HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/15/1973 Page 2. Special Meeting of Council. l1ay 7th, 1973. In respect of the Rural Residential Sub-division on Part Lot 33, Concession 5 as proposed by J. Ochonski - 11r. E. R. Lovekin was requested to prepare a sub-division agreement, based on the original draft but incorporating the changes as recommended by r1r. Farrow and including the following specific provisions: \.I (1) Street lighting illumination to be of a standard acceptance to the Township of Clarke, and their consulting engineers and approved by the Ontario Hydro. Lamp to be of the mercury vapor type and supported on concrete poles. (2) Item 31 (Insurance) or original draft be amended by increasing the minimum limit of such policies to $250,000 for loss or damage resulting from bodily injury to or death of anyone person, and $750,000 for loss or damage resulting from bodily injury to or death of two or more persons arising out of the same accident. (3) Item 33 (Financial Arrangements) Section 5 be amended in accordance with the recommendations as proposed by ~~. K. Entwisle. Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that Council adjourn. Carried. Adjournment was at 4:45 p.m. ~.Art tLU. (L~,.t Clerk ~ Y <J\/ -"~'~~~.... ~ ,. 11').. Ree ve ) /1 ~--f REGv'LAR l'1EETIHG OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TO';'nTSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, I'lay 15th, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Orono Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillors - R. G. Chater - G. H. Heykoop - C. A. Reid Cle~k - H. R. Best The minutes ~f the Regular Council meeting held on ~1ay 1st, 1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by R. G. Chater and seconded by G. H. Heykoop and carried. The minutes of the Special Council meeting held on >1ay 7th, 1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by G. H. Heykoop and seconded by R. G. Chater and carried. ITElvf (1) IlELEGATIONS [7' PETITIONS: I.loved hy K. Entwisle and seconded by C. A. Reid that this Council go into Conunittee of' the whole Council to receive the following delegations. Carried. \.I (a) l,lr. James Iv1ajor, re: closing of certain parts of Princess Street. (b) Nrs. A. Beauchamp, re: Thornton Estate. and proposed street closing. Page 2. Regular }fueting of Council. 11aY 15th, 1973. (c) ~~. E. Kelter, reI right-of-way on Lot 16, Con. 7 and the abutting premises of l"Ir. Ni.cklash and Nr. l/i.artens. (d) Mr. J. C. Tamblyn, re: application for rezoning. (e) ~Ir. Tony Mitchell, re: closing of the allowance for road between his property and Elmer's Garage. (f) Mr. J. Ochonski, re: subdividerts agreement. " (i::;) Hr. D. Simpson, re: street closing on Thornton Estate; proposed addition of washroom facilities at the Orono Fire Hall and the use of the Roads Department tractor at the Orono Police Village disposal area. Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chatel" that this Co~~ittee rise and sit in Council. Carried. (h) l'loved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that i,lr. D. Simpson of the Orono Police Trustees be requested to sub- mit to Council an estimate of the total cost of the pro- posed washroom facilities at the Orono Fire Hall. Carried. (i) Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle that,the Roads Department tractor be nade available to the Village of Orono for use at the disposal area, for an extended period of tirr,e as requested by Hr. Simpson. Carried. (j) l-loved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater that this Counci.l go into Cormnittee of t.he whole Council to receive the following delegations. Carried. (k) l\IessBrs l1ax Rice, Lewis Rice, and J. W. Raine of Rice Construction Company Limited, re: official application for Councilts permission for Rice Construction and their engineep and planning consultant to present their revised plans fora mobile home complex to a combined meeting of Council, Planning Board and their respective administration staff. (1) VI. K. Lycett, Solicitor for J. C. Tamblyn, re: application for rezoning. (m) Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chatel" that this Committee rise and sit i.n Council.' Carried. (n) Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid that this Council grant permission to Rice Construction to attend a joint meeting of Council and Planning Board on anyone of the following dates, sub~ect to approval of Planning Board. Ivfeeting to be held in Township Hall, Orono. Tuesday, May 22, 1973 at 2 -p.m. viednesday, l.fay 23, 1973 at 2 p .n:. Thursday, June 7, 1973 at 2 p.m. Carried. (0) Noved by 1<.. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that the application of ~Ir. J. C. Tw'b1yn be referred to Planning Board for their recornmendation and further thrlt Hr. Lycett be instructed to advise Mr. Tamblyn and the proposed purchaser of his property, to attend the meetip~ ~0~ of Planning Board on Thursday ~~y 17 and to submit to the .., Board the details of the proposed uses of the subject premises. Carried. (p) I,loved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater that this Council go into Committee of the whole Council and to rise again at the call of the Reeve. Carried. Page 3. Regular Neet:Lng of Council. Ha.y 15th, 1973. (q) l:r. E. R. Lovekin presented verbal reports on matters currently before Council. Reports pertaining to road closings would be confirmed by a written opinion. (r) At the call of the Reeve the Co~~ittee rose and sat in Council. \.I (s) l.:oved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that Councillors Reid and Chater together with i-<1r. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor, represent Council at the Ontario l~~~icipal Board Hearing scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 29th, 1973 in Council Chambers, Orono. Carried. (t) RESOL Ill' 1m,! HO. ou: That the Township Solicitor, I.ir. E. R. Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., be authorized to convey to the abutting land owners those lands as described in parts one to six on the plan of survey dated January 19, 1973, File 73011 as prepared by li.UB~own, O.L.S., save and excepting part 4, which part shall remain under the ownership of' the Corporation of the Township of Cla.rke. Carried. ITE:'.l (2) COR.J.'lESP9JIDENCE Tl Letter from G. H. Heykoop to Kelly, Jermyn, Donald & Thomas, Barristers & Solicitors, reI By-Law #1738 - Nick Dyriw. Filed. Carried. T2 Letter from Barbara & Rudolf Guenther, re: ditch. Refer to Road and Bridge Committee. Carried. T3 Letter from lilrs. Sam F'ovlell, re: Horgants' Road South. Refer to Road and Bridge Corrmittee. Carried. T4 Letter from Creighton, 'Nurdoch [,. Victor, Barristers & Solicitors, re: Restricted Area Appeal - Leo J. and Bella M. Boisvert. Filed. Carried. I5 Letter from J. A. NcKillop, District Municipal Engineer, Ministry of Transportation and COrnr.J.unications, re: proposed addition to Garage.' Copy to be sent to R.oad Department and filed. Carried. 1'6 Letter from llicha.el Fay, Environmental Planner, Iv1inistry of Transportation and Communications, re: expansion of the Highway 115 facility between the junctions of Highways 35 and 28 in Durham County. Filed. Carried. T7 Let ter from Gordon Carton, Q. C., lUnister, Hinistry of ~~j~IK*D6 Transportation and Corrmunications, re: pay- ment of subsidy. Refer to Treasurer. T8 Letter from E. A. Starr, Director, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, re: Drainage Co-ordinator. Filed. Carried. '-' T9 Letter from Dr. J. Higginson, Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic, re: Angus cow at Cedar Dee Farms, Orono. Tabled pending report. Carried. Hl Letter fror~ J. M. Browning, Secretary-Treasurer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, re: S~'w'EEP project. Copy of letter to be sent to Orono Police Trustees and moved by Reid, seconded by Heykoop that it be tabled for next meeting. Carried. Page 4. Regular Heeting of Council. I.lay 15th, 1973. N2 Letter from Robert Sisler, Technical Advisor, Project S~EP, re: Sw-JEEP. Copy of letter to be sent to Orono Police Trustees and moved by Reid, seconded by Heykoop that it be tabled for next meeting. Carried. N3 Letter from D. F. Speight, Lotteries Branch, ~linistry of Consumer and Cow~ercial Relations, re: Brownts Community Association Provo Licence No. 137562. Filed. Carried. N4 Letter from K. Ainsworth, l1inistry of Transportation and Commu....'1ications, re: Highway No. 115 Junction of ::Ughway No. 35 Easterly to the Junction of 28. Enclosed is a copy of the reply sent on ~laY 4th, 1973. Copy to be sent to Planning Board and filed. Carried. ',A',,'.: .. U5 Letter from !>Irs. l'lary E. Rous, 898 Avenue Road, Toronto 7, reI idea of a laundromat situated on the main street. Enclosed is a copy of the reply sent on ~1ay 4th, 1973. Filed. Carried. N6 Copy of a letter from J. A. ~~Killop, District Municipal Engineer, reI Addition to Roads Garage. Filed. Carried. N7 Letter from L. R. Allick, p. Eng., Totten SiLlS Hubicki Associates Ltd., re: Home Smith Properties Limited - Orono Estates Subdivision. Copy to be sent to Orono Hydro Electric and filed. Carried. N8 Letter from D. P. Collins, District Engineer, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, re: Township of Clarke - Contract - Priming, Various Locations. Refer to Road and Bridge Committee and filed. Carried. N9 From Statistics Canada - Job Vacancy Survey. Refer to Clerk. Carried. lIlO Notice of the Ontario Traffic Conference Convention and Annual 1.Ieeting. Filed. Carried. Nll Letter fro~ J. C. Beech, ~1anager, The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Counc'il, re: 1973- 74 Cooperative' Advertising PrograIT~e, with enclosure. Filed. Carried. N12 Memorandum from E. N. Ploeger, Director, Intergovernmental Finance and Grants Policy Branch, l-iinistry of Treasury, Economics and Inte~gover~~ental Affairs, re: Interim Claim Form and supporting schedules of information etc. Filed. Carried. N13 Letter from Francis Goldring, Chairman, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, re: Erie Ontario Water Level Con- ference. Filed. Carried. N14 Two reports from the Royal Trust Company - Short Term Investments of Guaranteed Receipts. Filed. Carried. H15 Bulletin re: l'lanufacturing Opportunity Days - Manufacturing Opportunities. Filed and Disposed. Carried. ruG Membership to the Great Pine Ridge Tourist with receipt number 124. Put on front bulletin board. Carried. " In7 Booklet - "The l-1unicipal Administration Graduate from Colleges of: Applied Arts and Technology" from H. W. Jackson Director, Applied Arts and Technology B~anch of the Ministry of COlleges and Universities. Filed. Carried. L!'!(;;e 5. Regul!'!r ~!cetinb of Council. M~y 15th, 1973. Ine Letter from Dougl~s H. Fullerton, Ch",jrm~n, N~tion~l C"'pit",] COrrL'Tlission with enclosed booklet n'.vhere ~re ~ve Going"? Filed. C~rried. 1-T' a ~"...L ,/ NE'~I.s BULLETINS, re: Conferences. Filed. ,... ., ,,~rrleCl. N20 Letter from H. E. ~~~lkey, re: resign~tion. T~bled until consult~tion with lir. W~lkey. C~rried. '-' HZl Letter from ~,~. A. IhcLeod, Business Administr"'!.tor ~nd Tre~ surer, Northumerl~ nd ~nd Durh~m COW1.ty Bo~.rd of Educ"'ltion, re: Brown's School. Filed. C~rried. NZ2 Hemor~.ndum from the 1":inistry of Tre~sury, Economics !'!nd Intergovernment", 1. Aff~irs, re: Ijlunicip~l works ~ ssist~nce Lo~n }Io. 311 - I,1unicip~ 1 By-L~w No. 1518. Refer to Tre~surer. C~rried. H23 Fror.l 'il. F~rnel1, Cobourg, - List of properties subject to Gr!'!nts-in-Lieu of T!'!xcs for the yel",r 1973. Refer to Tre~surer. C!'!rried. N2h Ho\v"'rd P~yne, re: intersection of the L",keshore RO"'ld ""nd the Cl~rke - Hope Line Ro""d - right-of-w""y within fence requesting deed. Refer to Clerk. C""rried. H..e so '11 t i on l~ o. q t) : Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. Th~t this meetjng does now ~djourn to reconvene ""t 10:00 "".m. on Thursd~y, M~y 17th, 1973 to complete the rem""ining items on the ""gend"". The meeting ~djourned ",t 11:45 p.m. ~~t:\IA- & B ..L Clerk 5L~/?~ Reeve K:.6J/--f REGULAR NEE'l'ING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesd~y, M"'lY 17th, 1973 ~t 10:00 "".m. Council Ch!'!mbers, Orono fresent: Reeve - E. R. Woody~rd Councillors - R. G. Ch~ter - G. H. Heykoop A' t r~osen : Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillor - C. A. Reid Council reconvened "".t 10:00 ,~.m. to de""l with th~t portion of the ~gend"" qS t~bled on M~y 15, 1973. TIE!.! (3) BUSINESS BROUGHT FOR'd6.RD (~) Correspondence from Ont~rio S~fety Le~Gue, re: fireworks. T~bled for further consider~tion. C~rried. (b) Correspondence from P~ge & K~min, re: Highw~y Pl~n- Peterborough Are~. Clerk to reply. C~rried. " (c) Correspondence from Dr. ~. Higbinson, under d~te of M~y 11th, 1973, re: de~d ~ngus cow ~t Ced~r Dee F~rms, Orono together with report, d~ted M~y 14, 1973 from L. 1,1. H"" 11owel1, Live Stock V~luer.