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Page 4. Reg~lar Council ~~eting of July 4, 1972, cont1d.
Whereas the Corporation of the Township of Clarke after perusipg
Financial and Perfprmance Bonds tendered by the proposed as~ignee and
after hearing oral presentations and inspecting homes in various parts
of Ontario constructed by the proposed assignees of Becas Develo~ents
Limited are prepared to agree to the assignment of the benefits and
liabilities contained in the agreement authorized under the terms and
conditions set out in By-Law Number 1655 and
1~ereas the necessary engineering specifications and final plan for ~
registration have now been completed. ~
1. The Clerk and/or Deputl or Acting Clerk and Reeve are hereby
authorized to execute any and all documents to approve the substitution
of Home Smith Properties Limited for Becas Developments Limited in the
subdivision agreement authorized by virtue of By-Law 1615 and this
The following Resolution was passed:
R",.oll1tion No. lOti: ~1oved by vi. R. Carveth, seconded by R~ G. Chater.
T~is Council hereby adjourns to meet again on July 15, 1972 at
7:30 p.m~~,;~i~~her time at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
".~" Q~~
Deputy Clerk Re~
of the To\~ship of Clarke
Tuesday, 'July 1&, 1972 at 7:30 p.
Council Chaniliers Orono
Deputy Reeve:
Clerk-Administrator :'
:J. n. Stone
Ii. R. Carveth
F. A. Gray
E. C. Copping
R. G. Chater'
B. W. Collins
The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on July 4, 1972 were
adopted as printed on a motion by .Councillor R. G. Chater and seconded by
Councillor W. R. Carveth and carried.
nP.pllt..::eti ons ~nd Pp-titions: motion b:y, R. G. Chatar and seconded .by ,E.. C.
Copping that the various delegations be heard. Carried.
1. J. Stutt, reI report of hospital board also c~nc;rning Bill #167.
2. John Ochonski, reI watercourse property - Newcastle. To bring in an
approval from the Department of Health for a septic tank.
The following correspondence was tabled from the last meeting of Council:
1. ~linistry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernr.~ntal Affairs - 1972
average mill rate. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
2. Kilborn engineering limited - This one was not tabled; it was filed
but Hr. Cave of Kil~?rn phoned me and wanted to know CounCil's
Page 2. Regular Council J1eeting of July 18, 1972, conttd.
H. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, appeared before Council at 8:30 P.I-!.
also ]/lr. Roy Fost~r, re: Purchasing of J. Harvin Farms Gravel Pit.
(111.011 acres as per survey report). Alllortize over 5 years.
The following correspondence was,pr~sented to Council.
1. Fro!:'! H. De,'/ith to Home Sl:lith )r~perties as dictated by ]'lr. E. R.
Lovekin. Change figure and file. Carried.
Secretary of the Committee of Adjustment. File. Carried.
Ontario Development Corporation, Filed. Carried.
Moody's Investors Service, Inc. Filed. Carried.
Ministry of the Environment to E. R. Woodyard. Filed. Carried.
Assessment Department, Cobourg - Canine count sheet. Refer to Tax
1. ? Letter of Authorization. Refer to Clerl< to telrR. Spencer to
send something we can read. Carried.
o. l'~eting of the Comrr.ittee of Adjustment. Fileq. Carried.
9. W. E. Rundle - County Planning meeting. Filed. Carried.
10. ].lunicipal Planning Consultants Co. Ltd. -to Mr. E. R. I,ovekin
Chairman of Corrunittee of Adjustment. Filed. Carried.,
11. Officer of the Registrar General - Registration of Birth. Refer to
Clerl<. Carried.
12. N. C. Carney - To M. D. Brown - Pt. Lt.
13. N. C. Carney -To M. D. Brown - Lt 33,
14. Hanson & Edgar Ltd. Printers - Voter's
Clerk. Carried.
15. 11inistry of Transportation and Corrununications - 1972 Supplementary
Subsidy Allocation. Filed. Carried.
16. Canadian Transport Commission. Copy to M. L. Ross and File. Carried.
17. The Treasurer of Ontario. Filed. Carried.
18. Township of Hope - Petition to the Premier of Ontario. Table until
next meeting. Clerk to ask for more information.
19. Ontario Municipal Board. Filed. Carried.
20. Registered Letter returned - Sent to R. Wood - Fenceviewers award.
Refer to Fenceviewers. Carried.
21. Cooks Office Equipment - Tabled and get quotations and present at
next Council meeting. Carried.
By-Law #1733 - Road Closing. Refer to Road & Bridge Corr~ittee. Carried.
22. ;'lr. H. DeWith, Treasurer - To ]11'. T. Woodyard, Trustee, Police
Village of Orono - Overexpenditure for 1972. Filed. Carried.
23. Hinistry of Treasury., Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs. Filed.
24. Hr. Fran Rickard. Refer to Building Inspector. Carried.
iZ5., Russell C. Honey Q.C. H.P. -, Northumberland-Durham. Filed. Carried.
26. Ontario Department of Labour. Clerl< to ask for additional copies.
Apportionment of Assessment. Refer to Clerl<. Carried.
Clarke Planning Board. Reply to K. Entwistle, Official Plan. Refer
to Clerk. Carried.
29, Con V. Filed. Carried.
Con. V. Filed. Carried.
List Information. Refer to
RA"ollltion #106: moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by R. G. Chatel'.
That 1.1. L. Ross, Roads Superintendent, Roads & Bridge Con'.I:littee, Reeve
and Roy Foster meet with llr. J. Harvin, re: purchase of farm. To
meet at 9:00 A.I.I., July 20, 1972. Carried.
Il",ml"t.ion #107: moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by R. G. Chater:
This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on August 1st at 10:00
A.M. or at another t' at the call of the Reeve. Carried.'
,., -