HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/20/1973 Page 5. Reg41ar Meeting of Council, February 6, 1973. Resol~tion No. uS:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater. This hereby authorizes .the Orono Hockey Mothers Association to hold a Raffle Lottery within the Township of Clarke, provided that approval if given by. the Province of Ontario Lotteries Branch by way of a licence. Carried. . Reso]utjon No. u6:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. This Council hereby resolves that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the signing officers of this Co~cil; Gen~ral Voucher #1 for January in the amount of $ 6,487.22. Roads Voucher #1 for January in the amount of $13,024.43. ~d t~e qrono Police Village ~oucher #1 for January in the amount of $2,350.52. Carried. RAFlolption No. u?:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. chater. In accordance ,with by-law #1.561., re: by-law regarding the appointment pf ~he Clarke Planning Board being a Board with juris~ diction over the Clarke Planning Area, this Council hereby appoint the following: 1. Roy C. Forrester - who shall hold. office of the unexpired term of E. R. Woodyard that is until January 1, 1975. 2. Douglas Moffatt - who shall hold office until the 1st day of January 1976. Carried. Reso]ution No~ 48:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. This Council hereby authorizes an increase of salary to the following" employees: Mrs.~. Watson - from $2.30 per hour to $282 per h?urj ~~s. E.' Stainton - fr9m $2.57 per hour to $~.82 per hour. This shall come into effect as of January 29th/73 and that the overpayment of salaries between January 1st-January 26/73 be considered a non re-occurring bonus. Carried. Reso]utjon No. uq:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater. This counc' ---~erebY adjourns to me~t ~gain on .february 20, 1973 cat 7130 p.m. ~another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. 41.., / - ~/_.,l;f//~v+- 4 irtistrator . Reeve ~;a,'~ .. REGULAR ~lEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TG\vNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, February 20, 1973, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Orono Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillors - R. G. chater - C. A. Reid - G. H. Heykoop ~lerk-Adrninistrator -. B. W. Collins The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on February 6th, 1973 were adopted as printed on a motion py R. G. chater and seconded by C. A. Reid and carried. COR~SPONDENCE presented to Council: Tl ,Letter from 9re~ghton, Murdoch & Victor, Barristers & Solicitors, re: Restricted Area Appeal - Leo J. & Bella M. Boisvert. Filed. Carried. ' T2 Letter f~om B. W. Baxter, Town Clerk, Cobourg, reI Proposal for Local Government Reform. Filed. Carried. T3 Memorandum from Alderman Don Kay, Chairman, Elected Represent- ~~ atives Committee - The Ontario Traffice Conference. Filed. ~ Carried. T4 Memorandum from M. D. Trewin, Director, Municipal Subsidies Branch - Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, re: Additional Allocation. Refer to Roads & Bridge Committee. Carried. Page 2. Regular ~~eting of Council, February 20, 1973. \.; T5 Memorandum from C. H. Ort, Clerk-Treasurer, Thorold, re: support of Resolution. Tabled. Have ~w. Pearce appear before Council at the next meeting. Carried. T6 Letter from C. S. Pearce, Secretary, Orono Chamber of Commerce. Send a reply stating that G. H. Heykoop be Council's represent- ative. Carried. T7 Letter from C. S. Pearce, Secretary, Orono Chamber of Commerce. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by that ~100.00 be given to Orono Chamber of Commerce. Motion defeated as there was no one ~ second~ the motion. -to I.loved by C. A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle t"hat a grant of ~250.00 be given to Orono Ch~T.ber of ConT.erce. Amendment to the above motion: I'loved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid providing that there will be no increase' in the mill rate. Carried. T$ Letter from h. H. Somerville, Superintendent, CP Rail, re: C.P. Rail bridge at Mileage 156.40, Belleville Subdivision, crossing Clarke Township Road two miles east of Newcastle. See Resolution. Carried. T9 Letter from Clyde H. Pope, Fire Services Adviser, OF~:., Ivlinistry of Solicitor General, Office of the Fire l.J.a,rshal, re: Regional Fire Training School - Sept. 17-21/73. Refer to Police Trustees and Fire Chief and file. Carried. ~~. M. D. Brown, O.L.S. appeared with ~~. E; R. Lovekin to discuss business tabled fronl previous Council meetings. 1..10ved by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. G. Chater' that this Council ,go into COIImittee. Carried. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this Cow~ittee go into Council. Carried. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, re: Corporation of the Township of Clarke Survey of former Township Garage Property - south end of fairgrounds - transfer of title to Durham Central Fair Board. Tabled. Reeve', E. R. '~ioodYard and C. A. Reid to look into and advise. Carried. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, re: O.W.R.C. questio n vlhether the Township has good title to Lot 1 on which they propose to' erect some works. Tabled. l{r. Lovekin to contact O.W.R.C. and advise outcome. Carried. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, re: Caspari and'Proposed Road. Tabled until advised-by l'Ir. Lovekin. See Resolution #50. Carried. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, reI By-Law #1739 - RoyNat and Orono Realty Limited. Tabled. 1>1r. Lovekin to look after and advise outcome. Carried. Letter from E. R. Lovekin, re: Ochonski - Pt. Lot 22, Con. 1, Township of Cla.rke - Change of Water Course - Stephenson side road; and letter to I'Ir. Best from B. ~i. Collins, re: same. Tabled. ~w. Lovekin to arrange'a meeting with ~Ir. Swartz. Carried. \J Nl Durham Central Agricultural Society Financial Statment 1972. .filed. Carried. N2 Notice ,of! Public Hearing of application for Hinor Variance filed by Gary & Gwen Ford, Richard E. Wicha, Frank G. Stapleton; and 'notice of Public Hearing of application for Consent filed by Charles A. Reid, Howard A. Quantrill, J-l1ar Farms, and Thonas G. Atkins. Filed. Copy to K. Entwisle & members of Council. Carried. N25 Hz6 Page 3. Regular l'~eting of Council, February 20, 1973. N3 Employment Standards News from the 11inist~y of Labour - Special Bulletin (1) Minimum Wage Changes - (2) Interpretations & Decisions made under the Act. Filed. Carried. Letter from C. Saruyarna, Supervisor-Planning Administration for the Ontario 11unicipal Board, .ret Restricted Area By-Law 1738. ~~~~a~~~l~~~~ J;~~~;:dClairoux, President, Committee on ... Municipal and Regional Information Management, re: Inventory of Municipal Data Processing. Refer to Clerk. Carr.ied. ~~morandum from Eli Comay, Chairman, Advisory Task Force on Housing Policy, re: schedule of meetings held by the Task Force. Filed. Carried. Letter from E. V. Christ~s, Ontario Sales Supervisor of Chipman Chemicals Limited, re: Warble Fly Spraying-1973. Motio'n by C. A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle that we not have a warble fly inspector for 1973 and we ask the Durham Farmers Co-op to make available the Warble Fly powder. Carried. ~4 N5 N6 N7 H8 , , Letter from ~~lco~ McCarthy, Pre~ident, School of Economic Science, re: Site-Value Assessment. Filed. Send to K. Entwisle. Carried. ' Outline of Seminar held by.the COmmittee. on Municipal and Regional Information Management - seminar entitled "The Province of Ontario St~ndard Ass~ssment System, and its Impact on Municipalities". Mov~d by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. G. Chater that the Cierk~attend. Carried. Letter from D. T. Crosbie, Secretary,.The,Ontario Traffic.Conference re: material in relation to the Elected Representatives Seminar of the Ontario Traffic Conference. Filed. Carried. Letter from B. J. ~1cCaffery, Secretary-Treasurer, ,Ontario Good Roads Association, rei O~G.R.A. Councillorts Seminar. Refer to Roads & Bridge Committee~ Carried: Carbon copy of a letter from J. R. Houston of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited to Duncan Hopper & Associates Limited, re: Home Smith Properties Limited, 'Orono Estates Subdivision. Filed. Carried. . . Pamphlet from the School of Economic SCience, re: Research and Education for Better Living. Filed. Carried. Bookletof the Fire ~~rshals Quarterly News. . Fi~ed. Carried. Booklet - This is our Lana -' ~~illions of Miles of it. Fil~d. Carried. Civic - The Public Works l'~gazine, issue of January 1973. Filed. Carried. < . , > . . Civic - The Public Works Hagazine, issue, of F~bruary 1973. Filed. Carried. Booklet - TORONTO. Filed. Carried. ONTARIO - Trade and Export. Filed. Carried. LEGACY -' Environment Ontario. Filed. . Carried. The Dog Licensing and Live Stock andPoul~ry Prote9tion Act from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Live St09k Branch., Filed. Carried. , Letter with enclosures from E. Czarnecki, P. ENG., Operations Engineer, Project Operations Bra~ch.t Hinistry of.the Environment, re: Township of Clarke (Orono), Project No. 6-0130-64, 1973 . Proposed Operating Budget. Filed. Carried. Letter from B. ~l. Baxter, TOvm Clerk for Cobourg, reI East of Hetro Proposal Great Pine Ridge Alternative. ,Filed. Carried. MemoranduIll from Charlotte M. Horner, B.A., M.D., D.P.E. - Hedical Officer of Health, Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit, re: Inspection Services. Filed. Carried. Copy of a letter from Charlotte H. Horner, Medical Officer of Health, Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District H~alth Unit, re: Lot 23, Concession 3, Clarke' Township. Filed. Carried.' 1..lemorandu.TU from R. W. Irwin, P. Eng., Professor, Extension Co- ordinator, University of Guelph, re: Drainage Corrunissionerts Training School, Lindsay, February 27-2$-~~rch 1/73. Refer to Drainage Inspector. Carried. . N9 N10 NIl N12 H13 N14 H15 lU6 In7 N18 N19 H20 NZl N22 H23 N24 Page 4. Regular Meeting of Council, February 20, 1973. ~ H27 Letter with enclosure from D. F. Speight, Lotteries Branch, Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, re: Brownts Community Centre Association - Provincial Licence No. 137552. Filed. Carried. N28 Ontario Traffic Booklet with enclosure pa~phlets re: seminars and courses. Filed. Carried. Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by R. G. Chater to publish the dog by-law (section of it) for two weeks; this is to include the shooting etc. Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this Council go into Conmlittee. Carried. Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by G. H. Heykoop that this Co~~ittee rise and sit in Council. F?A!:::rlllt,;Ol1 No_ 50: 1I10ved by iC Entwisle, seconded by Charles A. Reid. This Council hereby authorizes Mr. E. R. Lovekin to review the facts in regard to the purported undertaking by Mr. Caspari to build a road and 'to 'initiate legal "proceedings to 'compel . construction of such a road (between Lot 4 & 5, Concession $ being approx. 3,300 ft. in length) if in his professional opinion such a legal action is feasable. Carried. . RA~olption No. ~1: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle. This Council hereby approves the replacing of 'the existing bridge at mile 156.40, Belleville Subdivision (2 miles east of Newcastle) at no expense to the Township. Carried. R.esoJ uti sm No. S2: l:loved by' G. H. Heykoop, seconded by Charles A. Reid. This Council accepts the quotation obtained by the Park Board and that the Reeve is hereby authorized to sign the application for the LIP grant at his discretion. Carried. Resolution No. SJ: Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by Robert G. Chater. This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on March 6th, 1973 at 10:00 a~m. or" at another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. The at 11:45 p.m. .c:;'_L._ /';r0 //L ) r ~ Reeve' . ., /i ...~