HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/1973 (Special)
Page 7. Regular Meeting of Council. ~~y 1st, 1973.
(3) Reeve Woodyard called a special meeting of Council at
2:00 p.m. on Monday, 1,~y '7, '1973 in the Council Chambers,
Orono, to discuss with 1~. E. R. Lovekin, Solicitor,
the terms of a subdivision agreement between ~~. J.
Ochonski and the Township of Clarke in respect of Part
Lot 33, Concession 5.
(4) Re~olutjon NOA q~:
Moved by Charles A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heykoop.
This Council magnanimously offers the Police
Trustees the use of their Fordson Tractor at the
Garbage Dump for the token rental of $25.00 per
month. Said Trustees to be responsible for cost
of maintenance of the said Tractor in its present
good, operating state of repairs and to provide all
necessary fuel. This agreement shall terminate on
the 1st day of July 1973. Carried.
ITEM: (7) Resolution No. q1:
Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by Charles A. Reid.
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on ~~y 15th,
1973 .t 7:30 p.m. or at another time at the call of the
Reeve. Carried.
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Monday, May, 7th, 1973 at 2:00. p. m.
Council Chambers, Orono
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- G. H. Heykoop
- C. A. Reid
Clerk - H. R. Best
Also present - E. R. Lovekin, B.A. LL.B., Solicitor
- D. Tideman, Representative of Ontario Hydro.
This meeting Was called by the Reeve to discuss revisions to the
sub~division agreement as prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki and
Associates on July 18, 1969 and revised September 18, 1969.
Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this meeting
go into Committee of the whole meeting. Carried.
The suggested changes as recommended by Mr. John Farrow of Mun-
icipal Planning Consultants Ltd., in his letter of April 27, 1973
pertaining to a sub-division agreemenv between the.Corporation of the
Township of Clarke and Mr. Jan Ochonski of R. R. #2, Orono were
presented and discussed.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that this Committee'
rise and sit in Council. Carried.
Page 2. Special Meeting of Council. l1ay 7th, 1973.
In respect of the Rural Residential Sub-division on Part
Lot 33, Concession 5 as proposed by J. Ochonski - 11r. E. R.
Lovekin was requested to prepare a sub-division agreement, based
on the original draft but incorporating the changes as recommended
by r1r. Farrow and including the following specific provisions:
(1) Street lighting illumination to be of a standard acceptance
to the Township of Clarke, and their consulting engineers and
approved by the Ontario Hydro. Lamp to be of the mercury vapor
type and supported on concrete poles.
(2) Item 31 (Insurance) or original draft be amended by increasing
the minimum limit of such policies to $250,000 for loss or damage
resulting from bodily injury to or death of anyone person, and
$750,000 for loss or damage resulting from bodily injury to or
death of two or more persons arising out of the same accident.
(3) Item 33 (Financial Arrangements) Section 5 be amended in
accordance with the recommendations as proposed by ~~. K. Entwisle.
Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that Council
adjourn. Carried.
Adjournment was at 4:45 p.m.
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Tuesday, I'lay 15th, 1973 at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers, Orono
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- G. H. Heykoop
- C. A. Reid
Cle~k - H. R. Best
The minutes ~f the Regular Council meeting held on ~1ay 1st,
1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by R. G. Chater and seconded
by G. H. Heykoop and carried.
The minutes of the Special Council meeting held on >1ay 7th,
1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by G. H. Heykoop and
seconded by R. G. Chater and carried.
I.loved hy K. Entwisle and seconded by C. A. Reid that
this Council go into Conunittee of' the whole Council to
receive the following delegations. Carried.
(a) l,lr. James Iv1ajor, re: closing of certain parts of
Princess Street.
(b) Nrs. A. Beauchamp, re: Thornton Estate. and proposed
street closing.