HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/1973 e Pabe 1.. . Regular !ce8t inb of. Counci I. Harch 6th, 1973. ~. We the Council and ~cev0 or Clarke To~nship understand and :Lndeed corm:1end the Frovi.r~c.ial ini.tiative =or local bovcrnment reform in the area to the East of :-:etropolitan Toronto ~ '.is the: Council and Reeve of Clarke Tovlnship are dee~l~ convinced that our electors \'lish to belonc to a. local Government systerr. which administers adjacent rural and small to\'m areas only, under the provident and benevolent Guidance of our Provincial Government, but ;"iitt.out interference from urban:iz:i.nt; Vlestern j_ufluence. "~ie thEL Council and ~{eGve of Clarke To;)nship acting on ou;;:"' mandate and our l:.nowleuL;c of the sense of the local e~ectorate, abhor any succestion that we should be included with Oshawa, Ajax, Picker:Lnc and such burGconinc \'le.stcrly urban areas'~\rJith }J:-,oblems distinct :fror:. ours-in ~lny form of reCional local Government. 2. 3. , To these princ5.ples, V,'8 the Council and Reeve of the 'ro\-,,"'11shi;tJ of Clarke, by conviction born of our Imowlcdce of the opinions of those by vihom \'/8 vere elected. just three Iilonths. aLQ, do stand . unanimol~sly ,'3.Gre edit .. Rp~n':lt.ion l~o_ SC:i:oY8d QY 1}. Entwisle, secouded by Robert G. Chater. This Cour~cil her'eby a.djou.rn to meet acain on Harch 20, 1973 at 7:30 p.nl. or at a~other ti~'ie at the call of the Reeve.. Carried.. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.r::... ~~-O?df--{ Reeve ?-EGULAR 1.:EETING OF TEE COtLTCIL OF TEE ~O<lj:JSEI? OF CL~~CE Tuesday, ~~rch 20th, 1973, 7:30 ~.n. Council Char:bers, Orono Present: Reeve - E. P". jjioodyard Deputy ?"eeve -:~.. .entvlisle Councillors R. G~ Chater - G. E. neykoo~ - C. A. Reid Absent Clerk-Adcinist,rator, - B.. ~... Collins The y~inutes of the; };..a~u..lar Council :-,'leetinc; held on lIarch 6th, 1973 ~.-lere adopted as }Jrintec. on. a notion by G.. E. Heykoop and seconded by R. G~ Chater and carried. DQ"j(,t~t;oJlS [1' P~t;t-ion'l:On a 7i1.otion by l\.. Entwisle and sGcondcd by R. G. Cha.ter that the va:ciOu,3 deleGations be heard in Com.r:.ittee. 1. 2.. :'~~ill:i.am Bocdanovic. ' . " .. It,.). " . C ~ .. . A 00 ,:,".'r.. ;.......'l3.Gh.:LCe - J:-\.J.ca ons.....ruc....lon - 0: p.D. Page 2. Re.Q;ular i'.feet inb of .Councj~l. :.:arch 20th, 1973. . CO"Y'Y'RSllOndp.nr(: t~nl~d f"r'o""", .,-:......F.:V~O'l~ "'"'1()-At;n;::': TIA >~r. 1'im. ~uransky seV8:>anca - Letter Sr3:lt to 1>~r. B~ Bocdanovic per reque.st of Council, re: Sub-division of Land [,. l-.:r. ~~b. Turansk;r. Car>ried. Tl [.:e!Ho::.....andu::l fro!Tc E. ~\'. Dest, re ;Clarke Fishing D. ConservB.tion Club. 0.:',1..3. to check \,.rith Planninc Board. Carried.. T2 lIemorandur: irOI!l~. R. Best, re:Lots 6 and 7, COYlcezsion 6, TOilln- ship of' Cla:--kc. l/lot.ion by K. ZntvJisle, seconded by G. :1. :ieykoop that no action be taken. Carried. e The: :folloVl.~.nc correspondence t'las ;:,resented to Council: T3 Letter fro~ E. :~. Lovoki:::1, re: Ochonski vs. TOVln3hip of Clarke. l.:otion by G. ~-I. Eeykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater that the Reeve and Deputy ~eeve are to contact :Ir. Lovekin to lQok into further. Carried. T4 l.et ter frolT_ Barbara A. 1,1erson, Administrator, To\-.mship of Eope, re; letter to Iron. p. E. l'rudeau. Filed. Carried. T5 Letter to Hon. P. E. Trudeau, re:Sanitary LaRdfill Sites. Filed. Carried. ;:6 LGtter from David B. Baokes, F. Inst. L. Ex., ,<-Tones (~Jones, Barristers C- Solicitors, re :R.ickson purchase ::1....on la\'l-Pa.rt Lot 32, Goncession.7 - TO\VTIShip of Clarke. Refer to Solicitor and Buildinc Inspector for reply. Carried. T7 Copy of: a r::e!:!c to I.lr. C. Saru:.rarnaJ Supervi sa::.'" , PICl.nninc Adr:lini- stration, Ontario ?illnicipal Board, re:~estricted Area Appeals - Jan Oc~onski vs. the To\.mshiF of Clarke. See T3. Carri ed. TS Letter :fror: G. P. Robin... C.G.A., Pro:ect Account::_nc.l Financial Services Branch, re: TO'\.V11Sh:Lp of Clarke Pro ject Ho. 6-0233-71. COi-'Y to Orono Hydro and ~~.rat'3r. Answer sayinc to ref'er to above. Carried. N1 1-:emo fraE 3. .,1. Baxter, Chairnan, Association of l.:unicipal Clerks c> Treasur8r.s of Ontario - Zo~e 5, re:meetins on ~.Iarch 22nd... 1973. :':ot~on by K. Entvlisle, seconded by G. II. ~-:eykoor that the Cler'k C- Treasure!' do not attend .,..--piled. Carriedll"'''.e 1:" ~~;( c "'''.Is..:. 2T2 Cor.rr:ittcc of' Acljustr:".2nt, re :l--Totice of Public HeaT'in~ of' Applications :for lIi.nor Va.r::Lance fro=-~ By-Law and als9 Applicatio~s :fer Consent. Fil.zd. Carried. :13 }:ier.1o IroYr. K. 8:yY'1,:ons, Clerl-:::-Tre_asurer, Cobo.~r....;, re: ~18ed Control. See N4. Carried. U4 Letter froe K. E. Fallis, Associate Director, ~:inistry of Acriculture and Food, Soils .'~i' Cro;.:,s Branch wi th enclos~ure.s, re: appointrn.ent o:f '''e~'l' ,,.,.cop 'cf-o" 1 07'" A..Paacon "lhy,'1canno" b~ U"Q'e" t"n 01" s"starr .. ,,;...\- ...:...J._..:1..-1V " ~ ..... > ....-J ."JIJ ",,-,_ Q., ,....- __ -'-~ ... J.:..... '--'-,: ,-,.'.. Ca.rried. I.:otion by h.. Ent~.Jis12, secQpded by p". G.. Chater that th2-s Council rise and sit in Co~nittee. ~arri8d. ::otinn by Ie. Entwis18J seconded .b:t R. G. Chater that this COTi":.;,-nittce rise and si:: in .Co'LJ.)1cil. Carried. 1';5 I..c~tter frcY:l ?.. :-.1. Farrow, Director, Local Governnent OrGanization 3ranch, :-:i.nistry o.f Treasury, Econonics and Intercoverrrnental Affairs, ro :r_c.stinc; bctv.reon representatives or the :,,:inistry and. y6urse-If':collc_eriii'hgthe;~as:t -o~-:Ietro locCi.l covernrr:.,~nt Fropos,!ll. :.=otion by 1..:. Entw:::_sle, seconded by G. H. l-=eykoo~~ that a letter be sent to the Hinistry. request ine Council t s attendance. Carried., ;~b COFY of a letter sent to rI. :;. :Jardrnan, Genc1:'al i1anacer, Ontar:Lo ~,-C ~'/ ~.-1 r, ",...).,'0 e -1''' ., ~"-L .J.. ::12 '.1'1 " -.~.:; ~~, , ......~'+ .~"! ,- _.....:;; ...."1 (, ......;..-.... ...~., l'J ~,~ { ',r"";::> ~""" 1.,..' :.1': IJ20 l::abe ~ .:;. .I;;"ebu~ar ::eet in.; of ,Council.. ~' 1-. >.,arCH 1973. 20th, D ,,_,.-,--.'.-."" ':::>~ .r-,....o.,.." .L'h'--'> -'~'nJ' ,-.f-.-..-,-r 0:"'" 'T'.....,::::.!lo.~'u-"-O,.. 7CO~0-""4'c'---' ~nQ' j_n.'L':"'Y~- J,ai,..t-'.i.......~"'....... ~.~ L,~':'1W' ~...----'.~..,,;;>........:J .l. ........:....:......;,"~.;' "": ~'" _cl.-7.:J __ ~-....:, b'o,ve-rnmenta1. Af:f:12rS, rc :Role, Or'r;:tD.lZa.tlon anCl 1--rograr::s 0:1: the l.linistry. ?ilcd. C-a.rl.ied. Let te:r< T\'Jith 8ncl.oS;.l;(~~ fro::l ..:;. ~.~. .-,:cCarLhy, Con Su.:'-:lsr s t Gas .co. 1"e :coard' s :-.tot.ic.e of I:eari.n& of theA~pl~Lcati.on of" i:he Con- SLL':le:r's t Gas COl'lpany fer an Order at-'~rov.inL or .fixinb .:]us;t and reasonable ratas for tLe sale and distribution of gas by the Cor:~Fany. Filed. C3..:cr~i.0ci.. :~el~'.o =ro~:, ::.h8 Jh.:."ol:Lc ~j"O:;:"~~::'iS :-:at;azine 3..skiT1i; that the List of ::unic:Lpal Oi"::-'5.cial.s :fo::-'r'~ be ~i_lled 01.:t. Send fern. Carried. Letter frer::. S.. 1/"-.. Stol3.r.3~{i, D. C.. .E:'':0cutive Director, Cntario Chiropractic A.s~oci3.tj_Qn v.Jith .enclosed CCA lTevis Pa:nph}et. i"iled.. .-' ",~ \"c.l....rl8u ~ :.L~-:.~~e:~ial 3-3.n1<: aT Cor;;..""::.erca.... COIlU-.lercial Lettel' free t:-:e Canad iar. filed.. Carried. 'I.'he Fore;3t Scent;. i~"'::u;~rh=.~t pllblj.,Shed b:y" the Ont3.rio Forests IYl:fer~:'i.ation SerV:1_cd.. ?-" 2,eci.. Carr::L0d. CO}iY of a I.Ier,';.o:candu::-:., i'rovinc:_:J.l-;'iun~_cipal En}:loyru.ent Incont5.vc: Frobr:;F:~~ 1972-1973 f1~OL the ::j ni ;:;~:,y 0:'-' Treasury, i:-cononics and InterbovCrn:c::.enta2. Ai'::......'3.ir3, re :Clair:: for R.einbursement. Refer to Treasury. Car~i0d. Let tel" frO!~-l i:.. E. :.~cG.i,lJ, Live Stock Cor,:m:Lssioll.8r, Li VB' Stock :Jranch, ,~.:inj.st.~y ()f AGricult l:.re and Fooci, l'"O~: :iarbl~ F2.y Control Act. Refer to ~(~i.iolut:Lon.. Carried. Booklet - Provincial Assistance to ::unicipaJ.it.i.Bs DOQrds a1'1-::1. Co~mli3.sions. ~<.efer to Council. Carr:..~d. (G. I:. iIeykocp). l.etter from l... :(. Al~.ick, 1-'. Znc;., Totten Si;n.s ~Iubicki AS$oc- ia~':'es Lir::.ited, l".;: :_':'0r::0 Sl::..:Lth FropertiesLtd., C1"0110 Estates Sub- '" .. " .l-- C ~ 1. . ""'.i-. -l.- . . 1.:' ~ ":)r>" h UJ..VlSlon 1;;]_....11 enc..Loscc.:. ri1~or~ on l",..on.::;.....l"UC(.lon to .l,eoruary o;..(:::.'t,...:., 1973. Filed, and co~y to Orono Yolice ~ilJ.a~e and Orono ~ydro COITnission. Carl":i.0G.. ;:el:-'~o fro!;} ..:-:.. ~t.~. :,:cKi11op, District :.:un:Lcipal BnGineer, ~'Iinistry fllransport.at ion and Co:r~:L:l1:cations, re :~ubsidiz3d Eqllif'nent. EnFloyed on Custor:: ",'ork. FiJ.ed ~ Carried.. Lett.er f:-or": .K. ~YI"on.s, C':crk-Treasurer, Coceur'b, \'iith, Brief for rroposal :for Local 'GovernIEent .i.~efo1"m in an area East of 2'.Ietro subrr.:.itted by J.1:1.e :Jnited Counties of Horthu.:nberland & Durhan, ' Refer to Resolution.. Carried. ~'lo"C/io"n by G. ",_. Hey-koop, seconded bJ'" .rZ. ~~ Cha:cer that this Council rise and sit in Cor~ittde. Carried. l.:otion by I..T. ~:.. :::eykooiJ, .Gecor.,.ded by l(. u. C::.ater. that this' COnlD.ittce ris;:;;: and sit. in Council. Carried.. 1,;-21 300klet - ~iinter ~{..ecr8at.ion on fublic Lands.. Filed.. Carried.. l'~22 Convention In.:orrnation S:-ieet on fl.nnt::.a'l Conferenc,z-To;r'onLo fror,l the AssociationoZ Lun.:tci}!alities of Ontr:lJ.....io~ Filed. Carried. K23 Dook:let - Opinio:: Canada. Fi.lacL Carricld. :;24 Annua1 Rel'ort of tlle :.::LL:l.ster, l.)e;;al't:Lent o:~ Social c" Fanily Services 1971-1972. filed. Carried.- :-;25 Le:lnox-OshqvoJa Study, re: routin[; T;lajor ~Ol,"ier lines. Filed.. Carried. :z26 Letter I....ron J. :.~. 3roh':1~tl:b' Jccrctary-'l'reasurer, Central Lake Ontario Ccns,arvatiol1 Autllorit~,. ."vith enclosed Total .iJud(.;ct an.d i:unicifial Levies - Y8ar ~ndin6' Dec. 31, 2..973.. Filed. ?..Gfer to 7reasurel'. Carried. :~27 Central Ontario COH3crvatioll Authorit.:l Pinar:cial State:nents D(~C~BT:'ber 11. 1 g72. .2ileJ.. Cnrr:Led.. l~a;;e 4.. ,iZesular Heet.ir~b of .Council. Earch 20t~, 1973. ~\;32 Letter' i'ror;l ~~. 3est, 3ccre:--ary-Treasurer, Clarke Plannins 3oard, re :Application Fi~~e If73-1i-5. i.~e.fer to Resolut ion. Carried. l'J33 Letter frorl =L :-~. 3cst, Sccreta:::-y-.Treasurer " Clarke .Plannin.6 :Soard, .re ;A~)pli:cation File 1172-42.. "'-~ef.er to 3;y"-Law. Carri0d. N34 Schedules of' Road ClosinG fro:'YL I.:.D. Brown, O.L.'s'. Re8ve to lool: j,nt 0.. Ca::"r:...ed. :-:otion bJ'~ Goo II. .:-..ey:.zool-, seconded b~l X. EntT.l:-t..sle that. this 'l'o\..;n,sh:.p buy 200 co~ie.s of the input Plan J073 at ~1.00 0c_ch :..:"'or distribut.inS at the citizenz; neeting to. be held in t-he Town :Iall on l':arch 21, 1973 and to the CorfJnunity GeneraJ1y" . Ca~"ri~d" e Request the C.P.V. for a Resolution st,3.tinG t!:ey acree to pay ",,,500.('4) for ~afI~ic Control Officer. Lotion by K. Entwi_sle, B~CO~(lded by G. :;r. :Ieykoop th_at this Council 3.;;ree with the decision \lith the ::::"oad~ COr'2r..ittee to install a COf'lu.unica- tion Lase Statton i:l the general office Rnd look :-:_nto fBasabil:Lty of (1 dual sVli tchboard for the i:~oad and Genera} !lunicipal Offices. Carried" I'flotion by K" Entwisle, seconded by G" E. neykoop- that an advertise- nent be put in the l1ev.~spaf'er thRt the Tax Instalr;nent be extended to April 12, 1973. (Reeve to chcc3,: into legality). Carried. bY-LA-.; :70. 1 '71.7 ul..::E~.LSA;:' th_8, :,:u:o.icipal Council.o: the Corporatton, of the 'lownshi,t.: C' 'd ."" h 1 t ,-".. 1 ' ~ ~ , ~ ..l.. arK 9'_ ~eeI~l.s l,-, aClVlsa...........G "0 a""'!.e:oc... 0;I":"J...aw A';O" ....O~.:J ;;aB arre~:.Qeu" :..JO~-~- 7~IE.IU~.FORE th~ Lun:tcipal Council of' the Corporation of' the TO\1nship OI'" Clarl-:e EHAC'l' 5 as follo~.'Js: 1 r-'l" , ., ,....." 1" "" n r, ~ L .~., 1'......] .. J .., , . oo .J.:...la-c l.;..ap ..l. 0:: .:JcnCJ UJ..0 .."1. OJ.: IJ-:l- aw tt1..0:;; De aIT..enC1.8a cy.cnanC2..n6 n:-IooC.tf the zone syrJbol Q:E'_thc lands so d~siLnated on Schedule ItZ" hereto attached. . . I'hat Section 7, sub-section. 1 (b) O~.... B:;r-Law if16S.3 be a!!lellded by adcii1:"", thereto t::le \~~Ol'd.S URetqil '.L'raV'ql ':2railer 'sales" aft-er the t"l;Jelth lj..r:.e so thC'.t. J.::he s~b-sect:.on novI includeq._c:t retail travel -::.ra:Ller sa~Gs as a pG~"r:d.ttt:d :'u,:ie tn n:.I.C.u ZO:':18. 3.. 'I'his Dy-i.a\.v' sha::"J. becor:IG effective otJ. t}~c.....data hereof subject to rec0ivinS the 3..pprov~l .of: t.he Ont,ario :-,lunic:Lpal Board. of Jcc '> F~~,,~()ll1t-~()n -;70 hn:I:oved .by t~oo Zntwis,le, seconded by' r~o.bert G. Chatel"'. This Council here,by C'.uthcr'i,ze.z. t~e 1st and 2nd readinc; of by-lav.~ IN1.'7 ril0 "",l"'-, '--" n" ~O''''''''';''n.-~ b,,-1 a',/ IT-i-16t::,? to .:JE;rmi_t Travel Trailer Srtles 1f ('+ i . ..... 0..-<..'~~ \"L U ......L.1b J ..;.. v. ..... ~-I .- o:J..tlet. Carrj_ecl~ " . i~(.::.~~ollJ+ion ::.~o (-;1 :~-:ove.d b:l Rober.t G. Chats!"';, seoonded by K. ZntvyTisle" '0' C '1' . Lho' f-he ~~Q' ana' -':"":n~l ......"''''''ulr'. 0 b'-la'J ..l..hlS. ounel. :lerooy auL.. _ r~zGs ..........:J- 1 1......c.. _0-'-.. .I.. ~G.' .'....~ :r""" .:/.....c ". iTl? 4- 7.. To aY"'"'~eJld ~on::Lnb by-lavi "1653 _ Carri.Gd.. .. >. . ~? r...... ,.,. d b '!"/" .~.... t '..,1 -- . d -" c)ob.::.yo+- G .....hat...:.r i.('R~~()1ut10n:o or:::;.Love y 1\." J....Ion-VJlb......c, secon -au oy.l..'- e...,-, ." 1",.. c; . That the :~oad .superintendent be .1.uthorized to call t8n,jer for ant..: 160 :"r.p. ::-:loto~' L)....ader 'if and \'olhen, .supplim~ntary by-law is a:pproved by DefJ-:lrt:-r;ent of Tr(;tnsportati.on and COI~'.unicc,-tions" Ca:"ried. -., 1 J' 'T I' "J ~ r . ~ ,..., T~ 1r 1 00 . or)a! - -1 b'p," 1-'" 0nt\J; "'1 e l-(e.s.o 1.1(.,'on ~o "':.i.-.i.OV8Cl oy L.., L.. ,;H~Yl': 1)" Gee _, (;'..... .J.1\.." J..I '.~"';;>__.. ~lhat the :(oad Superintendent be authorized to call tender for th8 foli.ovlinr.;' serv:Lc~s and materials: _ , 1 ..', l' "1' n' .....+-o...l.",;l~n.'" ":iI' cru......h'.,.,.] ;::r.a.vel ...... cruslllns" C1Q :1.VeX"l.. G rt u ~'-' 1..;.:.. ~_........L.. b ..) '+ Q~..C,---L __ _ ? haL:_linc i:J?-t run Gra.vel , , .... 3" ser8~nj_nc and stoel: pi1inC .::tJ):tn~ox. 6,000 c1!- ya.s. 01:. sand 4. SUl-'i)ly and apfl:i.cation of rei':ined oil for dust lay~nc ... ntl-~,',l.F ~ncl ~L1 i catj on Por Lrir~in;": oil~,lus spreadlTIL 0: sand - ,r'...~-.1 (.~ "'.l:'.I..----" - - ....-.. __ .... .. e p~GC .).. ReGular i-betj.n<;..; o~ Council. ~-~:l:"'C~: 20th, =-973.. ~lpsoll't-ion lJo. GC:;:~.:oved by G. :!" I:cykoo~; seconded by ~\.obert u. Ch8.tcr. ::;"8zo1ve that. the ap~lic1tion of' l:r. La'~vrenco HarriLl, Orono, for' the 1>o;:;.iticn oi' ~iarble ?l:l InslJector =01" the year 1973 at ~2.. 50 ~er hour pI us lO~ per ~-;lile travellinG e:;~penses bo 3.nd is llcreby ctCCai.Jted dS lJer a1-rlication upo:;''l t.he r~COD.ElenJation of the Pl"OY- .....,.:-. V')(.J::"; - .,....ra """"'0'....,1"1-1 f- -I.- ~).-;> (.. 1"" . .'J,r1 8oi. I...tJ' a..~:....l. .r. _-<.-1.1.3-....I-.....e ;",. .........__v(.,.......<.:;.. ....,3,... rl.......... r, 1,,-1-. ;.~ ,r,I', .~.~-....r_."r.l h..... r-' T-I -Te,...l.oo' ~ '-'con'-] '>.n' by "OD,.'t' Cl1 .l.-~"..~ ..,(.>kO, ""lon ~,o. cc...~,-)"t.;,- U./ U". __... ~A-;;;.'- ~:, ~l. '-1..;:;,.":", J.-~'~.i. .;}. a'-'......I... ~~e: 1973 -~':1rble Fly C~!::~~.:lign The Inspcct,Ol'" :_B hcrebJt'" aut110rizcd to --:".l.dverti.3G all the facts of the 1973 carapaibn~ 7he Inspector is ~er0b:l authorized to hire sOYJ,Gone to sl?ray 3.11 cattle so request3d ~t .25t ~er head on 3m~11 herds not over 10 in nunber '3.nd 2 for .. 351 on all herds over 10 in nUCloer.. '..:'h8 Inspector :Ls hor~by cmpo'\tler8d to bc responsible ~E'Ol-' the collecti_ons Ecntioned in itc~ 2 nbov~. All sprayinG is to be done under th3 direction and supervision of the ~ia.rbl,.;; f'I~r InSf)ec:~~or. C-::trriGd. ~P-Spl1Jtion No. ,6?:~'~ovcd b:l ..-~ob0rt G.. Chater, seconded by K. Ent~disle. This CO:.l__~cil hereby concures vlitr~ -:h8 recor;1r,:endation of the Clarke Planning Doard, I'to refuse the ap~lication for rezonin~, ~s presented, py ::r. ~:. Hor.str::.an.. CClrrj.ed. llesol'll,;-,ion :'To. {)B:;':OV0d by Kcbert G. Chator, seconded by X. Entvl:tsle.. This Counc-il hereby cndor';;;;:Ls the un:Lt(;d Cour:t::Le;.; ':'~~egion~l GoverrL"T:ertt ProiJo;3al as prOl):'lrcd by Der~k Li_ttle of l..:unicipal i?lanYltnc; Consultants Cor:~p::tn:{ LiL'..ited.. Ca.rried. Resolnt'.;o:n Ko. 6Q::,:oved by G. H~ Ecyl:oo~, seconded by :<:. Ent'i.',risle.. T~Lis CO'J.nciJ h3roby A:_~...:~rov.;s the follo-~'linG l-Jay increases: A :'la'ce incre(~.sc of 10/~ 0:: the cross adjusted hourly rates of each l<,oad Department c::~.:ployee ef.fcctive on January 1st, 1973. And .further ~Lncr0as8 of J.O~~ of the crOGS adjusted hourly rate on January lr;t, 1971..;-. 3. Con:firnati.on th)'1t .JoxinC DaJ''' is d paj.d holiday.. Carried. ?~P~()llJtion ~\jo. 7Q.:l.!oved by l~. ,Ent\1i.:,)lc, seen neled by Robert G. Chctter. This Council hereby ."1.d:o'.Jrns to :";teot asaj_n on April 3, 1973 at 10:00 a.~:. or at .'3.nO~h8r ti;-:lC (It the; cal:!.. of the Reeve. Carried.. , ~. 2. 3. .'r" 1 ~. 2. ,:~11l'.C: ~i:::>":4-r-{111-" ~"'a~.s-Q~ -;.,' Y>""",_'>,.-i -' - ""-~-~' 0 :Uk . ..~- at 12:1.;.-5 p.Y:1. --1!;;-:,"/ ~ff7-4 SPECIAL r',iEET:l:G OF COUNCIL TU.ll;SH~P OF ::::LARiZE }~rch 2$, 1973 at 8:30 ;..~.. Present: 7\,.eeve....,:".. l~. -.;oodyard Deputy :'leevc - X. Ent'vvislc (~bsent) Councillors - R. G. Chater - G.. II. HeykooF - C. A. Reid Clerk-Adr.-inistra.tor - B. ,'i. Colli~s This Yneetin~; "v"las called reases for the various he~ds by of the ~<.ecve tc Departnents. discuss the salary inc-