HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/29/1973 (Special) 3l-;EC=~AL :.J:;B~\T:;G OF l'T-IE CCul.JeIL CF T~.-IE tT04i.~:'IS=-IIIv' OFt CLAP~(E ,n ~ p 20 c. 00 j. UG S',-i;:J Y, .14~Y -", 0:, pr:1. Council Charrbers, Orono .,;;~" e ,~.\ ~.",4- . ......... i.:;;:w'-.; ........ . Reeve - E. I~. .~oouYa:""d Ueputy i(eeve~ K. Ent~isle Councillors- K. G. Chatel' G. II. Eeykoop C. A. Reid \.I C181~1,:- II. .r\.. .de st. The aeeve stated this special Dee~ln~ had been called to consider several matters currently before Council. Tr:~ ry~ ,. _, ..l.L.. (I) .fteevE; .loo(l~T1-rd ~l-'ese11ted a ne\:lS relea,se, d<'1ted >lay 26, 1973, fro!.: the .::Lnistry' of Treas1J,ry, ECOIionics and Intergovcrnr;lclltal Affairs. This release contained a statement to the LObisl~ture by the =:o:::lOurable "::-olm :r:lito, Treasurer of Ontario concerninG rOL,ioY1C11 covorm.:ent in tho r:l.rc:a east of l.Ietropolitan Toronto. ~Gcuived and filed. !ril'''~ ,. '. ....."- (2 ) :~ved by C. Reid, seconded by G. Eeykoop that this Council grant perr::1.ssion to the bOY Scouts of ::evrtonville to cut the grass in the l:ill:Lgan l.lemorial P3.rk i.n lJewtonville. Carried. .;-r,.".,.," ( 3 ) LL.i:,l. l'ioved by G. Ii. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that, vJhere~,s :.Ir. F_ l"-.:r~. Sa:n 51'1etler ~a vem(\d~ ,~l requG st trlrOLtbll the Cle:,l< :or" tlle 'To~v.ms~1j~p to S~C;.:":tY pOiS011 .ivy 011 +:heir proper~ty in ~c)L J.O, COllCI.;;ssiorl 1, :~ev;tonv}110, tt:c Clcrl( be instrltctccl to ~;,~lvisD :.:r. f,. 2,:r.3. S}-:c:tJ.~Gr trL1.t it j_s not the rds};Jonsibility of tb.Q :CO\'llJ..sl:.:.p to ;J1J~1ay' vlcG(ls on l:')l...j- va.t,e property, C1.nd to fUl~t rlGr' ,'ld.\ri.SG llr. ;~,~ ~,-rB. Shetler of tIle pro'tvisiol'"'.I.3 of T11c ~iee(i Cor1.troJM Act, Ch'1pL.:.:::' 4S3 0: R.S.C. of Ontario 1970, wher~.in sect:Lon 4 tllGl~00f st:1t.es 'tE:Vt;;r~r person ir1 pos,ses3ioll of lctn(l srlall <'.10stroy !llJ~ no;':ious '\lieeQZ tl1ereon" .Ca.rl'"tj,.ed. -''-;'1 'r;." ," (,) ,J.J...i:,; - 4- .I..~r. :'lov/.'3..rJ 1)~,Y11C'S lcttex' of ~;L1.~r J5, 1973 ill vJ11:Lcrl. ;18 :req~).estGd. -~~~1i:tt :1..1"1 "'oJ_c1 r'i~llt. -of-."va:i VJi t}-l:Lr~ '.;-lJr .fG!-lCe l~r.i.os b.;; daeci(;Q to r:~~ n Vl:=tS ~Gfa:r-l"~d to t~.:.e l~(ot=t(l S:..l.pCrintG11d~nt \li t.J}, the :i,....c ql..t~st tb..~t, =~1. ~~oss 11CGOt. i~.t e \vi th I,ll". F',~ynG fOl-' t}le ~_Cqlli;3i t :ton or th0 n~ce3s~ry land, ~ossibly 10' all each side of tha divdrsion road in ordar that t~e slopes Day be rebuilt to a s~ti~factory ol\:lde. ,r'-, c'1 (" ) _1-............'... \.,.,1 lloved by obt.:1in i~l vehiclGG u-. ~T IIe~ll<:oo.i;"-' seconded b~- 1:::. Ent,T\<";i~le tl1at tIle C.ler'l~ co:;;.y of ,"l, by-1A.'.-J rclbulatinc; the use of recreat-,~on1.l 011 ~':'Ltbl5.c ~,nd. 1:.Jr5_vat0 lancl, frol~ -t,hG Vill?..G:.; of Aja~(. .., ., \...:1rrJ_Cc. . ~ T;"i'-::-"_ ~ ...;.......lJ~ ... (G) :loved by ~:. Entwisle, sGcondaJ by C. A. Reid th~t i_n the ~attcr of t'ne forthco:d.nc C.an-An r3.ces to h:.: h;;;ld ;'tt ::oGl--ort fa::."k, the Reeve be aut'lorj_zed to co-operate \Vi th the Ontario Provinci'll J?olice .l'\t;6;1.rdi~1G crovld (lncl traffic control j;.i:.--o"'J'iclGfi tl1:'lt s~lcl control does not ~nterferc with the ri~hts of loc3.1 ~roperty O\~lerS ~!lJ/cr thci.r cuests for access to their ra~pdctive pro~~rties. C~rricd. l.Jace 2. Speci.al :'.bet ing of Cou!1c:Ll. :lay 29th, 1973. ITEr.: (7) I.loved by G. ::. I~Icyl,:oop, SGcor'lcle:l by C. A. r~cJd~ t}l~__t tl:e lleeve be authorized to purchase two ne"..; typc'""riters of a type suit- <'''tble for :rc.akinG ::mlt iple copie s. Carried.' ITEl-: ($) Hoved by K. Ent\l:Lsle, seconded by' :<. G.' Chatel" that the letter from Grant ~iade, und.::r date of l:ay 27, 1973, .secretary of Clarke Cenctery Board, requesting that Council arranGe for spray- inG and cutting grass j.n so:ne of the ,1.bandnned cemeteries be referred to tho r~oad and' BridGe Comr:littee. Garried. . ITEl',l (9) In the mat tel" of a let tel" fro:ll Grant Wade, under date of Hay 27, 1973, s.ccretary of Clarke Cemetery Board, asking that the Clerk make the necessary arrangements in callinc tenders for fenci.!1.f:; the abandoned cemetery in Orono .and in IJe"oltonville, the Clerk "iTas instructed to assist with the detai,l \lark relating to the callinG of tenders. ITElf (10) A letter from Grant Wade, under date of bay 27, 1973, secretary of Clarke Cernetery Board, requ.esting an increase in their budget for 1973 \las received and filed. ITEM (11) Resolution ,. LO.. IOl-\-: :'lnereas Hr. and 1,:rs. G. DeJontJerlre the ovmers of Lot 1, Block C at the corner of t~in and Victoria Streets in the Police VillaGe of Orono and ~'Jl1eroas a house location survey I,repared by II. Film, Ltd., a.L.S. of Oshav.;a, dateu l:'.3'th of i:':~-y,' 1:973, and desicn;:tted ~l. 0.5552+ shows a portion of a foot cncroaclrnent on Victoria Street and ~kleroas V1ctoria Street is not gonera.Ily used for Vehicular tra,ffic and na,y in the future be reduced to a \'lalkvlCl.y and certainly no expanded use of the street is intended. Therefore be it resolved that the owners of the said property be advised that for a peri ad of at least ten years +';:h0 municipali ty '.::111 not interfere with the ovmers ri;;ht to T:lain- tain the existing buildinC in the loca.tion as shov;n on the above referenced survey, on '.:hOS0 hlI1ds ovmed by the r:iun:icipality ,"l.S a street allov:ance on \':h1ch their residence nO....j encroaches. Carried. ITEH (12) Resolution No. 10S: ~",nIE:U:AS 1-:. lJ. Bro~/Y'l1, O.L.S. as atl)ent for },1r. J. Ochonsl{i rln..s made, ap,'Plicat1on to the subdivision section of Plans Administration.. Branc1}" of the iIinistry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern - ., r::ental Affairs for appr'o'val of the Draft Plan of '0. proposed residential subdivision on Part of Lot 29, Concession 5, partly in the Police Villace of Orono and Pa,;o 'J ...;. Special l~etinG of Council. :.:ay 29t 1-;., 1 or] ~ ......,.,. i ~. .~asolut ion iTo. 105 (cent inu(,;;d) : ~I=IE:U;AS ~,:rs. :1. A. Cll:!lt.1~LrLg, Subdi v5.sions Sect. lon, l;lans Aduinistration Branch has returned the excess cDpies of the plan subr:lit ted and hqs requested ,3. revision of the plan outlininG a su:Ltable desiGn for developr.'lent \'Jitnin the l::i.r:lits of Orono (lnd '-' :lI-IEllEAS I<r. :'-1. D. Dl"oT\r1n 11as cor'r-'espondcli '\lith Cour.cil si~,~tirlL thnt none of th~ rea~on3, for returning the plans for revision, are valid c.nd has requ.e sted Coanc 11 t S irnmediate at tent ion to tl1~S matter in o:~d8r to rectify the .~istaken impression that the proposed development is contrary to tl1-0 dra,ft. Of.fici"".l PIA.n and "..[:fE7U::AS 1<:,. :. ;:<.. Lovel:.i11, B.A., LL.B., Solic-itOl' for tIle ~Oi:.T:1.S!-'~-2.~_: of Cl'1.rl.:.o l1az re~fj_0\ve(1 the fOl"leGo1ng corrcsporl.(lencc ~.r~ci h,~.s s1~:.b:~1=Lt, tad l1is COE:l:~cni~z to Council Llncler dcr:.e of :~~r 25, J~973 :~tJ~t~ T:iE:SFO:~ BE 1'11 I~i;SOLVED: 'rh1.t th:i.s CouDe}.1 hCl';,;by ndvise .4'. Drovm to re-3ubr:lit the dr'aft. plan to tlle l'.':inistry vJ:Lth.clut I'evisiorl, and_ thC'.t CO~;iC;;3 of this resoltltion and correspondence pertinent hereto be :,:ol'ua:,'ded to Er. Ero\in1 3.r:.d the HinLster of Treasury,. Econolnics, -!1Jlcl I1l"Lercovcr~lr1cntal Af=~:LTt;';. '"" ., \.. (lr 1"" J_ e ~l . """81:'''',,-; -'-_.i......L (13 ) :l.:':\~-;Qll1t.~OJl ~.o_ lOt): :.'lLere~s ont: Jan Ochc)nslz5. ~nd tlle COLtncil of tllG To\"rrlsr~5.f of Cl~rk8 have been nc~otiatinG for some tj.me in rc~ards to tl18 L"l.ncl Use of Part of Lot 33, Cone. 5, T'Vlp. of Clarke 0- A!1Q :~1l8:l"04.S t:ne cira:t Officic.l I)lart des:~cnates t11e su.,b~ect l~nd to ~ rural catecory, the Council are reluctant to alter t.}:.e Of'ficj_ctl l')lan u..nt:~l,. tIl0 Depa.rtr:!-e!lt~.J~ d.e.c:i.si.Ol1 i.n re6.~lrcl to tLo ~rofosed f'ural rC3ident-j,ql land ttse has been ..,-ade. A.."'ld. :'iill.crcCl;J tl1C t() :;.r. .~Oc}lonsk,i- " t .c.na., ::t'l~l ensu~rB Counc:~l a-re anxious to Gf t11cir intentions to Dopartnental a~prov~l; b ,i vc:. co:tlCr0 t.3 .:Lrnplerr:ent any a.szurA-nee land use :~C):l TT-TE:..~.EFO~:.Z BE J~~l ISSOL "\rElJ: iTl1(l.t thj.3 CottncJl l1CI'0bJ-r tmderJ~'rlI:e to an1end tllG Official Flarl to desicnate the a~propriat3 area of Lot 33, Con. 5 to a rural :t'8si,dent:i'a.l cateccry.instead of nAu Abricultur:1l, should s;.lch rezo:dn..:; be approved by the Subdiv;Lsj,on Sectio:l 0: the ilqns Ad::-,li:n:istra.t.i on Branch, Hin j stry of Treasury, Econo;.;:j,cs and InterGov01"*rsleYlta.J_ Aff,~i:~s. Carried. TI'1T"; .~ _" ..l..... . ( 2. ;~ ) Rr=~~~ol:tticY1 :'~o. lO?: 'I1}"l3.t :r~csol.trt,5,o:ns~<os. 105 ,~nd 106 "be referred to t~lle :(eeV3 Rnd C2.erk for further considerqtion and appropriate action. C~l'l~icd . \.; j!";,,,.....,.. .L..J.. Jjl',;, (1 t:') \...L~ r~(, ~-; c 1 ~1 t, -; -0 1"'1 ;.l () _ 1 C) 8 : f.rl-i~L.s COtl!lctl >~ercb:r ~"(ljottrns to r:leet aLain (It t.he n,e.:(t r0bttl~r~ COUI1C:Ll -~~.~~ct,ir16 scheclulcrl fo1." ~:'u.ne 5th at 10:00 ~..r~t. or at another ti~e at the call 0: the Reeve. Carried. ~.c'h..7d3 Ti:eetj_.r:c \-;a:;~djollr!10!1 rl,t 11:05 f'.':-.i. ,;) -; ~~<~.-I X; >t"/J7--f Clel~l(