HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/1972 RE:GULAR MEETING OF T:IE COlNCIL OF THE TOVIH,3HIP OF CLARiCE Tuesday, October J, 1972 at 10:00 a.m. Council Chambers Orono Present: Reeve - J. h. Stone Deputy Reeve - ~. R. Chater Councillors - R. G. Chater P. A. Gray E. C. Coppin.:; Clerk-Administrator - B. II. Collins e The min'~tes of the Regular Council meetinG held on September 19, 1972 were adopted as printed on motion by Councillor E. C. Copping and seconded by Councillor R. G. Chater and carried. DP.pilt:lt, 10TIS [7 PP-t i ti on,q :motion by ~;,J. R.. Carveth and seconded by R. G.. Chater that the various delegations be heard. Ers. llolmes appeared before Council re: lights in Leskard. i'iould Ij,ke Council's decision on saIne. She was advised to bring i,n a petition of 2/3 of the people in order to have it approved as a local improvement. The fOlloWing correspondence is presented to Council: A. Card of thanks from E. R. Lovekin. Filed. Car~ied. 1. Hemorandum to all Municipal Clerks from p. G. Gillis, Executive Director, Assessment Division of the Department of Laboll.r, reI Recent Legislative Amendments. filed. Carried. 2. Memorandum to all Municipal Clerks and Boards of Educati_on, re: Com- munity Centres Act from the Ontario Hinistry of Community and Social Services. Filed. Carried. J. Letter from N. Frank Thorn, Director of Education of Northumberland : Durha'll County Board of Educati,on with enclosed copy of a report presented to the Northulnberland & Durha"l County Board of Education at its regular meeting of September 14, 1972. Filed. Carried. 4. Reference Plan of Part of Lot 18, Concession 6, TOYffiship of Clarke County of Durhar received from the Northumberland ie,. Durham Assessrlent Office. Refer to Building Inspector. Carried. 5. Subscription for Civic, Canada's National Municipal Magazine~ Filed. Carried. 6. Applications for Consent filed by Mr. Daniel Katz, Margaret Haitsma and Donald & Shirley Henry received from the Comnittee of Adjustr~nt. Filed. Carried. 7. Minutes of COffinittee of Adjustnent meeting on Honday, SBptembor 11, 1972. Filed. Carried. 8. Memo to All l"layors and Reeves in Ontario from the Ministry of Solicitor General, Office of the Fire ~larshal reI 1972 Fire Prevent:Lon \'leek (October 8-14) . Copy of letter to Fire Department c. Resolution printed in the Orono Weekly Times. Carried. 9. Let tel' fro:;1 Mr. E. R. Lovekin to B. :'1. Collins, re, Marvin i., 'l'ovmsh.ip of Clarke. See Number 18. Carried. 10. Letter to B. \1. Collins, Clerk-Administrator from \'1. H. Parnell, ReC- ional Assessment Comnlissioner, re: GUide lines to be used in determininG the school support of municipal electors. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 11. Memorandwn to The Cterks, Clerk-Treasurers and Secretaries of School Boards from A. T. Butler; Director, Advisory Services Branch of the Ninistry of Treasury, Economics Cf InterGovernmental Affairs, re: Bill 206 enclosed. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 12. Letter from Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to B. 'iI. Collins, reI By-Law No. 1741. Filed. Carried. 13.. Let te-r from i,i. A" 1:1acI.eod, Business Administrator and Treasurer of jJorthumb~rland & Dll.rham County Board of Education, re: letter addressed to the Chairman of the Board from :'Ir.. T. A. J'lC~\'lan, Chairman of the Committee on the Costs of Education, HearinG to be held in Kingston, October 23, 1972. Filed. Carried. . IJ.. Re :Appeal by Jean Goode against a decision of the Committee of Adjustment of tho Township of Clarke to the Ontario Nunicipal Board. Filed. Carried. 15. Letter from D. F. Connor, l'lanager-Goverrunent Relations of the Con- sumers' Gas Company to Clerk of Township of Clarke with enclosure of an interim rate Order extending the Company's present rates from October 1st to December 31st, next. Filed. Carried. e e Page 2. Regular Council Heet.:Lng of October 3, 1972, conttd~ 16.. Letter f'ron~ :~or".l, Tory, DesLauriers & ELi.nnin:;ton to Clerk-Adm :Ln- instratoI', re:RoyNat Limiteel and Orono Realty Lini.ted By-La"." 1739.. cc.. given to .E.. R.. Lovekin to answer.. Carr:Led.. 17. Letter from The Ontar:!o l-!unicipal Board re :Board I s tariff fees for By-Laws numbered 1737 and 173$. Refer to accounts. Carrj.ed. 1$.. Letter from 1,'lcCom:..skc:-'" \..'" Atkinson to the Clerk-Administrator -' re: Corporation of the Township or Clarke, Purchase from ~;-.. I-Jarvin.. E" R.. Lovekin t.o answer.. Carri, ed<< 19.. Letter from E.. It.. LO'J"ekin to the Clerk of" the TO\'I11ship of Clarke, re :Road Closing under By-Law !10. 1654 of the Township of Clarke vlith enclosure of deeds and cheques. Refer to Resolution. Carried. 20. Application for Accomodation at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto for the 79th Anniversay Convention of The Ontario Good Roads Assocj.ation from February 26th to February 2eth, 1973. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 21.. Letter frorn Tilley, Carson, & Findlay, Barrj_sters & Solicitors to The Clerk, re:hr. Clyde L. Lewis. Tabled to October 17/72. Carried. 22. Letter from 3al'ber & Kelly, Barristers [" Solicitors to r.ir. H. R. Best, Secretary, Township of Clarke Planni.ng Board, re:Application of Nick Dyrew. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 23. Notice from Frank Cowan Company Limited of the Death of J. Ralph (Buick) I4cLaughlin. Send card of sympathy to I,ll'S. EcLaughlin. Carried. 24. Agreement of fureha.se and Sale thr0\J'bh ,I. frank Real Est. Ltd. between the Township of Clarke and J. Marvin. Refer to Solicitor. Carried. 25.. Booklet of the International l,::r:trk.;:;tir~b Seminars i'or Ontari.o Businessmen 1972-1973.. Refer tc Cl~arnber of Gomr.lcrce.. Carried. 26.. The l'roceedinGs of the ~lunicipal Council of the UrL:.ted COlJnties of Northumberland & Durhara.. Filed.. Carried.. 27.. HCNTA,.~IO!t i"rom. the Ontario Minj"stry of Indu.stry c- Tourisn:. Filed.. ~ " \"arrJ.ea.. 2.'3.. "CIVIC" The: Public ~lork.s LaGaz ir:.e ~ F:Llecl. Eoved by R. "G. Chater, secQI:uJecl by II" 1-:"'. Car-vetil at 12:00 noon" Council recol'nrened at J. :JO F~L~" Carried. to ad~our.n roX" lUllCh Lr" };." l.:eVlitl:.., Treasurer, presented the f'i naxlcial Statement (L\t:; to AUt;. 31/72) and utated t::.at the Of~f"ice Supplies be cut and that no r:lore buyinG occur" The Clerk-Admini_strator advised t]-).at there shou.ld be no more p:).rchases of cfi'j. ce nateri.al as :far as he is concerned" l:r.. Love.k.5n appeared re :the following: Kelter, l";artens road. D Laluske property", l;{oved by VI" R. Ce~rv8th, secondeu by f" A" Gra;,~ th('lt this account O~:aluske) be pa::Ld in the addit ional ar;:our~t 0:''"'' :.wIG';:')" 00.. ~irit t;iven to hin~ f'rom .:.. Uch.or~ski.. (r.i'it of r.~andar.!.us). 1.1!'. Ross appeared at 2; OC 1-' ..r:~., re: road department business - Gravel Pi.t purchase is ~ct approve.d based Qr.. the report by Terl:'a-Sean (who made test of t}-~c i'arrr, for srave1.) as beinb uni'avol),rable. l,~,", BrQ\..".n appeared before Council, re:oldi'o\'inship's work and Orono Fair f;ro~erty.. HOvJ he is to cd.s;;'o.je or samel? to prepa.re the necessary J.-~lans olltlinillC; thd Orone Fair present to Council at the :next :neeting 1': possibl~. yard building Moo Brown is brounds &- RAsolutioL l'io. llS:M':oved by B.. C. Copf.lng, Fa Aa Gray seconded it.. This Council hereby resolves that t1:e following Pay Vouchers be and a.r~ hei'sby a.u-bl:,orJ.4eq .1'-'01' p'?;.,yment by the sj"sning of.ficers of This Cour...cil.. Gener'al Voucher #-9 for Septe~::;,bE;:cin. the ;urrount c-f ~lZ6, OE>O.. 29.. Road Voucher #9 fer Scr.:tenber in tbe aJ:lOlint of ~27, Or:1. 40" Ar;,d the Orono IJol5.ce VillaGe Voucher j'f9 for 3e~'te.mber in the ar::.ount. 01;""' ~2, 739" 32 '" Carr~ied.. Rp~ollJtioD No. 1~6:}~ved by R. G. Chater, sdconded by ~oo Roo Carveth.. This Council hereb:/ procJ.air:ls, October ::3-14 a.S Firt:: Frdvent.ion VJe~k. in the TO"w'11Ship of Clarke a Carried.. ,~P'--~.o 11Jt. i o"n IJo. 1 ~r; :1.love;l by 'iJ.. I~,", Carveth, seconded by H... G.. Chater. This Council ner(:;by ,ry,'.1thorize:s ~he Reeve and the Clerk to siGn the deeds regardi.ng road closip~ by-J.8w' #1654.. Carried.. Fage 3. Regular Council ~~eting of October 3, 1972, cont'd. ~f.-...~()l )j.t; or, 1";0 1 if;' :I"loved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray. ,"hereas the Council of the Corporation of t.hE:; Township of' Clarke have been served with a noti.c0 of applicatior: for Judicial RevievJ under the cerIT'.s of "The J1JDICIAL ~lliVIE_v' Procedure Act, S. 0.. 1971, Chapter 4<;) f'iled or.. behalf of On.e Jan Ochor..ski of the Township of Clarke and .wJhereas by the terms of such notice an a:pp~araYlce is required before the Divisiorral Court, Un.iversity Avenue for the week cOIT'.xnencing 'fuesday, lOth October 1972 at the hour of 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon. 'and Shereas it is deer.led expedient to ensure that the Township of ClarkE: be adeqt~at-ely e represented at such a hearing: XO~ii- THEREFORE BE IT itESOLVED: 1.. 'l'hc~t Eric :?.ichard Lovekir.:., Barrister E'> Soli ci tor of :~awcastle be authorized to act on behalf of the 1'ownship of Clarke to be their legal representati ve at the referenced hearing and any sub;e;equent adjour!~J".ent thereof and to take whatever lebal. action he deems necessary to protect the TOVYT1Sh:Lp' s positi.on~ 2.. That ~Iorace Best, Buildj.ng Inspector and SecretarJ" of the f'lann ing Board be authorized to atten'.:.i the said hearinb and to tak.e whatever action is necessary under l<,r. Lovekin's directioIJ. by wa~'{ of oral evidence or otherwise to protect. and. clarify the posit.ion of the Township of Clarke in this matter. 3. That Robert Chater, COLL'lcillor, be appointed as spokesnan for Council to attend the said hearinG and under r~. Lovekints direction to [,;.ve oral evidence or do any other l)'~nXU thing necessary to clariI~Y Council t s pos.itior... and protect the legal interest of the Town:;hip of Clarke. 4. E. R. Lovekin Js Lereby specifically authorized to request the attendance of Derek Little or other n:e:r,ber of his staff at his dis- cret:ion. Carried. R~,q()lnt.ion No l~q:l<oved by B. C.. Coppj.ng, seconded by F. A.. Gray.. This Council hereby adjourns to meet a;;ain on October 17, 1972 at 7:30 -. time at the call 0:...... the Reeve. Carried. "7 ~//JV /' 4~ Reeve f -