HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/1972 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, August 15, 1972 at 7:30 p. m. Council Chambers Orono Present: Reeve: -, W. Stone v . Deputy Reeve: W. R. Carveth Councillors: R. G. Chatel' F. A. Gray Clerk-Administrator: E. C. Copping B. "'f. Collins e The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on August 1, 1972 wer'e adopted as printed on a motion by Councillor F. A. Gray and seconded by Councillor R. G. Chatel' and carried. njQoopl~t;'lt,-ion~ J;lnn Petit1on~:1-1otion by R. G. Chater and seconded by EOl C.. Copping that the various delegations be heard. 1. ~~. J. D. Parker ob~ecting to leaving the road open, re: road closing. V.r. ~l'illiams (Twin Oaks) objecting to the 3rd reading of By-Law #1738, re:, N. Dyrtw rezoning. V.r. N. Dyr6w appeared on behalf of By-Law #1730. V.r. K. Lyall ob~ected strongly to the road closing By-Law #1740 on behalf of the 130 or so names on the petitions submitted previously. 2. ., .-, 4.. Correspondence tabled from last meeting: 1. Letter from MuniCipal Planning Consultants, re: Design for Develop- ment , Phase III, Toronto-Centred Region. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 2. Agreement of Purchase and Sale from W. Frank Real Estate Limited. Tabled. The following correspondence was presented to Council: 1. Job Vacancy Survey from Regional Director of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Refer to Clerk. Carried. la. Memo to Reeve & ~~mbers of Council from B.W. Collins, re;Insurance. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 2. Letter of July 31, 1972 from Erian Caswell, re:his bill OI $132.00. Refer to Treasurer. Carried. 3. Letter from Barbara A. Merson, Adlr.inistrator for Township of Hope, re:S. half Lot 1, Concession 3, Twp. of Clarke and S. half Lot 35, Concession 4, Twp. of Hope. Filed. Carried. 4. Copy of a letter to the attention of lViI'. R. G. Crawford, Associate Engineer for Duncan Hopper G' Associates Limited, re :Police Village of Orono Water System, Becas Developments Limited Subdivision. Copy to Police Trustees and ]\[1'. Eberlee of Tottem & Sims. Carried. 5. Letter to B. W. Collins from Home Smith Properties Limited, relEame Smith Subdivision. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 6. Notice to Creditors of First V;eeting from Berna.rd L. Yale, C.A., Trustee of Yale & Partners, Chartered Accountants. Refer to Treasurer. Carried. 7. Copy of letter sent to ViI'. Donald Harem, Secretary, Orono Cemetery Board from ~~. R. MUlder, re;Providing South Entrance to ~ome Smith Subdivision. Filed. Carried. b. Letter of August 3rd, 1972 from Mr. Lorne Solomon, re:tombstone of Richard H. Solorr~n which was found in the old cemetery. Refer to Clerk and send address and copy to the Cemetery Board. Carried. 9. A Calendar Guide to Municipal Elections, Bill 201 (An Act to Amend the Municipal Act), Bill 77 (An Act Representing Municipal Elections) sent to Clerks and Clerk-Treasurers of Local Municipalities from A. T. Butler, Director, Advisory Services Branch, Municipal Services _ Division. Refer to Clerk. Carried. ,., 10. Letter from J. M. Browning (Mrs.), Secretary-Treasurer of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, re:levy chargeable to the Municipality. Refer to Treasurer. Carried. e -. Page 2. Regular Council Meeting of August 15, 1972, contld. 11. Letter from J. M. Browning (Mrs.), Secretary-Treasuer of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, re:Notice of Apportion- ment of Levies. Refer to Treasurer. Carried. 12. Copy of memo to M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent from B. W. Collins, re:Bill from Les Coonilies, Weed Inspector in regard to memo to him from Mr. McOuat, re:Scouts clean up. Refer copy to Reeve, J. W. Stone. Carried. 13. Letter to Reeve and Council from D. J. Atkinson, re:Marvin Sale to Patte, Part Lot 32, Concession 7 in the Township of Clarke. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 14. Letter from W. H. Parnell, Regional Assessment Commissioner of Northumberland & Durham Assessment Office, re :meeting of l'lunicipal Clerks at the Greenwood Tower Motel in Port nope on Friday, August 25th. Refer to Clerk. Clerk and Treasurer to attend. Carried. 15. Copy of letter to 1'1. L. Ross from R. E. Sims, p. Eng., of Tottem &. Sims Hubicki Associates Limited, re :Police Village of Orono - Drainage and Street Improvement - Station Street and area. Filed. Carried. 16. Letter from j';rs. M. Fraser, Supervisor-Capital Expenditures of the Ontario gunicipal Board, re:Financial Information. Refer tc.> Treasurer. Carried. 17. Letter from W. H. Parnell, Regional Assessment Co~~issioner of Northumber1and G. Durham Assessment Office, re :mailing of Assess- ment Notices. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 16. Letter from Hill and Friend, re:cost of dividing fences, (how? cost should be apportioned, etc.). Refer to Clerk. Carried. 19. Notice of Public Hearing of Application for Consent (Committee of Adjustment) of Charles LambieI', Mike Antoniadis and Nick Antonia- dis, Mrs. Eleonore Adams, Gerrite and Dieuwke Rekker and Alan J. Duesbury and Grace V. Duesbury. Filed. Carried. 20. Minutes of ~~eting of Comnlittee of Adjustment. Filed. Carried. 20a.lnvoice No. M-13629 from the Ministry of the Environment, 1'03: Quarterly Financing and Operating Charges payable for the 3rd Quarter of 1972. Refer to Treasurer. Carried. 21. Fire l~rshals Quarterly News. Filed. Carried. 22. 1971 Bulletin Index from Manufacturing Opportunities. Filed. Carried. 23. Bulletin No. 122 - Inventors and Inventions from ~~nufacturing Opportunities. Filed. Carried. 24. Ontario Industrial Review 1971, Booklet. Filed. Carried. 25. AMO 1971 Salary Survey for l.lunicipalities under 10,000. Filed. Carried. 26. Ontario Traffic Booklet of the Ontario Traffic Conference. Filed. Carried. 27. Henderson Recreation Equipment Limited Book. Send to Park Board. Carried. 2e. Mr. Carveth questioned the opening of another mail box for the Committee of Adjustment. why? It was explained by the Clerk and Reeve, J. W. Stone to the satisfaction of Council. Ry-L:'Iw Uo. 1718 WHEREAS the Hunicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke deems it advisable to amend By-Law No. 1653 as amended. NOill THEREFORE the ~"unicipal Counci.l of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That j.~p 2 of Schedule "A" of By-Law Ho. 1653 be amended by changing to "H.C." the 2;one symbol of the lands so designated on Schedule "X"<hereto attached. 2. This By-Law shall become effective on the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. Bv-L::tw No. 1 ?~q A By-Law to authorize the disposal of certain lands to one Allin Hall. WHEREAS this Corporation was on an prior to the 17th day of November, 1949 seized and possessed of the lands mentioned in the schedule hereto appended; Page 3. Regular Council l~eting of August 15, 1972, contld. AND WHEREAS said lands were on the 11th and 17th days of November, 1949 no longer required for the purposes of this Corporation; AND iillEREAS said lands have subsequently renmined no longer required for the purposes of the Corporation and at the c.ate of this enactment remain no longer required for the purposes of this Corporation; AND WEtEREAS on the 11th day of November, 1949 this Corporation executed a Grant of all or part of said lands to one Allin Hall which Grant was registered on the 17th day of November, 1949 in the Registry Divisi~n of Durham as Number 15039; AND WHEREAS by virtue of section 336 (1) of The Mllni"ill"l Act _ R.S.O. 1970, c. 289, this Corporation is empowered to dispose of those ,.;, lands and similar provisions would have authorized similar action in the year 1949; AND WHEREAS it is not known whether a By-Law of this Corporation was enacted authorizing said Grant; AND WtlEREAS this Corporation :ts desirous of removing any cloud on the title of the present O'lo.'Iler of said lands that may have arisen or may hereafter arise as a result of any failure of the Council of this Corpor- ation to enact a By-Law authorizir~ said Grant or of any loss or destruc- tion of the record of such By-Law: BE IT ENACTED as By-Law Number 1739 of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke as follows: ~. That the lands mentioned in the schedule hereto appended and any part thereof were, on the 11th and 17th days of November, 1949, no longer required for the purposes of this Corpor'ation, and have subsequently remain- ed no longer required for the purposes of this Corporation, and at. the date of this enactment remain no longer required for the purposes of this Corporation. 2. That the Grant of all or part of said lands from this Corporation to one Allin Hall executed on the 11th day of l;ovember, 1949 and registered on the 17th day of November, 1949 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of. Durham as Number 15039 is hereby authori3ed. Ry-T..elwNo.l?hO Being a By-Law to close certain read allowances and certain parts of road allowances in the TO~'Ilship of Clarke. 1. The unopened road allowance between Lots cession of the Township of Clarke, County of southerly limit of the said Sixth Concession thereof. 2. The unopened road allowance between Lots 30 and 31 Concession of the T~~Lship of Clarke, County of Durham, the southerly limit of the said Ninth Concession to the thereof. 3. That portion of th,~ Road Allowa11ce between Concession 7 and [;, in the Township of Clarke, County of Durh~~ from the westerly limit of Lot 35, Concession 7 easterly for a distance of Pour Hundred and Thirteen feet (413') more or less on the northerly limit of Lot 35, Concession 7 and a distan,ze of Three liun,:ired and Seventy-Seven and ,Hn,~teen one- hundredths feet, (337.19') from the westerly limit of Lot 35, Concession 2 0:1 the southerly limit of the said Lot 35, Concession C. 4. The unopened road allowaIlce between Lot 18 and 19 in the Eighth Con- cession of t,he Township of Clarke, County of Durha:n, extending from the sotherly limit of the said Eighth Concession to the northerly limit thereof. 10 and 11 in the sixth Durham, extending from to the northerly limit Con- the in tn.; Ninth extending froni northerly limit The following Resolutions were passed: Resolution No 116:J.1oved by R. G.. Chater,seconded by E.. C. Copping; This Council hereby authorizes the 3rd and final reading of By-Law # 1732. Carried. "RAQnlllt..;on No 117:1\{ovedbyF. A.. Gray,seco.ndedby R. G.. Chater; This Council hereby authorizes the 1st and 2nd reading of By-Law # 1739. Carried. .' RA~()11ltl()n No 116:1-1ovedbyVi.. R. Carveth, secondedbyR. G. Chater; Tnis Council hereby authorizes the 3rd and final reading of By-Law if 1739. Carried. Page 4. Regular Council Heeting of Aug1lst 15, 1972, cont'd. RA~olution ~o. llq:Moved by E. C. Copping,seconded by F. A~ Gray; This Council hereby authorizes the 1st and 2nd reading of By-Law #1740. Carried. Rp-~o11lt>ion No. :120:l.ioved by F~ A.. Gray,seconded by W.. R. Carveth; This Council hereby authorizes the 3rd and final reading of By-Law #1740. Carried. e Rp-~ol1Jt.ion No. 121:Hov~d by W.. R.. Carveth,seconded by R. G.. Chater; That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke certify that By-Law No. 1729 is in conformity with the Draft Official Plan which is being proposed and considered but not approved at the time of passin~ of same. Carried. RARolution lJ06 122:f'..roved by E. e" Copping,seconded by F,,'A. Gray; That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke certify that By-Law No. 1730 is in conformity with the Draft Official Plan which is being proposed and considered but not approved at the time of passing of same. Carried. R<>"".,llltion llfo. 12'l:l<1oved by F. A. Gray,seconded by E. C. Copping; That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke certify that By-Law No. 1734 is in conformity with the Draft Official Plan which is being proposed and considered but not approved at the time, of passing of same. Carried. R"""nllltiou No. 12h:Noved by W. R, Carveth,seconded by R, G. Chatel'; Be it hereby resolved that the Road Superintendent be authori~ed by the Council to build a temporary road and bridge on the road allow- ance between Lots 16 and 1'1 in Concession 7 in the Township of Clarke. From the County road north to an entrance into :~, John White's property. The entrance is approximately 300 feet north of' the creek, The said road to be built is of a temporary nature and for summer use only and will not be built such as to be 'subject to snow plowin~ in the winter, Carried. RAF::clution No. 12'):Moved b:{ E. C. Copping, seconded b:{ F.. A. Gray; This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on September 5, 19'12 at 10:00 a,m, or at another time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. ji(" .l~ .. , Q , ...~' , I .... ,",... l (5 4-'4- Clerk-AdrrdTr:lstrator ....-)..-! .~. 1];:- ~- or. J', _' ii Reeve ~:~EG-:Jl..Ai~::" ;~EET:'=~:G OF T~iE C0U~;C~.L 0F :i'EB TO,L:SEIF OF CJ...A~C~E Tuesday, S,~~t,eL~~;8:;:' j, :")72 at :~G :00 ,~.. Li.. Coull-eil Chal:.be;c;:, vrOllC fre;;cllt: Reeve - Z. ii.. St0~~ Deputy ~8eve - ~.. l~. Carv~th Councillor~ - ~.. G. :hater F ~ A. S-~"ay .co.. '-"... (.;C }-,pj_lJ;; Clerk-A~~inj_strator L;... ~~- .. -..... .-j""" -': ",- ......G...l....l...:..L,;) e The m~nute5 or R8~~lar Council ~Jeeti~b ;1e~Q O~ AUL~3t ..., , lS72 '\."lel~,,) a(,.L0~teci as f'r~~_nt8u GU r:-.:.ot~:,vn by C()'~~:1C.:i.........-L(jr .~.. G. Cr....a-tc.n.'" ana secoGded b~r COll.n_cillo!' E. C. CQf:pinC and ;;ilrl':;'3G ~ lJe;::utati.ons c.> .f\:.~t.; tl,(.>ns: ~'~loticn by F ..A.. Gra~,; a.nJ S0CG1ICle-.i by' , C::J ,-. 'v', 'q' . 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