HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/20/1972 ,.. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWHSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday June ~O, 1972 at 7:30 P. M. Council Chambers Orono Present: Deputy Reeve: W. R. Carveth Councillors: F. A. Gray E. C. Copping R. G. Chatel' Clerk - Administrator: B. W. Collins, A.M.C.T. RMwl11tion No. 100. l-1oved by E. C. Copping, seconded by F. A. Gray. This Council hereby authorizes the Deputy Reeve to act as Chairman in place of the Reeve. Carried. e The minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on June 6, 1972 were adopted as printed on motion by Councillor E. C. Copping and seconded by F. A. Gray and carried. The minutes of the Special Council meeting held on June 13, 1972 were adopted as printed on motion by Councillor F. A. Gray and seconded by E. C. Copping and carried. Dp.nut~t;ons ::.nd Pp-t:itionR: Motion by E.. C. Copping and seconded by Councillor F. A. Gray that the various delegations be heard. 1. Alton & Valerie Smith, reI amending By-Law 1734. The following correspondence was presented to Council. 1. Letter of June 16, 1972 from Ontario Good Roads Association, B. J. HcCaf'fery, re: Road School Human Relations Course. Refer to Road Superintendent. Carried. 2. Letter to the Clerks of all Municipalities in Ontario from J. ~~Nair, P. Engineer. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. Carried. 3. Letter of June 16, 1972 from ~~s. Committee of Adjustments, reI Cowanville intendent and Road and Bridge Committee. E. M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, School. Refer to Road Super- Carried. 4. Letter from J. W. Patrick.JGhnston, reI Haemmerle purchase from Clysdale. Clerk's recommendation. Refer to Zoning Administrator for his comments. Carried. 5. Letter from Kenneth W. Johnson, Archivist, Trent University. Clerk's recommendation. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 6. Letter from D. J. Barber, reI George Stephenson, Planning Board Application #71-16 Rs Amending By-Law #1730. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 7. Letter of June 8, 1972 from Clerk-Treasurer's Office in Newcastle. Referred from previous meeting. Table to July 4, 1972 Council meeting. Carried. 0. Application for amendment to Zoning By-Law No. .1592. Refer to Planning Board. Carried. 9. Letter from L. Gravel Pit Operation. Carried. G. Bryck, Water & Well Management Section, reI Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. 10. Hemorandum from Clerk - Administrator. Refer to Resolution. ~ Carried. _ 11. Memorandum from Clerk - Administrator. Refer to next meeting of Council, July 4, 1972. Carried. 12. Copy of letter to Er. Jan Ochonski, reI Lot 33, Con. 5. Clerk's recommendation. Refer to Planning Board. Carried. Page 2. Regular Council Meeting of June 20, 1972, cont'd. 13. Copy of letter to Duncan Hopper (, Associates Limited, re: Pt. Lot .18, Con. 5. Refer to Planning Board. Carried. 14. . Memorandum to Municipal Clerks & Clerk-Treasurers, re:. The Drainage Act, The Tile Drainage Act 1971. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. Carried. e 15. Industrial forms from L. A. Hassell, Industrial Development Branch, Department of Trade and Development. Clerk's recommendation. Refer to Clerk. Carried. 16. Memorandum from the Association of Ontario housing Authorities, re: Housing Conference 1972. Table for next meeting. Carried. 17. Copies of the Tou:r - Home Smith Properties Limited Projects. Copies for Council members, members of the Police Trustees and M. L. Ross. Carried. The following resolutions were passed: R~Rolut,ion N"o& 101.. Moved by E. C.. Copping, seconded by R.. G. Chater. This Cow,cil hereby authorizes the Treasurer to increase the Building Inspector's salary by $000.00 per year and that his car mile- age be turned in every month for payment. Carried. RR~()ljJi<ion l'Jo& 102.. l.loved by F.. A. Gray, s,~conded by E.. C.. Copping.. This Coun.::il hereby desi.gnates July 3rd as a legal holiday and that the :.Iunicipal Offices will be closed on this day (in lieu of July 1st which falls on a Saturday). Carried. By-L::Iw No. 1 ?~~ The first and second reading were moved by F. A. Gray, seco:1.ded by R. G. Chater. Being a By-Law to close certain road allowances a:1.d certain parts of road allowances in the Township of Clarke. By-T.;1W No. 17~h The first and R. G. Chater. second reading were moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by Carried. "W"nereas the Municipal Council of t.he Corporation of the township of Clarke deems it advisable to amend By-Law Ho. 1653. The third reading was moved by E. C. Coppir~, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. Whereas the Hlmicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke deems it adVisable to a~end By-Law No~ 1653. By-L::Iw No. l?iS The first and R. G. Chater. second readinc were moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by Carried. A By-Law to appoint a Deputy Clerk for the municipality of the Corp- oration of the Township of Clarke. . The third readinG was moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. A By-Law to appoint a Deputy Clerk for the municipality of the Corp- oration of the Township of Clarke. Page 3, Regular Council ~~eting of June 20, 1972, cont'd. RpRol"tion No. 101, I,loved by R. G. Chater, seconded by This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on July 10:00 A.M. or at another time at the call of the Reeve. E, C. Copping, 4, 1972 at Carried, r( I) 'rtf. !If ;,t,,, . Ii ( c'( - '-' / Re e,Y'e I /1' /"-',~ e Deput~k Dv-Lp.':: ~-~o I '/'1h 'dl-ic;?..EAS t..:10 :L:ni::~ipal Council of t!-l:;; C'Jrporat~LO?l oi' thi:; TOT,',T..S~ip of Cla:"~{(; G{:e~'tS :it au v'::' sabl ':.:; to a-" ~;nll By-Lay.' iIo. le).:;.3 as a":'l-:'~lUCU. :iO"'I1 T:--IE~<...EFOJ.{E t}L~ }lun:I<~:_pal Coun.::::_l C:L" t~:, C02."v6::'atio:l of' 'the T01','nsh:Lp of Cla::'k-::~ E~.JACT.s AS FOLLOWS: 1. That I-.lap 2 oj.' S:.:l-1-:::ciul "A" of By-Le..\-/ nu. IG53 b a :,-,-jnded by ,::~hanC~~l-::'(~ to 03-2 th.: zor>:~ sy ~bol 0:' ":.:l3 lands so ces~<;nat;d or::. S.:.::heUl.-l2.-::; flOS-211 h(':~"'et 0 attach:::d. 2. That S ct:~_on 0":' By-La1:/ :';0. 1653 bt~~ ar;:~ndt~d by add5nc th':::::::~eto th,__:: follo~v]::.r.;,;,~ s"L'"b S(~ ::::ti.D.::1: /' Si'i:CIAL PR.(jV::l,3i'O~'TS (b) Cont~psP,-'O:: ~i. 1.JjJ~__6. U;i:2.. In adui,t~.un tQ t~he P2o~/,:Lsj,ons as :;:"efl>'reu to in. S~'ct:::.on ':;" subsectidn 1 anc. 2 hec'::of, i-he:, larlu':': so ,:;(~,C~ ""1at:")Q' (-"~':'-2 0'1 '--:""hL'''''~'11':::- "QQ-2" 'hc:.'/'1cto atta 'h~'c. s"'a'1 i b v -1.'._ "'<. ..... ~;::,....;.~:;.~ _.' v'-" ~ ......'~ ","_l.,-,- (~ ..... -I.~Cc Co . ~, t " ~..;,.l...J... SL.'.b: ct to th(; follov,c~Lnc ;:,,:oEd~ tieD;;: i.-o pc':,son shall \.}j_th.iE an 05-2 z on,', ,~:~::'"'lect any bL,ilain,::::: or stl"L,J~tUl"C' \\'=-thin the! 'a:,:':~a sno\-\:n. as 1I;:(cst:----':icted 3:;ilcii~lc; Ac"eaff on Schedule TtOS-2" ht:-:~'eto attached. 3. L~'1tS By-Lav.7 snail bl';CO;:~c ei'fe~;t:',--ve on the dat::: hS':.:.....eof' st:.b 'c'2c to ~eceivj,ng ths appro~al of th~; Onta'~io ~unici~al Boa~d. 13"r-L;:J'V' :'TQ,,,-.l.?"3 S ii By-La\': to ap~Joint a DepLi.ty Cle~'"'l,:( :....or th~:: ::,'...:,nj.cipality 0:' t:,~'l.":--, GOL'po:'at.:.:o~J. 0:' L.[E: TO\"Jnsh__i.~ 0:" Cla.x'ke. -:lhe:'eas Sccti-OIl 2=-5 of try> l',hJ.ni.=:ipal Act} ~~.s.o. 1 C[lapter 204, autho"i.Z(;S t~:; C:Ju~L:~;il or a 1'~,L::~Li.;ipalj,t.y 'UO a;rpoint a Deputy Cl::;:,::'1~<, and ',ih.,,:;:,'ea.s th::"s l"i:un::L'::::i~)al Cou~L~~:l ue'::~::-:~:s ~Lt Q s2.::"'abl,::: 'CO a~>p02.nt on.'; P,__''::''SOE to llol~ th2.S o:L'fi~:e, Tl1C~__:"d:!:"o:'e th,') l<:...~ni':::i};jal Cou:r:.c:il cf trlB COT'porat.~.or~ O~. the l'o~i'nsr..~Lp uf' C~a~~~(0 enacts as ~ollQ~s: J... T:lat Iier:~.'J~ Dc\l:Lt:-. b.;:o anci is :L':J"t':'!by ap}Join:,;;d Jr;piJ.ty Cl~?:::'i.'= ='Ol'"' -:',Ll: Cc '~yy.-->at ion o~.' tlL:;' To~.,r.i.ship 0:.' CJ.arl~,,; as O~'~ ~:uly ~b 1 :~,72. 2. 'I':lat t.he sa:::.(, :'if~q~_'y jf:';W=-.th shall r-::~;."i'o::.-'~-, all 't}L~' uL.-cies to bc~~ l)'='O],~ .eci. by a Cle::"~ uncis::" statute!')' author'~ity, > on.ly ~l.~1 the abs,; n::e of t.h',; Cle"~:, ana shall }') 2".::'0:: S:JC}: ot~'1e:- dut:..c:;s as l',ay b _ ass. 'Il ci t.o hi.:' :':"'0: ,ti:~'e t~, LiT"C, by C~L:l>~j"l. , T. .J. 'i'na-:.. t.rF? sa:,G L..cn::~y lJ::~I"-nth s}lall be paid a SUDl p~:; , arEll.C, payabl':; bi-wEc~ly, ')Xpl~eSS by :'esolLtia~~ o~ t~~~ sa~G Cou~cil. . , (:----- "'-" e I.- I I I , I , r- ~h If . ~ z I b ..::.J I ~,~ c-~ ~ z - 7/-1])' PLAN ILLUSTRATING DESCRIPTION OF PARTOF LOT 6, CONCESSION 3 TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE COUNTY OF DURHAM as- ::: N 790 29' E ,,-- N 32"29'w I 32.4' I I /. I .~ -~ () t:... ," ",...f t#-.. LOT , at ~ AREA 41.4 . CONCESSION ,,'- . O~..l N 73001 E ROAD At ~.- - Ji TlCE t OOIM:'IIIIOIII I .~ -,~- IZJ S tZQ....~(lc..t~J ~\.H\J'\"Ij A{e~ ZOWl L\..~~Cl -6 O~- L IMJTE: PUll COMPILED PROII OFPIClE AND "ITI""'tOPFIClE HCORDI ONLY. JANUARY 25, ! 972. Scole: I inch' 200 ,"I