HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/26/1973 (Special)
p~GC .).. ReGular i-betj.n<;..; o~ Council.
~-~:l:"'C~: 20th, =-973..
~lpsoll't-ion lJo. GC:;:~.:oved by G. :!" I:cykoo~; seconded by ~\.obert u.
::;"8zo1ve that. the ap~lic1tion of' l:r. La'~vrenco HarriLl, Orono,
for' the 1>o;:;.iticn oi' ~iarble ?l:l InslJector =01" the year 1973 at
~2.. 50 ~er hour pI us lO~ per ~-;lile travellinG e:;~penses bo 3.nd is
llcreby ctCCai.Jted dS lJer a1-rlication upo:;''l t.he r~COD.ElenJation of the Pl"OY-
.....,.:-. V')(.J::"; - .,....ra """"'0'....,1"1-1 f- -I.- ~).-;> (.. 1"" . .'J,r1
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~~e: 1973 -~':1rble Fly C~!::~~.:lign
The Inspcct,Ol'" :_B hcrebJt'" aut110rizcd to --:".l.dverti.3G all the facts of
the 1973 carapaibn~
7he Inspector is ~er0b:l authorized to hire sOYJ,Gone to sl?ray 3.11
cattle so request3d ~t .25t ~er head on 3m~11 herds not over 10
in nunber '3.nd 2 for .. 351 on all herds over 10 in nUCloer..
'..:'h8 Inspector :Ls hor~by cmpo'\tler8d to bc responsible ~E'Ol-' the
collecti_ons Ecntioned in itc~ 2 nbov~.
All sprayinG is to be done under th3 direction and supervision
of the ~ia.rbl,.;; f'I~r InSf)ec:~~or. C-::trriGd.
~P-Spl1Jtion No. ,6?:~'~ovcd b:l ..-~ob0rt G.. Chater, seconded by K. Ent~disle.
This CO:.l__~cil hereby concures vlitr~ -:h8 recor;1r,:endation of the
Clarke Planning Doard, I'to refuse the ap~lication for rezonin~, ~s
presented, py ::r. ~:. Hor.str::.an.. CClrrj.ed.
llesol'll,;-,ion :'To. {)B:;':OV0d by Kcbert G. Chator, seconded by X. Entvl:tsle..
This Counc-il hereby cndor';;;;:Ls the un:Lt(;d Cour:t::Le;.; ':'~~egion~l
GoverrL"T:ertt ProiJo;3al as prOl):'lrcd by Der~k Li_ttle of l..:unicipal i?lanYltnc;
Consultants Cor:~p::tn:{ LiL'..ited.. Ca.rried.
Resolnt'.;o:n Ko. 6Q::,:oved by G. H~ Ecyl:oo~, seconded by :<:. Ent'i.',risle..
T~Lis CO'J.nciJ h3roby A:_~...:~rov.;s the follo-~'linG l-Jay increases:
A :'la'ce incre(~.sc of 10/~ 0:: the cross adjusted hourly rates of
each l<,oad Department c::~.:ployee ef.fcctive on January 1st, 1973.
And .further ~Lncr0as8 of J.O~~ of the crOGS adjusted hourly rate
on January lr;t, 1971..;-.
3. Con:firnati.on th)'1t .JoxinC DaJ''' is d paj.d holiday.. Carried.
?~P~()llJtion ~\jo. 7Q.:l.!oved by l~. ,Ent\1i.:,)lc, seen neled by Robert G. Chctter.
This Council hereby ."1.d:o'.Jrns to :";teot asaj_n on April 3, 1973 at
10:00 a.~:. or at .'3.nO~h8r ti;-:lC (It the; cal:!.. of the Reeve. Carried..
,:~11l'.C: ~i:::>":4-r-{111-" ~"'a~.s-Q~ -;.,' Y>""",_'>,.-i
-' - ""-~-~' 0 :Uk . ..~-
12:1.;.-5 p.Y:1.
--1!;;-:,"/ ~ff7-4
TU.ll;SH~P OF ::::LARiZE
}~rch 2$, 1973 at 8:30 ;..~..
Present: 7\,.eeve....,:".. l~. -.;oodyard
Deputy :'leevc - X. Ent'vvislc (~bsent)
Councillors - R. G. Chater
- G.. II. HeykooF
- C. A. Reid
Clerk-Adr.-inistra.tor - B. ,'i. Colli~s
This Yneetin~; "v"las called
reases for the various he~ds
the ~<.ecve tc
discuss the salary inc-
PaGr3). l{0sular l-f38t5.n;;...; of" CounciJ. :'~'1.:C'ch 20th, 1973.
~~?::-;Olljt.ion Ho. (-,S;:-,':oved b:r G. ~-I. EC:lkoop: seconded by ~\.obert G.
l~esolve thttt the a.r~~lic1tion of I:;'''.. La\vrence Harris, Orono,
for the t:--osi ti,o:l. of' ~,'arble Fly Ins1-'ector ::or the year 1973 at
w2.. 50 ~er ho...).:" pI us lO~ per I:-',ile travellinG e.:;q)enses bo and is
hereby acceijtcd ,"15 1)(';1" al:-~lication u,tJon the recosnenclation of the f'ro}i-
erty an.d rinance COl'J..ElittcG.. Carried.
}?pp.()lp'~ion Ho. .sE:I:o"!~red b~r G. ={.. :Ieykoop, zecond;,:;d 'b~T Kober..t G.. Chator..
~:~c: 1973 ~;iarble :r~ly G.!l::~paiGn
1. The Inspector is h0::'-::b:l auc'!lorized to .~dvertise all the fa.cts of'
:..h8 1973 cami.JaiGu.
2. 'i'he Ins}Je-ctor is her8c:r -?,uthorized to h_ire ;30neone to s,i;Jra~- all
cattle so req~est8d ~t .251 per head on sm~ll herds not over 10
in r~tl:-.lber and 2 for .. 35~ on ,3.11 ~8rds over 10 in nunlbar"
.J. Ii:'h~ Inspector j_s hareby em~ovw~crad to bd responsible for the
collectj_ono Ecntioned in ileD 2 nbova.
"r. All S,l-Jrayj.ns .:1..3 to b~ done under th'3 di:r-e:::.tion and supervj_G]_on
of tho ~ia::-bIe ~~l:r I~'-'1spector. Carried.
~P'S011}t~ on no. 67 ::-'~ovcd by ,;:'~obert G.. Chater, seco..'1ded by K.. Entvlisle..
This CO:J.TIcil hereby concures \vith the recorrr'-_endation of the
Clarke ?lan:ning LJoard, "to rof'use: the aP1-,lication lOr rezoninG, as
presented, by lIr. :r. E01;:,,3t?~an. Carried..
i")....egol1J7, i on }Jo & flB ::,~ov8d by }:.obert G.. Chator, seconded by Z:.. Entv:isle.
This Counci.l hereby cndor.:;es the: united Counti.ei3 Region~l
Govern:r:erit Proposal 3.3 pr8F~r\3d by Der0k Little of" l..:unicipal .i?lanninG
Consultants Cor:1pany Lir:.2- teu.. Carried..
Resol1Jt-.;OIl No. r)q::,,:oved by G.. H.. Ecykoop, s~conded by :<:.. Ent'i.',r5_31e~
This Council. h~r<3by ~.~_<f.~rove:s the followins };ctY increases:
1. A :1a'ce :Lncrease of 10,: 0-:': the cross adjusted hourly rates of
each Road Department cFLplo~Tce ef.fective on January 1st, 1973..
2 ~ And :further :,LnCl"'caS8 of lOI~ of the cross adjusted hourl~r rate
on J~nuary 1st, 197~.
3.. Confirr.'lation that 30xinc D,"3.Y is a paj_d hol.:tday.. Carried..
2p-~(")llJtJion E"G. ?O;1.Iov0d by l:.. Ent\1i.31c, seconded by Robert G. Ch;.tter..
This Council horeby a(:~:ot:rns to :":^i8ct a~ai!l on April 3, 1973 at
10:00 a..D.. or at anot,hGr ti!'18 a.t the c,~l~. of' the Reeve.. Carried.
This meetinb
12:LrS p.n..
'f . , 2c, 10"'3 ~ 0.'30 . '"
1.arCil u, .......i alv o. J......l.,..
PreSGnt: Reeve - E.. R~ -~joodyard
Deputy :-(eeve - )=.. E1'"lt"\'lislc (!:)bsent)
Councillors - R. G.. Chater
- G. II.. Heykoop
- C.. A. Re:Ld
Clerk-AdciniGtrator - B.. li. Collins
This rneetins 'v'las called by the ~:"~eove tc discuss the salary i.nc-
roases for the various he:;ds of Departraents..
Tuesday, April 3, 1973, 10:00 a. m.
Council Chambers Orono
Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard
Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle
Councillors R. G. Chater'
- C. A. Reid
- G. ,1. Heykoop
Clerk-Aillninistrator - B. W. Collins .
The minutes of the Regular Council rneeting held on Harch 20th, 1973
\'lere adopted as printed on a motion by R. G: Chater and seconded by
C. A. Reid and subject to correction. Carried.
Eotion by K. Bnh'isle, seconded by G. Heykoop that Council recess
for fifteen (15) minutes to remove Clerk as he has no allegiance to
'this Council. Point of' order by 'Reeve, E. R. Woodyard .that this action
out of order to be discussed under further business.
Reconvened at 11:05 a.m:
t.lotion by K. Ent1ldsle that Council dispense with the l'egular
proceedings and deal with the correspondence direct - narr,ely Tl -
Resignation of Clerk-Aillninistrator. Carried.
Ruling by Reeve, E. R. Woodyard that Tl be referred to other
business so that it may be discussed in Committee.
nppllr.~r.i Ol1~ c-;. PAtit"i ons: On a notion by G. Heykoop and seconded by .
C. A. Reid that the various delegations be haard in Corm~ittee.
~. Walter Pope, C.A. - Financial Statement.
. Motion by G. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid that Council rise and
sit in Committee. Carried.
Motion by R. G. Chater, seconded by C. A. Reid that Comrr,ittee rise
and sit in Council. Carried.
Recessed for lunch at 12:05 and reconvened at 1:45 p.m.
Hr. George Hammerle, re:water on his property. Moved by R. G.
Chatel", seconded by K; Ent'visle that the Road & Bridge Committee look
into this matter. Carried.
Correspondence tabled froE previous meetings:
1. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, Barrister & So~ic~tor, re:Ochonski vs.
Township of Clarke.7Q~~Lp, ~~"/~P.
The following cOl'respondence was present-ed -to Council:
'II Letter fron B. W. Collins, Oler-k-Administrator, re:resignation. See
other business and resolutions. Carried.
T2 Letter fror:l E. R. Lovekin, Barrister G- Solicitor, re:Rickson purchase
from Law. Part Lot 3c, Concession 7, Township of Clarke. Filed. Carried.