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Tuesday July 4, 1972 at 10:00 A"H.
Council ChaJTibers Orono
Deputy Reeve:
ueputy Cler;u
':;1. StO:l<~
~~'l. R.. Carveth
F. A. Gray
R. G. Chater
E. C.. COIJpinc:
Ii.. De'ilith.
E.. R.. :Lovekin,
The minutes of thc'3 ReGular Council [,leetins held on June 20,
1972 at 7:]0 ?"I,-~. were adopted as j;.rinted, subject. to:
Upon perusal of t,he ninut-es of Council 1:1eeting under- date of
June 6, lS72, June 20, 1972, fe''',eve J. ',.'. Stone and Cou:lcillor ll. G. Chater
noted that 3y-Law ;'0. 1732, 1734 and. 1735 were not included in tlv; typed
ITiinutes but rather photostat copies were attached thereto. Reeve
J .". Stone and Councillor lL G. Chater instructed Deputy Clerk, H. De-
With, to inform Clerk - Administrator, L. .f;. Collins, that tlB minutes
of June G and ,j'un3 20, 1972 are to be re-tYIJed to include in th~ body of
the said minutes the By-Laws in their entirety and in future the ninut-es
of Council meetings are to be prepared as heretofore in, that all By-
Laws, Resolutions, and revelent matters nlust be included in the typed
minutes in the order presented. .Reference should also be made to the
minutes of the Cor~1.:nittee of Adjustment and tll.e PlanninG Board.
It was also noted that in the minutes of Council neetim:s under
the dates of Hay 16, June 6, June 13, June 20, 1972, the Clerk-Admin-
istrator has made reference to "Clerk's reCOIYL7lendationtf regarding matters
before Council. Council ,..,ish any decisions made .in !natters before them,
be annotated IICouncil' s reCODlly,endationll and instructed the Deputy Clerk
E. Devlith to inf"orm Clerk-Administrator, B. ~l. Collins, accordingly on
motion by E. .C. Copping, seconded by R. G. Chatel' and carried.
The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve;
>li.nutes. of Cori1!Tlittee of Adjustment. dated June 21, Jurl8 27, 1972.
Letter frOm W. Darcy l-IcKeoUbh, re; ProIJerty Tax Credit Plan. Counci.l
recommendation.. Approve of paraphlet and to request 2,000 lor home
owners in the township of Clarke and/or advertise in tne newspaper.
;'lail out to Taxpayers under 65 years. Refer to Clerk.
3. Hemorandwll to all Division ReGistrars from H. F.. Humphr:i.e 3.. Refer to
Clerk. Filed.
.4. Copy of letter to .,'Im. Bunting, Superintendent, Provincial Forest
Station, re: Township of' Clarke, Vlilmot Creek Viater Quality. Filed.
5. Ontario Miniotry of Agriculture and Food Xunicipal Pounds Assistance
Program. Refer to Treasurer. Filed.
6. Letter from A. W. Reeve, Director, ].lun:i.cipal Fiscal Development
Branch, To; 1.lunicipal Clerk/Clerk-Treasurer, re; 1972 Tax By-Law.
Clerk has answered this by letter. Tabled.
7. 1971 Annual Report frorr.. the Ontario Department of' 1.1unicipal Affairs..
Filed ..
~. Letter from J. McCullo~;h of the Clerk-Treasurer's Office in Newcastle.
Tabled from last meeting. Filed.
9.. l-.1enornandu..'TI dated .J'unc IS, 1972 from. B. VI.. Collins to the members of
CounCil, re: rental or.... Postage I-.-Ieter.. Clerk's recommendation. Rent
for a five year period.. Council t s decision to ca;1.cell rental agree--
mant-.. Filed.
PaGe 2.. Re;;ular Ccuncj.l :~e2:ti.nb of ~;uly Ib 1972" cont'd.
10.. 1.Ierllorandutl from C.. O. Logan" President of the Association of Ontario
Housing Authorities" r-e: IIoasinL; Con.ference lS'72. Tabled :from last
meet inti:.. Filed.
Lette~"" from ilor!':lc(= R.. Best~ r,::=;
site and land fill deposit site
Application for a waste disposal
(I1Qsport Fark Ltd.). FUed.
12.. Letter from B..~r.. Burke, P. Ene.. of Kilborn Engineering Ltd., re;
Village of l'~ewcastle Pl~cvincial Sewage'dorks Pr'of;rar; Project- ~-:o..
1-004S-66.l Access to Sewa,?:;e Pur.1ping Stati.on.. Filed..
:U. Letter fro::\ 1(. A. Hawthorne, re: Road Superintendent Salary
Increase. Councilts recow~~endation.. Copy of letter to be sent to
i-L. J:..... Ross, ~~oad Superintendent.. Filed..
Letter dated June 22, 1972
Coun.cil's. recommendation..
fron 1dalter H. Pope.j
Refer to Treasurer.
15. :remorandum from Ie.. SY11'lOnS" Clerk-'1'reasurer of' United Coullt.ies of
NOY'thw:1.bcrland and Durhani. to all the Clerks of the _Constituent
1.1unic~palit~Les :Ln the United Counties 01 l--Jorthu."TLberland and Durham.
16.. Letter- frol:'i Alex Carruthers, E. P. P..:; . re ; light ing of intersection
of 115 and 35 at Kirby. Council's recomme~dation. Refer to Clerk.
Co.""" o'f' 'etter s~nt ~o Far"'~ P.....'^~on D ~,'h i!-notlO
1-"".1 ..... _. ~.. l,... ""--4 1._ D,,-.,'~ .1 .I.\... _.... It.......~ ~....' .
17. l'Iemorandum frora E. R.. Lovekin, re; Department of Public Works -
Kendal. Re~inder of statement of account; it was referred to the
Reeve's attention. Council's recon~endation. Tabled..
IE.. Lett'3r from ')lilliam I.lqLeqd From the Ministry of Treasury ~ Economics
0' Intergovernrn.ental Affai.r:s.. Council f s reconlmendation.. . Refer to
Clerk and Treasurer..
19.. Letter f:ron B.. J.. Smith of Recion Conservation Authority, re:
Conservation Authority Levies. Council's reco~1mendation. Aefer to
20. :lan~l:facturing Opportunities, Dul18tin No. 121..
Let ter dateOd ..."Tune 26, 1972 fron the Officc~ of the Rccistra:l"
re: appoipt,ment of' Clerk a$ an Issuer of ~-~arriage Licences..
I'ecoL'1uendation.. Re:'er to Clerk..
22. Letter rroLl D.. Bo:;danovic, re: Fencevic",,"cr's A't,"lard 0:. ~une 21, 1972
- F:1.tze/Bogdanovic ~ Council' s ::~ec:om:G18ndation.. R.eIer a photost.:=tt. ic
copy of each of the fence"vic\'lers: :rr.. Dean, D. Stapleton, A.. Thompson..
23. Letter Iro!r. l(.. D. 3ohtL3ton, r8: The Trench Excavat~o:."s t Protection
Act Transfer of Inspect;ion Responzibilities.. Filed.
Letters froLl .l.... :t.. Best, Secretary-Treasurerj Clarke PlanrU.ng' Board
and frot:1 Ken ~\Iilson to :.:r ~ G. I<astrodicasa, re: rart Lo-: 24, Coz:-.
cession ? ~ Council f s recon1.i;~3nG.ation.. P..eler to Flann.'Lnt:; Board..
25~ L8tter f'rort~ ~I.. :z.. Best Planninf; Board, re; letter ane::. t"~~lO petitions
sent to the ?,:unicipal Officf; by r.lr.. Stanley V.. Zuly.. Filed"
26.. Letter frorr~ ll. R.. Best, Flan:2i.ng board, Re:: KaJ~~~ptiL'l.e CorI--o:;:'at:Lo:_~
L:iJ;L~~ted and i-Ia:-veyAtkin. F:~led..
,-., ~')
J.efjort t.o CUL:TIc1.1 .:t"or t}'i.8 Lcr:tli c<f ..;une ~
Inspector.. Filed..
2 fro~r t lJe
.... . - '.
Letter :from E.. ;:.~ l.u-vekin, re:; Roy:;atLilnj.ted ana Vrorlo ~:~eall:v .
" ' F ~... ~ ?,'-:"'. .....C.-nCf'r:"'.~.;Gil t~. Coune'il's recOL1DOno.atio1-1. Tabled.
Lirni..:.ea, -'arI.J .Lo<-.. .....~>, """ .U _...........~ . -', _ > c
::~egu:lal' Co-..;ncil l'leetinG of July 4, 1972, cont td.
29.. 1",'10 letter.s fr(1L~ C.. .sk.il~n8r, re: Gravel Pit. Council's rC):C0r;InleUa-
ation.. ?"efer to Clerk an.d ~lo3.d Superintendent..
l,~.. L.. ~{oss, Road Super'iDtchdent. appeared at the Council meeting to
fJrosent Road Departr:~ent matters.
Letter rroI:~ E.. Yon Ketelhodt, re: n.aLJlut Lot. 10, Concession
Council' s recor~l!Tlenclation.. Rei'er to Road. Superi.ntendellt..
The following Resoll1.tior~. was yassed:
::<"p.sol uti on J,jo. 1 Oh: l'.-~oveu by F ..Ii... Gray, s8condea. DY E.. C .. Copping;..
;(esol ve that the loll owing Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the Signins Officers of this Council" General
Voucher .d5 for June 1<372 in the aIi'iOuLt of ;y,;162, ..76. Road VOl.i,cher 1{~5
for ~Tune 1972 in. the amount of ";'46,d02..5b. Orono I:olice Village
Voucher #5 for June 1972 in the a.1JlOULt of' w2,116.69.. CarrJecl..
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by E. C. CoppinG that
deleGations be heard.
r'~ssrs. Robert Uuluer 2lnu Eric Vincent, fr(H::;. ilomB Smith froiJerties
LiJ:lited, ,Toronto attended tliis rneetinG l'lE'carding a proposed. dcvelopl~lent
on parts of' Lots 27 and 2L, Concession 5 beinfC approximately 34.0$
acres.., I.1essrs" I..~ulder' and Vincent presented the followin6 naterial to the
members of Council:
(a) A plan oJ' subdivision as prer;areci by ~<I. lJ" Drown, O.L.S. 1106
DO\'"l;'!:4allvi11e under date of J"UIiO 25, lS70, Job [,5003-13.
(b) Canadian General Insurance Group Subdiv'ision Bond in the
amount or ;;265,4t-5.20, Policy liumber IGC2C;C:_ siGned by "F. S. Fisher",
Attorney-in-Fact with ComFany seal at"Gc'ched thereto..
(c) Reed Shaw Osler Li~niteu., Ins.u'rance Brokers certificate 0::''''
Insurance Policy :~umber cover note 1G31 l~ from December 1, 1971 tc
December 1, 1972 in t.h.e anc.'unt or ~~l, 000, Geo.. 00..
(d) Cheque Humber 29,~>)issued or~ the Toronto-lJOTtLinion Bank, 1 .iCing
Street C Yont;e Street, Torcnto, Home Slaith Froperties Limited under date
of JU1;l 4, 1972 in an ,31;10lUit of ~14, 52':; ~ 00 '" Re: Capital Contribution
- re Orono Water SysteD..
Following Counci.l'::. consideration of the above mentioned material
Deput;)T Clerk-Treasurer, II.. De ','lit}".;, then ~resented two unpaid accounts
of: l'~unicipal Plannins Consultants Con:pany Limited .in the aJ!lount of
;;149" 73 and Totten Siras Hubicki Association Lirnited in the aII10unt of
~422..45, which the representati.ves of .dome SLcdth Froperties Lili.L.:.ted
verbally agreed '~ouldbepaici by ther.l.
The :following By-Lavl was given first and second reading on motion
by iL R.. Carveth and Z.. C. Copping..
The fo.llowing By-Law \'laS given third readinG on motion by
F.. A.. Gray and R. G.. Chater..
nv-LrlW i~llmbp.p 1 7~6
liiherea:3 by the terms and conditions set o;.:t in DY-LA~-'i NUU,BER 1655
dated 15 iJ,ece;L,Jer 1969 the Corporation of the TQ\'lnshilJ of' Clarke entered
into cert.ain definite arrancer:lents witrL Becas Developments Limited, a
body corporateu.nder the laws of the Province of Ontario having j"tG
head office in the City of Toronto, in ret;ard to the proposed ue\C: lop-
ment of certain lands beinG approximat.ely 3}+..O::..; acres and being coynpo-sed
of parts of Lots twenty--seven (27) and twent.y-eight) (Z[.) in the fifth
concession of the saiciJ.'owns11ip the 3aiq property being fully Clescr'ibau
in Schedule B or the said By-Law in a l~gal description prepar3-d by
1,1,,, D. Drown and dated 2 l-1a.j~ 196:3" and
.~'M'hereaG Becas Developr:lents Lir:lited have advised the 'l'ownship< that
1:ney have legally contracted to aS3ibr~ all their right, title and interest
in the said Agreement concluded under the authority of and evidenced ,by
the said By-La\\I'" _.i'~u11lber loSS to I-IoL~e Smith Properties l.imited, a body
cor,porate under the Laws of" the FrcvincG of Ontario ~\I'lI~ith tl:eir office at
35 Old Hill Road in the City of ~.letrcpolitan Toronto and
Page 4. Reg~lar Council ~~eting of July 4, 1972, cont1d.
Whereas the Corporation of the Township of Clarke after perusipg
Financial and Perfprmance Bonds tendered by the proposed as~ignee and
after hearing oral presentations and inspecting homes in various parts
of Ontario constructed by the proposed assignees of Becas Develo~ents
Limited are prepared to agree to the assignment of the benefits and
liabilities contained in the agreement authorized under the terms and
conditions set out in By-Law Number 1655 and
1~ereas the necessary engineering specifications and final plan for ~
registration have now been completed. ~
1. The Clerk and/or Deputl or Acting Clerk and Reeve are hereby
authorized to execute any and all documents to approve the substitution
of Home Smith Properties Limited for Becas Developments Limited in the
subdivision agreement authorized by virtue of By-Law 1615 and this
The following Resolution was passed:
R",.oll1tion No. lOti: ~1oved by vi. R. Carveth, seconded by R~ G. Chater.
T~is Council hereby adjourns to meet again on July 15, 1972 at
7:30 p.m~~,;~i~~her time at the call of the Reeve. Carried.
".~" Q~~
Deputy Clerk Re~
of the To\~ship of Clarke
Tuesday, 'July 1&, 1972 at 7:30 p.
Council Chaniliers Orono
Deputy Reeve:
Clerk-Administrator :'
:J. n. Stone
Ii. R. Carveth
F. A. Gray
E. C. Copping
R. G. Chater'
B. W. Collins
The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on July 4, 1972 were
adopted as printed on a motion by .Councillor R. G. Chater and seconded by
Councillor W. R. Carveth and carried.
nP.pllt..::eti ons ~nd Pp-titions: motion b:y, R. G. Chatar and seconded .by ,E.. C.
Copping that the various delegations be heard. Carried.
1. J. Stutt, reI report of hospital board also c~nc;rning Bill #167.
2. John Ochonski, reI watercourse property - Newcastle. To bring in an
approval from the Department of Health for a septic tank.
The following correspondence was tabled from the last meeting of Council:
1. ~linistry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernr.~ntal Affairs - 1972
average mill rate. Refer to Clerk. Carried.
2. Kilborn engineering limited - This one was not tabled; it was filed
but Hr. Cave of Kil~?rn phoned me and wanted to know CounCil's