HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/1973 . ' REGULAR MEET ING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, April 17, 1973 at 7:30 p. m. Council Chambers Orono II Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillors - R. G. Chater - C. A. Reid - G. H. Heykoop Deputy Clerk - H. DeWith The minutes of the Regular Council meeting' held on April 3,1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by R. G. Chater and seconded by C. A. Reid; subject to the following corrections: 1.) The word "carriedtf be deleted :from the third paragraph. 2.) The words "and ~uled out of order by the Reeve" be deleted from the end of the 1st paragraph on page 4. 3.) The number 1748 be inserted immediately after the word By-law at the beginning of the 4th paragraph on page 4. 4.) The number 1748 be inserted after the word By-law in the second line of Resolution #72 on page 5. Carried. ITEM (1) DELEGATIONS & PE~IT~ON~: On a motion by K. Entwisle and SECONDED BY C. A. Reid that the various delegations be heard in Committee. Carried. (a) Mel Osborne. and Donald Cox, reI Private Road on part Lot 6, Concession 6. (b) J. Ochonski, reI Proposed subdivision, Part Lot 33, Concession 5. Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by R. Chater that this Committee rise and sit in Council. Carried. ITEM (2) Raso]ution ~OA ?6: Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. Heykoop that tenders for the supply of Pit Run Gravel, Crushed Gravel, Priming, Used oil and Snowfence be received and opened. Carried. (a) Pit Run Gl"~vAl (1) Robert Young Construction R. R. I, Ennismore, Ontario (2) Doughty Aggregates -R. R. 3, Lakefield, Ontario (3) Coyle Lakefield, Ontario (4) Harnden & King Cobourg, Ontario (5) M.S.O. Construction Ltd. 100 Disco Road, Rexdale, Ontario (b) Cru~pp.d Gl"~vel \.I (1) (2) (3) (4) Robert Young R. R. 1, Ennismore, Doughty Aggregates R. R. 3, Lakefield, Coy~e Lakefield, Ontario Harnden & King Cobourg, Ontario Ontario Ontario (c) Snow Fence (1 ) (2) Fawcet Metal Products Ltd. Box 304, Waterloo, Ontario Durham Far.mers County Co-op Orono, Ontario Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council. April 17, 1973. (d) Primin~. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Evans Contracting Ltd. 1179 Kennedy Road, Scarborough,. Ontario M &- C Asphalt West Hill, Ontario Harnden &- King Cobourg, Ontario Thompson Crushed Stone ~ Gravel Bobcaygeon, Ontario M.S.O. Construction Ltd. 100 Disco Road, Rexdale, Ontario .',...," '.........>...., (e) Re~ined U$ed Oil (1) M.S.O. Construction Ltd. 100 Disco Road, Rexdale, Ontario (2) ACE Oil Services Ltd. 44 Gondola Crescent, Scarborough (3) Miller Paving Ltd. ,Box 56, Buttonville, Ontario (4) Canam Oil Services Box 40, Breslau, Ontario ~p-solutipn No. ?<: MOved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater that tenders as received and opened be referred to the Road Superintendent for further consideratinn. Carried. ITEM (3) At 9:15 p.m., Reeve Woodyard declared a fifteen (15) minute recess. At 9:30 p.m. the.meeting resumed at the call of the Reeve. ITEM (4) BUSJ;NESS BROUGHT FORWARD (1) Letter from E. R. Lovekin, Barrister &- Solicitor, reI Ochonski vs. Township of.Clarke. Tabled. Carried. ITEM (5) CORR.ESPOND~N~E PRESENTED TO COUNCn. Tl Letter from R. V~Coy, Trust Officer, Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Cemeteries.Branch with enclosed form, re:Annual Return on the Receipt and Investment of Perpetual Care Funds. Filed. Ca~ried. T2 Letter from M. A. V~cLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer - Northumberland &- Durham County Board of Education, reI Provincial grants and subsidies. Filed. Carried. T3 Letter from G. .S. Posen, Acting Dir.ector, Provincial- Muni- cipal Affairs Secretariat, Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, reI regional government. Filed. Carried. . T4 Letter from Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham, reI assistance. Filed. Carried. . T5 Letter from K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, United Counties of Northumberland &- Durham, re:aecounts .to be levied by Municipality for Counties' purposes. Refer to Treasurer. Carried. T6 Letter from L. R. Allick, P. Eng., Totten Sims Hucicki .0) . Associates Ltd. with enclosed report on Construction progress to March 31, 1973. Copy sent to Road Department and Orono Police Trustees. Carried. T7 Letter from C. Saruyama, Supervisor- Planning Administration, Ontario MuniciPal Board, reI appointment of hearing. Filed. Carried. Page 3. Regular ~~eting of Council. April 17, 1973. ~ T8 Letter from Tina S. Beyer~ Biologist/Resource Planner, Commonwealth Associates Incorporated, reI Meeting on February 21-attitude survey of.residents. Filed. Carried. T9 Letter from H. R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board, reI Renumeration for Members of Clarke Planning Board. Approved. Car~ied. . TIO Letter from H. R. Best, Se~re~ary-Treasurer, Clarke Planning Board, reI Clerkts Memo and Orono Estates Sub- division. Answer to Planning Board that rest~iction to be upheld. Carried. . Tll Copy of a letter 'from E. R. Lovekin, Barrister and Solicitor, to Reeve in Council, reI Kamptime Corporation. Refer to Clerk to answer. Carried. T12 Letter from Brooks & Harrison~ Barristers & Solicitors, reI Proposed Subdivision on the property of Leland Payne - Newtonville. Letter to ~e sent to Planning Board along with original. Carried. T13 Letter from E. R. Lovekin, Barrister & Solicitor, reI Extension of Option on Orono Property. Request granted and copy to be sent to the Park Board and Orono Chamber of Commerce. Carried. Letter fromW. J. Hale of Hale's Disposal, reI increase in contract. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Hale to attend the next meet~ of Council on Tuesday, ~~y 1st, 1973. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded' by C. A. Reid that the N series of correspondence be referred to the Reeve and matters of consequence be brought forwar~ at the next meeting of Council. Carried. ~ Nl Memorandum from John White, Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs~ re: Experience 73 - Involve- ment in Municipal Administration. Filed. Carried. N2 Letter from Ellen Cryderman, Enniskillen, re: Geography prodect. Clerk to answer. Carried. N3 C.A.H.R.O. Annual Conference, Sheraton-Viscount Hotel, Windsor, reI attendance form attached. Received and filed. Carried. , " N4 Memorandum from D. T. Crosb~e, Secretary, The Ontario Traffic Conference, reI Convention and annual meeting - Traffic and Transportatio~ with attached annual convention registration card. Received and filed. Carried. N5 Memorandum from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, Local Planning Policy Branch, ore: Mobile Home Park S~vey. Clerk to order one (1) copy of Mobile Home Park Survey @ $1.00 and one (1) copy of MObile Homes in Ontario @ $2.00. N6 TO WHOM IT 'MAY CONCERN: f~o~ Eric R. Rousseau, National Co-ordinator, 'Canada Week, reI completion of enclosed requisition form. Receive~ and filed. Carried. N7 Statement to the Legislature by the Honourable A.B.R. Lawrence, Q.C., Provincial Secretary for Resources Deve- lopment. Filed.' Carried. N8 Memorandum from J. R. Delaney, Supervisor, Industrial Municipal Development~Ministry of Industry & Tourism, reI 1973 Municipal Industrial Survey. Clerk to answer and complete attached forms. Carried. N9 The Royal Trust Company - Short Te~ Investments of Guaranteed Receipts. Received and filed. Carried. NIO Letter from Malcolm G. McCarthy, President, School of Economics Science, reI Conference on the Property Tax with enclosed pamphlet. Clerk to look into this matter for value. Carried. NIl Committee of Adjustment Notices of Public Heari~s. Filed. Carried. Page 4. Regular ~eting of Council, April 17, 1973. N12 Letter from Miss L. Stewart of Clarke Township, re: complaint. Copy of letter to be sent to Road Department and-Treasurer. Clerk is to answer letter. Carried. N13 Letter from Dora Plain, Orono, 're: drainage problem. Letter to be sent to Orono Police Trustees, attention R. Forrester. Carried. N14 Letter from R. M. Farrow, Director, Local Government Organization Branch, Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, reI Government's East of Metro Proposal. Filed. Carried. N15 Memorandum from the -Committee on Municipal and Regional Information Management, reI conference, Received and filed. Carried. - N16 Booklet RESPONSE from the Ministry of' Natural Resources, prepared from the "Man and Resources" Conference. Received and filed. Carried. N17 Property Taxes Cancellation, Reduction and Refund from Municipal World L~ited. Clerk to check into this matter. Carried. N18 Booklet on LOcal Government Reform, East of Metro submission by the Township of Scot.t - The Town of Uxbridge and the Township of Uxbridge. Filed. Carried. N19 Ad from Consumers' Gas system, re:- our area has 24,000 serviced industrial acres available. Received and filed. Carried. N20 Memorandum from H. I. Macdonald, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Treasury,-Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, reI Budget Highlights. Clerk is to check into this matter. Carried. N21 Memorandum from Fred H. Ellis, General Manager, Ontario Safety League, reI Family Fireworks. Bring letter before Council. Carried. N22 Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Meeting of April 4, 1973. Filed. Carried. N23 Memorandum from J. Walter Giles, Assistance Deputy Minister, Ministry of Natural'Resources, re: Flood Damage - Great Lakes Shoreline - forms enclosed for notification of partic- ipation-in Special Emergency Assistance Program. Received and filed. Carried. N24 Memorandum from J. Walter Giles, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources, re~ Flood Damage. Received and filed. Carried. N25 Letter .from Brooks & Harrison, Barristers & Solicitors, reI Proposed Subdivision on the property of Leland Payne - Newtonville. Clerk to check into th is matter. Carried. N26 Letter from Bernard J. Kamin, Page & Kamin, Barristers & Solicitors, reI A Highway Plan-Peterborough Area. Matter to be checked bef~re filing. Carried. N27 Memorandum from T. A. SOUCie, A.M.C.T., Chairman, Zone 5 with enclosed questionnaire, reI Fall's Zone Meeting. Received- and filed. Carried.' ITEM (6) ~so]utjon No. ?8: MOved by C. A. Re~d, seconded by K. Entwisle that a by-law to appoint a Clerk be given first, and second reading. Carried." . WHEREAS Section 215 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1970, Chapter #284, authorizes the Council of a municipality to appoint a Clerk; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of ~ the Township of Clarke hereby enacts as follows:- ,., 1. That Horace Best of the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham be and the same is hereby appointed Clerk of the Township of Clarke as of April 18th, 1973. . 2. That the duties and responsibilities of the Clerk shall be as follows:- (a) To perform all duties required of a Clerk under Page 5. Regular Meeting of Council. April 17, 1973. '-' statutory authQrity. (b) To perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by Council. ). The Clerk shall hold office during good behaviour and until such time aS,he is relieved of the office by Council. 4. That By-Law No. 1731 be and is hereby repealed. Read a first and second time this 17th day of April, 1973. Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid that the By-law to appoint a Clerk be given a 3rd reading, passed, signed, numbered as By-law #1749 and the Township of Clarke seal affixed thereto. Carried. ITEM (7) ~esolutjQn No. ?q: Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that a By-law to appoint a Traffic Control Officer and a Dog Control Officer for the Township of Clarke including the Police Village of Orono, be given first and second'reading. Carried. (1) Be it enacted and the same is'hereby enacted that Nicholas H. Van Seggelen of' the Township of Clarke be and the same is hereby appointed Traffic Control Officer for the Township of Clarke having jurisdiction within the said Township of Clarke including the Police Village of Orono in the said Township of Clarke for the enforcement of all Traffic Control By-Laws and all other Laws pertaining to traffic within the said Township and the said Police Village of Orono. And-the said Nicholas H. Van Seggelen is also hereby appointed Dog Control Officer.to-carry out the Duties of tne said office as communicated from Council to him through the Township Clerk; and said duties to be carried out and performed within'the geographical units QX1Rr~i~ilI~~~~1rUJrtU of the said Township of Clarke and including the Police Village'of'Orono. (2) That By-Law No. 1678 be and is hereby repealed. Read a first and second time this 17th'day of April, 1973. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. G. Chater that the By-law, to appoint a Traffic Control Officer and a Dog Control Officer for the Township of Clarke, including the Police Village of Orono, be read for the third time, passed, signed and numbered as By-Law #1750 and the seal of the Township of Clarke affixed thereto. Carried. . , ITEM (8) Resolution No. 8Q: Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by G. Heykoop that this Council hereby proclaim Daylight Saving Time 'to be in effect in The Township of Clarke commencing Sunday, April 29, 1973. Carried. ITEM (9 ) '" ITEI'l (10 ) Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the reque~t of Messers Mel Osborne and Donald Cox, re: approval of a private road in Part Lot 6, Concession 6, be referred to the Planning Board for their consideration. Carried. . . , Moved by G. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle that the request of ~~. Schweller, re: road allowance between lots 22 and 23, concession 3 be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for further study with a subsequent report to be submitted to Council. Carried. Page 6. Regular Meeting of Council. April 17, 1973. ITEM (11) Resolution No. $]: Moved by.C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater that this Council hereby adjourns to meet again on May 1st, 1973 at 10:00 a.m. or at another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. ~~P" ~ GLg~. Clerk ' -- ~ -L ~ .", . J / _c ~,-j ~. ('17'. 7- Reeve . ~' ~~.,.,../ '. . The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 a.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUl\lCn.. OF THE TO\VNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, May 1st, '1973 at 10:00 a.m. Council Chambers, Orono Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - ,.K. Entwisle Councillors - R. G. Chater - C. A. Reid - G. H. Heykoop Clerk - H. R. Best The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on April 17, 1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by R. G. Chater and seconded by C. A. Reid and carried. ITEM (1) RALEGATIO~ & PSAITIO~: On a motion by K. Entwisle and seconded by G. H. Heykoop that the various delegations be heard in Committee of the whole. Carried. (1) ~~. W. J. Hale of Halets Disposals, reI disposal area contract. Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by R. G. Chater that the Committee rise and report in'Council. Carried. Re801utjon No. 8~: Moved by G. -H. Heykoop, seconded by K. Entwisle. In the matter of the agreement between Halets Disposal and the Township of Clarke, dated the 9th day of August 1971 this Council hereby approve of an increase of $1,000.00 per year in the contract price effective February 1st, 1973, whereby the Corporation shall pay $5,000.00 per year retroactive to February 1st, 1973 and further that commencing February 1, 1974, the Corporation shall pay $6,000.00 per year. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the neceSSary documents implementing this Resolution. Carried. ITEM (2) CORRESPQNDENCE Tl Letter from R. McClelland, Executive Assistant, Liquor Control Board of Ontario, reI Location of Liquor and Beer store at Orono. Received and filed. Carried. T2 Letter from R. E. Magrath, President, Oshawa Ski Club, re: adjustment of taxes. Filed. Carried. -- T3 Letter from Douglas Simpson, re:'road closing item number 2, street allowance between blocks 8 & 9, part Lot 29. Referred to the Clerk to obtain a legal opinion and to report sarne at next meeting of Council. Carried. of