HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/1973 L!'!(;;e 5. Regul!'!r ~!cetinb of Council. M~y 15th, 1973. Ine Letter from Dougl~s H. Fullerton, Ch",jrm~n, N~tion~l C"'pit",] COrrL'Tlission with enclosed booklet n'.vhere ~re ~ve Going"? Filed. C~rried. 1-T' a ~"...L ,/ NE'~I.s BULLETINS, re: Conferences. Filed. ,... ., ,,~rrleCl. N20 Letter from H. E. ~~~lkey, re: resign~tion. T~bled until consult~tion with lir. W~lkey. C~rried. '-' HZl Letter from ~,~. A. IhcLeod, Business Administr"'!.tor ~nd Tre~ surer, Northumerl~ nd ~nd Durh~m COW1.ty Bo~.rd of Educ"'ltion, re: Brown's School. Filed. C~rried. NZ2 Hemor~.ndum from the 1":inistry of Tre~sury, Economics !'!nd Intergovernment", 1. Aff~irs, re: Ijlunicip~l works ~ ssist~nce Lo~n }Io. 311 - I,1unicip~ 1 By-L~w No. 1518. Refer to Tre~surer. C~rried. H23 Fror.l 'il. F~rnel1, Cobourg, - List of properties subject to Gr!'!nts-in-Lieu of T!'!xcs for the yel",r 1973. Refer to Tre~surer. C!'!rried. N2h Ho\v"'rd P~yne, re: intersection of the L",keshore RO"'ld ""nd the Cl~rke - Hope Line Ro""d - right-of-w""y within fence requesting deed. Refer to Clerk. C""rried. H..e so '11 t i on l~ o. q t) : Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. Th~t this meetjng does now ~djourn to reconvene ""t 10:00 "".m. on Thursd~y, M~y 17th, 1973 to complete the rem""ining items on the ""gend"". The meeting ~djourned ",t 11:45 p.m. ~~t:\IA- & B ..L Clerk 5L~/?~ Reeve K:.6J/--f REGULAR NEE'l'ING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesd~y, M"'lY 17th, 1973 ~t 10:00 "".m. Council Ch!'!mbers, Orono fresent: Reeve - E. R. Woody~rd Councillors - R. G. Ch~ter - G. H. Heykoop A' t r~osen : Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillor - C. A. Reid Council reconvened "".t 10:00 ,~.m. to de""l with th~t portion of the ~gend"" qS t~bled on M~y 15, 1973. TIE!.! (3) BUSINESS BROUGHT FOR'd6.RD (~) Correspondence from Ont~rio S~fety Le~Gue, re: fireworks. T~bled for further consider~tion. C~rried. (b) Correspondence from P~ge & K~min, re: Highw~y Pl~n- Peterborough Are~. Clerk to reply. C~rried. " (c) Correspondence from Dr. ~. Higbinson, under d~te of M~y 11th, 1973, re: de~d ~ngus cow ~t Ced~r Dee F~rms, Orono together with report, d~ted M~y 14, 1973 from L. 1,1. H"" 11owel1, Live Stock V~luer. Pl'ige 2. Regul~r Heeting of Council. i;L~y 17th, 1973. ResoJution No~ q6: r.loved by Robert G. Ch~ter, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. In the m~tter of ~ de~d ~ngus cow on Ced~r Dee F~rms, Lot 22, Concession 7, this Council hereby concurs with the report, d~ted the 14th d~y of M~y 1973, ''is sub- mitted by Mr. L. H. H~11owo11, Live Stock V~luer for the To\.mship of Cl~rke. C~rried. . (d) Moved by R. G. Ch~ter, seconded by G. H. Heykoop th~t By-L~w No. 174$, be given ~ third re~ding. C~rried. By-L~w No. 17u8: Being ~, By-L~w to stop-up cert~in rOl'id "lllow~nces ~nd cert"lin p~rts of ro~d ~11ow~nces in the Township of Cl~rke. 'dHEREAS notice of intention to p~ss this by-l"lw w~.s published once ~ week for ~. le~st four successive weeks in the Orono Weekly Times, Newc~stIe Reporter ~nd The Bowm~nville St"ltesml'in, "lnd posted up for ~ le~st one month in six of the most public pl~ces in the imrnedi~te neighbourhood of e~ch of the s~id rO"'ld "'ll10w~nces or p~rts of ro~d ~llow~nces hereby ~ffected ~s required by the provisions of the Municip~l Act: AND \~{EREAS Council h~s received no objections from persons cl~iming th"lt their l~nd would be prejudici~lly ~ffected by the by-l~w; NOli THEREFORE the Municip~1 Council of the Corpor"ltj,on of the TOwnship of Cl~rke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT "l11 those ro~d ",.llO\v~,nces ~nd p~rts of ro~d ~llow'~nces in the Township of Cl~rke described in Schedule "A" "l.nd form- ing p~rt of this by-l",w be I'lnd the s~me ~re hereby stopped up. Noved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chl'l.ter th~t by-l"lw#1748, being ~ by-l~w to stop up cert~in rOl'ld ~llow"'lnces be p~ssed, signed ~nd the Township of Cl~rke se~l ~ffixed thereto. C~rried. (e) Resollltion No. qq: Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by Robert G. Ch~ter. The Council of the Corpor~tion of the Township of Cl"lrke hereby certify th~t By-L~w No. 1747 is in conformity with the Offici"'ll Pl~n ~s proposed by Council but not ~pproved ~t the d~te of the p~ssing of the sl'lid By-L~w. Also th~t ~s of even d"lte the s"'lid Offici"ll Pl"l.n h"l.s not received finl'll "l.pprov~l of Council. C~rried. The following requests for notice of he~ring from persons supporting by-I!'!\tl 1/1747 were received !'!nd filed. 1. Hr. T. W. Noone, R. R. #2, Orono 2. l,fr. G. H. Heykoop, R. R. #2, Orono ITEH (1+) REPORTS (1) Moved by R. G. Ch~ter, seconded by G. H. Heykoop th"lt this Council go :into Com!:Littee of the whole Council .i'. to receive the follow~nb reports. C"l.rried. ~ .l.';'tbC J. Regular 1.1eetins of Council. l'lay 17th, 1973. 'i'he Reeve's report on matters currently before Council. (2) By-Law Enforcement Officer's report. (3) I.loved by G. H. rIeykoop, seconded by R. G. Chatel" that this Cor:1mittee rise and sit in Council. Carl~ied. \..I (4) The Clerk was instructed to notify li1r. .Jan Ochonski regarding the com~laint received by Council pertaininb to the rocks, rubble and weeds on l~. Ochonski's property in Block 9 of the Village of Orono. (5) Resoluti on iJo. 100: 1.1oved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. That the Clerk be authorized to notify Hr. James Suther- land of R. R. #l~ Orono, South Part Lot 28, Concession 7, by registered letter that his property be made to conform to provisions of by-law #1653, section 10, sub- section 1 (b) within fourteen (14) days from the date of this letter. Carried. ( E, ) i~A ~~~ 0 1 1J t i 9 n 110.. 1 0' : 110ved by G. II. Heykoop, seconded by Robert G. Chatel". Be it hereby resolved that this Council instruct the By-Law Enforcement Officer to instigate legal action \Jithin 14 d,"l.Ys in all cases where the provisions of by-law il1653 have been contravened, subject to prior notice by registered n~il. Carried. T'l'''''''~ (r:::) ~ .I:...,.. ....; :'JE 1'wT B qs TNESS rt~SOl11>:ion lJo_ 102: Moved by Robert G. Chatel", seconded by G. H. Heykoop. That a By-Law of the Corporatio..'1 of the Tovmship of Clarke to adopt the esti~ates of all swns required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1973, be given a first and second reading. Carried. Bv-~~w No. 17S1 ~ Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all swns required du.ring the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1973. ~/EEREAS the Council of' the Corporation of the TOi.;mship of Clarke has in accordance with the i~nicipal Act considered the estimates of the m~licipality and of the Boards and Co:nr:lissions 'of the :,Iunicipality and it is necessary that the following sw~s be raised by meansaf taxation for the year 1973. R~CPE1'JnT'I'lt.~S TOT AL BUDGET '-' Election Expenses To'\.-mship Hall, Building Expenses Protection of Persons Property Executive & Legislative Administrative Cor~~ittee of Adjustment ,Other Gener~l Goverrunent 1,600.00 2,500.00 370.00 5,900.00 27,000.00 9,735.00 12,500.00 Page 4. Regular i'leeting of Council. li!:'l-Y 17th, 1973. EXPENDITURE (continued) Convention & Delegation Expenses Clarke Planning Board Clarke Recreation Co~nittee Clarke Public Library Clarke Cemetery Board Fire Protection - Shared OperatinG Destruction of Pests-warble Fly Other Protection, Livestock Public Works: ROad Budget (.i1egular ) Suppler:lentary l~oad Budget Non-Subsidized expenditures Sanitation - Garbage Expense Building Inspector & Zoning [y Administrator Sundry Grant Dog Pound Debt Charges - Principal 1.1emori':l1 Hospital - Interest l.rem~rial Hospital Interest and Bank Charges Discount for taxes Taxes Written Off Central Lake Ontario Authority Reserve - Working Fund 1:c1iscellaneous Public Relation Fund Dog Control Officer 30$,166.00 30,000.00 7,000.00 Salary TOTAL REYENUE Provincial Subsidies Public~'iorks - Regular TOi.\IIlship D Federal Grant Post Office Licenses & Permits Trailers Plumbing & Se\'\Tac;e Permits Building Permits Committee of Adjustment Dog Tax Interest, Tax Penalties Rents, Township Hall Planning Board Taxi & Vendors Permits Ontario Grant-in-Lieu of Taxes 205,000.00 Supplementary 1,412.00 5,500.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,300.00 20,000.00 100.00 350.00 100.00 480.00 TOTAL APTAL BUDGET 750.00 12,500.00 550.00 10,996.00 770.00 18,400.00 1,300.00 370.00 " 345,166.00 5,000.00 9,600.00 $15.00 510.00 4,000.00 2,739.00 5,400.00 1,420.00 2,440.00 416.00 10,000.00 400.00 750.00 4,100.00 497,997.00 243,442.00 2L1,uu2.00 Expenditure Applied on General and Public Works Deduct Revenue Applied on Federal and Public Works 1p~al~ Gen8r~1 499,197.00 154,031.00 Publ j c Workii 345,166.00 2hh,6h~.00 1Q.6u2.00 254,555.00 114,389.00 254,555.00 20'1.000.00 140,166.00 AND WHEREAS the Assesmaent Roll made in 1970 and upon which the 1973 taxes are to be levied and was finally revised by the Court of Revision; AND \~~EREAS the amount of Assessment entitled to benefit, 'hereinafter referred to as residential and farm, and the arlount of 'assessment not entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as commercial and business from Unconditional Grants in accordance with Section 304 and 305 of the !~unicipal Act, is as follows: Assessment entitled to Benefit (Residential and Farm) Assessment not entitled to Benefit (Co~~ercial and Business) 4,544,994.00 1,022,620.00 .... .. PaCE: 5. Regul'lr l<'~etjng of COtmcil. ~Iay 17th, 1973. \i1IERE~ the estiY:lated amount of the Unconditional Grant is ' ~31,5l8.00 the esti::r:ated amount of Property Tax Stabilization Plans Grant is $14,000.00 Assessment entitled to the bodies for which ArID and ,{hich is the equivalent of 10.015 mills on the Benefit; AND VmElillAS the Assessment of each of it is necessary to levy rates is as follows: Residential '-' [y F~ r-m COTIilllerC ial & Business Toj:.:'ll Northu.nberland & Durham Board of Education - Elementary 4,372,$34.00 1,022,620.00 5,395,454.00 Peterborough - Victoria North- ui'Ylberland (t Durham Roman Catholic Separate School Board 172,160.00 nil 172,160.00 Northuuberland & Durham Board of Education - Secondary 4,544,994.00 1,022,620.00 5,567,614.00 T:I1:aEFORE the Council 0: the Corporation of the TO'Vffiship of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. That the above estimates be adopted and levied therefore in the manner as set out hereinafter and there shall be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildin~s and businesses within tb.e Corporation of the Township of Clarke the following ::1:1.11 rates for the year 1973. 1. To\mship CO:r:ll:lercial 2. Township Residential &. Farning 3. To\.mship O. P. V. Co!:',rnercial 1+. To\mship O.P.V. Res:idential [. Farming Counties Rates Education: ITorthu,'11berland [~ Durham County Board of E~ucation and Peterborough - Victoria l';orthumerland [:- Durham Roman Catholic Separate School Board Elementary - CO!l'.rn.ercial - Residential & Farm Separate - Residential & Farm Secondary - Comrnercial - Residential & Farm Ganaraska Authority Durham Federation Folice VillaGe of Orono - COJ~u:1crcial .... l\.csiclcnt il~}~ C,.. Farr:l Traffic Control & Dog Control a.p.v. o .lI. ',i. S. - Frontace & Connection Street Li;;htins - lJewtonville - Kendal Farm Tile Drainage - "'. Barnoski - E. Barnoski - F. Obrist - :'1. G:i.b son - R. A. r,Iorro\rl Total Tax ~cll 1973 '-' T~x::ltion 40,149.46 147,064.34 6,173.77 15,649.76 109,102.96 51,709.81 199,007.67 $,162.10 48,157.22 192,630.48 $,384.26 895.72 3,045.92 11,186.12 2,500.04 9,574.68 196.07 $2.53 505.49 73.97 123.29 530.15 320.55 c~ 5 5, 226 .3[ ~SS8ssmcnts R~tl~B I.iill 831,665 3,643,714 190,955 701,280 5,567,611... 1,022,620 4,372,$34 172,160 1,022,620 1t-, 544, 994 5,567,614 1,791,447 190,955 701,280 892,235 178,090 58,700 48.276 38.261 32.331 22.316 J~9. 5SJ6 50.566 1t-5 . 510 47.410 47.092 42.383 1 . 5of; 0.500 15.951 15.951 2.802 1.101 1.406 2. The taxes shall become due and payable on the 29th day of Jli,.'1e 1973 but may be paid in 2 equal instalraents on the 29th day of June 1973 and the 30th day of l;ovember 1973 provided that upon failure to make paYElcnt of one or all ,instalments, the ""hole shall become due and payable fortb'lith. Page 6. Regular 1:1eeting of Council. I-lay 17th, 1973. 3. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of' taxes on due dates of any instalment thereof, the arlOunt of 1% of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of default, and an additional penalty of 1% shall be added on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied. 4. There shall be allowed a discount of 2-~% on the third instal- ment only if paid on or before JWle 29, 1973. . 5,. The collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to v;hom .such notice j,s required to be Given. 6.. All current taxes sha.ll be paid into the Municipal Office at Orono or the branch office of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Comr:J.erce at Orono and Hewcastle. (A1J tax arrears shall be paid into the of~ice of the Treasurer at Orono). 7. ~"here cl tenant of land owned by the Crovm or in which the Crm.1lTI . has an interest, has been employed either within or outside the municipality by the sane employer for not less than 30 days, such employer shall pay over to the collector on demand out of any waGes, salary, or other renuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for te,xes under tr_is by-la'l:l and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount paid. 8. The collector and, treasurer are hereby empoir;ered to accept part payments from time to til;1e on account of any taxes. due. 9.. This by-law shall come into :force and effect upon the date of the final readinG' thereof. l'-loved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that the by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1973 be given a 3rd reading, passed, signed, numbered as by-la\v if1751 ctnd the Township of Clarke seal affj,xed thereto. Carried. ITEM (6) Resolution Ho. lO".}: l.:oved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by Robert G. Chater. This Council hereby adjounrs to r:leet again on June 5, 1973 at 10:00 a.m. or at another time at the call of the Reeve. ' The meeting adjourned at 12:30 ~.m. ~-AM "I ~ Q. ~~ Clerk ~-./ t?/~I!. /,...JL Reeve . ':",a ..