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Tuesday, September 19, 1972 at 7:30 pm
Council Chambers Orono
Present: Reeve - J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve - W. R. Carveth
Councillors - R. G. Chater
F. A. Gray
E. C. Copping
Clerk-Administrator - B. W. Collins
The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on September 5,
1972 were adopted as printed on motion by Councillor W. R. Carveth and
seconded by Councillor F. A. Gray and carried.
DApllt;ttionR &- Pp-titionR: motion by F. A. Gray and seconded by
R. G. Chater. Carried, that the various delegations be heard.
1. Wayne Jeffries appeared, re: building permit on the old Kasper
Hollen property. E. R. Lovekin was here and is to check into and
register the lots. (also see by-law 1603).
The following correspondence was presented to Council:
1. Letter from J. F. Descent of the Corporation of the Town of Bowman-
ville to Mr. B. W.Collins, Clerk-Administrator. Tabled from last
meeting. Refer to accounts. Carried.
2. Memorandum to the Clerks of the Constituent Municipalities from
K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, United Counties of Northwnberland and Durham.
Tabled from last meeting. Filed. Carried.
3. Salary Survey of Officials and Employees in Municipalities with a
population of under 10,000 from the Association of Municipalities of
Ontario. Refer to Clerk and Road Superintendent. Carried.
3a. The Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society. Moved by W. R.
Carveth and seconded by E. C. Copping to have the Treasurer send $25.00.
4. Carbon Copy of letter sent to Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspector
from l~. E. R. Lovekin, Barrister & Solicitor, re: set back requirements
in the Orono subdivision being constructed by Home Smith. Filed.
5. Minutes of the meeting of Members of the Councils of the Village of
Newcastle and the Townships of Clarke and Darlington held on September
6, 1972. Filed. Carried.
6. Carbon copy of letter from Mr. E. R. Lovekin, to Mr. Calvin M. Crago,
re: road closing under By-Law No. 1654 of the Township of Clarke.
Filed. Carried.
7. Letter from Russell C. Honey, Q.C., M.P., Northumberland & Durham,
re: Wade Propert Y" in the Township of Clarke. Filed. Carried.
$. Letter from Douglas R. Haynes to Mr. B. W. Collins, re: printing
of Voterts List and from Curtis Printing. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
9. Memorandum to Reeves and Clerks in Durham County from A. O. Dal-
rymple, Agricultural Representative, Durham County, re: Meeting on Land
Drainage, Rock Hayen Motel, Peterborough on Tuesday September 19, 1972
at 2:00 p.m. Filed. Carried.
10. Application for amendment to zoning By-Law No. 1592 dated September
1$, 1972 to the Reeve and Council.. Applicant Nick Antoniadis. Refer
to Planning Board. Carried.
11. Petition for Interim Payment under the Public Transportation and
Highway Improvement Act on Expenditures made in the year 1972. Refer
to Resolution. Carried.
12. Letter plus enclosures from Mr. James A. Zener of the Liquor Licence
Board of Ontario to Mr. B. W. Collins, re: holding of a vote on certain
questions und~~ the provisions of the Liquor Licence Act, R.S.O. 1970,
c.250. Copy of Chamber of Connnerce and refer to By-Laws. Carried.
13. MemorandUm to Clerk of the Municipality from I~. H. F. Crown,
Director, ARDA Branch, re: ARDA Special Drainage Assistance on Municipal
Drains. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
14. Photo-static copy of letter from Mr. Derek Little to Mr. H. R. Best,
Secretary, Township of Clarke Planning Board, re: Zoning By-Law #1653,
Interpretation. Filed. Carried.
Page 2. Regular Council Meeting of September 19, 1972, cont'd.
15. Letter to Mr. B.W. Collins, from H. E. Millson, Secretary, Orono
Chamber of Commerce, re: a Resolution passed - "IT was moved by G. Heykoop,
seconded by P. Williams, that the Chamber reque&t the Council of the Town-
ship of Clarke to withhold applications for service stations, restaurants
and motels on Highway 35 & 115 until the Highway Traffic can economically
support such growth of business. Unaminously carried." Filed. Carried.
16. Letter to Mr. B. W. Collins from Mrs. J. M. Browning, Secretary-
Treasurer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, reI notice of
apportionment of levies. Refer to Treasurer. Carried.
17. Letter from the Clerk of the Peace to the Clerk-Administrator, reI ~
number of Jurors both Grand and Petit required for the ensuing year. ~
Filed. Carried.
1$. Carbon copy to Mr. B. W. Collins of letter sent to Mr. D. Tideman,
Ontario Hydro, from Mr. J. R. Houston of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates
Limited, reI Village of Orono, Home Smith Properties Limited Subdivision.
Filed. Carried.
19. Agreement of Purchase and Sale - Jerome Marvin to the Corporation of
the Township of Clarke (Part Lots 31 and 32, Concession $.) Tabled to
October 3, 1972. Carried.
20. A poster design from the Community Planning Association of Canada.
Filed. Carried.
21. Registration Form for the Annual Seminar, Seminar '72, Theme, Trans-
portation & Communications for Industry. Filed. Ca~ried.
22. Ontario Fire COllege Calendar 1973 from the ~linistry of The Solicitor
General. Send to the Fire Department. Ca~ried.
23. The Road Runner from the Guelph Road Schools Progra~e of the Ontario
Good Roads Association. Filed. Carried.
24. Bulletin from Manufacturing Opportunities. Filed. Carried.
25. Opinion Canada Booklet. Filed. Carried.
26. Design for Development, Phase Three compliments of The Honourable
W. Darcy McKeough. Filed. Carried.
27. The Booklet "ASPECTS" compliments of The Honourable Allan Grossman,
Minister of Reve~ue. Filed. Carried.
2$. W. H. Parnell, Assessment Commissioner sent letter to B. W. Collins,
reI preliminary list of electors. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
29. Letter to B. W. Collins from W. H. Parnell, Assessment Commissioner,
reI certificate of 1970 to Clerk to publish in the Orono Weekly Times and
the Canadian Statesman - notice respecting assessment appeals. Carried.
30. Letter reI Orono Park Board and Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge
from Orono Community Memorial Park. Refer to Resolution. Carried.
Ry-T.,.w #1 ?L.l
A by-law for the submission to a vote of certain questions as set
out in subsection (1) of Section 73 and pursuant to Section 24 of the
Liquor Licence Act, R.S.O. 1970, c. 250.
&~D WrlEREAS under Section 73 of the Liquor Licence Act the Council
of a municipality may submit to a vote of the persons qualified to be
entered on the voters' list and to vote a Elections to the Assembly in the
municipality any questions set forth in subsection (1) of Section 73 of
the said Act.
AND WHEREAS the Council deems it expedient and desirable to sub-
mit to a vote of the persons qualified to vote thereon aforesaid, the
following questions:
Are you in favour of the establishment of Government stores for the
sale of liquor?
Are you in favour of the establishment of Government stores for the
sale of beer only for residence consumption?
Are you in favour of the authorization of 'Ontario wine stores for
the sale of Ontario wine only for residence consumption?
Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house
licence for consumption on licensed premises to which women are admitted?
Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house
licence for consumption on licensed premises to which men only are
Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house
licence for consumption on licensed premises to which both men and
women may be admitted whether singly or escorted?
Are you in favour of the sale of beer and wine only under a dining
room licence for consumption on licensed premises with food available?
Page 3. Regular Council Meeting of September 19, 1972, cont'd.
AND WHEREAS the Council having requested the Board to fix
a day for the taking of a vote on the questions the Board has fixed
Monday the 4th day of December, 1972.
AND WHEREAS it is necessary to provide by by-law for the
submission of the questions to the persons qualified to vote thereon
and for the taking of their votes thereon.
THEREFORE, the Corporation of the Township of clarke, in the
County of Northumberland and Durham, enacts as follows:
1. Under the Liquor Licence Act there is hereby submitted
to a vote of the perSOIlS qualified to be entered OIl the voters' list
and to vote at Elections to the Assembly in the municipality, the
follOWing questions:
Are you in favour of the establishment of Government stores for
the sale of liquor?
Are you in favour of the establishment of Government stores for
the sale of beer only for residence consumption?
Are you in favour of the authorization of Ontario wine stores
for the sale of Ontario wine only for residence consumption?
Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house
licence for consumption on licensed premises to which women are
Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house
licence for consumption on licensed premises to which men only are
Are you in favour of the sale of beer only under a public house
licence for consumption on licensed premises to which both men and
women may be admitted whether Singly or escorted?
Are you in favour of the sale of beer and wine only under a
di.ning room licence for consumption on licensed premises with food
2. The vote shall be taken on Monday the 4th day of
December, 1972, as directed by the Liquor Board of Ontario and in
accordance with the provisions of the Liquor Licence Act.
3. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon
the day of final passing thereof.
FINALLY PASSED this 19th day of September, 1972.
R",,,olutlon No. l"ll: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by W. R.
This Council hereby authorizes the Reeve and Clerk to sign the
petition for interim payment under the Public Transportation and High-
way Improvement Act on Expenditures made in the year 1972. Carried.
RA"olution No. 1"l2: Moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by Robert G. Chater.
This Council hereby authorizes the final reading of By-Law #1741.
(This is a by-law respecting the liquor vote). Carried.
R",,,,,lllt.ion !{o. l"l"l: Moved E. C. Copping, seconded by Robert G. Chater.
Resolve that the Orono Community Memorial Park be informed that
the Municipal Council of the Township of Clarke are prepared to
execute an option to sell lands now being part of the present park, if
the proposed purchaser is a charitable non-profit organization approved
by the Provincial and Federal Governments whose use of park land will
be compatible with the existing park. The price to be negotiated
when location and acreage and proposed use becomes known. Carried.
RA"olution No. l"l~: Moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by E. C. Copping.
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on October 3, 1972 at
10:00 a.m. or at ano~er time at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
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