HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/03/1973 REGULAR HEETE,jG OF T,dE COlJHCIL OF THE TO'v1NSEIP OF' CLAt:<.KE Tuesday, April 3, 19'/3, 10:00 a. r'.. Council Ch~bers Orono Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyaru Deputy Reeve - K. Enh:}isle Councillors - R. G. Chater' - C. A. Reid - G. -'i. L'Ieykoop Clerk-Aili~inistrator - B. W. Collins . '" The rc..inutes of tne Regular- Council meeting held on Uarch 20th, 1973 '.Jere adopted as printed on a IJotion by R. G. Chatel' and secondeci by C. A. Reid and subject to cox'rection. Carried. l.lotion by K. Entv:isle, secondecl by G. Heykoop that COWlcil recess 1'0:1.' fifteen (15) 2,Iinutes to remove Clerk as he has no allegiance to 'this Council. Point oi' ox'der by'Reeve, E. R. Woodyard 'that this action out of o:cder to be discussed Wlcier' further business. Reconvened at 11:05 a.m: ~~~ 5i~W' i.lotion by K. Ent'i:isle that Council dispense with the ::'egular proceedings and aeal vlith the correspondence direct - narr.ely Tl - Resignation of Clerk -Acix'.linistrator. Carried. Ruling by Reeve, E. R. Woodyard. tLat Tl be referred to o'cher business so that it Llay be discusseci in Corrmlittee. :QRlm!<at/iQus..&Jet.;:t'iOAQ: On a r:lO'Clon by G. deykoop and seconded by' C. A. Reid that the various delegations be he,al"d in COl.U.Li.ttee. '1. Vlalter Pope, C.A. - Financial StatelEent. Motion by G. Heykoop, seconaed by C. A. Reid that Council rise ana sit in Corrrmittee. Carr5ed. Motion by R. G. Chater, seconaed by C. A. Reid that Conrrittee rise and sit in COw~cil. Carried. Recessed for Itl.nch at 12: 05 and reconvened at 1: 45 p.m. Nr. George Ear:lmerle, renjater on his property. l>:loved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle that the Road & Bridge COTIunittee look into this matter. Carried. Correspondence tabled froIl previous neetings: 1. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, Barrister & So~icitor, re:Ochonski vs. TO'\-!l1.ship of Clarke. f /J".lL p, t'/?"nip..' T:Cle follovling co:..'respondence il:as present'edto Council: T4 Letter fron 13. W. Collins, Cler-k -AdIllinistratol', 1'e: resignation. See other business and resolut:.ons. Carr:Led. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, Barrister & Solicitor, re:Rickson purchase froL La""J, Part Lot 32', Concess:Lon '7, TO':7l1ship of' Clarke. Fileci. Carried. Letter ~rom D. P. Collins, District Engineer, Mini&try of Trans- portation and Connurlications. Filed. Carried. Letter from Alex Carruthers, L.P.P. Durhar;c, Legislative Assenbly, re':Re"solution i,O. 5[.,. File letter" and arrange r,:€eting, noved by K. Ent'v,'j,sle, seconded by C. A. Reid. Car:::'ieci. v.' . " ""c-'.' . Tl T2 T3 l \.J . \..I Pa2;e 2. Re:.;ular IIceti:1G oi' Council. April j, 1973. ~2'. R. C. Forrester re}1'ese~ted the Orono Police Trustees, 1'e: scussion ~ith auditor 1'e: O.P.V. Budget. Moved by G. Heykoop, secondea by K. Ent'l:?isle that thj_s Council rise and sit ::'n COI:ll:dttee. Carriea. }~ved by R. G. Chatel', seconded by G. HeykooJ that this Co:cr:ittee r::'se alId sit :Ln Cow'lcil. Car'ried. i.~otion by K. Ent'l/'isle, rise and sit in COLmittee. seconaea by G. Heykoop tilat th:Ls Council Carried. ;.~. Lyall appeared. or, bcl1aL:' of B1'o\.Tl's Cor:rr:lun:Lty Cen'cre. :::'ise l~otion by R. G.Cha:::,er, sE',conded by C. A. Reid that this COYl'ittce and sit in Council. Carried. Letter fro;, A. Snir'le Forsyth, re:Regional Gover'mEent. AnS'l,'ler v'itil COiJies of resolutions and Counties Plan. Carl'ied an,d filed. Ca:'ried. Letter froL Irving GleiberF,an, Sandler, Gordon G. Gleibel'r:an, i~e: Clay'ie,( FisLl alla Conse:::'vation Club. Anmver and :Lnvitc theE' on l'~ay 1, 1973 at 10;30 a.I'. Filed. Carried. ;:.1. R. Bf:.St, Sec:cetary- Treasu:::'er, PlanninG Board is to send letter to arr'anEe reet:i.ng. Letter fro::: C. Sa:::'ayana, Planning Adrl1inistration, Ontar:l.o huni- cipal Boal'a, re: 'rovmship of Clarke - Restricted A:'ea By-Lavl 1734. Refer to Planning rioard. Carriea. Linutes o i.' the Central Lake Ontario Consel'vation Suthority l'ieetLlg on March 14, 1973. Filed. Carriea. Lette..:' fror, Leslie Coorbes, Car;,pa:Lgn Chairr::an, Canadian Cance::.' Society, 1'e: enao:cser:ent . Filed. Carried. 11aterial froL: ,John Leckie' LiLited, 1--larine & Industr'ial J:lard'\'7are, re: Spri_nc :i.S just arol~nd the' Cornel' Service. Filed. CalTied. State:ent of Account ='rol" E. R. Lovekin, l'e :Rickson l,luy'chase l:'rorl La'vl - Part Lot 32, Concession '7 - To'vlLship 0:C' Clarke. Ref'eT' to Accounts. Carried. Letter froe Sally Lant],laid, Secretary, Durhan Cou::ty .Jur.lio:l,' Farliers f, re: SUPPO!'t of orca:Q.izat:Lon. Filed. Carried. Letter vJi'Cll enclosure froE 13 .'" .Mulder, Horiie Snith Properties Ltd. l'e: ~{ome S::li th sub -di vis:Lon - Ol'ono. Refer to Planning Board. Carried. Letter froY': v. LVI. BrovmLlg, Secretary-Treasurer, C.L.O.C.A., re: Collection of Adninistration Levy. Refer to Treasur'er. Carried. 1\(] Letter fro::: J'. l-i. Bro'Vming, Secl'etary-Treasurer, C.L.O.C.A., re: Collect ion oi' Haintenance Levy. Refer to Treasurer. Carried. liS Letter' fron H. A. I'IacLeod, Business AdJdnistrator ',;' Treasure:?:', re:Eaucation Bud~et Estb~ates for 1973. Refer to Treasurer. Carried. o Yale {:/ Partners, Chartered Accountants, l'e:A Swr.:r:iary Administration. Filed. Carried. IJll Letter fror:l j\.;,rs. E. H.. Jar1es, Secretary, Orono Horticu1tu:c'al Society, r'e: grant :L'ro:ne the TO\n1ship. Filed. Cal"ried. ..12 Letter fro', D. F. SpeiCht, Lotteries Branch, Hinisty'y of ConsU2:1el' ana Corr:e::'c:Lal Relations, :'e:U::"ono hockey :..lothers Association Provincial Licence do. 137557. Filed. Carried. j'::U Letter fro:.: iI. R. Best, Secl'etary-Treasul"r,r, Clarke Plannillg Board, l'e:requisi~tion to Council f02 the year IS73. Approved anc. Filea. Carried. i\lL~ Letter fro:= I:. R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Clal'lce Planning BOaY'd, ::'-'e :Application File 'If'l'2-i..3. l,lotion by G. Eeykoop, secor;,ded by R. G. Chatel' that CO'u.ncil endorse the recor::rLendation of the Planning Board. Carried. IIl5 I.IoEO fro:: Allan La'\\'l'ence, H. P., iJor.thuuberland -Durhar, r'e: app:::'eciatio:1 to you ='0::" electing me as you:c Nember oi' Parliar:ent. Filed. Car:cj_ed. 1.16 i.ler.-io fron: A. ii. u ohnson, Regional Registrar, re: assesscent appeals vis a vis tax a~plications. F~led. Carr~ed. &17 Memo fro~ Police Village of Orono - Trustees with enclosed Resolutions, re:Resolutions #73-16, 17, 18 and 19. These Res- olutions v:ere endorsea by COUJ.'1cil and rei'e:cred to the Treasul'er. Carr~ed. ~5 '1'6 '1:: i.;1 l\J'2 i(j l'~ ~l' 1" :J i.J6 .,~, ~- .L,:)~ ~'J36 1.3'( 103 1;'39 1',fLrO liLl-l Page 3. Regular l<:eetinc of Council. April 3, 19'13. H21 MeLo from Secretary, Police Village of Orono with enclosed Resolution #73-15. Refer to Treasurer. Carried. Parr:.phlet - Ontario Good Roads Association. F::Lleci. Carried. Par:j,phlet - r:C'1e Total Task fro~". the Departr,cent of v ustice. Filed. Carr-ied. Paxlphlet - Serving the Public frorl the Depal~trn.en t of v ust ice. Carried. Pamphlet - 110rtll.i.:iI::berland C. Durhan! Councies f Counc:Ll. Carried. Pauphlet - FOGginc I.Iachines ana Insect iciaes for effective insect control front Aball Waco LiI?1j_ted. Filed. CarrieCl; Booklet - Ontario Housing. Filed. Carried. l-ie!'orand,ll\l i:'ron i:orthwiLberland (,. 'Durhar:: County Board of: Education, re:bucicet 19'73; "lith enclosed folde:r' re:The Fourth Yeal' of Operation. Refer to Budget. Filed. Carried. C::L vic - The Public Works Magazine. Filed. Car:t'ied. Parrlphlet - Ontario l-iealth InSU1~a!lCe - Your delath Care Plan. Filed. Carried. lialT'-Lfacturinc Oppor-tanities, 1'e: Inventions Developrent Pl'Ol3;rar:. Filed. Carried. TO\Hlshi.l) of l/lanver's By-Lavl .Lunber 1515 -,/2. Refer to Plannin:.:; Boara.. Fi.led. Car:d,ed. Lette:;:' fro;;;. Lavel:'ne Boyd, Sec'c'etary, Recl'eation Coml';'littee, re: x'equisi tion. i<.efer to Treasur-er. Car:C'ied. Letter froI.. Claude F. Bennett, Minister, Ministry of I::ldus'Cry and Tour'isn, 1"e :Designation of l'ilunicipal:Lties under the Equalization of Indust:cial Opportunity Pr-ogl'aj') (E.::. O. ) Filed. Cal":"5_ed. 1.Ze:',lOranduu froT Ii. F. lIunphries, Deputy Registral' General, l'e: application fo::' certificates and registration of events. Filed. Carried. Lette::' fro], the Orono Police Trustees, r'e: hi:cinb of "'. VanSeggelerl as Dog Controle::' and Pa.rld,ng Enfol'ceL,ent Officer. liot ion by C. A. Reid, seconded by G. "leylwop that this Council concu:ce "\lith the h:1-1'in6 of lL VanSeggelen. Carried. Letter frm W. v. Hale, Hale'sDisposal Services, re:contract. Ans'/.'er letter and sUGGest a raise of 4P500. 00. Carr-iecl. Letter i'r'oL: J. D. Beaton, Secreta,ry, Railv,:ay Transport Com,Littee, re: crossin!;'; of third concession l'oad, mile 160.2;.6 Belleville Subd., CPL. Filed. Ca.rried. i'lemorand',;:,:'. fror, Donald R. }'Iartyn, Executive Directo:c, Co:m'urdty Services Division. Filed. Carried. Letter f'ro:) K. C. Andr'ews, Secl'etary, 01'itario IIunicilJal Boa:c'd ,-lith enclosed for'lLs. Filed. Ca:cried. , Pamphlet - Collective Bargaining ami the Public Interes'c. Carried. Building Report fro!': the Build::i.ng IEspector, .d. R. Best. Accepted by Councj,l. Filed. Carried. Letter to lionoal'able John \v.n,ite, l-L.nister of ECOnOl'lics (;/ Inter- Govern:. ental Affail"'s, 1'e: endol'serlent of' the United Count ies proposal for ReGional Govern:nent. F1Lled. Carr'ied. Let'.:-,er froL. I'L liancock, Secreta:cy, Clarke Tovmshi.:.J f.:LUseu:. v Archives, l'e: acquisition oi:' articles to be :c.:'laced in tllc Archives. Answer this letter stating the request is being considered. Carried. 1.16 li19 1,20 1-;22 Filed. Filed. _ " H23 N2lt l'J25 lJ26 .J2'(' l-j2b .L,j29 100 1,31 J>i32 1133 "04 Filed. Re: 'r,c .i'I.) ) hotion by C. A. Reia., seconded by K. Entwisle to accept the Building Inspectorfs reports. Carried. Motion by K. Ent~isle, :.'ise and sit in Conrrcittee. seconaed b:l G Carriecl.. heyk.oop that this Counc::Ll 110tion by K. Ent,"isle, seconcieci by R. G. C~!.ater tllat this Cor.:r::ittee l'ise ar~d sit lLn Counc:,l. Car'ried. " 2,10tion by K. Ent,.7isle, seconded by G. lIeykoop that 1.);['. Collins be Faid j_n lieL, oi' vaction, in Pl'Opol't:Lnn, to the nUL'be:' OI' days 'lrlO::'ked to nis allnual sala:r'y froi, J'a.llua::r7 1, 1973 at the rate of ~1,) pel' year. Car"l~ied . Pat;e Le. Regular' i,leet :Ln0 of Council. AiJ:C'il 3, 1 '//3 lill~lon by ~. Entwisle, if' 1 be a'iended to delete IiJ.'. l:ot5.oE cie:Ceated SecoLueu by G. ~eykoop that Resolution Collins na:Je frou salary recip:Lents.,... i^ I'; ,~ ,." - ..--"... "---...-- -~---'- \.J Motion by K. Ent~isle, secondea by G. Hey~oop that the Reeve be :3lst:cucted to p:.'esent canc.idates to Council for inte:cviev,' i'or the pos:Lt:.on C'tS Clerl( -Aci.::Lnistl"atol' ~"lith all possi,ble speeu. Carl'ied. Lotion by G., Eey~:oop, seconaed by K. Ent', isle that Ii. R. Best. be Sil.,/91ied \'.J5.th a co.: era to :facilitate Il2.L. in ll:Ls vlorl(. Carr'ied. "<cr-, L~v' ,iC' I(U' ~" 1'1 ",,';I, 7 Beine; a By-La'" to stop-up certa.in i'oad allm';ances and ce:''Ca:Ln .Ja..:t s ai' l'oad alloVJaEce s :Ln tile T01,-msl1ip of Clarke. . \'hi:EREAS notice of :Lntent5.on to pass th:Ls by-la\.' 1,"as publ:i,sheci once a ','ce.< ::'0:" a least fou,:, successive 'weel(s in tllc Orol:o Weekly 'l':'.r:ss, ",e'i'castl:;:; Rel:'Ol'ter and posted Ui'; :~or at least one L'.ont:n i.ll six o~"lile rost publ:Lc [,laces ::Ln the i:,'Lediate nciL;hbou_ haoa ai:' each 0:,..' '01:'e sa:l.u l'Oao. allO'.'ances O:C' pa:."ts of lOad. allmances hereby a:. ..,:'ectcd as l'eq:.:i:.'ed by the p:.'ovisions of the ivt.l.ni.C::Lpal Act: A~,jj) '~hIE.{EAS Council ilas l'ece:~ ved no objections from persons claiuinc t.hat their land v]ould be prejudicially affected by the by- la1,' ; 1.UVI 'l'liEP-.EFURE tIle i,Iunicipal Cowlcil of the Cor puration of tIle 'l.'o':,nsilip of Clarke E~;ACTS AS FOLLOVlS: 1. TEAT 0.::"1 those road allO'.ances and parts of road allci'.'ances :i,n Lie Tc':!nship of Clarke described in Schedule IIAIl and forming f.;art of tilis by-law be and. the same are hereby stopped up. Cr':t:'l,"'" t:' 111\ II ~~U~--'6.-... '-' ALL AIW S__iGu'LAR those ce:~tain parcels 01' tracts o:f land and. pre: ,::Lses situateu, lying and beinc in the Villace of Orono aEd the TO'c.'l1shiIJ of Clal'l~e \'11 tlli:l the County oi~ Dw'harrl in tile Province of Ontar'io and be:.nc co:;,iposed of': fIRSTLY:All of Villace Lot one (1) forr~ng pal't of the original Roaa Allo1.'a:lce betv'een Concessions Four U:-) and Five (5) aCl'OSS Tovmship Lot 'n"enty-nine (29) accordinG to C.G. IIanninc's Plan 0:::' tile sa:Ld V:i_llace of Orono, tocethel' \'l:L tll pa1'ts of' the aforesa::Ld Read AIIO\'.'ance, all ~Ivithin the saici 'l'O\'n1ship of Clarke, nore particularly described as :1:"o1lo\:s: COl].~ELCn,'G at the South -Westerly angle of Village Let EiGht (c) in Dlock \loll, c.ccordLlg to C. G. :Lanning's Plan of the Said V:Lllage 01 Ol~ono; TEEl,CE Sotlth ',1 dei.:-rees 17 ninutos 30 seconds '~'lest alone the Southerly lir.it of said Township Lot 29 in the Fifth Concession, be~n6 the dortherly liLit of the said Road Allowance, a distance o~ 5.45 feet to tho ~oint of intersection with a fence carki~c the e:~ist5_ng Easterly Ih,it of a travelled road rU.llning Southerly; TEEiTCE South 36 deCl'ees li-? r:linutes East in the line of the said fence a distance of 69.43 feet Dore or less to the point of :Lntersection "'ith the l:ortherly 15,L,it of Lot 29 in the FourtJ:l COL- cess:i,on of t~le sa:Ld To~:'ns:lip of Clarko; ~HE2CE Jorth 71 debrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East alon~ the last -L'entionec~ limit, being the Southerly lircLt oi' the said Road Allowance, a distance of 272.96 feet rore or less to the point of :Lntersection '.'ith a 15_ne d.ra:Fn on a courSe of South 17 degrees 53 linu.to s East fro:" the ;;oint of' co::nencement; T1IEr,CE ~Jo:t't11 17 decrees 53 ninute s West a distance oi' U::; feet rOl'e 01' less to the POliTT OF COj/J,,:EJ.:CElIEI''l'. SEC02IDLY: All of the original Street Allov'ance lY:'11,,:, bc:tvee2i 3:l_ocks E:Lght (G) and Hine (S) accoro.inc; to C. G. Iiannint;;; f s Plan of t:le sail.. V:'llat,'e of ureno, beini;; ;)art of the oriGinal Tov,':as11i~:J Let Page :J. Regula::' f,le et of Councj_l. April 3, 1 sr?3 . 'I\"enty-ninc (2<;;) in the Fi:Cth Concession of the TO\;'Eship of Clarke; T~IIRDLY :All of the ol'igj_na,l Street Reserve lyinG between VillaLe Lot s three (3) and Fouy' (;d :Ln Block i1Uil, accor'diag to C.G. Hanning's Plan of the said VillaGe of Orono, eX~ending from the Easterly lir':Lt of 1-1ill S-c:r'eet to the 'vvesterly lir:Lt of Church St:"eet; FOURTHLY:All of the or:i,ginal Street Reserve lyLig betv;een Block FOi..~r (4) and Block Thirteen (13) acco:cdiug to C.G. liamlingt s . Plan of the said VillaGe of Orono, extending froD the Easterly limit of Nill Street to the Easterlv linits of the Villa~e Lot Seventeen (l?), Rear Rance, :alock 1;.: and Villace Lot Eighteen (16) Rear Range, Block 13; FIFT~ILY:All of the original Street Reserve lyinc bet;,o'een Block Thirteen (13) and Block Ten (10) according to C.G. Hamling's Plan of tne said Villa~e of Orono extending froTJ'l the Easterly lir.lit of ;Ai11 Street to the Easterly limit of the Village Lot 'l'l.ienty-t\'lO (22), rear ra11:':,;e, Block 13, and V::llage Lot 'l"l,'lenty-'l'hree (23), Rear Rant;e, Block 10, SAVIllG AHD EXCEP'l'IHG THERE01Yl.' AIW 'l'=iEREFROi:-l that par.t of the a:foresaid Street Reserve that Ij_es 'dithin the lancis Lore particularly designated as Part 'l\'}o (2) accordi:ng to a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of DurharI West as humber IT2lG30; SDrl'ELY: Part of Princess Street and part of an unnar:led Street Easterly aajacent to Block IIGlI accoraing to C. G. :ilanni21t;' s Plan of tile sa.id V:1,llace of 01"0:10, and more lJarticularly designated as Parts Four (4), Five (5), Six (6) and Seven (7) according to a Reference Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Dj_vision of Durham 'dest as .JDJn.be:r' 10 R. E.ftOijoJ L....~i...Q..u...AQ...~:l~ovecl by Robert G. Chater, secondeu by Charles A. Reid. This Counc=,-l he::.eby author:Lzes the 1st and 2nd reading of by-la\? # 11'1~. A By-La'i:' to close ulJ certain :r'oads v'lithin the Villace of Orono, TO'i:/llSh:~p of CIarke. Carried. RRSOJ J-l.t;i~(Jn, jl&L..-, ?3.:l,loved by G. E. lIeykoop, seconded by Charle sA. Reid. T~lis Council hex'eby resol-Ires tll.at the follov'il1t; Pay Vouche:r's be and arc hereby author:Lzed for l::;'ayrnent by the si_L;n:Lnc ai'ficers 0:C' this Council: General Vouche:.' #3 for lIa.:::'ch in the ariount of' .w131, c7d. 31. Roads Voucher j~3 for Me,rch :1,n the a; ount of 4:1>16, OL;.5. 34,. A:'ld the Orono Police Village Voucher if3 1'01' harch in the anoun.t of ;W2, li.j.3 . 9c. Carried. Rp.so;'J.U;,ion ..I.o...--2..JJ..:l\loveu. by Ie. Ent':Jisle, secondec. by G. _1. ae;ykoop. That the Clerk-Ad::nirli_strators' :cesignation be accepted as of" April 6th, 1973. Carriea. Re..sQl'J,t: Q.).'l J.'.Jo,._,..2..5.:Nove by K. Ent~','isle, seconded by Robert G. Chatel'. This Cowlcil hereby adjou:'~lS to neet again on April l',th, 1'973 at '{ :30 p.r. 0:(' at anothe::' time at the call 0., the Reeve. Car:cied. l.'.Le - adjouy'ned at 6 : (,)0 l).:n. ~kt/rz.7- ~ "