concerninG
rOL,ioY1C11 covorm.:ent in tho r:l.rc:a east of l.Ietropolitan Toronto.
~Gcuived and filed.
!ril'''~ ,.
'. ....."-
(2 )
:~ved by C. Reid, seconded by G. Eeykoop that this Council grant
perr::1.ssion to the bOY Scouts of ::evrtonville to cut the grass
in the l:ill:Lgan l.lemorial P3.rk i.n lJewtonville. Carried.
.;-r,.".,.," ( 3 )
l'ioved by G. Ii. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that, vJhere~,s
:.Ir. F_ l"-.:r~. Sa:n 51'1etler ~a vem(\d~ ,~l requG st trlrOLtbll the Cle:,l<
:or" tlle 'To~v.ms~1j~p to S~C;.:":tY pOiS011 .ivy 011 +:heir proper~ty in
~c)L J.O, COllCI.;;ssiorl 1, :~ev;tonv}110, tt:c Clcrl( be instrltctccl to
~;,~lvisD :.:r. f,. 2,:r.3. S}-:c:tJ.~Gr trL1.t it j_s not the rds};Jonsibility of
tb.Q :CO\'llJ..sl:.:.p to ;J1J~1ay' vlcG(ls on l:')l...j- va.t,e property, C1.nd to fUl~t rlGr'
,'ld.\ri.SG llr. ;~,~ ~,-rB. Shetler of tIle pro'tvisiol'"'.I.3 of T11c ~iee(i Cor1.troJM
Act, Ch'1pL.:.:::' 4S3 0: R.S.C. of Ontario 1970, wher~.in sect:Lon 4
tllGl~00f st:1t.es 'tE:Vt;;r~r person ir1 pos,ses3ioll of lctn(l srlall <'.10stroy
!llJ~ no;':ious '\lieeQZ tl1ereon" .Ca.rl'"tj,.ed.
-''-;'1 'r;." ," (,)
,J.J...i:,; - 4-
.I..~r. :'lov/.'3..rJ 1)~,Y11C'S lcttex' of ~;L1.~r J5, 1973 ill vJ11:Lcrl. ;18 :req~).estGd.
-~~~1i:tt :1..1"1 "'oJ_c1 r'i~llt. -of-."va:i VJi t}-l:Lr~ '.;-lJr .fG!-lCe l~r.i.os b.;; daeci(;Q to
r:~~ n Vl:=tS ~Gfa:r-l"~d to t~.:.e l~(ot=t(l S:..l.pCrintG11d~nt \li t.J}, the :i,....c ql..t~st
tb..~t, =~1. ~~oss 11CGOt. i~.t e \vi th I,ll". F',~ynG fOl-' t}le ~_Cqlli;3i t :ton or
th0 n~ce3s~ry land, ~ossibly 10' all each side of tha divdrsion
road in ordar that t~e slopes Day be rebuilt to a s~ti~factory
,r'-, c'1 (" )
_1-............'... \.,.,1
lloved by
obt.:1in i~l
u-. ~T IIe~ll<:oo.i;"-' seconded b~- 1:::. Ent,T\<";i~le tl1at tIle C.ler'l~
co:;;.y of ,"l, by-1A.'.-J rclbulatinc; the use of recreat-,~on1.l
011 ~':'Ltbl5.c ~,nd. 1:.Jr5_vat0 lancl, frol~ -t,hG Vill?..G:.; of Aja~(.
.., .,
\...:1rrJ_Cc. .
T;"i'-::-"_ ~
...;.......lJ~ ...
:loved by ~:. Entwisle, sGcondaJ by C. A. Reid th~t i_n the ~attcr
of t'ne forthco:d.nc C.an-An r3.ces to h:.: h;;;ld ;'tt ::oGl--ort fa::."k, the
Reeve be aut'lorj_zed to co-operate \Vi th the Ontario Provinci'll
J?olice .l'\t;6;1.rdi~1G crovld (lncl traffic control j;.i:.--o"'J'iclGfi tl1:'lt s~lcl
control does not ~nterferc with the ri~hts of loc3.1 ~roperty
O\~lerS ~!lJ/cr thci.r cuests for access to their ra~pdctive
pro~~rties. C~rricd.
l.Jace 2. Speci.al :'.bet ing of Cou!1c:Ll. :lay 29th, 1973.
ITEr.: (7)
I.loved by G. ::. I~Icyl,:oop, SGcor'lcle:l by C. A. r~cJd~ t}l~__t tl:e lleeve
be authorized to purchase two ne"..; typc'""riters of a type suit-
<'''tble for :rc.akinG ::mlt iple copie s. Carried.'
ITEl-: ($)
Hoved by K. Ent\l:Lsle, seconded by' :<. G.' Chatel" that the letter
from Grant ~iade, und.::r date of l:ay 27, 1973, .secretary of
Clarke Cenctery Board, requesting that Council arranGe for spray-
inG and cutting grass j.n so:ne of the ,1.bandnned cemeteries be
referred to tho r~oad and' BridGe Comr:littee. Garried.
ITEl',l (9)
In the mat tel" of a let tel" fro:ll Grant Wade, under date of Hay
27, 1973, s.ccretary of Clarke Cemetery Board, asking that the
Clerk make the necessary arrangements in callinc tenders for
fenci.!1.f:; the abandoned cemetery in Orono .and in IJe"oltonville,
the Clerk "iTas instructed to assist with the detai,l \lark
relating to the callinG of tenders.
ITElf (10)
A letter from Grant Wade, under date of bay 27, 1973, secretary
of Clarke Cernetery Board, requ.esting an increase in their
budget for 1973 \las received and filed.
ITEM (11)
:'lnereas Hr. and 1,:rs. G. DeJontJerlre the ovmers of Lot 1, Block
C at the corner of t~in and Victoria Streets in the Police
VillaGe of Orono and
~'Jl1eroas a house location survey I,repared by II. Film, Ltd.,
a.L.S. of Oshav.;a, dateu l:'.3'th of i:':~-y,' 1:973, and desicn;:tted
~l. 0.5552+ shows a portion of a foot cncroaclrnent on Victoria
Street and
~kleroas V1ctoria Street is not gonera.Ily used for Vehicular
tra,ffic and na,y in the future be reduced to a \'lalkvlCl.y and
certainly no expanded use of the street is intended.
Therefore be it resolved that the owners of the said property
be advised that for a peri ad of at least ten years +';:h0
municipali ty '.::111 not interfere with the ovmers ri;;ht to T:lain-
tain the existing buildinC in the loca.tion as shov;n on the
above referenced survey, on '.:hOS0 hlI1ds ovmed by the r:iun:icipality
,"l.S a street allov:ance on \':h1ch their residence nO....j encroaches.
ITEH (12)
Resolution No. 10S:
~",nIE:U:AS 1-:. lJ. Bro~/Y'l1, O.L.S. as atl)ent for },1r. J. Ochonsl{i rln..s
made, ap,'Plicat1on to the subdivision section of Plans Administration..
Branc1}" of the iIinistry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern - .,
r::ental Affairs for appr'o'val of the Draft Plan of '0. proposed
residential subdivision on Part of Lot 29, Concession 5, partly
in the Police Villace of Orono and
Special l~etinG of Council.
:.:ay 29t 1-;.,
1 or] ~
......,.,. i ~.
.~asolut ion iTo. 105 (cent inu(,;;d) :
~I=IE:U;AS ~,:rs. :1. A. Cll:!lt.1~LrLg, Subdi v5.sions Sect. lon, l;lans
Aduinistration Branch has returned the excess cDpies of the
plan subr:lit ted and hqs requested ,3. revision of the plan
outlininG a su:Ltable desiGn for developr.'lent \'Jitnin the l::i.r:lits
of Orono (lnd
:lI-IEllEAS I<r. :'-1. D. Dl"oT\r1n 11as cor'r-'espondcli '\lith Cour.cil si~,~tirlL
thnt none of th~ rea~on3, for returning the plans for revision,
are valid c.nd has requ.e sted Coanc 11 t S irnmediate at tent ion to
tl1~S matter in o:~d8r to rectify the .~istaken impression that
the proposed development is contrary to tl1-0 dra,ft. Of.fici"".l
PIA.n and
"..[:fE7U::AS 1<:,. :. ;:<.. Lovel:.i11, B.A., LL.B., Solic-itOl' for tIle
~Oi:.T:1.S!-'~-2.~_: of Cl'1.rl.:.o l1az re~fj_0\ve(1 the fOl"leGo1ng corrcsporl.(lencc
~.r~ci h,~.s s1~:.b:~1=Lt, tad l1is COE:l:~cni~z to Council Llncler dcr:.e of
:~~r 25, J~973
:~tJ~t~ T:iE:SFO:~ BE 1'11 I~i;SOLVED:
'rh1.t th:i.s CouDe}.1 hCl';,;by ndvise .4'. Drovm to re-3ubr:lit the
dr'aft. plan to tlle l'.':inistry vJ:Lth.clut I'evisiorl, and_ thC'.t CO~;iC;;3
of this resoltltion and correspondence pertinent hereto be
:,:ol'ua:,'ded to Er. Ero\in1 3.r:.d the HinLster of Treasury,. Econolnics,
-!1Jlcl I1l"Lercovcr~lr1cntal Af=~:LTt;';.
'"" .,
\.. (lr 1"" J_ e ~l .
(13 )
:l.:':\~-;Qll1t.~OJl ~.o_ lOt):
:.'lLere~s ont: Jan Ochc)nslz5. ~nd tlle COLtncil of tllG To\"rrlsr~5.f of
Cl~rk8 have been nc~otiatinG for some tj.me in rc~ards to tl18
L"l.ncl Use of Part of Lot 33, Cone. 5, T'Vlp. of Clarke 0-
A!1Q :~1l8:l"04.S t:ne cira:t Officic.l I)lart des:~cnates t11e su.,b~ect
l~nd to ~ rural catecory, the Council are reluctant to alter
t.}:.e Of'ficj_ctl l')lan u..nt:~l,. tIl0 Depa.rtr:!-e!lt~.J~ d.e.c:i.si.Ol1 i.n re6.~lrcl
to tLo ~rofosed f'ural rC3ident-j,ql land ttse has been ..,-ade.
A.."'ld. :'iill.crcCl;J tl1C
t() :;.r. .~Oc}lonsk,i-
" t
.c.na., ::t'l~l ensu~rB
Counc:~l a-re anxious to
Gf t11cir intentions to
Dopartnental a~prov~l;
b ,i vc:. co:tlCr0 t.3
.:Lrnplerr:ent any
land use
:~C):l TT-TE:..~.EFO~:.Z BE J~~l ISSOL "\rElJ:
iTl1(l.t thj.3 CottncJl l1CI'0bJ-r tmderJ~'rlI:e to an1end tllG Official Flarl
to desicnate the a~propriat3 area of Lot 33, Con. 5 to a rural
:t'8si,dent:i'a.l cateccry.instead of nAu Abricultur:1l, should s;.lch
rezo:dn..:; be approved by the Subdiv;Lsj,on Sectio:l 0: the ilqns
Ad::-,li:n:istra.t.i on Branch, Hin j stry of Treasury, Econo;.;:j,cs and
InterGov01"*rsleYlta.J_ Aff,~i:~s. Carried.
TI'1T"; .~
_" ..l..... .
( 2. ;~ )
Rr=~~~ol:tticY1 :'~o. lO?:
'I1}"l3.t :r~csol.trt,5,o:ns~<os. 105 ,~nd 106 "be referred to t~lle :(eeV3
Rnd C2.erk for further considerqtion and appropriate action.
C~l'l~icd .
.L..J.. Jjl',;,
(1 t:')
r~(, ~-; c 1 ~1 t, -; -0 1"'1 ;.l () _ 1 C) 8 :
f.rl-i~L.s COtl!lctl >~ercb:r ~"(ljottrns to r:leet aLain (It t.he n,e.:(t r0bttl~r~
COUI1C:Ll -~~.~~ct,ir16 scheclulcrl fo1." ~:'u.ne 5th at 10:00 ~..r~t. or at
another ti~e at the call 0: the Reeve. Carried.
~.c'h..7d3 Ti:eetj_.r:c \-;a:;~djollr!10!1 rl,t 11:05 f'.':-.i.
,;) -;
~~<~.-I X; >t"/J7--f