HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/13/1972 (Special) e ,e Page 5. Regular Meeting of Council June 6, 1972, cont'd. may be paid in 2 equal insta1ments on the 30th day of June 1972 and the 30th day of November 1972 provided that upon failure to make payrr,ent of one or all insta1ments, the whole shall become due and payable forthwith. 3. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of taxes on due date or any instalment thereof, the amount of 1% of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of default, and an additional penalty of 1% shall be added on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in "..hith default continues, but not after' the end of the year in ",hich the taxes are levied. 4. There shall be allowed a discount of 2-1/2% on the third instalment only if paid on Or before June 30, 1972. 5. The collector is hereby authorized to mail Or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence cr place of business of the person to whom such notice is required to be given. 6. All current taxes shall be paid into too branch offices of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Corr~erce at Orono and Newcastle. (All tax arrears shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer at Orono). 7. Where a tenant of land owned by the Cro"~ or in which the Crown has an interest, has been employed either within or outside the municipal- ity by the same employer for not less than 30 days, such employer shall pay over to the collector on demand out of any wages, salary, or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the anount paid. ~. The collector' and tt'easurer are hereby empowered to accept part payments from time to time on account of any taxes due. 9. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. Rfesollltion No. gg: Moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by E. C. Copping. This Council hereby adjourns to meet again on June 20, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. or at another' time at the call of the Reeve. Carried. ._-~-----------.,~---, 3~> Clerk- Aol"'II'\,~ira:T-or Cb 'ff f~M~~ i)f./"'tl//Reeve SPECIAL I~ETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday.June 13, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. Council Chamber, Orono Present: Reeve - J'. W. Stone Deputy Reeve - W. R. Carveth Councill~r's - R. Chatel' F. Gray E. Copping ~lerk - Administrator - B. W. Collins The minutes of the were adopted as printed seconded by Regular Council meeting on motion by Councillor and carried. held on June 6, 1972 and DP-pllt.;:It~ion~ ~nrl Petitions:. motion by R. Chater and seconded by Councillor E. C. Copping that the various delegation be heard. 1. Mr. Marvinl re: Complaint against Mosport Park. The following correspondence was held over from the last General meeting of the Council. 12. J. T. McCabe of Tory, ,T~ry, DesLauriers & Binnington, Barristers & ~olicitors, re: RoyNat Limited and aron Realty Limited - deeding of property back in 1949. Refer to Clerk and Solicitor. - 2 - 13. Jean C. Downing, Supervisor, Research Section of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs, reI with Mobile Homes. Clerk's recommendation. Received the Ministry of Municipalities and filed. Carried. 14. Lacal Industries Limited, reI Sectional Poles. Clerk's Recommend- ation. Filed. Carried. 15. M. S. Fitzpatrick, Director - Legal Branch, Ministry of Government Services, reI Purchase of Pt. Lot 10, Cone. VI, Township Clarke from ~ the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, for the Department of Lands ,., and Forests - Close up road in Kendall Park. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. Carried. 16. L. A. Hassell, Manager, Industrial Development Branch for Ministry of Industry and Tourism, reI Co~~unity Industrial Spokesmen. Refer to Clerk to ask for forms. Carried. 17. Copy of letter from Mr" Harold W. Couch, reI Mrs. Godfrey. Carried. P. E. Davidson, P. Eng., Regional Engineer to Waste Disposal Site. Send a copy of letter to 18. Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Unit Annual Report 1971. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. Carried. 19. Memo dated May 29, 1972 addressed to the Council Clerk - Administrator, reI lighting at the 7th Line. 33. Refer to Reeve. Members from the Refer to number 20. Your Property, Your Assessment, Your Taxes pamphlet - 'lbnited nQ~er available to the Public. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. Carried. 21. Letter from Mr. G. F. Hutchings, C.P.H.I.(C), Chief, Public Health Inspector, reI Permeability Test Results Proposed Motel Development, Lot 28, Concession 3. Refer to Planning Board. 22. Letter dated ~~y 29, 1972 from J. M. Browning (Mrs. M~.), reI Notice of Apportionment of Levies. C.L.O.C.A. Refer to Treasurer. 23. Letter dated May 23, 1972 from M. S. Fitzpatrick, reI Purchase of land for Recreation Area Wilmot Creek. Received and filed. 24. A.M.O. Founding Convention Report. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. For Council's information. 25. Ontario Housing Booklet. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. 26. Letter dated May 29, 1972, reI motion .to increase salary of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustments. Clerk's recommend- ation is to see Resolution Number 96. 27. Resolution 72-26 has been referred rom previous meeting. Refer to Treasurer. 2$. Letter from Brian Carney, Re: Submission A-9-72, Lot 26, Concess- ion 5, Harold Moffat. Received and filed. 29. Letter dated June 1st, from Charlotte M. Horner, Medical Officer of Health addressed to Mr. Harry Kuehn. Clerk's recommendation. Refer to Planning Board. 30. Clerk has received and filed - The Municipal Act, The Municipal Affairs Act, The Municipal Board Act and The Public Utilities Act all which were revised in 1972. e 31. Letter received from L. S. Miklos, Family Kendal. Clerk's recommendation. (Reeve and Clerk).. M.D., reI Alexander .Preston Table until further notice. ~ - 3 - 32. Letter plus enclosures received from the City Clerk of Hamilton. Clerk wishes to join as an active member. Carried. 33. Letter received from D. p. Dollins, District Engineer, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Port Hope, re: Illumination- Highway 115 & 35 at Kirby. Attached to the letter is a petition from the Kirby residents. Refer to Reeve. e 34. M.P. Letter dated l4ay 31, 1972 received from Russell C. Honey, Q.C. See Resolution and letter. Refer to Clerk. 35. Letter dated J~.e 1, 1972 received from R. Mulder, re: Home Smith Subdivision. For Council members information. 36. Proceedings of the Municipal Council of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. Carried. 37. Joint Venture Bulletin #68. Clerk's Recommendation. Received and filed. Carried. 38. Manufacturing Opportunities Bulletin Number 120. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. Carried. 39. Building Inspectors Report. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. Carried. 40. A.M.O. Founding Convention Report. Clerk's recommendation. Referred to Reeve. 41. Letter from John Drewniak, re: Damaged Fence Part Lot 15, Con. 8. Clerk's recommendation. Refer to Road & Bridge Committee and Road Superintendent. 42. Letter from Toten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited, re: Orono Subdivision. Table until further notice. 43. Letter from Kirk Entwisle, re: Official Plan. Refer to Clerk & Secretary of the Planning Board. 44. Letter from J. M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T., Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville. Clerk's recommendation. Received and filed. 45. Letter from A. E.~"alroth, District Forester, re: Part Lot 10, Concession VI, Township of Clarke. Received and filed. 46. Letter from the Clerk-Treasurer, Newcastle, re: United Counties Planning Meeting. Table until further notice. 47. E. R. Lovekin - re: Township Building By Law Adoption of National Building Code Standards. Refer to Building Inspector. Motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by E. C. Copping to adjourn this meeting at 10:30 P.M. Carried. e /;/ .. j~(. .. . ( // . d1fI--~(. /., ___ Cle~R~Administrator Q;;/1'J/ I!a:~ Deputy Reeve