HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/1972 (Special) e e SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday May 2, 1972 at 10:00 A.M. Council Chamber, Orono. Present - Reeve J. W. Stone Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor E. C. Copping Acting Clerk H. DeWith A motion to have the 1st. and 2nd. reading of By-Law No. 1731, being a by-law to appoint B. W. Collins as Clerk-Administrator, was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by R. G. Chater, carried. The third and final reading of By-Law No. 1731 be read, moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by F. A. Gray, carried. By-Law No. 1731 The Corporation of the Township of Clarke. A by-law to appoint a Clerk-Administrator for the municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. Whereas Section 215 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1960, Chapter ~9, authorizes the Council 0& a municipality to appoint a Clerk. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Clarke enacts as follows:- 1. That Bruce W. Collins, be and is hereby strator for the Township of Clarke as of May 2. That the duties and responsibilities of follows:- (a) To administer the business affairs of the Township of Clarke in accordanoe with the polioies and plans established and approved by the Counoil. (b) To co-ordinate, direct and broadly supervise the emplemen- tation of all programs approved by Council. (c) To have authority to recommend to Council the appointment, employment, suspension or dismissal of Department Heads and employees below the rank of Department Heads, subject to their right of appeal to Council in respect to any suspension or dismissal. (d) To codify all policy decisions of the Counoil and to deal with matters arising in accordance with such established policies without further reference to Council except to regularly report upon actions taken. (e) To receive all communioations necessitating Councils action and to submit same to Council together with his recommendations thereon. (f) To attend all Counoil meetings with the right, with the consent of the Chair, to speak but not to vote thereat. PrOVided, how- ever, that the duties and responsibilities as set forth above, shall in no way be deemed to empower the sUd Clerk to have, perform, do or direct any aot or matter that would encroach upon the Legislative powers of the Council. (g) That the Clerk may require and obtain f'rom time to time reports respecting departments or positions of Department Heads and other officials. (h) That the Clerk shall perform all duties to be performed by a Clerk under statutory authority and shall hold office at the pleasure of Council. (i) That the Clerk shall be paid a sum per annum, bi-weekly, expressed by a resolution of Council. (j) That the Clerk shall not be dismissed exoept by a by-law passed by a vote of not less than three-fifths of all the members of Council, at a duly convened meeting of Counoil. (k) No part of this by-law shall be amended or repealed exoept by a vote of not less than three-fifths of all members of Council. It was moved by R. G. Chater & seoonded by E. C. Copping that the meeting be adjO~ed at 10:15 A.M. Ir~ Aoting b-terk appointed Clerk-Admini- 2nd., 1972. the Clerk shall be as , 'j ~~, I T. '\./ \:, .. . ~/)._"1 ..1 I ~I . '"' Reeve ,; Page 2 Regular Meeting of the Council May 2, 1972 Conld. 29. 30. 31- 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4l. 42. Resolution No. 72-26 from the Police Village of Orono - payment of Term Loan. Tabled until the June 6, 1972 Council Meeting. Clerk - renovation of office - council instructed the Clerk to inform the contractor to start construction. Report of Live Stock valuer - Filed. Committee of Adjustment Budget - see resolutions on Budget. Invitation to attend the Lake Ontario Regional Development Councils 16th annual conference. ' F. A. Gray is attending on behalf of Plan Co-ordinat Cmte. It was suggested that the Reeve and the Clerk-Administrator attend~ also R. Carveth. Building Inspectors Report for the month's of Jan. - April. Filed. Mrs. L. Stewart - appreciation of the lIJork done on the roads ~~ i~sPr~iiie~'gr~'irpr~P!efgl!gadaaHPai~iFeR&i~~'drained. Refer to Road Superintendent. A. E. Williams & Company Ltd. - Township vs G. Wanless & Johne Drewiak claim. Filed. Road Superintendent to look after. E. R. Lovekin - Clinton Farrow & Elliott lands, flooding problem. Tabled until further notice received by Mr. Lovekin. Mr. F. Kapuscinski - bridge washed out. Mr. Eapuscinski appeared before Council explaining his problem and he was advised by Council that he would be hearing from us after we had received further word from Mr. Lovekin. He advised that we should send all his mail to 4054 Sheppard Ave. E., Agincourt. M. L. Ross - unopened road allowances. Tabled until we receive further word from Mr. Lovekin. Department of Transport and Communications - Morgans Road Bridge approval. Filed. Dept. of Transport & Communications - approval of Transfer of subsidies. Filed. The following resolutions _re passed: Resolution No. 81 This Council hereby authorizes the Treasurer to purchase a desk. This resolution be tabled until May 16, 1972 Council meeting for a reportLrom the Clerk-Administrator. Carried. Resolution No. 82 Moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by Robert G. Chater.. This Council hereby accepts, on recommendation of the Finance Committee, the Budget for the year 1972 as presented by the Trea- surer. Carried. e Resolution No. 83 Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by Robert G. Chater. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke, hereby resolve closing the following allowances in the Township of Clarke. The unopened road allowance between Lot 18 and 19 in the eighth con. of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from southerly limit of the said eighth concession to the northerly limit thereof. The said description to be subject to the approval for deeding Registrar of Deeds before incorporation in the enabling by-law. Carried. Resolution No. 84 Moved by E. C. Copping, seconded by Robert G. Chater. Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby auth- orized for payment by the signing officers of this Council. General Voucher #4 for April 1972 in the amount of $30,807.59. Road Voucher #4 for April 1972 in the amount of $11,715.81. Orono Police Village Voucher #4 for April 1972 in the amount of $1,698.10. Carried. . Resolution No.8S Moved by E. C. Copping, Seconded by Robert G. Chater. This Counoil is hereby adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, May 16, 1972 at 7:30 P~. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in speci, a}. m~et,iml ,~ at the call of the Reeve. Carried.' /~L 918Ik A . trator. d. .I,~j/~,. , Reeve. v