HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/1973 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, J'anuary 16, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Orono Present: Reeve -.E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - K. Entwisle Councillors - R. G. Chater - C. A. Reid - G. H. Heykoop Clerk-Administrator - B. W. Collins Ken Lyall - Reporter Bob Benson - Statesmen Roy C. Forrester - Orono Weekly Times " . The.minutes of the Regular Council.meeting held on January 2nd, 1973 were adopted as printed on a motion by K. Entwisle and seconded by R. G. chater and.carried. . . ~put~tiops & Petitions: On a motion by K. Entwisle and seconded by G. ij. Heykoop,that the various delegations be heard in Committee. Mr. Secordts complaint, reI water flooding his property due to culverts and ditch not being cleaned. Motion by R. G. Chater and and seconded by K. Entwisle that the Committee rise and sit as a CouncilA_ that this matter be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee. Carried. The following correspondence was tabled from the previous meetings: 1. The Corporation of the Town of Campbellford. Filed. Carried. . Motion by K. Entwisle and seconded .by G. H. Heykoop that a letter be sent to the Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs request'ihg for an additional, reasonable length of time to prepare our submission. Carried. The following correspondence was presented to Council: 1. Lett~r from the Clerk-Administrator, re: Membership in the Institute ,of Publi~ Administration of Canada. Refer to resolution. Carried. 2. Ministry of Labour - The Trench Excavatorts Protection Act. Filed. Ca,rried. . 3. Municipal World Limited - Subscriptions. Send for copies. Carried. 4. Duncan Hopper & Associates Limited - Home Smith Properties Limited - Orono Estates Subdivision. Filed. Carried. 5. Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs _ Financial Management Advisor. Copy to Treasurer. Carried. 6. Ontario Good Roads Association - Seminar for Councillors. Filed. Carried. 7. Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Fee. Refer to Reeve. Carried. 8. Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities - Annual Convention. Refer to Reeve. Carried. 9. Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch & Victor - Restricted Area Appeal - Leo J. and Bella M. Boisvert. Referred to Planning Board. Carried. 10. J-Mar Farms - Rezoning by-law application - What has happened to it. Filed. Carried. 11. Liquor Control Board of Ontario - Liquor Store in the Township of Clarke. Refer to Resolutions. Carried. 12. The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario - Re: Licence No. 8764. Filed. Carried. 13. Ontario Government, reI addresses & phone numbers of elected offic- i4:sTheF~;~e~ti~~r~;:~._ Grant in Aid. Refer to Finance Committee. .. Carried. 15. Secretary-Treasurer Planning Board to Mr. H. DeWith - Approval of Invoice. Filed. Carried. Page 2. Regular Meeting of Council, January 16, 1973. ~ r 16. Totten Sims Hubicki Association Ltd. - Home Smith Properties Ltd. - Orono Estates Subdivision. Copy to Planning Board & Police Trustees. .Carried.. 17. Municipal Planning Consultants Limited - Invo;~,e for Professional Services. Refer to Planning Board. Carried. 18. The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada - Requesting Dona- tion. Refer to Finance Committee. Carried. 19. E. R. Lovekin - Survey of Old Township Highway Yard - Problems regarding unopened street allowances - Inaccurate Former Boundaries - Formal, completion of sale to Durham Central Fair Board. - Dedication of some streets and closing of others. ~ Motion by G. H. Heykoop and seconded by K. Entwisle that Council sit in Committee to discuss this problem further. Carried. Motion by C. A. Reid and Seconded by R. G. Chater that this Committee rise and sit in Council and that this matter be referred to the Reeve to obtain further information. Carried. 20. The Corporation of The Town of Cobourg - Proposal for Local Government Reform in an area East of Metro. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 21. Archives of Ontario - Clarke Township Museum Grant. Refer to Reeve and Clerk to clarify. Carried. 22. Mr. G. N. Walter - Alternate Proposal for Local Government Reform in an area East of Metro. Filed. Carried. 23. E. R. Lovekin - Committee of Adjustment - Resignations. . Motion by C. A. Reid and seconded by K. Entwisle that this Council go into Committee to discuss this matter further. Motion by G. H. Heykoop and seconded by R. G. Chater that this Committee rise and sit in Council and recess for fifteen (15) minutes in the Clerkts office. Carried. Motion by C. A. Reid and seconded by R. G. Chater that this Council do not accept the resignations of the Committee of Adjust- ment. ,An amendment to that motion by K. Entwisle and seconded by G. H. Heykoop that Mr. Lovekin be requested to accept the position of legal Council to the new Committee of Adjustment and that Mr. Schoenmaker and Mr. Osborne be requested to suggest a suitable candidate to fill the third ~t on the new Committee of Adjustment. It is requested that a recorded vote be taken by the Clerk. K. Entwisle R. G. Chater C. A. Reid G. H. Heykoop E. R. Woodyard. yea na na yea na '5 The motion as amendedAtherefore defeated. It was suggested that a recorded,vote on the original motion be taken by the Clerk. K. Entwisle R. G. Chater C. A. Reid G. H. Heykoop yea yea yea yea c 24. Select Committee on Land,Drainage. F~led. Carried.. 25. A. Taylor - Tax Land Sales. Refer to Clerk & Treasurer. Carr2ed. 26. Ministry,of Transportation and Communications - 1973 Subsidy Allocation - Roads Department. Filed. Carried. 27. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - January 4/73 - General Authority minutes. Filed. Carried. 28. Muniqipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. - Expanding consulting services. Copy to the Planning Board. Carried. Page 3. Regular Meeting of Council, January 16, 1973. 29. Electric (Ontario) Limited. - Signs. Filed. Carried. 30. E. R. Lovekin - Ochonski - Pt. Lt. 22, Con. 1., Township of Clarke - Change of Water Course - Stephenson Side Road.. Tabled. Carried. 31. Ontario Hydro - Meeting January 25th, 1973. Filed. Carried. 32. Northumberland & Durham Assessment Office - Additional Assessment mare in 1972. Filed. Carried. 33. Canada Law Book Limited. - Volume on O.M.B. Hearings. Order one (1) volume. Carried. 34. From Committee of Adjustment to Mr. K. Lyall, Newcastle Reporter - Clarke Township Committee of Adjustment by-law #1743. Filed. Carried. 35. Ontario Municipal Board -.Approval of By-Law #1737. Copy to the Planning Board and parties concerned.. Carried. 36. Letter from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, re: Restricted Area by-law #1734. Refer to Planning Board. Carried. ' 37. Memo to Reeve & Members of Council from Robert G. Chater, Chairman, Finance Committee, re: data processing tax bills. -Refer to Resolution. Carried. 38. Road Board-Committee-Meeting - Minutes of January 12, 1973. Filed. Carried. 39. To The Clarke Council from Reeve E. R. Woodyard. Gentlemen: At our inaugural meeting, I refrained from making a statement as to my views and as to what policy I would like to see this Council follow in 1973. The reason I gave you was particularly at that time related to the new proposed. regional government, as I did not feel that sufficient information was at hand to justify an- intelligent opinion. However at this time, I must agree with many individuals and some of the news media that this could become a type of government far removed from the individual and, could possibly be the means of the public becom- ing less involved in the affairs of their municipalities than they are at the present time. On the other hand, it could be the breeding ground for something equally as dangerous such as people forming into protest groups of rebellious nature, with various ideas as to the form of correction. However, as the detailed information has not as yet been presented, I can only tion is recieved, it will remove some, if many harbour to-day. As to the operation of our own Council, I possibly have as much concern about this, as I have regarding the regional government. Since this Council took office, and even before, actions by individual-members have caused me concern. Although, at our first meeting, I did refrain from making a statement, I did, as you will recall, caution members as to their responsibilities to Council and suggested, as I could not ask them to cease acting in an individual manner, I did feel that this Council must act and govern as a body. Since that time, some unfortunate and alarming instances have occurred, with rumours and accusations being directed and,received by individuals, which I feel have been unjustified. At the present time, those who are suffering most from these misunderstandings are the people of this Township, who. have not been and will not for some time be able to process certain documents through the Township Office. I would therefore ask that this Council give very careful consideration to decisions of a technical nature and investigate fully the effects of their decisions on the people of this Township. Copy to each Council member. Carried. ~ "~" ~ ., promised to elected bodies hope that, when this informa- not all, of the fears which 40. Resolutions Number 73-1 and 73-2 from the Pblice Village of Orono. Moved by K. .Entwisle and seconded by c. A. Reid that these appointments be accepted by this Council and that a copy of this resolution 73-1 be sent to the Planning Board along with motion. Carried. BY-LAW] ?uC; To declare Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario) 1960-61 as amended by The Lordts Day (Ontario) Amendment Act 1968 (No.2) to be . Page 4. Regular Meeting of Council, January 16, 1973. ~ inforce in certain parts of the Township of Clarke. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. (1) Section 1 of The Lord's Day Act (Ontario-) 1960-61 as amended by- The Lordts Day Act (Ontario) Amendment Act 1968, Chapter 6$, Section-2, is hereby declared to be in 'force from Jan- uary 1, 1973 to December 31, 1973 in the following parts of the Township of Clarke, namely: Area No. 1 - Mosport Park. (2) The application of the sa~d section of the said Act shall be limited to the respective public games or sports in the fore- going respective parts of the Township of Clarke as follows: Area No.1 - Motor Racing 2. The. public games and sports named. in this By-Law shall be subject to the following regulations and control: (a) every such game or sport shall be conducted in an orderly and seemly manner; (b) no such game or sport shall be commenced before half past one o'clock in the afternoon. 3. That By-Law No. 1726 be and is hereby repealed. Carried. l1Y-J.AW 1 ?46 By-Law to repeal by-law number 1743. MIEREAS under the terms of Section 244, sub-section 1, of the Municipal Act, there could be some doubt as to the validity of By-Law #17.43. AND ~lEREAS it is advisable to remove any such doubt; AND ~{EREAS it was and is unnecessary to reaffirm the appoint- ments of Mr. E. R. Lovekin, and Mr. Klaas Schoenmaker, as their previous appointments had not and have not expired; AND WHEREAS this Council is empowered by Section 41 of the Planning Act, to appoint members of the Township Committee of Adjust- ment in compliance with the requiremen~s as set out in that Act; NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY ENACTED that Mr. E. F. R. Osborne be and is hereby re-appointed as a member of the Committee of Adjustments for the Township of Clarke,. for a term of three years, terminating on January 1, 1976; This By-Law hereby repeals By-Law 1743. Carried. .\.; Resolution No. 19:Moved by C. A. Reid, secnnded by R. G. chater. This Council hereby gives permission for the Clerk-Administrator to join as a member of the Itlnstitute of Public Administration of Canadatl. And that he be given permission to attend any seminars or Conferences to be held by this Institution. And that all reasonable expenses are to be paid. Carried~ Resolution No. 20:Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle. This Council hereby accepts the recommendation of the Finance Committee to have the Township of Clarke's tax billing done on a computer. And that the Clerk-Administrator to obtain quotes from various companies as to the cost. Carried. Resolution No. 21:Moved by C. A. Reid,.seconded by K.Entwisle. This Council hereby authorizes the Clerk-Administrator and Treasurer to attend the A.M.C.T. Conference to be held at the Delawana Inn, Honey Harbour (in June 1973) and that all reasonable expenses are to be paid. Carried. R~solution No..2~:Moved by K. Entwisle; seconded by G. H. Heykoop. This Council hereby notify the Liquor Cnntrol Board of Ontario that, (due to the recent election results wherein it was in favour of a beer and liquor outlet in the Township of Clarke) consideration be given to locate a store for the purchase of liquor or beer within the Township of Clarke. A Carti~ied copy of this resolution is to be sent to the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. Carried. Resolution No. 21:Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid. As a recommendation by.the Reeve .this Council hereby sanction the appointment of the following person to the Ganaraska Regional Conservation Authority: E. R. Lovekin. Carried. Resolution No. 2u:Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid. This Council hereby authorizes the 1st and 2nd reading of by-law #1745. Being a by-law to permit motor racing in Mosport Park on Sunday afternoon. Carried. Page 5. Regular Meeting of Council, January 16, 1973. Resolution No. 2~:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by C. A. Reid. This Council hereby authorizes the 3rd & final reading of by-law #1745. Being a by-law to permit motor racing in Mosport Park on Sunday afternoon. Carried. Resolution No. 26:Moved by C. A. Reid, seconded by G. H. Heykoop. This Council hereby authorizes the 1st and 2nd reading of By-Law #1746. A By-Law to repeal by-la'lr' 1743. (Committee of Adjustment). Carried. Re~olutjon No. 2?:Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle. ~ This Council hereby authorizes the 3rd & final reading of By-law #1746. A by-law to repeal by-law #1743. (Committee of Adjust- ment) . Carried. Resolution no. 28:Moved by G. H. Heykoop, seconded by C. A. Reid.. This Council reby adjourns to meet again on February 6, 1973 ~at 10:00 a.m. /i9.p' t4-another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. , . ./. ,~".~ J R ~~~.-w.... Cle. -inistrator Reeve. 7' ~ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ~SHIP OF CLARKE Wednesday, January 24, 1973 at 11100 a.m. Council Chambers, Orono Present: Reeve - E. R. Woodyard Deputy Reeve - .K. Entwisle Councillors - R. G. Chater - C. A. Reid (G. H. Heykoop absent) . Cl.erk-Administrator - B. W. Collins Treasurer - H. DeWith This mee~ing was called to discuss and approve the Annual Petition for Subsidy and data processing. Recommended by the Reeve that a Committee be set up to investigate the feasibility of buying instead of renting radios. Refer to Roads &- Bridge Committee. Carried. Clerk-Administrator to ask I~B.M. to come down on Friday, January 26, 1973 at ~:OO p.m. Reeve to check into costs of Hydro in Subdivision and letter of approval to bill Township and then we bill on tax bill. RAAo]nbion No. 2~:Moved by K. Entwisle, seconded by R. G. Chater. The Road Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to complete the necessary forms applying for the Highway Subsidy on road expenditures in the year 1972 on or before January 31, 1973. Carried. ~AAnlution No. ,O:Moved by C. A. Reid,.seconded by R..G. Chater. This Council accept the annual petition for Subsidy under the Provisions of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on Expenditures made during the year 1972. Carried. RAAo]ution No. ~l:Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by K. Entwisle. .This Council hereby authorizes the Clerk-Administrator and Treasurer to.sign ~he.Agreement with I.B.M. Canada Limited to p~oduce the Tax Bills by computer for the year 1973. Carried. .... :, '.......\....... : '." ~'.,\.... .. " .~ Resolution No_ ~2:~oved by C, A. Reid, seconded by K. Entwisle. Thi~ ~uncil hereby authorizes.the Canadian 1mpe~ial Bank of Commerce, Orono, to loan the Orono Community Memorial Park Board an amount not exceeding $2,000.00 for the year 1973 and charge the said Board the prevailing rate of interest. . Carried.,